Hold Republicans accountable.

The U.S. Founding Fathers were White supremacists, this can be proven easily, in that their Immigration Act the Naturalization Act of 1790, stated specifically that only Free Whites of good character were to become U.S citizens.

It's also known some Founding Fathers were racists, and ethno-centric, even sometimes against other Whites, like Benjamin Franklin was towards Germans.
How they were anti-Semitic.

America’s Founding Fathers and Judaism

Jefferson owned slaves, and wanted to free them. (Gee, how thoughtful) rolls eyes.

This idea that everybody had to own slaves back then is bogus.

Poland in the 1300's abolished slavery, and has been virtually slave free ever since.

Poland then went onto abolish indentured servitude in the May 3rd 1791 Constitution.

Keep in mind that this Polish constitution allowed 20% of the Polish population to vote, as opposed to 6% of the U.S population in the June 28th 1788 U.S.A Constitution

So you sit here and claim that the Founding Fathers hated Germans, etc., without any example or link?

Then you shift gears and say they hated Jews?

Listen, America did not throw Jews in ovens, that came from your side of the ocean.

Hell, they did not even do that to blacks. In fact, these same supposed white supremacists fought and died to free the black slaves.

Funny that.

It's fairly well known that at least Benjamin Franklin was anti-German. (At least in more educated circles)

Ben Franklin on "Stupid, Swarthy Germans"

Most countries didn't throw Jews into ovens, so what's your point?

As for throwing Jews in ovens?
Are you sure that happened?
If you need to dispose of Humans, which I'm fully against.

Why would a genocidal maniac throw people in ovens, who they can starve, or shoot?

That doesn't make much sense, especially considering the Nazis had given Jews a calorie intake, sure it was lousy, but they still fed them until the very end.

Not that I'm for, or against the Holocaust narrative.

I happen to think a lot of Jews died, but I'm not so sure about the ovens, although it's possible to say the very least.

So Ben Franklin did not like Germans.

You win a cookie.

What about the rest of the Founding Fathers?

As for the Holocaust, tell me, how many in the educated circles deny that it ever happened? You seem to shy away from it as if it may not have happened.

Would Ben Franklin advocate throwing Germans in ovens?

As for today's genocide, I've read a few accounts where fetus' were thrown into oven to help warm buildings. It seems they are as useful as logs on a fire.

Seems like some things never change
Last edited:
You do realize that WW 1, WW2, Korea, Vietnam, and Libyan conflicts were all started by a Dim, right?

Virtually the only war started by the GOP was "W", who was a closet Dim and hates Trump.

Secondly, genocide is a group effort. There may not be a formal group of people recognized by the UN doing it, but it takes a group of planned thinkers to carry it out, right?

As for genocide, there is none greater than the one carried out on the unborn, something world governments are doing globally.

Thanks for playing.

It's the South, they really are brutal, violent twits.
When the South was Democrat they were the war-mongers, now that the South is Republican they are the war-mongers.

With that said,
Abortion is a government carried out genocide?

Actually, Hospitals would all be selling Abortions for cash if not for government, Abortion being illegal is more of a government use of force, rather than loose regulations on Abortion.

Stalin outlawed abortion in the USSR, and Hitler outlawed abortion for Germans at least in Nazi Germany.

The Democrats have in fact killed more if you account for Abortion than Stalin ,or Hitler, no arguments there.

BUT, Republicans have done nothing about it, because they're weak second rate beta-cucks for the most part.

This is the point of my thread, Republicans do nothing it's like they spend all their time sleeping, and do NOTHING, in general, certainly not much political charge, and political action taken directly.

Certainly a lack of people in general in this country holding their leadership accountable.

I could have just as easily made a thread about Democrats holding their leadership accountable.

HOWEVER, besides LBJ, the Democrats since the 1960's have been more accurately been represented than Republicans have.

Republicans have basically done nothing, but cut taxes, and go Chimp-Chimp for Israel.

You are the one who is in love with Centralized planners, and all you have done is proven that the level of representation by them is woefully inadequate, so why empower them further?

A.) How do you create a World without government?

B.) If not, then how is having less government going to protect yourself from other governments?

C.) Some genocides have been stopped by government, like you know the Holocaust, and yes Wolyn Massacre too.

D.) Once again back to point A.) How do you stop genocides, or militaries, and government, if there is no government, militaries etc. etc.????????

Originally they came up with the Articles of Confederation, however, it was found that the Federal government was not powerful enough due to the inability to collect taxes. Then the Constitution was embraced, which seemed to work just fine giving a balance between state and Federal governments.

Socialism can have low taxes like India, or China has had, and Capitalism can have high taxes like Sweden, or Germany has had.

Taxes don't really equate to Capitalism vs Socialism.

This is one of the many things many Republicans have gotten wrong.

If you want really low taxes, you can't beat North Korea.

Nor can you beat the cost of the free health care there.

Socialism at its best.

The U.S. Founding Fathers were White supremacists, this can be proven easily, in that their Immigration Act the Naturalization Act of 1790, stated specifically that only Free Whites of good character were to become U.S citizens.

It's also known some Founding Fathers were racists, and ethno-centric, even sometimes against other Whites, like Benjamin Franklin was towards Germans.
How they were anti-Semitic.

America’s Founding Fathers and Judaism

Jefferson owned slaves, and wanted to free them. (Gee, how thoughtful) rolls eyes.

This idea that everybody had to own slaves back then is bogus.

Poland in the 1300's abolished slavery, and has been virtually slave free ever since.

Poland then went onto abolish indentured servitude in the May 3rd 1791 Constitution.

Keep in mind that this Polish constitution allowed 20% of the Polish population to vote, as opposed to 6% of the U.S population in the June 28th 1788 U.S.A Constitution

So you sit here and claim that the Founding Fathers hated Germans, etc., without any example or link?

Then you shift gears and say they hated Jews?

Listen, America did not throw Jews in ovens, that came from your side of the ocean.

Hell, they did not even do that to blacks. In fact, these same supposed white supremacists fought and died to free the black slaves.

Funny that.

It's fairly well known that at least Benjamin Franklin was anti-German. (At least in more educated circles)

Ben Franklin on "Stupid, Swarthy Germans"

Most countries didn't throw Jews into ovens, so what's your point?

As for throwing Jews in ovens?
Are you sure that happened?
If you need to dispose of Humans, which I'm fully against.

Why would a genocidal maniac throw people in ovens, who they can starve, or shoot?

That doesn't make much sense, especially considering the Nazis had given Jews a calorie intake, sure it was lousy, but they still fed them until the very end.

Not that I'm for, or against the Holocaust narrative.

I happen to think a lot of Jews died, but I'm not so sure about the ovens, although it's possible to say the very least.

So Ben Franklin did not like Germans.

You win a cookie.

As for the Holocaust, tell me, how many in the educated circles deny that it ever happened? You seem to shy away from it as if it may not have happened.

Would Ben Franklin advocate throwing Germans in ovens?

As for today's genocide, I've read a few accounts where fetus' were thrown into oven to help warm buildings. It seems they are as useful as logs on a fire.

The first famed Death camps were by the British Empire, anyways, then the Soviet Union, before Hitler had them.

Actually, most historians admit that a lot of the Holocaust deaths weren't by gasing.
But, rather by disease, famine, fatigue, shots being fired, clubbing, fist beatings etc. etc.

I certainly don't deny a lot of Jews died, there simply were a lot less Jews after it, than before it according to the data.
It's the South, they really are brutal, violent twits.
When the South was Democrat they were the war-mongers, now that the South is Republican they are the war-mongers.

With that said,
Abortion is a government carried out genocide?

Actually, Hospitals would all be selling Abortions for cash if not for government, Abortion being illegal is more of a government use of force, rather than loose regulations on Abortion.

Stalin outlawed abortion in the USSR, and Hitler outlawed abortion for Germans at least in Nazi Germany.

The Democrats have in fact killed more if you account for Abortion than Stalin ,or Hitler, no arguments there.

BUT, Republicans have done nothing about it, because they're weak second rate beta-cucks for the most part.

This is the point of my thread, Republicans do nothing it's like they spend all their time sleeping, and do NOTHING, in general, certainly not much political charge, and political action taken directly.

Certainly a lack of people in general in this country holding their leadership accountable.

I could have just as easily made a thread about Democrats holding their leadership accountable.

HOWEVER, besides LBJ, the Democrats since the 1960's have been more accurately been represented than Republicans have.

Republicans have basically done nothing, but cut taxes, and go Chimp-Chimp for Israel.

You are the one who is in love with Centralized planners, and all you have done is proven that the level of representation by them is woefully inadequate, so why empower them further?

A.) How do you create a World without government?

B.) If not, then how is having less government going to protect yourself from other governments?

C.) Some genocides have been stopped by government, like you know the Holocaust, and yes Wolyn Massacre too.

D.) Once again back to point A.) How do you stop genocides, or militaries, and government, if there is no government, militaries etc. etc.????????

Originally they came up with the Articles of Confederation, however, it was found that the Federal government was not powerful enough due to the inability to collect taxes. Then the Constitution was embraced, which seemed to work just fine giving a balance between state and Federal governments.

Socialism can have low taxes like India, or China has had, and Capitalism can have high taxes like Sweden, or Germany has had.

Taxes don't really equate to Capitalism vs Socialism.

This is one of the many things many Republicans have gotten wrong.

If you want really low taxes, you can't beat North Korea.

Nor can you beat the cost of the free health care there.

Socialism at its best.

So you admit that low taxes don't equate to Capitalism?
As well as vice versa?

The U.S. Founding Fathers were White supremacists, this can be proven easily, in that their Immigration Act the Naturalization Act of 1790, stated specifically that only Free Whites of good character were to become U.S citizens.

It's also known some Founding Fathers were racists, and ethno-centric, even sometimes against other Whites, like Benjamin Franklin was towards Germans.
How they were anti-Semitic.

America’s Founding Fathers and Judaism

Jefferson owned slaves, and wanted to free them. (Gee, how thoughtful) rolls eyes.

This idea that everybody had to own slaves back then is bogus.

Poland in the 1300's abolished slavery, and has been virtually slave free ever since.

Poland then went onto abolish indentured servitude in the May 3rd 1791 Constitution.

Keep in mind that this Polish constitution allowed 20% of the Polish population to vote, as opposed to 6% of the U.S population in the June 28th 1788 U.S.A Constitution

So you sit here and claim that the Founding Fathers hated Germans, etc., without any example or link?

Then you shift gears and say they hated Jews?

Listen, America did not throw Jews in ovens, that came from your side of the ocean.

Hell, they did not even do that to blacks. In fact, these same supposed white supremacists fought and died to free the black slaves.

Funny that.

It's fairly well known that at least Benjamin Franklin was anti-German. (At least in more educated circles)

Ben Franklin on "Stupid, Swarthy Germans"

Most countries didn't throw Jews into ovens, so what's your point?

As for throwing Jews in ovens?
Are you sure that happened?
If you need to dispose of Humans, which I'm fully against.

Why would a genocidal maniac throw people in ovens, who they can starve, or shoot?

That doesn't make much sense, especially considering the Nazis had given Jews a calorie intake, sure it was lousy, but they still fed them until the very end.

Not that I'm for, or against the Holocaust narrative.

I happen to think a lot of Jews died, but I'm not so sure about the ovens, although it's possible to say the very least.

So Ben Franklin did not like Germans.

You win a cookie.

As for the Holocaust, tell me, how many in the educated circles deny that it ever happened? You seem to shy away from it as if it may not have happened.

Would Ben Franklin advocate throwing Germans in ovens?

As for today's genocide, I've read a few accounts where fetus' were thrown into oven to help warm buildings. It seems they are as useful as logs on a fire.

The first famed Death camps were by the British Empire, anyways, then the Soviet Union, before Hitler had them.

Actually, most historians admit that a lot of the Holocaust deaths weren't by gasing.
But, rather by disease, famine, fatigue, shots being fired, clubbing, fist beatings etc. etc.

I certainly don't deny a lot of Jews died, there simply were a lot less Jews after it, than before it according to the data.

I see, so the death camps were started by the British and Russians. Where are these historians?

AND most Jews were not killed by gas? What does this have to do with the price of tea in china? The question is, about how many Jews were murdered?
You are the one who is in love with Centralized planners, and all you have done is proven that the level of representation by them is woefully inadequate, so why empower them further?

A.) How do you create a World without government?

B.) If not, then how is having less government going to protect yourself from other governments?

C.) Some genocides have been stopped by government, like you know the Holocaust, and yes Wolyn Massacre too.

D.) Once again back to point A.) How do you stop genocides, or militaries, and government, if there is no government, militaries etc. etc.????????

Originally they came up with the Articles of Confederation, however, it was found that the Federal government was not powerful enough due to the inability to collect taxes. Then the Constitution was embraced, which seemed to work just fine giving a balance between state and Federal governments.

Socialism can have low taxes like India, or China has had, and Capitalism can have high taxes like Sweden, or Germany has had.

Taxes don't really equate to Capitalism vs Socialism.

This is one of the many things many Republicans have gotten wrong.

If you want really low taxes, you can't beat North Korea.

Nor can you beat the cost of the free health care there.

Socialism at its best.

So you admit that low taxes don't equate to Capitalism?
As well as vice versa?

You can raise and lower taxes with a stroke of the pen.

The problem with socialism though, if you want a high standard of living and you also want socialism, you will have to pay high taxes, UNLESS you are on a trajectory of economic collapse, which the US is.
The U.S. Founding Fathers were White supremacists, this can be proven easily, in that their Immigration Act the Naturalization Act of 1790, stated specifically that only Free Whites of good character were to become U.S citizens.

It's also known some Founding Fathers were racists, and ethno-centric, even sometimes against other Whites, like Benjamin Franklin was towards Germans.
How they were anti-Semitic.

America’s Founding Fathers and Judaism

Jefferson owned slaves, and wanted to free them. (Gee, how thoughtful) rolls eyes.

This idea that everybody had to own slaves back then is bogus.

Poland in the 1300's abolished slavery, and has been virtually slave free ever since.

Poland then went onto abolish indentured servitude in the May 3rd 1791 Constitution.

Keep in mind that this Polish constitution allowed 20% of the Polish population to vote, as opposed to 6% of the U.S population in the June 28th 1788 U.S.A Constitution

So you sit here and claim that the Founding Fathers hated Germans, etc., without any example or link?

Then you shift gears and say they hated Jews?

Listen, America did not throw Jews in ovens, that came from your side of the ocean.

Hell, they did not even do that to blacks. In fact, these same supposed white supremacists fought and died to free the black slaves.

Funny that.

It's fairly well known that at least Benjamin Franklin was anti-German. (At least in more educated circles)

Ben Franklin on "Stupid, Swarthy Germans"

Most countries didn't throw Jews into ovens, so what's your point?

As for throwing Jews in ovens?
Are you sure that happened?
If you need to dispose of Humans, which I'm fully against.

Why would a genocidal maniac throw people in ovens, who they can starve, or shoot?

That doesn't make much sense, especially considering the Nazis had given Jews a calorie intake, sure it was lousy, but they still fed them until the very end.

Not that I'm for, or against the Holocaust narrative.

I happen to think a lot of Jews died, but I'm not so sure about the ovens, although it's possible to say the very least.

So Ben Franklin did not like Germans.

You win a cookie.

As for the Holocaust, tell me, how many in the educated circles deny that it ever happened? You seem to shy away from it as if it may not have happened.

Would Ben Franklin advocate throwing Germans in ovens?

As for today's genocide, I've read a few accounts where fetus' were thrown into oven to help warm buildings. It seems they are as useful as logs on a fire.

The first famed Death camps were by the British Empire, anyways, then the Soviet Union, before Hitler had them.

Actually, most historians admit that a lot of the Holocaust deaths weren't by gasing.
But, rather by disease, famine, fatigue, shots being fired, clubbing, fist beatings etc. etc.

I certainly don't deny a lot of Jews died, there simply were a lot less Jews after it, than before it according to the data.

I see, so the death camps were started by the British and Russians. Where are these historians?

AND most Jews were not killed by gas? What does this have to do with the price of tea in china? The question is, about how many Jews were murdered?

You never heard of the Soviet Gulag camps of the 1930's, or the British camps against Boers during the Boer wars? Or how about the British camps against Indians of India?

But, okay?
How does this all justify American Republicans not holding their own leadership accountable?
So you sit here and claim that the Founding Fathers hated Germans, etc., without any example or link?

Then you shift gears and say they hated Jews?

Listen, America did not throw Jews in ovens, that came from your side of the ocean.

Hell, they did not even do that to blacks. In fact, these same supposed white supremacists fought and died to free the black slaves.

Funny that.

It's fairly well known that at least Benjamin Franklin was anti-German. (At least in more educated circles)

Ben Franklin on "Stupid, Swarthy Germans"

Most countries didn't throw Jews into ovens, so what's your point?

As for throwing Jews in ovens?
Are you sure that happened?
If you need to dispose of Humans, which I'm fully against.

Why would a genocidal maniac throw people in ovens, who they can starve, or shoot?

That doesn't make much sense, especially considering the Nazis had given Jews a calorie intake, sure it was lousy, but they still fed them until the very end.

Not that I'm for, or against the Holocaust narrative.

I happen to think a lot of Jews died, but I'm not so sure about the ovens, although it's possible to say the very least.

So Ben Franklin did not like Germans.

You win a cookie.

As for the Holocaust, tell me, how many in the educated circles deny that it ever happened? You seem to shy away from it as if it may not have happened.

Would Ben Franklin advocate throwing Germans in ovens?

As for today's genocide, I've read a few accounts where fetus' were thrown into oven to help warm buildings. It seems they are as useful as logs on a fire.

The first famed Death camps were by the British Empire, anyways, then the Soviet Union, before Hitler had them.

Actually, most historians admit that a lot of the Holocaust deaths weren't by gasing.
But, rather by disease, famine, fatigue, shots being fired, clubbing, fist beatings etc. etc.

I certainly don't deny a lot of Jews died, there simply were a lot less Jews after it, than before it according to the data.

I see, so the death camps were started by the British and Russians. Where are these historians?

AND most Jews were not killed by gas? What does this have to do with the price of tea in china? The question is, about how many Jews were murdered?

You never heard of the Soviet Gulag camps of the 1930's, or the British camps against Boers during the Boer wars? Or how about the British camps against Indians of India?

India? You made the assertion that the British and Russians started the death camps for Hitler.
It's fairly well known that at least Benjamin Franklin was anti-German. (At least in more educated circles)

Ben Franklin on "Stupid, Swarthy Germans"

Most countries didn't throw Jews into ovens, so what's your point?

As for throwing Jews in ovens?
Are you sure that happened?
If you need to dispose of Humans, which I'm fully against.

Why would a genocidal maniac throw people in ovens, who they can starve, or shoot?

That doesn't make much sense, especially considering the Nazis had given Jews a calorie intake, sure it was lousy, but they still fed them until the very end.

Not that I'm for, or against the Holocaust narrative.

I happen to think a lot of Jews died, but I'm not so sure about the ovens, although it's possible to say the very least.

So Ben Franklin did not like Germans.

You win a cookie.

As for the Holocaust, tell me, how many in the educated circles deny that it ever happened? You seem to shy away from it as if it may not have happened.

Would Ben Franklin advocate throwing Germans in ovens?

As for today's genocide, I've read a few accounts where fetus' were thrown into oven to help warm buildings. It seems they are as useful as logs on a fire.

The first famed Death camps were by the British Empire, anyways, then the Soviet Union, before Hitler had them.

Actually, most historians admit that a lot of the Holocaust deaths weren't by gasing.
But, rather by disease, famine, fatigue, shots being fired, clubbing, fist beatings etc. etc.

I certainly don't deny a lot of Jews died, there simply were a lot less Jews after it, than before it according to the data.

I see, so the death camps were started by the British and Russians. Where are these historians?

AND most Jews were not killed by gas? What does this have to do with the price of tea in china? The question is, about how many Jews were murdered?

You never heard of the Soviet Gulag camps of the 1930's, or the British camps against Boers during the Boer wars? Or how about the British camps against Indians of India?

India? You made the assertion that the British and Russians started the death camps for Hitler.

Where did I say that, exactly?
I'm merely pointing out that the British, and Soviets had death camps before the Nazis ever did.
A.) How do you create a World without government?

B.) If not, then how is having less government going to protect yourself from other governments?

C.) Some genocides have been stopped by government, like you know the Holocaust, and yes Wolyn Massacre too.

D.) Once again back to point A.) How do you stop genocides, or militaries, and government, if there is no government, militaries etc. etc.????????

Originally they came up with the Articles of Confederation, however, it was found that the Federal government was not powerful enough due to the inability to collect taxes. Then the Constitution was embraced, which seemed to work just fine giving a balance between state and Federal governments.

Socialism can have low taxes like India, or China has had, and Capitalism can have high taxes like Sweden, or Germany has had.

Taxes don't really equate to Capitalism vs Socialism.

This is one of the many things many Republicans have gotten wrong.

If you want really low taxes, you can't beat North Korea.

Nor can you beat the cost of the free health care there.

Socialism at its best.

So you admit that low taxes don't equate to Capitalism?
As well as vice versa?

You can raise and lower taxes with a stroke of the pen.

The problem with socialism though, if you want a high standard of living and you also want socialism, you will have to pay high taxes, UNLESS you are on a trajectory of economic collapse, which the US is.
First world economies are not cheap; we can Never compete on Labor with the less developed world.
So Ben Franklin did not like Germans.

You win a cookie.

As for the Holocaust, tell me, how many in the educated circles deny that it ever happened? You seem to shy away from it as if it may not have happened.

Would Ben Franklin advocate throwing Germans in ovens?

As for today's genocide, I've read a few accounts where fetus' were thrown into oven to help warm buildings. It seems they are as useful as logs on a fire.

The first famed Death camps were by the British Empire, anyways, then the Soviet Union, before Hitler had them.

Actually, most historians admit that a lot of the Holocaust deaths weren't by gasing.
But, rather by disease, famine, fatigue, shots being fired, clubbing, fist beatings etc. etc.

I certainly don't deny a lot of Jews died, there simply were a lot less Jews after it, than before it according to the data.

I see, so the death camps were started by the British and Russians. Where are these historians?

AND most Jews were not killed by gas? What does this have to do with the price of tea in china? The question is, about how many Jews were murdered?

You never heard of the Soviet Gulag camps of the 1930's, or the British camps against Boers during the Boer wars? Or how about the British camps against Indians of India?

India? You made the assertion that the British and Russians started the death camps for Hitler.

Where did I say that, exactly?
I'm merely pointing out that the British, and Soviets had death camps before the Nazis ever did.

Ok, so these camps where people died are comparable to the Holocaust how?

Put some numbers up please.
Originally they came up with the Articles of Confederation, however, it was found that the Federal government was not powerful enough due to the inability to collect taxes. Then the Constitution was embraced, which seemed to work just fine giving a balance between state and Federal governments.

Socialism can have low taxes like India, or China has had, and Capitalism can have high taxes like Sweden, or Germany has had.

Taxes don't really equate to Capitalism vs Socialism.

This is one of the many things many Republicans have gotten wrong.

If you want really low taxes, you can't beat North Korea.

Nor can you beat the cost of the free health care there.

Socialism at its best.

So you admit that low taxes don't equate to Capitalism?
As well as vice versa?

You can raise and lower taxes with a stroke of the pen.

The problem with socialism though, if you want a high standard of living and you also want socialism, you will have to pay high taxes, UNLESS you are on a trajectory of economic collapse, which the US is.
First world economies are not cheap; we can Never compete on Labor with the less developed world.

Because the government does not allow it.
The first famed Death camps were by the British Empire, anyways, then the Soviet Union, before Hitler had them.

Actually, most historians admit that a lot of the Holocaust deaths weren't by gasing.
But, rather by disease, famine, fatigue, shots being fired, clubbing, fist beatings etc. etc.

I certainly don't deny a lot of Jews died, there simply were a lot less Jews after it, than before it according to the data.

I see, so the death camps were started by the British and Russians. Where are these historians?

AND most Jews were not killed by gas? What does this have to do with the price of tea in china? The question is, about how many Jews were murdered?

You never heard of the Soviet Gulag camps of the 1930's, or the British camps against Boers during the Boer wars? Or how about the British camps against Indians of India?

India? You made the assertion that the British and Russians started the death camps for Hitler.

Where did I say that, exactly?
I'm merely pointing out that the British, and Soviets had death camps before the Nazis ever did.

Ok, so these camps where people died are comparable to the Holocaust how?

Put some numbers up please.

This has gone on long enough off-topic.

But, does the method of execution make the person somehow more dead????????????

The U.S.A has killed 13 - 30 million since WW2, according to Professor Galtung, and the Global Research Institute.

That's nearly identical to the numbers killed by the Nazis, you know that right?

EXCLUSIVE: US has killed over 20 million in 37 countries since end of World War II - Prof. Galtung - Daily Post Nigeria

I see, so the death camps were started by the British and Russians. Where are these historians?

AND most Jews were not killed by gas? What does this have to do with the price of tea in china? The question is, about how many Jews were murdered?

You never heard of the Soviet Gulag camps of the 1930's, or the British camps against Boers during the Boer wars? Or how about the British camps against Indians of India?

India? You made the assertion that the British and Russians started the death camps for Hitler.

Where did I say that, exactly?
I'm merely pointing out that the British, and Soviets had death camps before the Nazis ever did.

Ok, so these camps where people died are comparable to the Holocaust how?

Put some numbers up please.

This has gone on long enough off-topic.

But, does the method of execution make the person somehow more dead????????????

The U.S.A has killed 13 - 30 million since WW2, according to Professor Galtung, and the Global Research Institute.

That's nearly identical to the numbers killed by the Nazis, you know that right?

EXCLUSIVE: US has killed over 20 million in 37 countries since end of World War II - Prof. Galtung - Daily Post Nigeria


Your link is just some hit link against Trump with the presumption that the US is a failing empire.

Oh, and it briefly makes the seemingly baseless allegation that the US has murdered all those people.

Thanks for that.

How about some links showing that the Holocaust never happened.

I'm sure you have them.
You never heard of the Soviet Gulag camps of the 1930's, or the British camps against Boers during the Boer wars? Or how about the British camps against Indians of India?

India? You made the assertion that the British and Russians started the death camps for Hitler.

Where did I say that, exactly?
I'm merely pointing out that the British, and Soviets had death camps before the Nazis ever did.

Ok, so these camps where people died are comparable to the Holocaust how?

Put some numbers up please.

This has gone on long enough off-topic.

But, does the method of execution make the person somehow more dead????????????

The U.S.A has killed 13 - 30 million since WW2, according to Professor Galtung, and the Global Research Institute.

That's nearly identical to the numbers killed by the Nazis, you know that right?

EXCLUSIVE: US has killed over 20 million in 37 countries since end of World War II - Prof. Galtung - Daily Post Nigeria


Your link is just some hit link against Trump with the presumption that the US is a failing empire.

Oh, and it briefly makes the seemingly baseless allegation that the US has murdered all those people.

Thanks for that.

How about some links showing that the Holocaust never happened.

I'm sure you have them.

So, you're an American mass-murder denier, are you?

But, God forbid if the same is done as a German Nazi mass-murder denier, huh?
India? You made the assertion that the British and Russians started the death camps for Hitler.

Where did I say that, exactly?
I'm merely pointing out that the British, and Soviets had death camps before the Nazis ever did.

Ok, so these camps where people died are comparable to the Holocaust how?

Put some numbers up please.

This has gone on long enough off-topic.

But, does the method of execution make the person somehow more dead????????????

The U.S.A has killed 13 - 30 million since WW2, according to Professor Galtung, and the Global Research Institute.

That's nearly identical to the numbers killed by the Nazis, you know that right?

EXCLUSIVE: US has killed over 20 million in 37 countries since end of World War II - Prof. Galtung - Daily Post Nigeria


Your link is just some hit link against Trump with the presumption that the US is a failing empire.

Oh, and it briefly makes the seemingly baseless allegation that the US has murdered all those people.

Thanks for that.

How about some links showing that the Holocaust never happened.

I'm sure you have them.

So, you're an American mass-murder denier, are you?

But, God forbid if the same is done as a German Nazi mass-murder denier, huh?

What country has not murdered?

As I said, genocide is a product of organized politics.

I'm merely questioning the validity of the assertions that the US murdered people like the Nazi death machine did.

Then again, if you look at abortion they have dwarfed that number.


So when you start your socialist fascist government, who do you want to target and murder?
Where did I say that, exactly?
I'm merely pointing out that the British, and Soviets had death camps before the Nazis ever did.

Ok, so these camps where people died are comparable to the Holocaust how?

Put some numbers up please.

This has gone on long enough off-topic.

But, does the method of execution make the person somehow more dead????????????

The U.S.A has killed 13 - 30 million since WW2, according to Professor Galtung, and the Global Research Institute.

That's nearly identical to the numbers killed by the Nazis, you know that right?

EXCLUSIVE: US has killed over 20 million in 37 countries since end of World War II - Prof. Galtung - Daily Post Nigeria


Your link is just some hit link against Trump with the presumption that the US is a failing empire.

Oh, and it briefly makes the seemingly baseless allegation that the US has murdered all those people.

Thanks for that.

How about some links showing that the Holocaust never happened.

I'm sure you have them.

So, you're an American mass-murder denier, are you?

But, God forbid if the same is done as a German Nazi mass-murder denier, huh?

What country has not murdered?

As I said, genocide is a product of organized politics.

I'm merely questioning the validity of the assertions that the US murdered people like the Nazi death machine did.

Then again, if you look at abortion they have dwarfed that number.


So when you start your socialist fascist government, who do you want to target and murder?

What about Czechs, they didn't even fight Hitler, but they did however assassinate Heydrich. Wow, yeah Czechs killed too you're right.
(Rolls eyes)

I'm willing to admit it more, or less every nation has a history of murder, some major, some hardly at all like Czechs.

Ultimately Anglo-Saxons (English + German tribes) seem to be particularly volatile, in Germany, Britain, and now the U.S.A as well.
Where did I say that, exactly?
I'm merely pointing out that the British, and Soviets had death camps before the Nazis ever did.

Ok, so these camps where people died are comparable to the Holocaust how?

Put some numbers up please.

This has gone on long enough off-topic.

But, does the method of execution make the person somehow more dead????????????

The U.S.A has killed 13 - 30 million since WW2, according to Professor Galtung, and the Global Research Institute.

That's nearly identical to the numbers killed by the Nazis, you know that right?

EXCLUSIVE: US has killed over 20 million in 37 countries since end of World War II - Prof. Galtung - Daily Post Nigeria


Your link is just some hit link against Trump with the presumption that the US is a failing empire.

Oh, and it briefly makes the seemingly baseless allegation that the US has murdered all those people.

Thanks for that.

How about some links showing that the Holocaust never happened.

I'm sure you have them.

So, you're an American mass-murder denier, are you?

But, God forbid if the same is done as a German Nazi mass-murder denier, huh?
So when you start your socialist fascist government, who do you want to target and murder?

Murders? No.
Targets? Yes.

Besides, I'm not entirely Fascist, just mostly Fascist, I also hold some Paleo-Conservative (Founding Fathers) views.

Capitalism is destoying America, I don't know why so many people don't quite get it?

America's far too down the drain, to be saved, anyways.

Only Fascism can save it, and considering the population almost all hates Fascism, because the elites brainwashed the masses, then there's basically no solution.

America's helplessly retarded.

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