Der, dude, no it wasn’t. You are an idiot. You say let the illegals in, nust not in my town. What’s worse, is you are to weak and cowardly to admit it. Meh, keep your head down. I anticipate many shootings on your side of the country.

I've got no problem with undocumented folks in my town. I lived next to one for years, had no idea he hadn't had his documentation until ICE picked him up. He recently got back into the country and it's all good with me.

The problem, of course, is because Trump is a racist POS, he thinks that everyone is as terrified of brown people as he is.

I think we need to release all the illegals around Trump Properties, they'll quickly get jobs.

Whatever. Your party, the party of the KKK, and the party that started a civil war so you can keep slaves want your slaves again, you just don’t want them where you live. So you know Jose, lots of folks from south of the border are Mormons or Catholic. They will have you back hiding under your bed. This is why you don’t want them where you live.
Whatever. Your party, the party of the KKK, and the party that started a civil war so you can keep slaves want your slaves again

Those Dixiecrats all become Republicans. You now smooch the butts of those Republicans.

Just making it clear where we stand. Your adore the KKK, you adore the slavers. And since you imply such people are bad, you admit to being morally deficient.

you just don’t want them where you live. So you know Jose, lots of folks from south of the border are Mormons or Catholic. They will have you back hiding under your bed. This is why you don’t want them where you live.

Why would a liberal be scared of brown people, whether Mormon or Catholic or anything? Wetting yourself over brown people is your thing, not ours. I get the impression that Trump cultists aren't happy unless they're sitting in their own urine.
Whatever. Your party, the party of the KKK, and the party that started a civil war so you can keep slaves want your slaves again

Those Dixiecrats all become Republicans. You now smooch the butts of those Republicans.

Just making it clear where we stand. Your adore the KKK, you adore the slavers. And since you imply such people are bad, you admit to being morally deficient.

you just don’t want them where you live. So you know Jose, lots of folks from south of the border are Mormons or Catholic. They will have you back hiding under your bed. This is why you don’t want them where you live.

Why would a liberal be scared of brown people, whether Mormon or Catholic or anything? Wetting the bed over brown people is your thing, not ours.

Na, not really. LBJ came along and said he would have n*****s voting democrat for the next hundred years. Y’all just traded in your whips for food stamps. Problem is, black people aren’t as stupid as you thought so you have to import new voters, but just not where you live.
Na, not really. LBJ came along and said he would have n*****s voting democrat for the next hundred years.

There's no evidence of such a quote. You fell for another scam.

Y’all just traded in your whips for food stamps.

That's ugly patronizing racism on your part, saying that blacks are on the plantation. That kind of racism is largely why blacks don't vote for you.

Problem is, black people aren’t as stupid as you thought

They're still voting for Democrats, and there's no sign of that changing. That's because Democrats push policies that align with their interests, and treat them as intelligent independent voters.

so you have to import new voters, but just not where you live.

You're getting your butts kicked fair and square, so those conspiracy theories just make you look whiny.
Na, not really. LBJ came along and said he would have n*****s voting democrat for the next hundred years.

There's no evidence of such a quote. You fell for another scam.

Y’all just traded in your whips for food stamps.

That's ugly patronizing racism on your part, saying that blacks are on the plantation. That kind of racism is largely why blacks don't vote for you.

Problem is, black people aren’t as stupid as you thought

They're still voting for Democrats, and there's no sign of that changing. That's because Democrats push policies that align with their interests, and treat them as intelligent independent voters.

so you have to import new voters, but just not where you live.

You're getting your butts kicked fair and square, so those conspiracy theories just make you look whiny.

Yes there is racist. Prove it’s not. It’s funny as hell. You democrats don’t want blacks in your neighborhoods, they catch on that the DNC is nothing but crack dealers, now, at the prospect of yalls new slave class being moved to where you live y’all shit your pants. It’s awesome. Far as LBJ go’s, you are calling lots of folks liars. Your party is the party of slavery. You just don’t want the slaves where you live. Hypocrisy at its finest.
Yes there is racist. Prove it’s not

You poor thing. You're just babbling.

It’s funny as hell. You democrats don’t want blacks in your neighborhoods, they catch on that the DNC is nothing but crack dealers, now, at the prospect of yalls new slave class being moved to where you live y’all shit your pants. It’s awesome. Far as LBJ go’s, you are calling lots of folks liars. Your party is the party of slavery. You just don’t want the slaves where you live. Hypocrisy at its finest.

Tell us more about all blacks being crack dealers, and blacks being on the Democratic plantation, and how you're not a racist shitstain for screaming such things.

Oh wait. You _are_ a racist shitstain for screaming such things. Never mind.

Now, run along and whimper about how awful the Democrats are for pointing out that racism is racism. That always works, and what else do you have?
Yes there is racist. Prove it’s not

You poor thing. You're just babbling.

It’s funny as hell. You democrats don’t want blacks in your neighborhoods, they catch on that the DNC is nothing but crack dealers, now, at the prospect of yalls new slave class being moved to where you live y’all shit your pants. It’s awesome. Far as LBJ go’s, you are calling lots of folks liars. Your party is the party of slavery. You just don’t want the slaves where you live. Hypocrisy at its finest.

Tell us more about all blacks being crack dealers, and blacks being on the Democratic plantation, and how you're not a racist shitstain for screaming such things.

Oh wait. You _are_ a racist shitstain for screaming such things. Never mind.

Now, run along and whimper about how awful the Democrats are for pointing out that racism is racism. That always works, and what else do you have?

You just can’t face the fact that you don’t want brown people from south of the border in your neighborhood, that and your hero LBJ was nothing but a southern good ol’boy. Embrace your racism. It’s out dated and gross, but you will feel better not having to hide it. You can just be who you are.
It seems the democrats declared their cities as sanctuaries without understanding what sanctuary means.
Yes there is racist. Prove it’s not

You poor thing. You're just babbling.

It’s funny as hell. You democrats don’t want blacks in your neighborhoods, they catch on that the DNC is nothing but crack dealers, now, at the prospect of yalls new slave class being moved to where you live y’all shit your pants. It’s awesome. Far as LBJ go’s, you are calling lots of folks liars. Your party is the party of slavery. You just don’t want the slaves where you live. Hypocrisy at its finest.

Tell us more about all blacks being crack dealers, and blacks being on the Democratic plantation, and how you're not a racist shitstain for screaming such things.

Oh wait. You _are_ a racist shitstain for screaming such things. Never mind.

Now, run along and whimper about how awful the Democrats are for pointing out that racism is racism. That always works, and what else do you have?

You just can’t face the fact that you don’t want brown people from south of the border in your neighborhood, that and your hero LBJ was nothing but a southern good ol’boy. Embrace your racism. It’s out dated and gross, but you will feel better not having to hide it. You can just be who you are.
Leftists are unable to separate the term "criminal" from skin color. Hence any time that anybody complains about criminality, leftists assume they are actually complaining about all people of color.

Because leftists think all people of color are criminals.
Yes there is racist. Prove it’s not

You poor thing. You're just babbling.

It’s funny as hell. You democrats don’t want blacks in your neighborhoods, they catch on that the DNC is nothing but crack dealers, now, at the prospect of yalls new slave class being moved to where you live y’all shit your pants. It’s awesome. Far as LBJ go’s, you are calling lots of folks liars. Your party is the party of slavery. You just don’t want the slaves where you live. Hypocrisy at its finest.

Tell us more about all blacks being crack dealers, and blacks being on the Democratic plantation, and how you're not a racist shitstain for screaming such things.

Oh wait. You _are_ a racist shitstain for screaming such things. Never mind.

Now, run along and whimper about how awful the Democrats are for pointing out that racism is racism. That always works, and what else do you have?

You just can’t face the fact that you don’t want brown people from south of the border in your neighborhood, that and your hero LBJ was nothing but a southern good ol’boy. Embrace your racism. It’s out dated and gross, but you will feel better not having to hide it. You can just be who you are.
Leftists are unable to separate the term "criminal" from skin color. Hence any time that anybody complains about criminality, leftists assume they are actually complaining about all people of color.

Because leftists think all people of color are criminals.

But mostly slaves that need to be kept docile and compliant with legal weed and Xbox1.
You just can’t face the fact that you don’t want brown people from south of the border in your neighborhood,

I understand. You can't debate what we say, so you tell us we don't mean what we say, we mean what you say. The liberals spanked you again, and you're too butthurt to admit it.

As you've proudly announced you're going to lie about us in response to anything, there's no point in speaking to you. The point of your dishonesty is settled, so no more needs to be discussed.
You just can’t face the fact that you don’t want brown people from south of the border in your neighborhood,

I understand. You can't debate what we say, so you tell us we don't mean what we say, we mean what you say. The liberals spanked you again, and you're too butthurt to admit it.

As you've proudly announced you're going to lie about us in response to anything, there's no point in speaking to you. The point of your dishonesty is settled, so no more needs to be discussed.

No sense in debating it. Trump wants to send illegals where they are wanted so they will be safe, you democrats don’t want them in your neighborhoods. Y’all did the same thing with all the hanjis and skinny’s half Black Jesus imported. You need to admit that you are racist and get on with your life.
you just don’t want them where you live. So you know Jose, lots of folks from south of the border are Mormons or Catholic. They will have you back hiding under your bed. This is why you don’t want them where you live.

Why would a liberal be scared of brown people, whether Mormon or Catholic or anything? Wetting yourself over brown people is your thing, not ours. I get the impression that Trump cultists aren't happy unless they're sitting in their own urine.

Crixus wasn't referring to LIbErals in general; he was referring specifically to JoeB131, who has a particular fear/hatred of both Mormons and Catholics.
“the blaze”


More rightwing ignorance of the law, more rightwing demagoguery, more rightwing lies, and more rightwing bigotry and hate.

c clayton jones :21: Yet another lefty misinterpreting the law to benefit ILLEGALS who prey upon the actual citizens of this country.

Fuck off and go climb under your damned rock you hid under when all of your election predictions blew up in your face, you twerp.
Whatever. Your party, the party of the KKK, and the party that started a civil war so you can keep slaves want your slaves again
Those Dixiecrats all become Republicans.
Then why isn’t 90% of the population Republican, dumb-shit? :lmao:

See...for your ridiculous propaganda to be even remotely not only have to explain why the party of racism all decided to jump over to the side that ended slavery and lead the Civil Rights movement, you also have to explain why all of the Republicans decided to jump ship over to the party of racism and the KKK. Oops.
The liberals spanked you again, and you're too butthurt to admit it.
I honestly don’t know how mammaries does it. She comes on here, gets her ass handed to her because she is ignorant (not to mention universally hated), declares “victory”, and then returns the next day for the entire process to start all over. Lather. Rinse. Repeat.

Sweetie...the Dumbocrats are the party of racism. You know it. I know it. Hillary Clinton knows it. Just this week, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez put on her fake black accent because she was paralyzed with fear that the audience would see right through her to her racism. When she looked out at the crowd, all she saw was skin color. Because that’s what the left does. Here is the video of her very racist, very demeaning speech...

“the blaze”. lol. More rightwing ignorance of the law, more rightwing demagoguery, more rightwing lies, and more rightwing bigotry and hate.
Fuck off and go climb under your damned rock you hid under when all of your election predictions blew up in your face, you twerp.
You mean like this one here? CCJ has a single-digit IQ.

The only people using racism are you Trump Derangement Syndrome nitwits who are falsely accusing Trump of "racism". You guys do that when you lose. You tried it on ALL of us when we were pointing out all of MaObama's failures.

No, guy, when you call people of color "animals" and "rapists", when you call the countries they come from "shitholes", when you insist on building a wall to keep them out, specifically, then you are a racist... Happy to have cleared that up for you, you are a little dopey.
Whatever. Your party, the party of the KKK, and the party that started a civil war so you can keep slaves want your slaves again, you just don’t want them where you live. So you know Jose, lots of folks from south of the border are Mormons or Catholic. They will have you back hiding under your bed. This is why you don’t want them where you live.

I don't think there are a lot of Mormons in Mexico... they'd probably get their lilly-ass white asses kicked.

I've lived in Hispanic neighborhoods.... mostly very nice people. Probably a lot nicer than the white trash that support Trump.

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