Nothing lowers the bar like Joey’s little leftist ideology. Instead of jobs going to the most qualified, Joey wants jobs to be based on skin color (he’s a typical left-wing racist).
Naw, guy, the thing is, the white racists I grew up with weren't the "most qualified".
Guy, the thing is, you wouldn’t know “qualified” if it introduced itself to you. You’re not even literate. There’s a reason you’ve spent your life at the bottom of the food chain, envious of successful people.
Joey: “We must let millions and millions and millions of ‘brown’ people invade us or we’re racist”

Also Joey: “Guy...nobody wants to come here”

This is what happens when you make up excuses to cover for your bullshit. You have to come up with crazier and crazier excuses to cover for your previous excuse.

Last year, border apprehensions were less than 300K. Nobody really wants to get in that bad.

“Guy”, don’t attempt to deflect from the extreme racism and “blaccent” of your favorite Dumbocrat. You are the party of racism (which manifests itself in white guilt). Own that shit. Man up for once in your miserable life and own that shit.

She's really not my favorite. Nice tits, though.

Where was I? Oh, yes, she's going to pop out of your closet tonight and take half your fetching coffee for the big man money and give it to some poor people....woooooooooooo
She's really not my favorite. Nice tits, though.
The left’s War on Women is alive and well.

You are right. When women wear wonder bras and low cut dresses, they clearly aren't concerned about that sort of thing at all.

Helllllooooooo.... are you sure you're straight, Poodle?

Keyword, snowflake. How many millions weren’t “apprehended”?

The border patrol estimates that 55% of people who try to cross the border are caught. So really, not that many.

It's just not the crisis it was in 2000, when they were catching 1.5 million a year.

Bush and Obama got it down to 20% of what it was, without building a wall or throwing kids into concentration camps. Imagine that. and certainly without using the ugly racist rhetoric Trump uses.
It's just not the crisis it was in 2000, when they were catching 1.5 million a year.
Yeah...instead now we’re missing 1.5 million per year. More importantly, sex-trafficking has reached epidemic proportions (of course, the reason you vehemently oppose the wall - you’re so worried you won’t be able to purchase sex from victims anymore). And fentanyl is a serious crisis.

Only an anti-American asshole and someone involved with these criminal enterprises would oppose such a simple solution to the problem.
It's just not the crisis it was in 2000, when they were catching 1.5 million a year.
Yeah...instead now we’re missing 1.5 million per year. More importantly, sex-trafficking has reached epidemic proportions (of course, the reason you vehemently oppose the wall - you’re so worried you won’t be able to purchase sex from victims anymore). And fentanyl is a serious crisis.

Only an anti-American asshole and someone involved with these criminal enterprises would oppose such a simple solution to the problem.

The simplest solution would be to send the military down to patrol the border
The simplest solution would be to send the military down to patrol the border
Well, this might come as a shock to you, but the people who serve have to be paid every single hour that they are serving. A wall, once built, ceases to be an expense. And it never needs a vacation, calls off sick, or leaves for a new career path.
The simplest solution would be to send the military down to patrol the border
Well, this might come as a shock to you, but the people who serve have to be paid every single hour that they are serving. A wall, once built, ceases to be an expense. And it never needs a vacation, calls off sick, or leaves for a new career path.

We're already paying them to dick around all over the world. Why not bring some of them home to defend our country for a change?
We're already paying them to dick around all over the world. Why not bring some of them home to defend our country for a change?
Well for one, we don’t have enough troops as it is. Second, I’ve already outlined the reasons why. It’s incredibly inefficient and wasteful.

You do know that Europeans, Arabs and Jews hate Americans, right? And the more we meddle, the more they hate us. Not that they wouldn't hate us anyway. Why do we even bother with them anymore?
Um...actually it was MaObama who started the trend of separating children from their parents and placing them in detention facilities. Oops. Imagine that.

Really? How many did he do that with and for how long? Did he lose track of which kids went with which parents, or did he just detain unaccompanied minors.

Blaming the victim, uh? The left’s War on Women is alive and well.

So women are totally unaware that when they wear the little black dress with the low cut cleavage, men are noticing? Really?

Again, are you sure you are straight, Poodle?

Or are you just a self-hating gay dude?

Yeah...instead now we’re missing 1.5 million per year. More importantly, sex-trafficking has reached epidemic proportions (of course, the reason you vehemently oppose the wall - you’re so worried you won’t be able to purchase sex from victims anymore). And fentanyl is a serious crisis.

How can we be "missing' all these people when Trump has taken all these actions?

So legalize prostitution and fentanyl... problem solve. The funny thing is you moral scolds think you can outlaw something people want to do, and then complain when it is still done.

The reality though, is that at least before the Central American refugee crisis that Trump is mishandling badly, the number of illegals trying to cross went down every year, from 1.5 Million Apprehensions in 2001 to 300,000 in 2017.

Part of this is because border security has gotten better. Part of it is because economic conditions in Mexico have improved such that you can get a job down there that pays well. Part of it is because of E-Verify, it's a lot harder to fake an ID to get a job.

So most of our Illegal "problem" stems not from people sneaking under a fence, it stems from people coming here on legit visas, and then not going home when those visas expire.
The simplest solution would be to send the military down to patrol the border

Well, besides the fact that violates federal law, the reality is, the military isn't trained for that.

Here's how you solve the illegal problem. It's really kind of interesting.

Go after the people who hire them.

Confiscate their factories and farms if they have illegals on site.. Detain their kids if they are found on the playground with Lupe who is just like a member of the family and wow, she doesn't have her papers? Pull over that asshole with an SUV full of day-laborers in front of the Home Depot who just discovered his DIY project wasn't as easy as Chip and Joanna made it look.

True, we'd do a huge amount of damage to the economy because undocumented labor is the grease that makes it run, but if you are feeling REALLY vindictive and want to get to the cause of the problem, that's who you should go after.

Of course, it would involve going after white people... so we won't do that.
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It is simply inexcusable that the left violate federal law with their sanctuary cities. It is unforgivable that doing so results in the deaths of Americans. The simple solution to this problem is to hold the Democrats criminally liable for every crime committed by illegals in their sanctuary city. There should be two charges: one for the sanctuary city (which violates federal law) and one for the actual crime.

Illegal immigrant stabs California woman to death after 'sanctuary' laws protected suspect from ICE 9 times
Once the modern day Left places a group on their list of pet constituent oppressed victim classes, nothing matters.

They're more than happy to enable the worst behaviors of any group in that class, period, no matter what, end of discussion.
Once the modern day Left places a group on their list of pet constituent oppressed victim classes, nothing matters.

They're more than happy to enable the worst behaviors of any group in that class, period, no matter what, end of discussion.

yes, trying to escape war, crime and poverty and make a better life for your children is clearly the worst kind of behavior there is! What horrible behavior these people are engaging in, willing to do the awful jobs white people don't want to do in order to get their families out of squalor and violence. What truly awful people!
You do know that Europeans, Arabs and Jews hate Americans, right? And the more we meddle, the more they hate us. Not that they wouldn't hate us anyway. Why do we even bother with them anymore?
It’s not a popularity contest. I couldn’t care any less whether foreigners “like” us. I’m only interested in national security and doing the right thing (like removing Adolf Hitler’s long before they reach the level of Adolf Hitler).

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