Hollywood Is Taking Beating At Box Office

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Heavens to Betsy, boys! You sound just like my two girls! Now, go to your rooms and don't come out until you have five nice things to say to each other! ;)
mom4 said:
Heavens to Betsy, boys! You sound just like my two girls! Now, go to your rooms and don't come out until you have five nice things to say to each other! ;)
But mom, he started it! :)

Let's see:

1. He's got a sweet bike
2. He's got an awesome tv
3. He has a serious appreciation for sound quality and equipment that is impressive
4. He backs many of his posts up with sources
5. He's quite protective and loyal to those who he chooses to be so for

Can I come out of my room now? :beer:
The ClayTaurus said:
But mom, he started it! :)

Let's see:

1. He's got a sweet bike
2. He's got an awesome tv

3. He has a serious appreciation for sound quality and equipment that is impressive
4. He backs many of his posts up with sources
5. He's quite protective and loyal to those who he chooses to be so for

Can I come out of my room now? :beer:
According to the rules, the first two don't count. It has to be something nice about his person, not about the things he has.

But I give you credit for trying. So yes, you can come out of your room now!
mom4 said:
According to the rules, the first two don't count. It has to be something nice about his person, not about the things he has.

But I give you credit for trying. So yes, you can come out of your room now!

1. He has a serious appreciation of motorcycles
2. He has a serious appreciation of televisions

:) *Runs off and plays in the sandbox*
mom4 said:
Heavens to Betsy, boys! You sound just like my two girls! Now, go to your rooms and don't come out until you have five nice things to say to each other! ;)

You're a little late mom. I was through with his lying, twisting and spinning to try and make himself look the victim after my last post. He's on ignore now.
Pale Rider said:
You're a little late mom. I was through with his lying, twisting and spinning to try and make himself look the victim after my last post. He's on ignore now.
Oh, that's too bad. He DID come up with five nice things about you. And he's playing nicely in the sandbox now. ;)
mom4 said:
Oh, that's too bad. He DID come up with five nice things about you. And he's playing nicely in the sandbox now. ;)

The sand box is a good place for him.
Pale Rider said:
Thanks for the back up LRP, and you know it, I know it, and Clay knows it. But Clay is one of those liberals that will argue a point to death, even knowing they're wrong, just for the sake of an argument. As if they don't realize everyone can see right through the bullshit. It's a liberal trait. No common sense.

I've called him on it before, and he know's I know he does it. I think at this point, EVERYBODY knows it now.

I find clay liberal on some issues, and conservative on others. We are all like that to a point, but I think he is more middle road than most of us. But I also think that is just because he doesnt have enough life experiences yet, before he goes more conservative, or delusional and liberal.
The ClayTaurus said:
Gramatically, it does not. But there are plenty of examples in English where being grammatically correct is confusing. I will admit it could easily be read the way it was. My point was, I was not directly referring to him intentionally.

Honestly, if I was, I would just say so. Like I give a shit if he thinks that I think he hates Hollywood...

What I believe is you didnt intend for it to mean PR, but the way it was worded, it sounds to any person not emotionally involved, that it meant ONLY PR.
Stephanie said:
But the idea is dawning on the little minds of Hollywood that maybe the great gullible moviegoing public is fed up with junk -- the endless car chases, the mechanical sex, the gore and guts, the mindless plots and maybe even the relentless sneering at red-state values. Hollywood has forgotten how to tell a story, or to recognize one. One screenwriter who must remain anonymous so he can continue to lunch in this town says that's why there are so many remakes.

That quote right there from the article, bout sums up my feeling's on the movie industry. Also, I'm tired of listening to these silly simple minded people preach to me, who think they know it all when it come's to politics and morality and the way of the world(they don't have a clue how the average American lives and thinks). And that I really give a rat's...., and who think that their poo poo doesn't stink.. And to top it off they believe I'm going to pay them for all of the above. :cuckoo: :laugh:

IN response, and to Adams Apples post, I tread lightly on these types of ideas.

I have a saying,If you dont ever want to be wrong, then dont talk about an issue unless you are absolutely 100% sure of what you are talking about. Not that I always follow that rule, but often I try.

One thing about movies is that our response to them is partially dictated by how many other movies we have seen. Those who are younger and seen not so many movies, will still enjoy the car scenes etc. etc. I remember my step dad talking about the "boring" parts of movies, but I found them anything but.

Now I agree with him :)

There is also the problem that its harder and harder to come up with original stuff. Its not hollywoods fault, thats just the way it goes. Plus the industry is so huge now, that specific genres can generate revenues. So, a movie might be made to appeal to a certain group of people, and you might just happen to watch that movie and not like it cuz it wasnt intended to be made for your viewing.

Worse movie I ever saw was Eraserhead. But the guys at the video rental store loved it. What the hell do they know, they are only 22
LuvRPgrl said:
...Worse movie I ever saw was Eraserhead. But the guys at the video rental store loved it. What the hell do they know, they are only 22

I have to agree with you on both points, Adam. It was more of a non-stop hallucination than a movie.
LuvRPgrl said:
What I believe is you didnt intend for it to mean PR, but the way it was worded, it sounds to any person not emotionally involved, that it meant ONLY PR.
And I would agree with you. I would only add that it's technically accurate, although understandably misleading. It's so easy to discuss such things when people take a deep breath. Thank you.
LuvRPgrl said:
What I believe is you didnt intend for it to mean PR, but the way it was worded, it sounds to any person not emotionally involved, that it meant ONLY PR.

What I believe is that he was talking directly to me, while trying to make his other inferences to include everyone else.
LuvRPgrl said:
There is also the problem that its harder and harder to come up with original stuff. Its not hollywoods fault, thats just the way it goes. Plus the industry is so huge now, that specific genres can generate revenues. So, a movie might be made to appeal to a certain group of people, and you might just happen to watch that movie and not like it cuz it wasnt intended to be made for your viewing.

I don't think hollywood is trying very hard. Because it isn't "new" things that I think they need to come up with. It's just a "good story". Everybody likes a "good story". But good stories don't further the liberal agenda. As a matter of fact, a good story would probably promote "conservative values", and hollywood sure the hell doesn't want that. So their dilemma. Keep pumping out trash like barebutt mountain and go broke, or actually make a movie that the majority might pay to see, and survive.
LuvRPgrl said:
I find clay liberal on some issues, and conservative on others.

Not to be contrary LRP, but pray tell, what was clay conservative on?

LuvRPgrl said:
We are all like that to a point,

I'm not. I stick to my conservative values, and don't deviate.

LuvRPgrl said:
but I think he is more middle road than most of us.

I respectfully disagree with that LRP. I think he's a liberal just trying to fit in here on this conservative board.

LuvRPgrl said:
But I also think that is just because he doesnt have enough life experiences yet, before he goes more conservative, or delusional and liberal.

I do agree with that. His immaturity is blatant. And turn conservative? We'll see...

And before you waste your breath responding clay, just remember, I DO have you on ignore. I won't see it.
Pale Rider said:
Not to be contrary LRP, but pray tell, what was clay conservative on?

I'm not. I stick to my conservative values, and don't deviate.

I respectfully disagree with that LRP. I think he's a liberal just trying to fit in here on this conservative board.

I do agree with that. His immaturity is blatant. And turn conservative? We'll see...

And before you waste your breath responding clay, just remember, I DO have you on ignore. I won't see it.
Note the technique: Pale puts me on ignore, then, when he trashes me, he ends by saying "Don't bother responding I have you on ignore!" It's his clever way of dishing it out without being able to take it back in. For a guy who runs around like testosterone is spraying from his nose, he sure is a sissy.
Pale Rider said:
Don't piss down my back and tell me it's rainin'. But, in the event that you do, I'm going to just ignore you. Sure, I'll end up covered in piss, but that's not the point.
And before you waste your breath responding pale, just remember, you DO have me on ignore. You won't see it.
The ClayTaurus said:
Note the technique: Pale puts me on ignore, then, when he trashes me, he ends by saying "Don't bother responding I have you on ignore!" It's his clever way of dishing it out without being able to take it back in. For a guy who runs around like testosterone is spraying from his nose, he sure is a sissy.And before you waste your breath responding pale, just remember, you DO have me on ignore. You won't see it.

Well, PR didnt invent the "ignore" function, nor decide how it works. If he responds to you off handidly through another poster, nothing wrong with that. Im sure he will wind up reading some of your stuff though, cuz others do quote you.

So, anyways clay, what issues do you fall on the conservative side on?

Personally, I have only put one person on ignore my entire life, even though some have suggested I put certain people on. But since this person is a moddy, and is trying to push my buttons and can ban me, and would LOVE to, I just cant respond to her/him anymore. Especiallly since it doesnt appear the rule that moddies should be held to a higher standard and are not allowed to flame posters AT ALL, is not being enforced.
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