Holder's Odd Defense


Gold Member
Oct 22, 2009
Yes, liars have to have such long memories. This administration is so corrupt that any defense of their arrogant power grabs and dishonest spin makes you as dirty as them.

Take a bath liberals your transparency is smelling~

Yet now, amid a media uproar, Mr. Holder's spinners are saying Justice never intended to prosecute Mr. Rosen. But if that's true, then the Department's warrant affidavit contained false claims about Mr. Rosen. Prosecutorial dishonesty is more common than it should be, but Justice officials don't usually cop to it as a way of defending an Attorney General. Should judges assume that the "probable cause" and "co-conspirator" claims in Justice's next warrant request are also a ruse?

Eric Holder AP Scandal: What the DOJ Was After
Yes, liars have to have such long memories. This administration is so corrupt that any defense of their arrogant power grabs and dishonest spin makes you as dirty as them.

Take a bath liberals your transparency is smelling~

Yet now, amid a media uproar, Mr. Holder's spinners are saying Justice never intended to prosecute Mr. Rosen. But if that's true, then the Department's warrant affidavit contained false claims about Mr. Rosen. Prosecutorial dishonesty is more common than it should be, but Justice officials don't usually cop to it as a way of defending an Attorney General. Should judges assume that the "probable cause" and "co-conspirator" claims in Justice's next warrant request are also a ruse?

Eric Holder AP Scandal: What the DOJ Was After

Not that I like doing it but, Holder et al had probable cause if it is legal to spy on reporters phone calls to catch who is feeding them info. And one can be a Co- Conspirator and not be charged.

The question is, IS it legal to tape Reporters and search through their phone records to catch a leak? If it is, then Holder did nothing wrong except not use a Judge and I am told even that is not illegal.

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