Hollywood Is Taking Beating At Box Office

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rtwngAvngr said:
Yes. Actually it is. It's a lonely road, but someone has to walk it.
Well, you and Rush can hold hands as you walk down it.:gay:
rtwngAvngr said:
Is it frustrating having to shut the hell up about your actual beliefs? Don't you feel slimy being so two faced?
There's nothing to be frustrated about. Is it painful being such a puppet?
rtwngAvngr said:
It's ok. This is how boys play. These are pretend guns!
In reality, we like each other. We're like those grizzy bears that look like their fighting, but really aren't.

Ok well, RWA is more like a salmon, but you catch my drift.
The ClayTaurus said:
Well, you and Rush can hold hands as you walk down it.:gay:There's nothing to be frustrated about. Is it painful being such a puppet?

I got no strings to hold me down! You're the Haaaaahvad brainwashed, politically corrected, logically constricted, automaton.
rtwngAvngr said:
I got no strings to hold me down! You're the Haaaaahvad brainwashed, politically corrected, logically constricted, automaton.
I wouldn't worry about the strings, I'd worry about the hand up your ass ;) Now it all makes sense; you don't realize the type of puppet you are.
The ClayTaurus said:
I wouldn't worry about the strings, I'd worry about the hand up your ass ;) Now it all makes sense; you don't realize the type of puppet you are.

Okay you two just get a room already :puke: ;) :D
The ClayTaurus said:
I wouldn't worry about the strings, I'd worry about the hand up your ass ;) Now it all makes sense; you don't realize the type of puppet you are.

I'd rather be a puppet than a poop eat, like you. :salute:
rtwngAvngr said:
Neither should make you proud.
I was just curious which false accusation you were making. Does being a puppet make you proud? Or just prouder than a shit eater?
The ClayTaurus said:
Well, you and Rush can hold hands as you walk down it.:gay:There's nothing to be frustrated about. Is it painful being such a puppet?

He has your number hat head and that little comment on Rush reveals exactly what he is talking about. The fact that you don't understand that Rush's fans aren't worshipers or followers but merely relieved to finally find a radio personality that gives a voice to their own beliefs says everything about you. The puppet comment seals it, I listen to Rush almost everyday and I am definitely no puppet. My father, a WW2 and Korean War veteran with 29 years in the U. S. Air Force, provider for a family of 8 and married for 57 years, loved Rush like a son while he was alive. He loved Rush because even though he never served in the military, he had the utmost respect for those that did. He also loved him for the above reason, he gave a national voice to my dad and others like him at a time where there was none. It took awhile for him to talk me into listening to him because I was close minded (somewhat liberal but growing out of it) and cared more for the opinions of my idiot peers than my wise father. I give Rush Limbaugh credit for a huge revival of interest in politics and watching what politician do in millions of people and me. It was also our combined interest in his program that helped me become a friend to my father before he died. Because of this I take bullshit criticism of him very seriously especially from someone that is influenced by hip hop assholes. I do find that someone that immulates asswipes like rap and or hip hop(or whatever you call it this hour) stars is much more a puppet and certainly more pathetic. You need to check yourself , all the sheep are wearing their hats sideways now, they will consider you old school.
sitarro said:
He has your number hat head and that little comment on Rush reveals exactly what he is talking about. The fact that you don't understand that Rush's fans aren't worshipers or followers but merely relieved to finally find a radio personality that gives a voice to their own beliefs says everything about you. The puppet comment seals it, I listen to Rush almost everyday and I am definitely no puppet. My father, a WW2 and Korean War veteran with 29 years in the U. S. Air Force, provider for a family of 8 and married for 57 years, loved Rush like a son while he was alive. He loved Rush because even though he never served in the military, he had the utmost respect for those that did. He also loved him for the above reason, he gave a national voice to my dad and others like him at a time where there was none. It took awhile for him to talk me into listening to him because I was close minded (somewhat liberal but growing out of it) and cared more for the opinions of my idiot peers than my wise father. I give Rush Limbaugh credit for a huge revival of interest in politics and watching what politician do in millions of people and me. It was also our combined interest in his program that helped me become a friend to my father before he died. Because of this I take bullshit criticism of him very seriously especially from someone that is influenced by hip hop assholes. I do find that someone that immulates asswipes like rap and or hip hop(or whatever you call it this hour) stars is much more a puppet and certainly more pathetic. You need to check yourself , all the sheep are wearing their hats sideways now, they will consider you old school.
How many times will you rehash the same argument with me? Get over it.
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