Leftists are unable to separate the term "criminal" from skin color. Hence any time that anybody complains about criminality, leftists assume they are actually complaining about all people of color.

Because leftists think all people of color are criminals.

Um, no dummy. When you want to BUILD A WALL to keep people of a certain skin color out, that's racist.

So how about this... We have no problem arresting and deporting people who commit criminal acts for actual crimes, like murder or robbery, but we stop treating undocumented immigration like a crime because, honestly, it's just not a big deal.
Whatever. Your party, the party of the KKK, and the party that started a civil war so you can keep slaves want your slaves again, you just don’t want them where you live. So you know Jose, lots of folks from south of the border are Mormons or Catholic. They will have you back hiding under your bed. This is why you don’t want them where you live.

I don't think there are a lot of Mormons in Mexico... they'd probably get their lilly-ass white asses kicked.

I've lived in Hispanic neighborhoods.... mostly very nice people. Probably a lot nicer than the white trash that support Trump.
You know nothing of the people who support Trump. All of this slave crap with your Saul Alinsky agendas.
You know nothing of the people who support Trump. All of this slave crap with your Saul Alinsky agendas.

Actually, I know a lot of Trump supporters. They were all the people I grew up with in the old neighborhood on the Southwest side.

The funny thing is, all the kids who were racist assholes back then are all Trump supporters now. Funny how that works.

The same people who freaked the fuck out when Harold Washington got elected Mayor of Chicago in 1983 are the ones who freaked out when Obama got elected in 2008 and support Trump today.
Na, not really. LBJ came along and said he would have n*****s voting democrat for the next hundred years.

There's no evidence of such a quote. You fell for another scam.

Y’all just traded in your whips for food stamps.

That's ugly patronizing racism on your part, saying that blacks are on the plantation. That kind of racism is largely why blacks don't vote for you.

Problem is, black people aren’t as stupid as you thought

They're still voting for Democrats, and there's no sign of that changing. That's because Democrats push policies that align with their interests, and treat them as intelligent independent voters.

so you have to import new voters, but just not where you live.

You're getting your butts kicked fair and square, so those conspiracy theories just make you look whiny.
Demon-crats push policies that align with their interest eh ??? What's their interest ??? Free, free, free, free, free, freeeeeeeeeesee Obama phones, healthcare, welfare, housing, and if possible free college, forgiveness on student loans, affirmative action, cheap used state vehicles after their auctioned off to their handlers etc ?????? And when all that isn't enough, just open the borders wide open so they can drown themselves in drugs, and if all that don't take the taste of living out of their mouths, then they can just run to the abortion clinics in order to stop the over runs of their households where sex, drugs and rap music rules their worlds ??? Meanwhile baby daddy is out making more babies somewhere else for the taxpayers to pay for ??

Yeah those Demon-crat policies are working alright, what is it now, almost 50 years of Demon-crat policies trying to help, and still we have dependency, and it's getting worse under the Demon-crats hands at play ?????

I just can't figure out how all this came about for so many years now, and the working class taxpayers have been strapped with the bills for it all. Yeah vote them Demon-crats back in y'all, so we can get another 50 years of this bullcrap. It took over 50 + years to help someone, and we still got serious problems ???? Think about that for a while...

Ok, now get ready for all the blame working class whitey comments from the dixie-crats next. One thing that has improved, and that is the dixie-crat scamming and con jobs they keep running on the working class taxpayers to pay for it all.

Any working American that vote Demon-crat is a complete fool... Period.

The hate Trump scam for no reason has been the latest scam they are running. Will it work ?? Depends on where this country is, and how good these Demon-crat thieves have been with their robbing of the working class in order to keep their dependents voting for them.

Jobs for everyone is the only answer to a strong America, and not what the Demon-crats have done to this nation for the last 50 + years.
The only people using racism are you Trump Derangement Syndrome nitwits who are falsely accusing Trump of "racism". You guys do that when you lose. You tried it on ALL of us when we were pointing out all of MaObama's failures.

No, guy, when you call people of color "animals" and "rapists", when you call the countries they come from "shitholes", when you insist on building a wall to keep them out, specifically, then you are a racist... Happy to have cleared that up for you, you are a little dopey.
You made sure you put that little blanket stereotype thinking on your part in there didn't you ?? Well of course you did. You seriously think that anyone is calling anyone something they are not, otherwise by the republicans calling out the ones who are guilty of crimes or being bad visitors etc, then you use that to accuse them with racism in a blanketing way ? Communities and sometimes whole area's in some countries are actually crap-holes, and of course you cherry pick that in a way that suits your race baiting ways as well here don't you ??? Yes you do.

Fact - people of color aren't exempt (because of their color) from being racist, criminals etc.

Fact - people of color aren't exempt (because of their color), in creating crap holes to live in.
You know nothing of the people who support Trump. All of this slave crap with your Saul Alinsky agendas.

Actually, I know a lot of Trump supporters. They were all the people I grew up with in the old neighborhood on the Southwest side.

The funny thing is, all the kids who were racist assholes back then are all Trump supporters now. Funny how that works.

The same people who freaked the fuck out when Harold Washington got elected Mayor of Chicago in 1983 are the ones who freaked out when Obama got elected in 2008 and support Trump today.
Yeah, and they just freak out for nothing eh ???

You can't be this dumb, oh wait yes you can because you love to race bait, and you think that we are dumb enough or rather that the nation's citizens are dumb enough to buy what you are peddling daily here..

I mean these groups or individuals are all just these little innocent human beings that have never done anything wrong right, and they never do anything that would make white people justified in their being cautious about them as certain race baiting individuals and/or groups getting elected or placed into powerful positions in this country eh ???

You are crazy in thinking that we are crazy.
Leftists are unable to separate the term "criminal" from skin color. Hence any time that anybody complains about criminality, leftists assume they are actually complaining about all people of color.

Because leftists think all people of color are criminals.

Um, no dummy. When you want to BUILD A WALL to keep people of a certain skin color out, that's racist.

So how about this... We have no problem arresting and deporting people who commit criminal acts for actual crimes, like murder or robbery, but we stop treating undocumented immigration like a crime because, honestly, it's just not a big deal.
There you go lying and race baiting again.
You know nothing of the people who support Trump. All of this slave crap with your Saul Alinsky agendas.

Actually, I know a lot of Trump supporters. They were all the people I grew up with in the old neighborhood on the Southwest side.

The funny thing is, all the kids who were racist assholes back then are all Trump supporters now. Funny how that works.

The same people who freaked the fuck out when Harold Washington got elected Mayor of Chicago in 1983 are the ones who freaked out when Obama got elected in 2008 and support Trump today.
Nope. Any color can walk through the door.

The wall is to keep CRIMINALS out. It's just the racist left who can't separate criminality from brown skin. Not us. Certainly not me.
You know nothing of the people who support Trump. All of this slave crap with your Saul Alinsky agendas.

Actually, I know a lot of Trump supporters. They were all the people I grew up with in the old neighborhood on the Southwest side.

The funny thing is, all the kids who were racist assholes back then are all Trump supporters now. Funny how that works.

The same people who freaked the fuck out when Harold Washington got elected Mayor of Chicago in 1983 are the ones who freaked out when Obama got elected in 2008 and support Trump today.
Joeb, you are the biggest asshole you know.

You just didn't like the *trump supporters* because they identified you as a lying pos from the beginning, and rejected you.
Nope. Any color can walk through the door.

The wall is to keep CRIMINALS out. It's just the racist left who can't separate criminality from brown skin. Not us. Certainly not me.

Really? ON the thread about the little boy who blew his sister's brains out, you talked about how mom needed her a gun because black criminals congregate in parking lots...

No, you are totally not racist, Lunch Lady.
Joeb, you are the biggest asshole you know.

You just didn't like the *trump supporters* because they identified you as a lying pos from the beginning, and rejected you.

Naw, a lot of these folks are still my friends, and a couple of them are family.

Oddly, the same people who used to casually toss around the N-word back in the 70's are the ones who all wear MAGA hats today.
Joeb, you are the biggest asshole you know.

You just didn't like the *trump supporters* because they identified you as a lying pos from the beginning, and rejected you.

Naw, a lot of these folks are still my friends, and a couple of them are family.

Oddly, the same people who used to casually toss around the N-word back in the 70's are the ones who all wear MAGA hats today.
Yeah that's what they are. Most of the second half of the baby boomer white males were put last on the jobs list at that time when quotas and affirmative action became law. Do you remember that?
It is simply inexcusable that the left violate federal law with their sanctuary cities. It is unforgivable that doing so results in the deaths of Americans. The simple solution to this problem is to hold the Democrats criminally liable for every crime committed by illegals in their sanctuary city. There should be two charges: one for the sanctuary city (which violates federal law) and one for the actual crime.

Illegal immigrant stabs California woman to death after 'sanctuary' laws protected suspect from ICE 9 times
Fuck are you stupid.

You seriously want to charge EVERY, SINGLE person who votes Democrat with every crime committed by an illegal immigrant in a Sanctuary City?

Plus, you want to somehow charge an entire city with a crime?

God damn...you are fucking, INCREDIBLY stupid.

How can a human be this stupid? Do you eat uranium for dinner? Bang you head against the wall for fun?

Yeah that's what they are. Most of the second half of the baby boomer white males were put last on the jobs list at that time when quotas and affirmative action became law. Do you remember that?

Naw, not really. None of those guys had problems finding jobs. A lot of them joined unions like their dad's did. (Oddly, they never focused their ire on the one percenters who worked to get unions.)

The great Scam of Conservatism- Steal the Middle Class, get stupid white people to blame minorities for it!
Nope. Any color can walk through the door.

The wall is to keep CRIMINALS out. It's just the racist left who can't separate criminality from brown skin. Not us. Certainly not me.

Really? ON the thread about the little boy who blew his sister's brains out, you talked about how mom needed her a gun because black criminals congregate in parking lots...

No, you are totally not racist, Lunch Lady.
Nope. Any color can walk through the door.

The wall is to keep CRIMINALS out. It's just the racist left who can't separate criminality from brown skin. Not us. Certainly not me.

Really? ON the thread about the little boy who blew his sister's brains out, you talked about how mom needed her a gun because black criminals congregate in parking lots...

No, you are totally not racist, Lunch Lady.

Well, my days of thinking of you as a racist are definitely coming to a middle.
Nope. Any color can walk through the door.

The wall is to keep CRIMINALS out. It's just the racist left who can't separate criminality from brown skin. Not us. Certainly not me.

Really? ON the thread about the little boy who blew his sister's brains out, you talked about how mom needed her a gun because black criminals congregate in parking lots...

No, you are totally not racist, Lunch Lady.

Well, my days of thinking of you as a racist are definitely coming to a middle.
Do you honestly think any decent person gives a shit what you think about anything?

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