Holey Guacamoley, Biden Trash Talk Bites!


Always Faithful
Sep 28, 2018
Walker County, TX
I'm hearing on Foxnews on Neil Cavuto's
3 pm, cst, tv show that Biden is ticked off and denying that he accepted money from 3rd world countries.

Joe's also on an advertisement that his laundry list of errors are the characteristics of President Trump's first term. I have my view, but I'd rather hear yours. I can't deliver an internet address, but in an hour or so, Neil's show that is discussing Biden alleged crimes will be available on youtube.com.

What say you? Did Biden or didn't he extort money from foreign countries and domestic sources for 47 years? Thanks for your input, because this is a lot of anger between two candidates over this smoking gun.
I'm hearing on Foxnews on Neil Cavuto's
3 pm, cst, tv show that Biden is ticked off and denying that he accepted money from 3rd world countries.

Joe's also on an advertisement that his laundry list of errors are the characteristics of President Trump's first term. I have my view, but I'd rather hear yours. I can't deliver an internet address, but in an hour or so, Neil's show that is discussing Biden alleged crimes will be available on youtube.com.

What say you? Did Biden or didn't he extort money from foreign countries and domestic sources for 47 years? Thanks for your input, because this is a lot of anger between two candidates over this smoking gun.
Somewhere Joe McCarthy is smiling.
I'm hearing on Foxnews on Neil Cavuto's
3 pm, cst, tv show that Biden is ticked off and denying that he accepted money from 3rd world countries.

Joe's also on an advertisement that his laundry list of errors are the characteristics of President Trump's first term. I have my view, but I'd rather hear yours. I can't deliver an internet address, but in an hour or so, Neil's show that is discussing Biden alleged crimes will be available on youtube.com.

What say you? Did Biden or didn't he extort money from foreign countries and domestic sources for 47 years? Thanks for your input, because this is a lot of anger between two candidates over this smoking gun.
Biden's denials on accepting foreign payouts are about as empty as his claim that he "never spoke to my son about his foreign business dealings". If it sounds too ludicrous to be true..It probably isn't. There is mounting evidence that Joe not only knew about his family's lucrative foreign schemes, he was directly involved, he assisted and was financially compensated.
I'm hearing on Foxnews on Neil Cavuto's
3 pm, cst, tv show that Biden is ticked off and denying that he accepted money from 3rd world countries.

Joe's also on an advertisement that his laundry list of errors are the characteristics of President Trump's first term. I have my view, but I'd rather hear yours. I can't deliver an internet address, but in an hour or so, Neil's show that is discussing Biden alleged crimes will be available on youtube.com.

What say you? Did Biden or didn't he extort money from foreign countries and domestic sources for 47 years? Thanks for your input, because this is a lot of anger between two candidates over this smoking gun.
Somewhere Joe McCarthy is smiling.
Rings hollow as hell from the asswipes who are still screeching RUSSIA!
I'm hearing on Foxnews on Neil Cavuto's 3 pm, cst, tv show that Biden is ticked off

OH GOODIE! I want Joe SUPER ticked off with smoke coming out of his head when he walks out on the debate floor. He'll be sure to blow his DNC talking points. Hopefully he'll be carrying his brass knuckles and start warning Donald again that he doesn't "like it."

Maybe we should have gotten Jerry Springer to moderate it.

I'm hearing on Foxnews on Neil Cavuto's
3 pm, cst, tv show that Biden is ticked off and denying that he accepted money from 3rd world countries.

Joe's also on an advertisement that his laundry list of errors are the characteristics of President Trump's first term. I have my view, but I'd rather hear yours. I can't deliver an internet address, but in an hour or so, Neil's show that is discussing Biden alleged crimes will be available on youtube.com.

What say you? Did Biden or didn't he extort money from foreign countries and domestic sources for 47 years? Thanks for your input, because this is a lot of anger between two candidates over this smoking gun.
Somewhere Joe McCarthy is smiling.
He did warn us of people pushing communism, didn't he.
I'm hearing on Foxnews on Neil Cavuto's
3 pm, cst, tv show that Biden is ticked off and denying that he accepted money from 3rd world countries.

Joe's also on an advertisement that his laundry list of errors are the characteristics of President Trump's first term. I have my view, but I'd rather hear yours. I can't deliver an internet address, but in an hour or so, Neil's show that is discussing Biden alleged crimes will be available on youtube.com.

What say you? Did Biden or didn't he extort money from foreign countries and domestic sources for 47 years? Thanks for your input, because this is a lot of anger between two candidates over this smoking gun.
Biden's denials on accepting foreign payouts are about as empty as his claim that he "never spoke to my son about his foreign business dealings". If it sounds too ludicrous to be true..It probably isn't. There is mounting evidence that Joe not only knew about his family's lucrative foreign schemes, he was directly involved, he assisted and was financially compensated.
I'm hearing that on several sources on satellite tv out here in the beautiful piney woods.
I'm hearing on Foxnews on Neil Cavuto's
3 pm, cst, tv show that Biden is ticked off and denying that he accepted money from 3rd world countries.

Joe's also on an advertisement that his laundry list of errors are the characteristics of President Trump's first term. I have my view, but I'd rather hear yours. I can't deliver an internet address, but in an hour or so, Neil's show that is discussing Biden alleged crimes will be available on youtube.com.

What say you? Did Biden or didn't he extort money from foreign countries and domestic sources for 47 years? Thanks for your input, because this is a lot of anger between two candidates over this smoking gun.
Somewhere Joe McCarthy is smiling.
He did warn us of people pushing communism, didn't he.
And as it turns out -- he was right.
I'm hearing on Foxnews on Neil Cavuto's 3 pm, cst, tv show that Biden is ticked off

OH GOODIE! I want Joe SUPER ticked off with smoke coming out of his head when he walks out on the debate floor. He'll be sure to blow his DNC talking points. Hopefully he'll be carrying his brass knuckles and start warning Donald again that he doesn't "like it."

Maybe we should have gotten Jerry Springer to moderate it.

View attachment 405227
Well, we will find out whether Jerry Springer should have been called in to replace another two-against-one scheming Demmie cockfighting shemale er, I meant lady sufficed.
How many times do we have to listen to Biden scream "liar" at the Donald who's been entrapped telling the truth 100% of the time?

Or will halos be given to each debater for not punching each other in the schnahzollah? I'd like to know now!
I'm hearing on Foxnews on Neil Cavuto's 3 pm, cst, tv show that Biden is ticked off

OH GOODIE! I want Joe SUPER ticked off with smoke coming out of his head when he walks out on the debate floor. He'll be sure to blow his DNC talking points. Hopefully he'll be carrying his brass knuckles and start warning Donald again that he doesn't "like it."

Maybe we should have gotten Jerry Springer to moderate it.

View attachment 405227
Well, we will find out whether Jerry Springer should have been called in to replace another two-against-one scheming Demmie cockfighting shemale er, I meant lady sufficed.
How many times do we have to listen to Biden scream "liar" at the Donald who's been entrapped telling the truth 100% of the time?

Or will halos be given to each debater for not punching each other in the schnahzollah? I'd like to know now!

I prefer the idea of having experts in politics, history, government, statistics and facts as mods rather than Liberal TV talk hosts who fact check as the candidates go along, and if they lie or refuse to admit or deny a correction, get a severe electric shock.

Every time you're caught lying, the shock gets worse.

I'm hearing on Foxnews on Neil Cavuto's
3 pm, cst, tv show that Biden is ticked off and denying that he accepted money from 3rd world countries.

Joe's also on an advertisement that his laundry list of errors are the characteristics of President Trump's first term. I have my view, but I'd rather hear yours. I can't deliver an internet address, but in an hour or so, Neil's show that is discussing Biden alleged crimes will be available on youtube.com.

What say you? Did Biden or didn't he extort money from foreign countries and domestic sources for 47 years? Thanks for your input, because this is a lot of anger between two candidates over this smoking gun.

Of course I sold access to my Vice Presidency, America is just an idea anyway, like Antifa, so America is like Antifa c'mon man!
I'm hearing on Foxnews on Neil Cavuto's
3 pm, cst, tv show that Biden is ticked off and denying that he accepted money from 3rd world countries.

Joe's also on an advertisement that his laundry list of errors are the characteristics of President Trump's first term. I have my view, but I'd rather hear yours. I can't deliver an internet address, but in an hour or so, Neil's show that is discussing Biden alleged crimes will be available on youtube.com.

What say you? Did Biden or didn't he extort money from foreign countries and domestic sources for 47 years? Thanks for your input, because this is a lot of anger between two candidates over this smoking gun.
Somewhere Joe McCarthy is smiling.
He did warn us of people pushing communism, didn't he.
And as it turns out -- he was right.
I've read the story of McCarthy before all the surrounding facts were rewritten, and my conclusion about him was confusion over how could so many condemn him when he (1) Told the truth and (2) Was consistently correct about what communists do when given full and total power. Yet the press not only marginalized him, they scorched the earth he walked on.
Wow Tony Bobulinski is producing phone, email and written documents showing that Joe Biden communicated with Hunter Biden on foxnews on Lou Dobbs Tonight. Wow. It is startling and corroborates Rudy Guiliani's gleanings from Hunter Biden,s found harddrive that tells all.

Rudy is upset because Joe Biden dragged his drug problem son into the sinister world of bribery (extortion). Calls him a bad father. Rudy's not happy.

/Lou Dobbs looks shocked. :(
I'm hearing on Foxnews on Neil Cavuto's
3 pm, cst, tv show that Biden is ticked off and denying that he accepted money from 3rd world countries.

Joe's also on an advertisement that his laundry list of errors are the characteristics of President Trump's first term. I have my view, but I'd rather hear yours. I can't deliver an internet address, but in an hour or so, Neil's show that is discussing Biden alleged crimes will be available on youtube.com.

What say you? Did Biden or didn't he extort money from foreign countries and domestic sources for 47 years? Thanks for your input, because this is a lot of anger between two candidates over this smoking gun.
Somewhere Joe McCarthy is smiling.
He did warn us of people pushing communism, didn't he.
And as it turns out -- he was right.
I've read the story of McCarthy before all the surrounding facts were rewritten, and my conclusion about him was confusion over how could so many condemn him when he (1) Told the truth and (2) Was consistently correct about what communists do when given full and total power. Yet the press not only marginalized him, they scorched the earth he walked on.
And odd how every political opponet of his was a commie sympathizer. Back then if you got on the wring side of the conservatives you were automatically branded a commie sympathizer. That's what people came to realize and helped bring down McCarthy and the right wing 'purge'. Now the right wingers are just fine with communism since their boy Trump feels they are 'fine people'...my how times have changed.
I'm hearing on Foxnews on Neil Cavuto's
3 pm, cst, tv show that Biden is ticked off and denying that he accepted money from 3rd world countries.

Joe's also on an advertisement that his laundry list of errors are the characteristics of President Trump's first term. I have my view, but I'd rather hear yours. I can't deliver an internet address, but in an hour or so, Neil's show that is discussing Biden alleged crimes will be available on youtube.com.

What say you? Did Biden or didn't he extort money from foreign countries and domestic sources for 47 years? Thanks for your input, because this is a lot of anger between two candidates over this smoking gun.
Somewhere Joe McCarthy is smiling.
He did warn us of people pushing communism, didn't he.
And as it turns out -- he was right.
I've read the story of McCarthy before all the surrounding facts were rewritten, and my conclusion about him was confusion over how could so many condemn him when he (1) Told the truth and (2) Was consistently correct about what communists do when given full and total power. Yet the press not only marginalized him, they scorched the earth he walked on.
Because the press then, as now, sided with the Communists.
I'm hearing on Foxnews on Neil Cavuto's
3 pm, cst, tv show that Biden is ticked off and denying that he accepted money from 3rd world countries.

Joe's also on an advertisement that his laundry list of errors are the characteristics of President Trump's first term. I have my view, but I'd rather hear yours. I can't deliver an internet address, but in an hour or so, Neil's show that is discussing Biden alleged crimes will be available on youtube.com.

What say you? Did Biden or didn't he extort money from foreign countries and domestic sources for 47 years? Thanks for your input, because this is a lot of anger between two candidates over this smoking gun.
Somewhere Joe McCarthy is smiling.
He did warn us of people pushing communism, didn't he.
And as it turns out -- he was right.
I've read the story of McCarthy before all the surrounding facts were rewritten, and my conclusion about him was confusion over how could so many condemn him when he (1) Told the truth and (2) Was consistently correct about what communists do when given full and total power. Yet the press not only marginalized him, they scorched the earth he walked on.
And odd how every political opponet of his was a commie sympathizer. Back then if you got on the wring side of the conservatives you were automatically branded a commie sympathizer. That's what people came to realize and helped bring down McCarthy and the right wing 'purge'. Now the right wingers are just fine with communism since their boy Trump feels they are 'fine people'...my how times have changed.
Yes, that's all the re-written history beautress was talking about. You've regurgitated your programming well.
The hunter biden stuff is not going to change people's minds. Protecting great american programs like social security medicare and medicaid will. Healthcare is vital. High paying jobs, not $15 per hour jobs. Those are election winning things.
The hunter biden stuff is not going to change people's minds. Protecting great american programs like social security medicare and medicaid will. Healthcare is vital. High paying jobs, not $15 per hour jobs. Those are election winning things.
The Hunter Biden stuff will not appeal to about 100% of America's cops and community people who support having a strong police force in their neighborhoods. The truly, truly bad thing about the Biden saga is that it's all too true. You just can't sell 80% of American voters on something for nothing to the pragmatic America people that we are and have been since 1776. The founders gave us wings.


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