Hollywood studios are going not going to negotiate with the writers

Those are left wing, democrat party problems..........as Tom Cotton said to the CEO of a company who got in bed with leftists....

I wish them luck with that.....

His wonderful comment starts at the 6:00 mark...

Everything with those like yourself has to be about politics. Everything. It's what your entire messed up world revolves around.

Quite sad.
The studios want no limits on AI.

Yep.......and the writers are terrified about this......Mick Garris of the Postmortem podcast is a member of the Writers Guild and he did interviews from the WGA picket line.......interviewed some of the big name hollywood writers and that was their second big concern after residuals....

It was funny when Tom Holland, the writer, and director.....he did Child's Play and Fright Night......mentioned that Ronald Reagan got them all residuals.....you could almost hear Mick Garris hiss like a vampire seeing a cross....
Everything with those like yourself has to be about politics. Everything. It's what your entire messed up world revolves around.

Quite sad.

Nope....I don't want it to be about politics......the democrats and the left made everything about politics....they said "The personal is political," not me or mine...........
Some do, some don't. The ones that don't lose their health care and that's a good thing so the studio head can build a $100 million dollar home as opposed to a $75 million dollar home?
Life picks winners and losers, actors or otherwise.

The studios gave them their opportunity, what they did with it past that is on them.

No shits given otherwise.
Just think how high Black unemployment will be in the US if movie and TV productions are shut down because of a strike.
Life picks winners and losers, actors or otherwise.

The studios gave them their opportunity, what they did with it past that is on them.

No shits given otherwise.

I understand. It's sad how many are like yourself and have not one care about the welfare of others.
Um, that's the reason for the strike.
Then Godspeed but if they lose I won't be all down in the mouth about it.....Maybe they will be forced to become better writers then.....They sure as hell suck at it now.
Then Godspeed but if they lose I won't be all down in the mouth about it.....Maybe they will be forced to become better writers then.....They sure as hell suck at it now.

Has little to nothing to do with that.
If nothing else, this may stimulate more home-made offerings directly to the public by inspired independents.
Those are left wing, democrat party problems..........as Tom Cotton said to the CEO of a company who got in bed with leftists....

I wish them luck with that.....

His wonderful comment starts at the 6:00 mark...

CEO says he wasn't aware of being sued by the Federal Government? That gets any CEO fired, unless the board knows he's lying and are ok with it.
From what I've read the studio's want to end residuals. Studio's make a ton of money on syndicated shows.

An actor has to make $26k in a year to maintain their health insurance. Residuals is one way many actors who never make it big are able to do that.

So we have people cheering people losing their health care so studio's can keep all the profits.

Well they can save $2,500 a year on Obozocare AND help pay down the deficit so it’s a win for all Americans!
More insightful thoughts on this strike....

The writers are on strike. The actors are on strike.

What are they striking over?

Don’t know. Don’t care.

Who’s right, the studios or the strikers?

Don’t know. Don’t care.

Why should I care about people who hate me?

Why would I mourn the shutdown of a multi-billion dollar industry dedicated to hating me, grooming children, destroying my heroes, lying about my country, championing fascism, and taking pride in wasting everyone’s precious time with a product that rarely rises to mediocre?

All I know is that Hollywood has shut down, and when bad things happen to bad people, there’s no reason to pretend otherwise. Hollywood is shut down, and that means our kids are a little safer. Hollywood is shut down … God bless America.

What were your first thoughts when you heard Hollywood had shut down? Mine were: Ohnoes, who will make those 500 lousy TV shows no one watches? Who will groom the children? Who will insult me for believing in God and free speech? Who will lecture me, scold me? Who will try to trick me into watching gay sex and guilt me into paying reparations to crybabies?

John Nolte has a great point.....watching the left wing, democrat party Hollywood studios starve out the left wing, democrat party Holywood writer. As Nolte points out.....this is hilarious.....and now the news just out....the left wing, democrat party Hollywood actors are going on strike to support the Hollywood, left wing, democrat party writers....

In today’s Menshevik v. Bolshevik news, we learn that the studios will not negotiate with the WGA until writers are bankrupt, homeless, and desperate for a deal.

No Violin for People Who Hate Me Being Starved By People Who Hate Me,” reads my headline.

This is a war between people who hate me and want to normalize sex with children, which means my only obligation is to open a lawn chair and cheer on the carnage:

Awwwwwwwwwwwww, come on. Don't you think actors deserve a living wage? LOL. The bottom line, the more these millionaires make, the more the poorer will have to pay for their increase in salaries. The studios aren't going to take the hit, the 99 percenters will. It would be fine with me if all of Hollywood fell into the ocean.
Yeah, I read the same thing.

That said I don't see how it's the studio's job to prop-up some washed-up actor 20+ years later.

Look at the old shows still in syndication.....Many of those folks, unknown at the time, went on to become A-list actors.

Just The Twilight Zone produced a bunch.

Heck, Unsolved Mysteries produced some. (It was Matthew McConaughey's first paid gig.)

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