Hold Republicans accountable.

Republicans hold your own Republican leaders accountable for not doing much of anything on Illegal Immigration, or Muslim refugees, or Abortion, or Gay Marriage as issues for eons.

Democrats hold Republican leaders accountable for being Zionist terrorist war mongering maniacs, who killed millions in Iraq, and Afghanistan, and now Syria over the past couple of decades.

Republicans really hold very little value, except to Zionists.


So I thought Trump was an anti-Semite, at least, according to the media. You know, Mr. KKK?

Now he is a Zionist?


So Israel is the source of all the world's problems? I reckon that is why Obama lifted the sanctions on Iran and gave them all those billions of dollars, because they promote terrorism all throughout the region and are actively at war with Israel as they chant death to America. Now John Kerry is illegally going over there acting as the current Secretary General even though he was voted out of office. He is telling them just to wait Trump out and not talk to him. Interesting how Dims disregard elections and collude with regimes that are enemies of the US with impunity. Funny that.

Syria? Seriously? Obama and Hillary watched as Syria was gobbled up by ISIS with a mass genocide of Christians and non violent Muslims deemed not radical enough to be allowed to live? Then the refugees we saw march across an entire continent in desperation all because Obama and the UN let it all happen?

Then came Libya. That was the icing on the cake. Obama and the UN said they had to stop Gaddafi on the premise of a possible mass genocide? Funny, they did not with an actual genocide in Syria. Then once Obama kills off Gaddafi, the region goes up in flames with the Benghazi fiasco.

Did I mention that Libya became an ISIS strong hold?

You're an idiot.

Trump hasn't fired up the gas chambers yet so a few posters on here are disappointed in him. Man, if folks had ANY filter they'd get further making their points.

Its like when Hitler invaded the Soviet Union. How did them idiots upset the population so bad as to get partisans to rise up and fight against whoever was fighting Stalin?!?! The NAZI's were and largely still are PR idiots I tell you. Even if you wanted to kill all the Russian Jews and have your turn in hell for all of eternity, couldn't you wait until you won the war?

Trump's done nothing, in general but cut taxes to a deficit, and raise the Jerusalem embassy to the clashes of Israel vs Palestine which ended in Israel's terroristic massacres killing even children.

I'm actually anti-Nazi, I don't know where you silly Americans get such foolish ideas from?

I'm a Polish Fascist like Roman Dmowski, and like him I am anti-Jewish, and anti-German, and for peaceful solutions.

The problem is Western Europeans are filfth, you people are truly the pits, flailing your arms around like retards killing everybody in sight racial genocide, now you're flailing your arms around like retards killing your own in multicultural suicide.

You ;people don't get it, you're hardly even Human, if you ask me.

You know, hate talk like that isn't going to get a ton of folks to side with you.

If you could hide the hate you could really get me in agreement with you on "republicans only give anti abortionists lip service" talk.

IMO hiding the hate would get you further in life.

You're obviously not much of a thinker, and very Animalistic, and pack oriented like most Western European filfth.

I swear sometimes that Western Europeans are just a kind of pale Negroid that got stuck in Europe, and Chimps out, with violence, and stupidity.

Dear Angry Sir,

This western european scum has you loosing your cool yelling out racial insults.

do note my advice on how to build a coalition though. Be calm, make allies where you can. Hide the hatred.

So I thought Trump was an anti-Semite, at least, according to the media. You know, Mr. KKK?

Now he is a Zionist?


So Israel is the source of all the world's problems? I reckon that is why Obama lifted the sanctions on Iran and gave them all those billions of dollars, because they promote terrorism all throughout the region and are actively at war with Israel as they chant death to America. Now John Kerry is illegally going over there acting as the current Secretary General even though he was voted out of office. He is telling them just to wait Trump out and not talk to him. Interesting how Dims disregard elections and collude with regimes that are enemies of the US with impunity. Funny that.

Syria? Seriously? Obama and Hillary watched as Syria was gobbled up by ISIS with a mass genocide of Christians and non violent Muslims deemed not radical enough to be allowed to live? Then the refugees we saw march across an entire continent in desperation all because Obama and the UN let it all happen?

Then came Libya. That was the icing on the cake. Obama and the UN said they had to stop Gaddafi on the premise of a possible mass genocide? Funny, they did not with an actual genocide in Syria. Then once Obama kills off Gaddafi, the region goes up in flames with the Benghazi fiasco.

Did I mention that Libya became an ISIS strong hold?

You're an idiot.

Trump hasn't fired up the gas chambers yet so a few posters on here are disappointed in him. Man, if folks had ANY filter they'd get further making their points.

Its like when Hitler invaded the Soviet Union. How did them idiots upset the population so bad as to get partisans to rise up and fight against whoever was fighting Stalin?!?! The NAZI's were and largely still are PR idiots I tell you. Even if you wanted to kill all the Russian Jews and have your turn in hell for all of eternity, couldn't you wait until you won the war?

Trump's done nothing, in general but cut taxes to a deficit, and raise the Jerusalem embassy to the clashes of Israel vs Palestine which ended in Israel's terroristic massacres killing even children.

I'm actually anti-Nazi, I don't know where you silly Americans get such foolish ideas from?

I'm a Polish Fascist like Roman Dmowski, and like him I am anti-Jewish, and anti-German, and for peaceful solutions.

The problem is Western Europeans are filfth, you people are truly the pits, flailing your arms around like retards killing everybody in sight racial genocide, now you're flailing your arms around like retards killing your own in multicultural suicide.

You ;people don't get it, you're hardly even Human, if you ask me.

You know, hate talk like that isn't going to get a ton of folks to side with you.

If you could hide the hate you could really get me in agreement with you on "republicans only give anti abortionists lip service" talk.

IMO hiding the hate would get you further in life.

You're obviously not much of a thinker, and very Animalistic, and pack oriented like most Western European filfth.

I swear sometimes that Western Europeans are just a kind of pale Negroid that got stuck in Europe, and Chimps out, with violence, and stupidity.

Dear Angry Sir,

This western european scum has you loosing your cool yelling out racial insults.

do note my advice on how to build a coalition though. Be calm, make allies where you can. Hide the hatred.

I swear Western Europeans are half Negroid, they're for the most part incapable of logic, and instead rely on their primitive emotions, including violence.

I say what needs to be said, take it or leave it.

It's not my fault that 99% of Western Europeans are such fruit-loops.
Republicans hold your own Republican leaders accountable for not doing much of anything on Illegal Immigration, or Muslim refugees, or Abortion, or Gay Marriage as issues for eons.

Democrats hold Republican leaders accountable for being Zionist terrorist war mongering maniacs, who killed millions in Iraq, and Afghanistan, and now Syria over the past couple of decades.

Republicans really hold very little value, except to Zionists.


So I thought Trump was an anti-Semite, at least, according to the media. You know, Mr. KKK?

Now he is a Zionist?


So Israel is the source of all the world's problems? I reckon that is why Obama lifted the sanctions on Iran and gave them all those billions of dollars, because they promote terrorism all throughout the region and are actively at war with Israel as they chant death to America. Now John Kerry is illegally going over there acting as the current Secretary General even though he was voted out of office. He is telling them just to wait Trump out and not talk to him. Interesting how Dims disregard elections and collude with regimes that are enemies of the US with impunity. Funny that.

Syria? Seriously? Obama and Hillary watched as Syria was gobbled up by ISIS with a mass genocide of Christians and non violent Muslims deemed not radical enough to be allowed to live? Then the refugees we saw march across an entire continent in desperation all because Obama and the UN let it all happen?

Then came Libya. That was the icing on the cake. Obama and the UN said they had to stop Gaddafi on the premise of a possible mass genocide? Funny, they did not with an actual genocide in Syria. Then once Obama kills off Gaddafi, the region goes up in flames with the Benghazi fiasco.

Did I mention that Libya became an ISIS strong hold?

You're an idiot.

Trump hasn't fired up the gas chambers yet so a few posters on here are disappointed in him. Man, if folks had ANY filter they'd get further making their points.

Its like when Hitler invaded the Soviet Union. How did them idiots upset the population so bad as to get partisans to rise up and fight against whoever was fighting Stalin?!?! The NAZI's were and largely still are PR idiots I tell you. Even if you wanted to kill all the Russian Jews and have your turn in hell for all of eternity, couldn't you wait until you won the war?

Trump's done nothing, in general but cut taxes to a deficit, and raise the Jerusalem embassy to the clashes of Israel vs Palestine which ended in Israel's terroristic massacres killing even children.

I'm actually anti-Nazi, I don't know where you silly Americans get such foolish ideas from?

I'm a Polish Fascist like Roman Dmowski, and like him I am anti-Jewish, and anti-German, and for peaceful solutions.

The problem is Western Europeans are filfth, you people are truly the pits, flailing your arms around like retards killing everybody in sight racial genocide, now you're flailing your arms around like retards killing your own in multicultural suicide.

You ;people don't get it, you're hardly even Human, if you ask me.

You know, hate talk like that isn't going to get a ton of folks to side with you.

If you could hide the hate you could really get me in agreement with you on "republicans only give anti abortionists lip service" talk.

IMO hiding the hate would get you further in life.
left wing ideology should be, more universal.
Say what? Illegal immigration is down about 80% in the less than two years since President Trump was elected. It's the democrat party that is blocking efforts to secure the borders and I'm surprised ignorant foreign anti-semite posters aren't aware of it.

There's already 16 - 29 million Illegal Immigrants in the U.S.A.

Upto 29 million illegal immigrants in the U.S.A

Illegal Immigration is rising again.

Illegal immigration to America is rising again

Trump's deported less than Obama.

Donald Trump is deporting fewer people than Barack Obama did

Talk about "Winning" sure, more like losing in slow motion.

Why are Republicans so weak, stupid, and clueless?
In less than two years the republican congressional majority has been shot at, the president handled three hurricanes, the DOW is in record territory almost every day, the GDP hit 4.1%, unemployment is at a historic low and illegal immigration is down by about 80& but foreign anti-semites are outraged and blame the Trump administration for being too slow to deport illegals? You gotta be crazy.
Say what? Illegal immigration is down about 80% in the less than two years since President Trump was elected. It's the democrat party that is blocking efforts to secure the borders and I'm surprised ignorant foreign anti-semite posters aren't aware of it.

There's already 16 - 29 million Illegal Immigrants in the U.S.A.

Upto 29 million illegal immigrants in the U.S.A

Illegal Immigration is rising again.

Illegal immigration to America is rising again

Trump's deported less than Obama.

Donald Trump is deporting fewer people than Barack Obama did

Talk about "Winning" sure, more like losing in slow motion.

Why are Republicans so weak, stupid, and clueless?
In less than two years the republican congressional majority has been shot at, the president handled three hurricanes, the DOW is in record territory almost every day, the GDP hit 4.1%, unemployment is at a historic low and illegal immigration is down by about 80& but foreign anti-semites are outraged and blame the Trump administration for being too slow to deport illegals? You gotta be crazy.
only lousy capitalists lose money on border policy; why so much socialism on a national basis, right winger?
Trump hasn't fired up the gas chambers yet so a few posters on here are disappointed in him. Man, if folks had ANY filter they'd get further making their points.

Its like when Hitler invaded the Soviet Union. How did them idiots upset the population so bad as to get partisans to rise up and fight against whoever was fighting Stalin?!?! The NAZI's were and largely still are PR idiots I tell you. Even if you wanted to kill all the Russian Jews and have your turn in hell for all of eternity, couldn't you wait until you won the war?

Trump's done nothing, in general but cut taxes to a deficit, and raise the Jerusalem embassy to the clashes of Israel vs Palestine which ended in Israel's terroristic massacres killing even children.

I'm actually anti-Nazi, I don't know where you silly Americans get such foolish ideas from?

I'm a Polish Fascist like Roman Dmowski, and like him I am anti-Jewish, and anti-German, and for peaceful solutions.

The problem is Western Europeans are filfth, you people are truly the pits, flailing your arms around like retards killing everybody in sight racial genocide, now you're flailing your arms around like retards killing your own in multicultural suicide.

You ;people don't get it, you're hardly even Human, if you ask me.

You know, hate talk like that isn't going to get a ton of folks to side with you.

If you could hide the hate you could really get me in agreement with you on "republicans only give anti abortionists lip service" talk.

IMO hiding the hate would get you further in life.

You're obviously not much of a thinker, and very Animalistic, and pack oriented like most Western European filfth.

I swear sometimes that Western Europeans are just a kind of pale Negroid that got stuck in Europe, and Chimps out, with violence, and stupidity.

Dear Angry Sir,

This western european scum has you loosing your cool yelling out racial insults.

do note my advice on how to build a coalition though. Be calm, make allies where you can. Hide the hatred.

I swear Western Europeans are half Negroid, they're for the most part incapable of logic, and instead rely on their primitive emotions, including violence.

I say what needs to be said, take it or leave it.

It's not my fault that 99% of Western Europeans are such fruit-loops.
Well if you’d told us in the beginning their problems stem from being half colored...

Your outlook on others reminds me a lot of what some folks think about Polaks.
Republicans hold your own Republican leaders accountable for not doing much of anything on Illegal Immigration, or Muslim refugees, or Abortion, or Gay Marriage as issues for eons.

Democrats hold Republican leaders accountable for being Zionist terrorist war mongering maniacs, who killed millions in Iraq, and Afghanistan, and now Syria over the past couple of decades.

Republicans really hold very little value, except to Zionists.


So I thought Trump was an anti-Semite, at least, according to the media. You know, Mr. KKK?

Now he is a Zionist?


So Israel is the source of all the world's problems? I reckon that is why Obama lifted the sanctions on Iran and gave them all those billions of dollars, because they promote terrorism all throughout the region and are actively at war with Israel as they chant death to America. Now John Kerry is illegally going over there acting as the current Secretary General even though he was voted out of office. He is telling them just to wait Trump out and not talk to him. Interesting how Dims disregard elections and collude with regimes that are enemies of the US with impunity. Funny that.

Syria? Seriously? Obama and Hillary watched as Syria was gobbled up by ISIS with a mass genocide of Christians and non violent Muslims deemed not radical enough to be allowed to live? Then the refugees we saw march across an entire continent in desperation all because Obama and the UN let it all happen?

Then came Libya. That was the icing on the cake. Obama and the UN said they had to stop Gaddafi on the premise of a possible mass genocide? Funny, they did not with an actual genocide in Syria. Then once Obama kills off Gaddafi, the region goes up in flames with the Benghazi fiasco.

Did I mention that Libya became an ISIS strong hold?

You're an idiot.

Hahaha, good joke.

Of course Trump is a Zionist.

As for Iran, it hasn't been a war mongerer like the U.S.A, or a terrorist like Israel.

Where do Republicans get their oafish ideas from, anyways?

As for ISIS, you don't get it do you?

By Trump defeating ISIS, he's helped Iran to enter the region at Israel's door-step.

You don't know that ISIS were Sunnis against Iranian Shiites?

You didn't know that Saddam Hussein was a Sunni against Iranian Shiites?

Republicans are really volatile retards on foreign affairs, and should be treated as such.

Iran's own people have tried to rise up in protest against this theocratic regime but where brutally oppressed. Iran also provide arms and support to conquer the Middle East for their own benefit.

And yes, I know that the crazy Muslims fight amongst themselves, killing fellow brother Muslims. But hey, that's just how they roll. They are all full of hate and spread death everywhere they go. That's why the refuges who fled Syria went to Europe and not their fellow Muslims brothers countries.

Should Saddam have been removed? Probably not, but now supporting Iran is pure insanity.

As bad as Saddam was, killing off an entire city of innocent Kurds with WMD's, he was still probably better than ISIS, as hard as that may seem to fathom.

But then, there is no depth low enough it seems that Muslims in this region will sink.
Say what? Illegal immigration is down about 80% in the less than two years since President Trump was elected. It's the democrat party that is blocking efforts to secure the borders and I'm surprised ignorant foreign anti-semite posters aren't aware of it.

There's already 16 - 29 million Illegal Immigrants in the U.S.A.

Upto 29 million illegal immigrants in the U.S.A

Illegal Immigration is rising again.

Illegal immigration to America is rising again

Trump's deported less than Obama.

Donald Trump is deporting fewer people than Barack Obama did

Talk about "Winning" sure, more like losing in slow motion.

Why are Republicans so weak, stupid, and clueless?
In less than two years the republican congressional majority has been shot at, the president handled three hurricanes, the DOW is in record territory almost every day, the GDP hit 4.1%, unemployment is at a historic low and illegal immigration is down by about 80& but foreign anti-semites are outraged and blame the Trump administration for being too slow to deport illegals? You gotta be crazy.

A.) The economy isn't keeping up with inflation.
A pattern we've seen since the 1970's on the whole, we're falling behind, more, and more.

B.) There's 16 - 29 million Illegals here, it doesn't matter if there's less border crossings, what is he doing about the 16 - 29 million here?
Especially when he's apparently deporting less than Obama.
Last edited:
Republicans hold your own Republican leaders accountable for not doing much of anything on Illegal Immigration, or Muslim refugees, or Abortion, or Gay Marriage as issues for eons.

Democrats hold Republican leaders accountable for being Zionist terrorist war mongering maniacs, who killed millions in Iraq, and Afghanistan, and now Syria over the past couple of decades.

Republicans really hold very little value, except to Zionists.


So I thought Trump was an anti-Semite, at least, according to the media. You know, Mr. KKK?

Now he is a Zionist?


So Israel is the source of all the world's problems? I reckon that is why Obama lifted the sanctions on Iran and gave them all those billions of dollars, because they promote terrorism all throughout the region and are actively at war with Israel as they chant death to America. Now John Kerry is illegally going over there acting as the current Secretary General even though he was voted out of office. He is telling them just to wait Trump out and not talk to him. Interesting how Dims disregard elections and collude with regimes that are enemies of the US with impunity. Funny that.

Syria? Seriously? Obama and Hillary watched as Syria was gobbled up by ISIS with a mass genocide of Christians and non violent Muslims deemed not radical enough to be allowed to live? Then the refugees we saw march across an entire continent in desperation all because Obama and the UN let it all happen?

Then came Libya. That was the icing on the cake. Obama and the UN said they had to stop Gaddafi on the premise of a possible mass genocide? Funny, they did not with an actual genocide in Syria. Then once Obama kills off Gaddafi, the region goes up in flames with the Benghazi fiasco.

Did I mention that Libya became an ISIS strong hold?

You're an idiot.

Hahaha, good joke.

Of course Trump is a Zionist.

As for Iran, it hasn't been a war mongerer like the U.S.A, or a terrorist like Israel.

Where do Republicans get their oafish ideas from, anyways?

As for ISIS, you don't get it do you?

By Trump defeating ISIS, he's helped Iran to enter the region at Israel's door-step.

You don't know that ISIS were Sunnis against Iranian Shiites?

You didn't know that Saddam Hussein was a Sunni against Iranian Shiites?

Republicans are really volatile retards on foreign affairs, and should be treated as such.

Iran's own people have tried to rise up in protest against this theocratic regime but where brutally oppressed. Iran also provide arms and support to conquer the Middle East for their own benefit.

And yes, I know that the crazy Muslims fight amongst themselves, killing fellow brother Muslims. But hey, that's just how they roll. They are all full of hate and spread death everywhere they go. That's why the refuges who fled Syria went to Europe and not their fellow Muslims brothers countries.

Should Saddam have been removed? Probably not, but now supporting Iran is pure insanity.

As bad as Saddam was, killing off an entire city of innocent Kurds with WMD's, he was still probably better than ISIS, as hard as that may seem to fathom.

But then, there is no depth low enough it seems that Muslims in this region will sink.
all that tax money wasted; for what? so the right wing can blame the Poor?
Trump hasn't fired up the gas chambers yet so a few posters on here are disappointed in him. Man, if folks had ANY filter they'd get further making their points.

Its like when Hitler invaded the Soviet Union. How did them idiots upset the population so bad as to get partisans to rise up and fight against whoever was fighting Stalin?!?! The NAZI's were and largely still are PR idiots I tell you. Even if you wanted to kill all the Russian Jews and have your turn in hell for all of eternity, couldn't you wait until you won the war?

Trump's done nothing, in general but cut taxes to a deficit, and raise the Jerusalem embassy to the clashes of Israel vs Palestine which ended in Israel's terroristic massacres killing even children.

I'm actually anti-Nazi, I don't know where you silly Americans get such foolish ideas from?

I'm a Polish Fascist like Roman Dmowski, and like him I am anti-Jewish, and anti-German, and for peaceful solutions.

The problem is Western Europeans are filfth, you people are truly the pits, flailing your arms around like retards killing everybody in sight racial genocide, now you're flailing your arms around like retards killing your own in multicultural suicide.

You ;people don't get it, you're hardly even Human, if you ask me.

You know, hate talk like that isn't going to get a ton of folks to side with you.

If you could hide the hate you could really get me in agreement with you on "republicans only give anti abortionists lip service" talk.

IMO hiding the hate would get you further in life.

You're obviously not much of a thinker, and very Animalistic, and pack oriented like most Western European filfth.

I swear sometimes that Western Europeans are just a kind of pale Negroid that got stuck in Europe, and Chimps out, with violence, and stupidity.

Dear Angry Sir,

This western european scum has you loosing your cool yelling out racial insults.

do note my advice on how to build a coalition though. Be calm, make allies where you can. Hide the hatred.

I swear Western Europeans are half Negroid, they're for the most part incapable of logic, and instead rely on their primitive emotions, including violence.

I say what needs to be said, take it or leave it.

It's not my fault that 99% of Western Europeans are such fruit-loops.

And that is EXACTLY what Hitler said of America.

Looks like he was shown otherwise.

Honestly, you should only post in the badlands on this site.

That's where most Islamo-Nazi types seem to hang out at.
Republicans hold your own Republican leaders accountable for not doing much of anything on Illegal Immigration, or Muslim refugees, or Abortion, or Gay Marriage as issues for eons.

Democrats hold Republican leaders accountable for being Zionist terrorist war mongering maniacs, who killed millions in Iraq, and Afghanistan, and now Syria over the past couple of decades.

Republicans really hold very little value, except to Zionists.


So I thought Trump was an anti-Semite, at least, according to the media. You know, Mr. KKK?

Now he is a Zionist?


So Israel is the source of all the world's problems? I reckon that is why Obama lifted the sanctions on Iran and gave them all those billions of dollars, because they promote terrorism all throughout the region and are actively at war with Israel as they chant death to America. Now John Kerry is illegally going over there acting as the current Secretary General even though he was voted out of office. He is telling them just to wait Trump out and not talk to him. Interesting how Dims disregard elections and collude with regimes that are enemies of the US with impunity. Funny that.

Syria? Seriously? Obama and Hillary watched as Syria was gobbled up by ISIS with a mass genocide of Christians and non violent Muslims deemed not radical enough to be allowed to live? Then the refugees we saw march across an entire continent in desperation all because Obama and the UN let it all happen?

Then came Libya. That was the icing on the cake. Obama and the UN said they had to stop Gaddafi on the premise of a possible mass genocide? Funny, they did not with an actual genocide in Syria. Then once Obama kills off Gaddafi, the region goes up in flames with the Benghazi fiasco.

Did I mention that Libya became an ISIS strong hold?

You're an idiot.

Hahaha, good joke.

Of course Trump is a Zionist.

As for Iran, it hasn't been a war mongerer like the U.S.A, or a terrorist like Israel.

Where do Republicans get their oafish ideas from, anyways?

As for ISIS, you don't get it do you?

By Trump defeating ISIS, he's helped Iran to enter the region at Israel's door-step.

You don't know that ISIS were Sunnis against Iranian Shiites?

You didn't know that Saddam Hussein was a Sunni against Iranian Shiites?

Republicans are really volatile retards on foreign affairs, and should be treated as such.

Iran's own people have tried to rise up in protest against this theocratic regime but where brutally oppressed. Iran also provide arms and support to conquer the Middle East for their own benefit.

And yes, I know that the crazy Muslims fight amongst themselves, killing fellow brother Muslims. But hey, that's just how they roll. They are all full of hate and spread death everywhere they go. That's why the refuges who fled Syria went to Europe and not their fellow Muslims brothers countries.

Should Saddam have been removed? Probably not, but now supporting Iran is pure insanity.

As bad as Saddam was, killing off an entire city of innocent Kurds with WMD's, he was still probably better than ISIS, as hard as that may seem to fathom.

But then, there is no depth low enough it seems that Muslims in this region will sink.
all that tax money wasted; for what? so the right wing can blame the Poor?

Your retort does not only make sense, you are responding to a post that was not addressed to you.

Now from the top, what are you talking about regarding wasted tax money and the right wing and the poor?

Try again, only, use good grammar and logic this time.
Republicans hold your own Republican leaders accountable for not doing much of anything on Illegal Immigration, or Muslim refugees, or Abortion, or Gay Marriage as issues for eons.

Democrats hold Republican leaders accountable for being Zionist terrorist war mongering maniacs, who killed millions in Iraq, and Afghanistan, and now Syria over the past couple of decades.

Republicans really hold very little value, except to Zionists.


So I thought Trump was an anti-Semite, at least, according to the media. You know, Mr. KKK?

Now he is a Zionist?


So Israel is the source of all the world's problems? I reckon that is why Obama lifted the sanctions on Iran and gave them all those billions of dollars, because they promote terrorism all throughout the region and are actively at war with Israel as they chant death to America. Now John Kerry is illegally going over there acting as the current Secretary General even though he was voted out of office. He is telling them just to wait Trump out and not talk to him. Interesting how Dims disregard elections and collude with regimes that are enemies of the US with impunity. Funny that.

Syria? Seriously? Obama and Hillary watched as Syria was gobbled up by ISIS with a mass genocide of Christians and non violent Muslims deemed not radical enough to be allowed to live? Then the refugees we saw march across an entire continent in desperation all because Obama and the UN let it all happen?

Then came Libya. That was the icing on the cake. Obama and the UN said they had to stop Gaddafi on the premise of a possible mass genocide? Funny, they did not with an actual genocide in Syria. Then once Obama kills off Gaddafi, the region goes up in flames with the Benghazi fiasco.

Did I mention that Libya became an ISIS strong hold?

You're an idiot.

Hahaha, good joke.

Of course Trump is a Zionist.

As for Iran, it hasn't been a war mongerer like the U.S.A, or a terrorist like Israel.

Where do Republicans get their oafish ideas from, anyways?

As for ISIS, you don't get it do you?

By Trump defeating ISIS, he's helped Iran to enter the region at Israel's door-step.

You don't know that ISIS were Sunnis against Iranian Shiites?

You didn't know that Saddam Hussein was a Sunni against Iranian Shiites?

Republicans are really volatile retards on foreign affairs, and should be treated as such.

Iran's own people have tried to rise up in protest against this theocratic regime but where brutally oppressed. Iran also provide arms and support to conquer the Middle East for their own benefit.

And yes, I know that the crazy Muslims fight amongst themselves, killing fellow brother Muslims. But hey, that's just how they roll. They are all full of hate and spread death everywhere they go. That's why the refuges who fled Syria went to Europe and not their fellow Muslims brothers countries.

Should Saddam have been removed? Probably not, but now supporting Iran is pure insanity.

As bad as Saddam was, killing off an entire city of innocent Kurds with WMD's, he was still probably better than ISIS, as hard as that may seem to fathom.

But then, there is no depth low enough it seems that Muslims in this region will sink.

So, because Iranians tried to rebel against their government, and the Americans, and Israelis don't who are even more brutal, and have nukes.
Means what?
That the Iranian people are more active, and sensible than Zionists?

There's a lot of Muslim refugees in Muslim countries, actually.

But, guess who created the Refugees? Largely Zionists wars in the Mid-East.
Good work.(Rolls eyes)
Trump's done nothing, in general but cut taxes to a deficit, and raise the Jerusalem embassy to the clashes of Israel vs Palestine which ended in Israel's terroristic massacres killing even children.

I'm actually anti-Nazi, I don't know where you silly Americans get such foolish ideas from?

I'm a Polish Fascist like Roman Dmowski, and like him I am anti-Jewish, and anti-German, and for peaceful solutions.

The problem is Western Europeans are filfth, you people are truly the pits, flailing your arms around like retards killing everybody in sight racial genocide, now you're flailing your arms around like retards killing your own in multicultural suicide.

You ;people don't get it, you're hardly even Human, if you ask me.

You know, hate talk like that isn't going to get a ton of folks to side with you.

If you could hide the hate you could really get me in agreement with you on "republicans only give anti abortionists lip service" talk.

IMO hiding the hate would get you further in life.

You're obviously not much of a thinker, and very Animalistic, and pack oriented like most Western European filfth.

I swear sometimes that Western Europeans are just a kind of pale Negroid that got stuck in Europe, and Chimps out, with violence, and stupidity.

Dear Angry Sir,

This western european scum has you loosing your cool yelling out racial insults.

do note my advice on how to build a coalition though. Be calm, make allies where you can. Hide the hatred.

I swear Western Europeans are half Negroid, they're for the most part incapable of logic, and instead rely on their primitive emotions, including violence.

I say what needs to be said, take it or leave it.

It's not my fault that 99% of Western Europeans are such fruit-loops.
Well if you’d told us in the beginning their problems stem from being half colored...

Your outlook on others reminds me a lot of what some folks think about Polaks.

Western Europeans, and their descendants are really goofy, which explains the OP, why they don't hold Republicans accountable.

As for dumb Polak jokes, that's something dumb Jews invented, and dumb Western Europeans followed during Civil Rights which Civil Rights was about equal rights.

Something's not quite right about Jews, and Western Europeans, you can tell they are lesser beings, they lack common sense, and are more brutal.
Republicans hold your own Republican leaders accountable for not doing much of anything on Illegal Immigration, or Muslim refugees, or Abortion, or Gay Marriage as issues for eons.

Democrats hold Republican leaders accountable for being Zionist terrorist war mongering maniacs, who killed millions in Iraq, and Afghanistan, and now Syria over the past couple of decades.

Republicans really hold very little value, except to Zionists.


So I thought Trump was an anti-Semite, at least, according to the media. You know, Mr. KKK?

Now he is a Zionist?


So Israel is the source of all the world's problems? I reckon that is why Obama lifted the sanctions on Iran and gave them all those billions of dollars, because they promote terrorism all throughout the region and are actively at war with Israel as they chant death to America. Now John Kerry is illegally going over there acting as the current Secretary General even though he was voted out of office. He is telling them just to wait Trump out and not talk to him. Interesting how Dims disregard elections and collude with regimes that are enemies of the US with impunity. Funny that.

Syria? Seriously? Obama and Hillary watched as Syria was gobbled up by ISIS with a mass genocide of Christians and non violent Muslims deemed not radical enough to be allowed to live? Then the refugees we saw march across an entire continent in desperation all because Obama and the UN let it all happen?

Then came Libya. That was the icing on the cake. Obama and the UN said they had to stop Gaddafi on the premise of a possible mass genocide? Funny, they did not with an actual genocide in Syria. Then once Obama kills off Gaddafi, the region goes up in flames with the Benghazi fiasco.

Did I mention that Libya became an ISIS strong hold?

You're an idiot.

Hahaha, good joke.

Of course Trump is a Zionist.

As for Iran, it hasn't been a war mongerer like the U.S.A, or a terrorist like Israel.

Where do Republicans get their oafish ideas from, anyways?

As for ISIS, you don't get it do you?

By Trump defeating ISIS, he's helped Iran to enter the region at Israel's door-step.

You don't know that ISIS were Sunnis against Iranian Shiites?

You didn't know that Saddam Hussein was a Sunni against Iranian Shiites?

Republicans are really volatile retards on foreign affairs, and should be treated as such.

Iran's own people have tried to rise up in protest against this theocratic regime but where brutally oppressed. Iran also provide arms and support to conquer the Middle East for their own benefit.

And yes, I know that the crazy Muslims fight amongst themselves, killing fellow brother Muslims. But hey, that's just how they roll. They are all full of hate and spread death everywhere they go. That's why the refuges who fled Syria went to Europe and not their fellow Muslims brothers countries.

Should Saddam have been removed? Probably not, but now supporting Iran is pure insanity.

As bad as Saddam was, killing off an entire city of innocent Kurds with WMD's, he was still probably better than ISIS, as hard as that may seem to fathom.

But then, there is no depth low enough it seems that Muslims in this region will sink.

So, because Iranians tried to rebel against their government, and the Americans, and Israelis don't who are even more brutal, and have nukes.
Means what?
That the Iranian people are more active, and sensible than Zionists?

There's a lot of Muslim refugees in Muslim countries, actually.

But, guess who created the Refugees? Largely Zionists wars in the Mid-East.
Good work.(Rolls eyes)

People in Israel have far more rights than those in Iran, which is why the Israeli people are not protesting their own government like they are in Iran.

But hey, you seem to like how Iran oppresses it's own people so what the hell.

As for the Iranian people, I have no doubt that they are some sense, which is why they protest their government, but as for the Iranian government, they continue to shout death to Israel and the US, so why even engage them in conversation till they stop this openly provocative warmongering genocidal preoccupation?

As for suggesting that the Syrian refugees were created by Israel, how exactly did they do that Einstein?
the amorality of Capitalism is doing more Good than Religion.

Religion must require social morals free, not capital morals for a price.

Amoral capitalism? Again, you kids are sounding like Hitler again.

We are Socialists, we are enemies of the capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions
-Adolf Hitler

There is nothing virtuous in Capitalism other than giving people the ability to engage in free trade. Now this freedom can and does get abused, but that is the price for freedom and abuses should be dealt with as they come instead of taking all freedom away from those who do not abuse it.

Obviously you hate freedom.
the amorality of Capitalism is doing more Good than Religion.

Religion must require social morals free, not capital morals for a price.

Amoral capitalism? Again, you kids are sounding like Hitler again.

We are Socialists, we are enemies of the capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions
-Adolf Hitler

There is nothing virtuous in Capitalism other than giving people the ability to engage in free trade. Now this freedom can and does get abused, but that is the price for freedom and abuses should be dealt with as they come instead of taking all freedom away from those who do not abuse it.

Obviously you hate freedom.
Socialism like religion, requires social morals for free. Social Goodness over social Badness, every time there is a conflict in society.
Republicans hold your own Republican leaders accountable for not doing much of anything on Illegal Immigration, or Muslim refugees, or Abortion, or Gay Marriage as issues for eons.

Democrats hold Republican leaders accountable for being Zionist terrorist war mongering maniacs, who killed millions in Iraq, and Afghanistan, and now Syria over the past couple of decades.

Republicans really hold very little value, except to Zionists.


So I thought Trump was an anti-Semite, at least, according to the media. You know, Mr. KKK?

Now he is a Zionist?


So Israel is the source of all the world's problems? I reckon that is why Obama lifted the sanctions on Iran and gave them all those billions of dollars, because they promote terrorism all throughout the region and are actively at war with Israel as they chant death to America. Now John Kerry is illegally going over there acting as the current Secretary General even though he was voted out of office. He is telling them just to wait Trump out and not talk to him. Interesting how Dims disregard elections and collude with regimes that are enemies of the US with impunity. Funny that.

Syria? Seriously? Obama and Hillary watched as Syria was gobbled up by ISIS with a mass genocide of Christians and non violent Muslims deemed not radical enough to be allowed to live? Then the refugees we saw march across an entire continent in desperation all because Obama and the UN let it all happen?

Then came Libya. That was the icing on the cake. Obama and the UN said they had to stop Gaddafi on the premise of a possible mass genocide? Funny, they did not with an actual genocide in Syria. Then once Obama kills off Gaddafi, the region goes up in flames with the Benghazi fiasco.

Did I mention that Libya became an ISIS strong hold?

You're an idiot.

Hahaha, good joke.

Of course Trump is a Zionist.

As for Iran, it hasn't been a war mongerer like the U.S.A, or a terrorist like Israel.

Where do Republicans get their oafish ideas from, anyways?

As for ISIS, you don't get it do you?

By Trump defeating ISIS, he's helped Iran to enter the region at Israel's door-step.

You don't know that ISIS were Sunnis against Iranian Shiites?

You didn't know that Saddam Hussein was a Sunni against Iranian Shiites?

Republicans are really volatile retards on foreign affairs, and should be treated as such.

Iran's own people have tried to rise up in protest against this theocratic regime but where brutally oppressed. Iran also provide arms and support to conquer the Middle East for their own benefit.

And yes, I know that the crazy Muslims fight amongst themselves, killing fellow brother Muslims. But hey, that's just how they roll. They are all full of hate and spread death everywhere they go. That's why the refuges who fled Syria went to Europe and not their fellow Muslims brothers countries.

Should Saddam have been removed? Probably not, but now supporting Iran is pure insanity.

As bad as Saddam was, killing off an entire city of innocent Kurds with WMD's, he was still probably better than ISIS, as hard as that may seem to fathom.

But then, there is no depth low enough it seems that Muslims in this region will sink.

So, because Iranians tried to rebel against their government, and the Americans, and Israelis don't who are even more brutal, and have nukes.
Means what?
That the Iranian people are more active, and sensible than Zionists?

There's a lot of Muslim refugees in Muslim countries, actually.

But, guess who created the Refugees? Largely Zionists wars in the Mid-East.
Good work.(Rolls eyes)

People in Israel have far more rights than those in Iran, which is why the Israeli people are not protesting their own government like they are in Iran.

But hey, you seem to like how Iran oppresses it's own people so what the hell.

As for the Iranian people, I have no doubt that they are some sense, which is why they protest their government, but as for the Iranian government, they continue to shout death to Israel and the US, so why even engage them in conversation till they stop this openly provocative warmongering genocidal preoccupation?

As for suggesting that the Syrian refugees were created by Israel, how exactly did they do that Einstein?

AKA, there's more Gay Supremacists, and Feminist Supremacists in Israel than in Iran.
Something Republicans complain about themselves, but then cry about Muslim states for standing against.

It's understandable why Iranians might not like Israel. and America, considering the sanctions, and that Israel long owed Iran money.
Then there's the fact that Israel oppresses Palestinians, and America tends to support Israel.
As well as Western culture tends to be very Liberal, and degenerate, especially Hollywood, and the media, which are both Jewish American dominated.
Not to mention the U.S.A had supported Saddam Hussein against Iran in the 1980's.

I can also understand why Americans don't like Iran for the Iranian Hostage crisis, or the recent Iranian proxie attacks in Iraq against Americans.

However, I certainly don't understand when Americans put Israel first, and foremost.
the amorality of Capitalism is doing more Good than Religion.

Religion must require social morals free, not capital morals for a price.

Amoral capitalism? Again, you kids are sounding like Hitler again.

We are Socialists, we are enemies of the capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions
-Adolf Hitler

There is nothing virtuous in Capitalism other than giving people the ability to engage in free trade. Now this freedom can and does get abused, but that is the price for freedom and abuses should be dealt with as they come instead of taking all freedom away from those who do not abuse it.

Obviously you hate freedom.

Capitalism sells out to Illegal Immigrants, Outsourced jobs, Selling Porn, Selling Abortion, Selling Drugs, Selling Hollywood, and media Liberalism, and degeneracy.
Censoring out Right-Wing opinions like Facebook, Youtube / Google, Instagram, & Twitter.

Capitalism is no friend of anybody with socially Conservative values, no matter how many times Republicans repeat the lie.
the amorality of Capitalism is doing more Good than Religion.

Religion must require social morals free, not capital morals for a price.

Amoral capitalism? Again, you kids are sounding like Hitler again.

We are Socialists, we are enemies of the capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions
-Adolf Hitler

There is nothing virtuous in Capitalism other than giving people the ability to engage in free trade. Now this freedom can and does get abused, but that is the price for freedom and abuses should be dealt with as they come instead of taking all freedom away from those who do not abuse it.

Obviously you hate freedom.
Socialism like religion, requires social morals for free. Social Goodness over social Badness, every time there is a conflict in society.

All you are doing is endorsing that a small group of central planners be "good" and not "bad" while assuming that the rest of society is "bad" and, as such, is unmanageable.

Trouble is, historically socialism has a terrible track record economically and such belief in the righteous superiority of the central planners is pure fantasy.

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