Hollywood asks California to cut taxes — for the film industry

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Hypocrisy on parade

You know things are bad when Hollywood liberals are asking California for a tax break.

Film Works, an entertainment-industry advocate organization, recently launched an online petition asking California’s film and TV enthusiasts to lobby lawmakers to create greater incentives for production to stay within state borders.

While operating costs in California have grown more expensive over the past decade, other states and countries have established film tax credits in an effort to bring production to their territory.

Hollywood asks California to cut taxes for the film industry | The Daily Caller

So the big leftist tax the rich supporters in Hollywood have admitted that lower levels of taxation are actually good for economic growth and too high levels cause stagnation. Imagine that.
What's it going to be Hollywood?
Bigger Government means more taxes.
Now they are asking for less?
Can't have it both ways libs.
The film industry has been aggressively pursuing tax credits all over the country and in other countries as well. They are already able to largely avoid paying taxes themselves (because they have good accountants). Instead they fight for tax credits that they can sell to other industries.

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