Hollywood Blasts Gun Violence, Yet 'Black Panther' Features 163 Shootings

Then you should keep reading Doc until you get to the ones that support what I say. Who knows, you might even come across one of the ones I wrote myself on Applied Psychology. It isn't just violence in movies and on-line games. It is violence in the homes, and that doesn't even need to be physical violence, but merely emotional, then there is the violence in the world, most ESPECIALLY the violence in the schools, perpetrated on children by the schools themselves. I have about a HUNDRED articles on it I can send you! The school gets away with it under the euphemism: "Zero-Tolerance."

There has been no legit studies that show that violence in media correlates to real violence.

How about you post something that proves otherwise?

Why do you chose to read only what you choose to read instead of what was actually there?

I asked you to provide proof to the contrary. I'm writing a paper this semester about crimes that people ADMIT they were influenced by something in Pop culture, HOWEVER those people have underlying issues of mental illness and are the exception not the norm. If you do research into the issue you will find not a single study has found a correlation. Do you think if one was found that we wouldn't have stricter guidelines placed on the media??? During the 1980's Conservatives in Congress wanted the video game industry reigned in for the amount of violence they had in their games... because the Conservatives thought it was making kids be more violent.

I'm sure if you get off your lazy ass and go look, you will find many things on the web showing connections between the many aspects of violence in our society and the influence it has on behavior! That is, unless the topic is on Google's list of topics to be filtered. I mean, otherwise, what are you claiming as you try to "write your paper," that environment has no effect on attitudes and behavior? From time immortal it has been understood and shown that we are a composite of TWO THINGS:
1). Heredity.
2). Environment.

Only on this jacked-off forum would I now have to defend that. Every creature in the animal kingdom (and maybe some plants) are conditioned by their environment. Maybe you should try reading some of the work of Ivan Pavlov. I bet that if you were to do a study of school kids, you would find a correlation of changed attitudes and fear towards firearms from all the school violence, gun-drills and student disciplines and suspensions from saying "gun," drawing guns, going 'bang-bang' with their finger, etc. THAT'S ENVIRONMENT, SON. If I tell you to pick something up and everytime you do, you get burned or shocked, very quickly your attitude towards picking it up again will change! THAT IS ENVIRONMENT!

As to studies and conclusions, studies on climate are politically motivated, studies on food additives are politically motivated (enjoying that MSG in your food? It was banned in 1970 as a carcinogen but put back in after food companies said removing it would put them out of business). There is BIG MONEY in food, climate studies, video games, television, social behavior and many other things. Politics has crept into almost every venue now just as Hillary and others were "let off the hook" because the embarrassment to the FBI and DOJ were deemed too great to reveal that we had a treasonous bitch who had undermined her own country for financial gain was actually running to be president now! I mean, who would have thought that anyone could look WORSE compared to Barry Obama! But if you really think violence (in its many forms) in a dozen different aspects of our culture has no effect on the attitudes, behavior or actions of some children, you go right on writing that paper of yours, and it won't be worth the paper it was written on.

Holy shit... we are talking about violence IN MEDIA, FICTIONAL VIOLENCE... not violence the person witnesses in REAL LIFE.

Are you really too dumb to understand the difference?

Apparently not as DUMB as you are in not being able to read my original statements that violence in media is but ONE of MANY environmental pressures. Quit trying to change or narrow the topic. You need to look at the WHOLE to get any sort of legitimate conclusion; isolating ONE THING and saying you cannot find a correlation is MEANINGLESS because that one thing is not isolated out in the real world. That would be akin to studying a germ in a vacuum and saying you can find no harm in it, therefore it is safe on the human body.
More proof that gun control has nothing to do with saving lives.

Nonsense. How can banning assault rifles NOT save lives?

Liberals are freedom-hating fascists and want a central govt running everything .

No we're not. It only looks that way when you have your head up Rush Limbaughs ass and take as gospel the rightwing media echo chamber crap you soak up.

Only an armed citizenry can stop them and they know it.


You do know liberals have passed state laws banning assault weapons in their states don’t you? And without firing a shot. What? The rightwing weasel echo chamber keeping you in the dark and dumbed down about that too?

Let me help you out here.

It’s called GOOGLE and all you have to do is type in “States that have banned assault weapons.”


There has been no legit studies that show that violence in media correlates to real violence.

How about you post something that proves otherwise?

Why do you chose to read only what you choose to read instead of what was actually there?

I asked you to provide proof to the contrary. I'm writing a paper this semester about crimes that people ADMIT they were influenced by something in Pop culture, HOWEVER those people have underlying issues of mental illness and are the exception not the norm. If you do research into the issue you will find not a single study has found a correlation. Do you think if one was found that we wouldn't have stricter guidelines placed on the media??? During the 1980's Conservatives in Congress wanted the video game industry reigned in for the amount of violence they had in their games... because the Conservatives thought it was making kids be more violent.

I'm sure if you get off your lazy ass and go look, you will find many things on the web showing connections between the many aspects of violence in our society and the influence it has on behavior! That is, unless the topic is on Google's list of topics to be filtered. I mean, otherwise, what are you claiming as you try to "write your paper," that environment has no effect on attitudes and behavior? From time immortal it has been understood and shown that we are a composite of TWO THINGS:
1). Heredity.
2). Environment.

Only on this jacked-off forum would I now have to defend that. Every creature in the animal kingdom (and maybe some plants) are conditioned by their environment. Maybe you should try reading some of the work of Ivan Pavlov. I bet that if you were to do a study of school kids, you would find a correlation of changed attitudes and fear towards firearms from all the school violence, gun-drills and student disciplines and suspensions from saying "gun," drawing guns, going 'bang-bang' with their finger, etc. THAT'S ENVIRONMENT, SON. If I tell you to pick something up and everytime you do, you get burned or shocked, very quickly your attitude towards picking it up again will change! THAT IS ENVIRONMENT!

As to studies and conclusions, studies on climate are politically motivated, studies on food additives are politically motivated (enjoying that MSG in your food? It was banned in 1970 as a carcinogen but put back in after food companies said removing it would put them out of business). There is BIG MONEY in food, climate studies, video games, television, social behavior and many other things. Politics has crept into almost every venue now just as Hillary and others were "let off the hook" because the embarrassment to the FBI and DOJ were deemed too great to reveal that we had a treasonous bitch who had undermined her own country for financial gain was actually running to be president now! I mean, who would have thought that anyone could look WORSE compared to Barry Obama! But if you really think violence (in its many forms) in a dozen different aspects of our culture has no effect on the attitudes, behavior or actions of some children, you go right on writing that paper of yours, and it won't be worth the paper it was written on.

Holy shit... we are talking about violence IN MEDIA, FICTIONAL VIOLENCE... not violence the person witnesses in REAL LIFE.

Are you really too dumb to understand the difference?

Apparently not as DUMB as you are in not being able to read my original statements that violence in media is but ONE of MANY environmental pressures. Quit trying to change or narrow the topic. You need to look at the WHOLE to get any sort of legitimate conclusion; isolating ONE THING and saying you cannot find a correlation is MEANINGLESS because that one thing is not isolated out in the real world. That would be akin to studying a germ in a vacuum and saying you can find no harm in it, therefore it is safe on the human body.

Wrong... wrong... wrong...

You are trying to equate a kid growing up in the hood surrounded by gang bangers to a kid sitting at home playing Grand Theft Auto. It's not the same. MOST humans can differentiate the difference between FICTIONAL violence and REAL violence.

I guess maybe you can't. Hopefully your parents were strict enough not to let you watch violent movies and playing gory video games. :backpedal:

I'm really surprised you went the old school route of criminological theory based on genetics. What's next? You going to pull phrenology out of your hat?
Liberals will never accept the proliferation of visual violence, and the diminishment if it's lethal consequences thereof, as causal
Liberals will never accept the proliferation of visual violence, and the diminishment if it's lethal consequences thereof, as causal

And conservatives will never accept the proliferation of Russian ads that swayed their “thinking” in the last presidential election that got an idiot elected and it’s consequence to our republic.

Liberals will never accept the proliferation of visual violence, and the diminishment if it's lethal consequences thereof, as causal

And conservatives will never accept the proliferation of Russian ads that swayed their “thinking” in the last presidential election that got an idiot elected and it’s consequence to our republic.

Being rebuked by a "Russians" nut over youth violence smells like Victory
MOST humans can differentiate the difference between FICTIONAL violence and REAL violence.

You finally got one thing right. MOST students can. All it takes is the very few who cannot. And when I see someone disingenuously trying to spin my words out of context just to win an argument I know when my time is being wasted and best to move on.
Going to the arcade to play Space invaders is vastly different than being home alone working your way through ghoulish video games for 4 consecutive hours most every day. You end uplike the guy who takes 4 hour showers everyday-weird with a propensity toward damaging actions
Liberals will never accept the proliferation of visual violence, and the diminishment if it's lethal consequences thereof, as causal

And conservatives will never accept the proliferation of Russian ads that swayed their “thinking” in the last presidential election that got an idiot elected and it’s consequence to our republic.

Being rebuked by a "Russians" nut over youth violence smells like Victory

I’m sure you feel that way until you can learn we can both decrease gun violence and protect our republic..... if only we didn’t have a bullshit spewing idiot as a president.

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MOST humans can differentiate the difference between FICTIONAL violence and REAL violence.

You finally got one thing right. MOST students can. All it takes is the very few who cannot. And when I see someone disingenuously trying to spin my words out of context just to win an argument I know when my time is being wasted and best to move on.

The few that can not don't do so because of the fictional violence, they do so because of mental illness. The mental illness would have been triggered by something else no matter what.
Why is it so hard for you guys to tell the difference between fiction and reality?

The Left Wingers banned vintage cartoons because they think that they are too violent

You're the second person to make this claim, without providing any evidence of it.

I guess you don't remember either the Three Stooges being taken off the air because they were thought too violent for the kids. I personally don't agree with that, but still, it happened.
Why is it so hard for you guys to tell the difference between fiction and reality?

I agree with the OP's premise. It seems entirely hypocritical to make a living selling extreme violence and but also stand for more gun control. Practice what you preach.
Then you should keep reading Doc until you get to the ones that support what I say. Who knows, you might even come across one of the ones I wrote myself on Applied Psychology. It isn't just violence in movies and on-line games. It is violence in the homes, and that doesn't even need to be physical violence, but merely emotional, then there is the violence in the world, most ESPECIALLY the violence in the schools, perpetrated on children by the schools themselves. I have about a HUNDRED articles on it I can send you! The school gets away with it under the euphemism: "Zero-Tolerance."

There has been no legit studies that show that violence in media correlates to real violence.

How about you post something that proves otherwise?

Why do you chose to read only what you choose to read instead of what was actually there?

I asked you to provide proof to the contrary. I'm writing a paper this semester about crimes that people ADMIT they were influenced by something in Pop culture, HOWEVER those people have underlying issues of mental illness and are the exception not the norm. If you do research into the issue you will find not a single study has found a correlation. Do you think if one was found that we wouldn't have stricter guidelines placed on the media??? During the 1980's Conservatives in Congress wanted the video game industry reigned in for the amount of violence they had in their games... because the Conservatives thought it was making kids be more violent.

I'm sure if you get off your lazy ass and go look, you will find many things on the web showing connections between the many aspects of violence in our society and the influence it has on behavior! That is, unless the topic is on Google's list of topics to be filtered. I mean, otherwise, what are you claiming as you try to "write your paper," that environment has no effect on attitudes and behavior? From time immortal it has been understood and shown that we are a composite of TWO THINGS:
1). Heredity.
2). Environment.

Only on this jacked-off forum would I now have to defend that. Every creature in the animal kingdom (and maybe some plants) are conditioned by their environment. Maybe you should try reading some of the work of Ivan Pavlov. I bet that if you were to do a study of school kids, you would find a correlation of changed attitudes and fear towards firearms from all the school violence, gun-drills and student disciplines and suspensions from saying "gun," drawing guns, going 'bang-bang' with their finger, etc. THAT'S ENVIRONMENT, SON. If I tell you to pick something up and everytime you do, you get burned or shocked, very quickly your attitude towards picking it up again will change! THAT IS ENVIRONMENT!

As to studies and conclusions, studies on climate are politically motivated, studies on food additives are politically motivated (enjoying that MSG in your food? It was banned in 1970 as a carcinogen but put back in after food companies said removing it would put them out of business). There is BIG MONEY in food, climate studies, video games, television, social behavior and many other things. Politics has crept into almost every venue now just as Hillary and others were "let off the hook" because the embarrassment to the FBI and DOJ were deemed too great to reveal that we had a treasonous bitch who had undermined her own country for financial gain was actually running to be president now! I mean, who would have thought that anyone could look WORSE compared to Barry Obama! But if you really think violence (in its many forms) in a dozen different aspects of our culture has no effect on the attitudes, behavior or actions of some children, you go right on writing that paper of yours, and it won't be worth the paper it was written on.

Holy shit... we are talking about violence IN MEDIA, FICTIONAL VIOLENCE... not violence the person witnesses in REAL LIFE.

Are you really too dumb to understand the difference?
Liberals will never accept the proliferation of visual violence, and the diminishment if it's lethal consequences thereof, as causal

And conservatives will never accept the proliferation of Russian ads that swayed their “thinking” in the last presidential election that got an idiot elected and it’s consequence to our republic.


If they were there, I never saw them! And if they were there, they were but a tiny portion in a very limited space mixed in with ads from 50 other sources domestic and otherwise, ALL trying to sway my vote. NOTHING was going to sway me to pull a lever for Hillary.
Black Panther was about a man Weak Whytes took their wives to cuck?

You liked the love gun scene, for sure.

I kid! I kid!
MOST humans can differentiate the difference between FICTIONAL violence and REAL violence.

You finally got one thing right. MOST students can. All it takes is the very few who cannot. And when I see someone disingenuously trying to spin my words out of context just to win an argument I know when my time is being wasted and best to move on.

The few that can not don't do so because of the fictional violence, they do so because of mental illness. The mental illness would have been triggered by something else no matter what.

ALL violence can be reasoned to be a state of mental illness! The question is what triggers it. AS I will now show, just as you are claiming banning guns MUST save lives, I am pointing out that the many forms of institutionalized violence now woven all through our culture is but several more forms of triggers just looking for the right person to set off! So, claims that people don't go off crazy triggered by media, television, internet and games to do violence, and that no study has ever found a connection and have proven there is no connection, IS PLAIN BULL. They should fire the people doing the studies.
There have been more studies on media violence and how it correlates to real violence than you can imagine... and guess what the results are? NONE have shown a real correlation between the two.

FACTS say that violence in FICTIONAL media does not promote real life violence. That's FACTS...

Holy shit... we are talking about violence IN MEDIA, FICTIONAL VIOLENCE... not violence the person witnesses in REAL LIFE. Are you really too dumb to understand the difference?

I've read quite a few peer-reviewed psychology articles that explicitly disprove your point. But I'm sure it's comforting to have something to blame.

So, there have been all these studies and none of them show a connection between media, television, games, and entertainment, and people actually committing violent acts? The FACTS say fictional media do not promote real life violence? All the peer-reviewed articles disprove any connection between games and real violence?


Oh how easy it is to prove you people wrong! I was flipping through the channels last night and caught this news story of something that just happened, and surprise of prises, it was about a guy who shook a 5 month old baby (his baby) to death until HER BRAIN BLED. and over what?


His words, not mine. Now of course the guy was nutzo, but that's not the point. The world is FILLED with people on the edge that just need the right trigger to go off and KILL, and here, just a few days after this thread and not even looking for it, just such a case falls right into my lap! So all of your peer-reviewed psychiology articles, off-hand, I'd say aren't worth the paper they were written on. I found the story online.

Coatesville father admits killing baby over video games: DA

If anyone here really believes that all the violence in our world today coming from every direction, fictional or otherwise, does not put ideas in some people's heads or otherwise can lead to other, worse things, even contribute to some of these events at schools, I would submit that you have snot bubbles for brains.
MOST humans can differentiate the difference between FICTIONAL violence and REAL violence.

You finally got one thing right. MOST students can. All it takes is the very few who cannot. And when I see someone disingenuously trying to spin my words out of context just to win an argument I know when my time is being wasted and best to move on.

The few that can not don't do so because of the fictional violence, they do so because of mental illness. The mental illness would have been triggered by something else no matter what.

ALL violence can be reasoned to be a state of mental illness! The question is what triggers it. AS I will now show, just as you are claiming banning guns MUST save lives, I am pointing out that the many forms of institutionalized violence now woven all through our culture is but several more forms of triggers just looking for the right person to set off! So, claims that people don't go off crazy triggered by media, television, internet and games to do violence, and that no study has ever found a connection and have proven there is no connection, IS PLAIN BULL. They should fire the people doing the studies.

Nothing is more enjoyable than watching someone argue a point they obviously have ZERO clues about.

There has been absolutely, positively, NO positive link between media violence and REAL violence. NONE. Zilch. NADDA.

You've been asked to show ONE legit study showing it, and you haven't, but instead felt compelled to argue your point for several pages.

Do you have any idea how long people have been trying to study this to prove it? Yet they can't. That should tell you something.
There have been more studies on media violence and how it correlates to real violence than you can imagine... and guess what the results are? NONE have shown a real correlation between the two.

FACTS say that violence in FICTIONAL media does not promote real life violence. That's FACTS...

Holy shit... we are talking about violence IN MEDIA, FICTIONAL VIOLENCE... not violence the person witnesses in REAL LIFE. Are you really too dumb to understand the difference?

I've read quite a few peer-reviewed psychology articles that explicitly disprove your point. But I'm sure it's comforting to have something to blame.

So, there have been all these studies and none of them show a connection between media, television, games, and entertainment, and people actually committing violent acts? The FACTS say fictional media do not promote real life violence? All the peer-reviewed articles disprove any connection between games and real violence?


Oh how easy it is to prove you people wrong! I was flipping through the channels last night and caught this news story of something that just happened, and surprise of prises, it was about a guy who shook a 5 month old baby (his baby) to death until HER BRAIN BLED. and over what?


His words, not mine. Now of course the guy was nutzo, but that's not the point. The world is FILLED with people on the edge that just need the right trigger to go off and KILL, and here, just a few days after this thread and not even looking for it, just such a case falls right into my lap! So all of your peer-reviewed psychiology articles, off-hand, I'd say aren't worth the paper they were written on. I found the story online.

Coatesville father admits killing baby over video games: DA

If anyone here really believes that all the violence in our world today coming from every direction, fictional or otherwise, does not put ideas in some people's heads or otherwise can lead to other, worse things, even contribute to some of these events at schools, I would submit that you have snot bubbles for brains.

You really don't understand science if you think showing one example, or even a handful of examples proves a theory. I'm sure glad you are more of a Google expert than one who has the influence to change laws.

For every example you give like the one above, there are thousands, or tens of thousands, or hundreds of thousands of people who play violent video games and don't kill their kid.

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