It is simply inexcusable that the left violate federal law with their sanctuary cities. It is unforgivable that doing so results in the deaths of Americans. The simple solution to this problem is to hold the Democrats criminally liable for every crime committed by illegals in their sanctuary city. There should be two charges: one for the sanctuary city (which violates federal law) and one for the actual crime.

Illegal immigrant stabs California woman to death after 'sanctuary' laws protected suspect from ICE 9 times
Fuck are you stupid.

You seriously want to charge EVERY, SINGLE person who votes Democrat with every crime committed by an illegal immigrant in a Sanctuary City?

Plus, you want to somehow charge an entire city with a crime?

God are fucking, INCREDIBLY stupid.

How can a human be this stupid? Do you eat uranium for dinner? Bang you head against the wall for fun?

Who votes these lawmaking, law changing, illegal pimping, scamming, race baiting critters into office anyway or rather you have something to tell us about how maybe it's not the citizens who are voting them in, but rather they are somehow cheating to get elected in ??? Do tell, ohh wait, maybe we already know how it's been working, but the scamming has been highly efficient thus far (tough to catch it all).
Joeb, you are the biggest asshole you know.

You just didn't like the *trump supporters* because they identified you as a lying pos from the beginning, and rejected you.

Naw, a lot of these folks are still my friends, and a couple of them are family.

Oddly, the same people who used to casually toss around the N-word back in the 70's are the ones who all wear MAGA hats today.
Yeah that's what they are. Most of the second half of the baby boomer white males were put last on the jobs list at that time when quotas and affirmative action became law. Do you remember that?
And this has led to what we are experiencing in the nation's generational depleted working classes to date maybe ??? Otherwise look where the up and coming worker classes are these days, and what they are doing these days....Teching out in their basements until 26 or above years of age, eating tide pods, strung out on drugs, committing suicide at high rates, engaging in detrimental trends to their health, dying at young ages, using abortion as contraceptives etc....... Tragic situation, and so the Demon-crats answer is to flood the nation with worker bee's because they had destroyed the previous worker bee classes through all their failed policies that targeted unfairly large sectors of the population, and targeting them for destruction in order to replace them with another over time ???
Who votes these lawmaking, law changing, illegal pimping, scamming, race baiting critters into office anyway or rather you have something to tell us about how maybe it's not the citizens who are voting them in, but rather they are somehow cheating to get elected in ??? Do tell, ohh wait, maybe we already know how it's been working, but the scamming has been highly efficient thus far (tough to catch it all).

Or they represent the communities they live in who don't want to treat their friends and neighbors like criminals.
Who votes these lawmaking, law changing, illegal pimping, scamming, race baiting critters into office anyway or rather you have something to tell us about how maybe it's not the citizens who are voting them in, but rather they are somehow cheating to get elected in ??? Do tell, ohh wait, maybe we already know how it's been working, but the scamming has been highly efficient thus far (tough to catch it all).

Or they represent the communities they live in who don't want to treat their friends and neighbors like criminals.
And if they are criminals, then become complicit in their criminality thus making the citizens criminals also ??? You see, this is what corrupts a nation as law breaking becomes the trend, and then the protecting of that law breaking becomes normalized in their thinking.
It is simply inexcusable that the left violate federal law with their sanctuary cities. It is unforgivable that doing so results in the deaths of Americans. The simple solution to this problem is to hold the Democrats criminally liable for every crime committed by illegals in their sanctuary city. There should be two charges: one for the sanctuary city (which violates federal law) and one for the actual crime.

Illegal immigrant stabs California woman to death after 'sanctuary' laws protected suspect from ICE 9 times
Fuck are you stupid.

You seriously want to charge EVERY, SINGLE person who votes Democrat with every crime committed by an illegal immigrant in a Sanctuary City?

Plus, you want to somehow charge an entire city with a crime?

God are fucking, INCREDIBLY stupid.

How can a human be this stupid? Do you eat uranium for dinner? Bang you head against the wall for fun?

Who votes these lawmaking, law changing, illegal pimping, scamming, race baiting critters into office anyway or rather you have something to tell us about how maybe it's not the citizens who are voting them in, but rather they are somehow cheating to get elected in ??? Do tell, ohh wait, maybe we already know how it's been working, but the scamming has been highly efficient thus far (tough to catch it all).

This is what you get when you let criminals get away with crime. This is what happens when you normalize depravity, dishonesty, immorality.
And if they are criminals, then become complicit in their criminality thus making the citizens criminals also ??? You see, this is what corrupts a nation as law breaking becomes the trend, and then the protecting of that law breaking becomes normalized in their thinking.

Or we can do what a sensible society does.

This law clearly doesn't work. We need to fix the law and come up with one that does.

That would be the sensible thing to do.

The thing is, we are all complicate in the need for undocumented labor. When we buy lettuce at the store because it's cheap, when we hire a truckload of Day Laborers at the Home Depot to finish that DIY project that turned out to be a lot harder than Chip and Joanna made it look on HGTV.

(Come to think of it, has anyone checked Joanna's papers?)

There's a whole lot of things we could do to fix this. National ID and E-Verify, a guest worker program for unskilled labor, and so on. INstead, we create this demand and get very upset about how it gets filled.
And if they are criminals, then become complicit in their criminality thus making the citizens criminals also ??? You see, this is what corrupts a nation as law breaking becomes the trend, and then the protecting of that law breaking becomes normalized in their thinking.

Or we can do what a sensible society does.

This law clearly doesn't work. We need to fix the law and come up with one that does.

That would be the sensible thing to do.

The thing is, we are all complicate in the need for undocumented labor. When we buy lettuce at the store because it's cheap, when we hire a truckload of Day Laborers at the Home Depot to finish that DIY project that turned out to be a lot harder than Chip and Joanna made it look on HGTV.

(Come to think of it, has anyone checked Joanna's papers?)

There's a whole lot of things we could do to fix this. National ID and E-Verify, a guest worker program for unskilled labor, and so on. INstead, we create this demand and get very upset about how it gets filled.
Exactly, WE create this demand by what has been allowed to happen to our American workforce. We have been complicit in that, and that is unexceptable.
So how about this... We have no problem arresting and deporting people who commit criminal acts for actual crimes, like murder or robbery, but we stop treating undocumented immigration like a crime because, honestly, it's just not a big deal.
That’s only true for the ultra-ignorant. For the educated and the informed, it’s almost as “big of a deal” as it gets. Every single nation in the world has limited resources (land, money, food, etc.). If we were to surrender our sovereign borders, 90% of the world’s population would come sprinting here. The entire nation would collapse within months (which is what socialist pricks wants).
When you want to BUILD A WALL to keep people of a certain skin color out, that's racist.
Uh...that wouldn’t prevent “people of a certain skin color out”, dumb shit. We still accept legal immigrants from all nations.

Claiming that someone wants to “BUILD A WALL to keep people of a certain skin color out” is the desperate propaganda of the idiot who lost on the battlefield of ideas and is incapable of supporting their irrational position without admitting who they actually are and what they actually believe.
The same people who freaked the fuck out when Harold Washington got elected Mayor of Chicago in 1983 are the ones who freaked out when Obama got elected in 2008.
Well duh. Dumbocrats were racist as hell in 1983 and they are racist as hell today. Watch your favorite girl here put on a demeaning fake “blaccent” because she’s FREAKED out by the skin color she sees in the audience...

I don't think there are a lot of Mormons in Mexico... they'd probably get their lilly-ass white asses kicked.
What does their skin color have to do with anything, Joey? Your attempt to overcompensate for your racism actually exposes your deep-seated racism.
when you insist on building a wall to keep them out, specifically, then you are a racist...
Um...snowflake? They are the one’s - specifically - who are invading the U.S. If we had 20 million illegal Canadians in the U.S. and we were building a wall on the southern border, you might have a legitimate argument (for the first time in your very miserable life). But, as is always the case, you’ve illustrated to the board why you are the class clown that nobody takes seriously.

Happy to have explained this obvious reality to you. You’re welcome.
Naw, a lot of these folks are still my friends, and a couple of them are family. Oddly, the same people who used to casually toss around the N-word back in the 70's are the ones who all wear MAGA hats today.
Yeah that's what they are. Most of the second half of the baby boomer white males were put last on the jobs list at that time when quotas and affirmative action became law. Do you remember that?
Nothing lowers the bar like Joey’s little leftist ideology. Instead of jobs going to the most qualified, Joey wants jobs to be based on skin color (he’s a typical left-wing racist).
Tell me how do you feel about raising the minimum wage to $15/per hour?

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History has already proven that it is astoundingly ignorant.

So you want folks to work as long as they don’t make too much money.
Got it.

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Here's an idiot that thinks lifting fries out a fryer warrants the same pay as the person climbing 30 foot poles to repair a power outage.
Democrats believe everyone should be making more than they are now.
Tell me how do you feel about raising the minimum wage to $15/per hour?

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History has already proven that it is astoundingly ignorant.

So you want folks to work as long as they don’t make too much money.
Got it.

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Here's an idiot that thinks lifting fries out a fryer warrants the same pay as the person climbing 30 foot poles to repair a power outage.
Repairmen make more than that dingbat. The 1968 minimum wage would be $12 today, you know before Nixon screwed up the Great Society and Reagan absolutely killed it...
Why not make $50 an hour?
Why not $100?
“the blaze”


More rightwing ignorance of the law, more rightwing demagoguery, more rightwing lies, and more rightwing bigotry and hate.
Exactly, WE create this demand by what has been allowed to happen to our American workforce. We have been complicit in that, and that is unexceptable.

Or we realize some jobs, we just don't want to pay what we expect to make for it... I mean, we could have a $25.00 minimum wage and everyone has to pay that, even for informal labor. It probably wouldn't work, though.

That’s only true for the ultra-ignorant. For the educated and the informed, it’s almost as “big of a deal” as it gets. Every single nation in the world has limited resources (land, money, food, etc.). If we were to surrender our sovereign borders, 90% of the world’s population would come sprinting here. The entire nation would collapse within months (which is what socialist pricks wants).

Guy, nobody really wants to come here that bad. It used to be a place people wanted to come, but really, not so much anymore.

The thing is, most other industrialized countries are actually NICER places to live with free health care and actual justice. Who'd want to come here and be a second class citizen in a racist country. Answer, only if your country has completely fallen apart.

You see, funny thing. We really do need immigrants to do the jobs we don't want to do. Funny how that works.
Well duh. Dumbocrats were racist as hell in 1983 and they are racist as hell today. Watch your favorite girl here put on a demeaning fake “blaccent” because she’s FREAKED out by the skin color she sees in the audience...

Do you think AOC is hiding under your bed, right now, waiting for you to go to sleep and impose socialized medicine on you?

Nothing lowers the bar like Joey’s little leftist ideology. Instead of jobs going to the most qualified, Joey wants jobs to be based on skin color (he’s a typical left-wing racist).

Naw, guy, the thing is, the white racists I grew up with weren't the "most qualified". They never made it to college... most of them wouldn't live a middle class lifestyle if it weren't for the unions they joined.

But they were the dumbasses who voted for the GOP because they played very effectively on their racial, religious and sexual fears...

The thing is, they kept doing it after all their economic ideas were proven... wrong.
Guy, nobody really wants to come here that bad. It used to be a place people wanted to come, but really, not so much anymore.
Joey: “We must let millions and millions and millions of ‘brown’ people invade us or we’re racist”

Also Joey: “Guy...nobody wants to come here”

This is what happens when you make up excuses to cover for your bullshit. You have to come up with crazier and crazier excuses to cover for your previous excuse.
Well duh. Dumbocrats were racist as hell in 1983 and they are racist as hell today. Watch your favorite girl here put on a demeaning fake “blaccent” because she’s FREAKED out by the skin color she sees in the audience...
Do you think AOC is hiding under your bed, right now, waiting for you to go to sleep and impose socialized medicine on you?
“Guy”, don’t attempt to deflect from the extreme racism and “blaccent” of your favorite Dumbocrat. You are the party of racism (which manifests itself in white guilt). Own that shit. Man up for once in your miserable life and own that shit.

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