Holocaust deniers

you are avoiding a simple question which should have a simple answer.

Your seem to be stating that testimony about the goings on in concentration camps was
COERCED by torture-------ok sure------those people are not really dead-----everyone who saw it LIED because they were being tortured. I am sure since you "read" stuff that you know that the TURKS denied the
Armenian genocide. Long ago---when I as young I got assigned to watch over the death bed of an elderly amenian woman---(circa 1975---when MOST AMERICANS never heard of the Armenian genocide---I had---my mom told me) She told me about the deaths of her sibs and parents which she witnessed-----I was not torturing her---she was dying of congestive heart failure. Since that time----I cared for many many survivors of the stuff you claim never happened. I was not torturing them either.

BTW---the only way gazan children die---is their mothers shoot them in the head

You're very weird.

Yes Hoess was tortured an his family threatened.

Hundreds of Gazan kids were murdered by your bombs dropped by Israel.

wrong again-----all of the dead kids were shot by their own mothers----except a few by their fathers
Who's "we," kemosabe? As far as tortured, he was when he was first apprehended. That was six months before he wrote his autobiography. There is no evidence he was tortured while in Polish custody or while writing his autobiography, which he was not forced to do. But the most salient point, is his description of his crimes matches the testimony of other witnesses. That lends credibility to the accuracy of his confessional autobiography.

So he was tortured and his family threatened, he knew he was going to be murdered but he could still save his family by giving the commies what they wanted, which was the fairy tale about gas chambers and millions dying.

You can pretend to yourself all you like that he was free to write what he wanted but the reality is he had to save his family and knew he was about to die.
That's why there are so Arabs within the Israeli government. That's why they welcome peaceful Arabs with open arms.

Middle-East-Info.org - Arabs and Muslims in Israel
ARABS AND MUSLIMS IN ISRAELThe freest Arabs, Christians, Jews and Muslims in Mideast are Israelis Even after the "Palestine Liberation Organization" got authority over 95% of the Arab Palestinian population in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, the more than one million Arab Palestinians in Israel chose to continue to live under Israeli sovereignty in the Jewish state of Israel rather than choosing to live under the all-too-unfortunate oppression which is the lot of their Arab and Muslim brothers throughout the Middle East. 77% of Israeli Arabs would even live nowhere else than in Israel.Moreover, millions of Arab Palestinian imagined "refugees" desire to "return" living in Israel.
Arabs in Israel have equal rights under the law
Arabs in Israel can vote for whoever they want
Arabs in Israel can worship freely
Arabs in Israel are entitled to the full same state education as all other Israelis
Arabs are members of the Israeli parliament and ministers in the governmentIsraeli society gives more opportunity to Arabs than do Arab states to their own citizens. Israeli Arabs and Muslims have the right to vote and to hold public office, like every other Israeli citizen. Nearly one-10th of the Knesset, Israel's parliament, is Arab; there is a mosque in the Knesset building for those who are Muslim. One of the justices of Israel's Supreme Court is an Arab Muslim; so is a minister in the Israeli cabinet. Arabs are active in Israeli commerce, media, education, and law. For headstrong Arabs, bent on protest, Israel is in every respect a paradise compared with any other state in the Middle East.

You're fooling yourself, the apartheid state is a racist sh1thole.
To deny the Holocaust is to be anti-Semitic.

Don't be ridiculous, you can discuss the facts of history without being anti-anything.

Besides Israel is one of the most racist countries in the world.

And you know this, how?

I read stuff.
Post a link to your source.

Many sources.
Then post many links. I don't believe a fucking word you say.
That's why there are so Arabs within the Israeli government. That's why they welcome peaceful Arabs with open arms.

Middle-East-Info.org - Arabs and Muslims in Israel
ARABS AND MUSLIMS IN ISRAELThe freest Arabs, Christians, Jews and Muslims in Mideast are Israelis Even after the "Palestine Liberation Organization" got authority over 95% of the Arab Palestinian population in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, the more than one million Arab Palestinians in Israel chose to continue to live under Israeli sovereignty in the Jewish state of Israel rather than choosing to live under the all-too-unfortunate oppression which is the lot of their Arab and Muslim brothers throughout the Middle East. 77% of Israeli Arabs would even live nowhere else than in Israel.Moreover, millions of Arab Palestinian imagined "refugees" desire to "return" living in Israel.
Arabs in Israel have equal rights under the law
Arabs in Israel can vote for whoever they want
Arabs in Israel can worship freely
Arabs in Israel are entitled to the full same state education as all other Israelis
Arabs are members of the Israeli parliament and ministers in the governmentIsraeli society gives more opportunity to Arabs than do Arab states to their own citizens. Israeli Arabs and Muslims have the right to vote and to hold public office, like every other Israeli citizen. Nearly one-10th of the Knesset, Israel's parliament, is Arab; there is a mosque in the Knesset building for those who are Muslim. One of the justices of Israel's Supreme Court is an Arab Muslim; so is a minister in the Israeli cabinet. Arabs are active in Israeli commerce, media, education, and law. For headstrong Arabs, bent on protest, Israel is in every respect a paradise compared with any other state in the Middle East.

You're fooling yourself, the apartheid state is a racist sh1thole.
Then post a credible link refuting any or all of the above.
Who's "we," kemosabe? As far as tortured, he was when he was first apprehended. That was six months before he wrote his autobiography. There is no evidence he was tortured while in Polish custody or while writing his autobiography, which he was not forced to do. But the most salient point, is his description of his crimes matches the testimony of other witnesses. That lends credibility to the accuracy of his confessional autobiography.

So he was tortured and his family threatened, he knew he was going to be murdered but he could still save his family by giving the commies what they wanted, which was the fairy tale about gas chambers and millions dying.

You can pretend to yourself all you like that he was free to write what he wanted but the reality is he had to save his family and knew he was about to die.
And you can pretend his was the only confession. Adolf Eichmann, for example, confirmed Höss' claim that he was indiscriminately killing Jews by order of Hitler.
Another book you never read.

Your expert said he has no evidence for your holocaust Dis, what you gonna do now? :afro:

It can't possibly make any difference to you because you never in your life read a book. You can't glean quite as much as you think from glancing at web sites.

I've read libraries full of books, numbnuts :cool:

Unfortunate that you don't understand what you've read.
Something I don't understand about deniers is if you're such fans of the Nazis why deny their 'crowning achievement' as with the Holocaust? If you're not fans of the Nazis, why deny what they did?
Something I don't understand about deniers is if you're such fans of the Nazis why deny their 'crowning achievement' as with the Holocaust? If you're not fans of the Nazis, why deny what they did?
Something I don't understand about deniers is if you're such fans of the Nazis why deny their 'crowning achievement' as with the Holocaust? If you're not fans of the Nazis, why deny what they did?
Take your pick:

A) they hate Jews more than they love Nazis.
B) they're still mad at the Nazis for failing.
C) they don't want Jews to garner any sympathy.
D) they think if they can convince the planet, the Jews will have to abandon Israel.
I think because when one really researches the evidence behind all the smoke and mirrors, there really isn't any evidence at all. Has nothing to do with the Germans or Jews or anything. I see it all as a World War which it was, and no casualty was anymore important than the other. Over 65 mil people died, and to make it all about Jews is the most arrogant thing you Jews can do, its shows how you think you are so much more important than anyone and to even take blood money is so unreal and to be still asking for it is unbelievable , but believe me , its only yourself that believe that your more important than anyone else. Lets be clear you declared war on Germany in 1933. You used Germany and then dragged it through the mud along with the German reputation.
Something I don't understand about deniers is if you're such fans of the Nazis why deny their 'crowning achievement' as with the Holocaust? If you're not fans of the Nazis, why deny what they did?
Something I don't understand about deniers is if you're such fans of the Nazis why deny their 'crowning achievement' as with the Holocaust? If you're not fans of the Nazis, why deny what they did?
Take your pick:

A) they hate Jews more than they love Nazis.
B) they're still mad at the Nazis for failing.
C) they don't want Jews to garner any sympathy.
D) they think if they can convince the planet, the Jews will have to abandon Israel.

You are really an arrogant Jew to think we think that much about you. Sick.
I think because when one really researches the evidence behind all the smoke and mirrors, there really isn't any evidence at all. Has nothing to do with the Germans or Jews or anything. I see it all as a World War which it was, and no casualty was anymore important than the other. Over 65 mil people died, and to make it all about Jews is the most arrogant thing you Jews can do, its shows how you think you are so much more important than anyone and to even take blood money is so unreal and to be still asking for it is unbelievable , but believe me , its only yourself that believe that your more important than anyone else. Lets be clear you declared war on Germany in 1933. You used Germany and then dragged it through the mud along with the German reputation.
Ahh, the Jews called for a boycott, krauts responded by trying to kill every Jew in europe, equalibrium.

Yeah, sure. :eusa_doh:
Something I don't understand about deniers is if you're such fans of the Nazis why deny their 'crowning achievement' as with the Holocaust? If you're not fans of the Nazis, why deny what they did?
Something I don't understand about deniers is if you're such fans of the Nazis why deny their 'crowning achievement' as with the Holocaust? If you're not fans of the Nazis, why deny what they did?
Take your pick:

A) they hate Jews more than they love Nazis.
B) they're still mad at the Nazis for failing.
C) they don't want Jews to garner any sympathy.
D) they think if they can convince the planet, the Jews will have to abandon Israel.

You are really an arrogant Jew to think we think that much about you. Sick.
I'd wager not a day passes where you don't think about Jews.
Something I don't understand about deniers is if you're such fans of the Nazis why deny their 'crowning achievement' as with the Holocaust? If you're not fans of the Nazis, why deny what they did?
Something I don't understand about deniers is if you're such fans of the Nazis why deny their 'crowning achievement' as with the Holocaust? If you're not fans of the Nazis, why deny what they did?
Take your pick:

A) they hate Jews more than they love Nazis.
B) they're still mad at the Nazis for failing.
C) they don't want Jews to garner any sympathy.
D) they think if they can convince the planet, the Jews will have to abandon Israel.

You are really an arrogant Jew to think we think that much about you. Sick.
I'd wager not a day passes where you don't think about Jews.

No its your gov, not you jews. Your government.
I think because when one really researches the evidence behind all the smoke and mirrors, there really isn't any evidence at all. Has nothing to do with the Germans or Jews or anything. I see it all as a World War which it was, and no casualty was anymore important than the other. Over 65 mil people died, and to make it all about Jews is the most arrogant thing you Jews can do, its shows how you think you are so much more important than anyone and to even take blood money is so unreal and to be still asking for it is unbelievable , but believe me , its only yourself that believe that your more important than anyone else. Lets be clear you declared war on Germany in 1933. You used Germany and then dragged it through the mud along with the German reputation.
Ahh, the Jews called for a boycott, krauts responded by trying to kill every Jew in europe, equalibrium.

Yeah, sure. :eusa_doh:

Right you jews were anything but innocent. You were trying to infiltrate Germany just like you have infiltrated our Gov, and I have to say its getting very old. Were all getting sick of it.
Something I don't understand about deniers is if you're such fans of the Nazis why deny their 'crowning achievement' as with the Holocaust? If you're not fans of the Nazis, why deny what they did?
Something I don't understand about deniers is if you're such fans of the Nazis why deny their 'crowning achievement' as with the Holocaust? If you're not fans of the Nazis, why deny what they did?
Take your pick:

A) they hate Jews more than they love Nazis.
B) they're still mad at the Nazis for failing.
C) they don't want Jews to garner any sympathy.
D) they think if they can convince the planet, the Jews will have to abandon Israel.

You are really an arrogant Jew to think we think that much about you. Sick.
I'd wager not a day passes where you don't think about Jews.

No its your gov, not you jews. Your government.
I think because when one really researches the evidence behind all the smoke and mirrors, there really isn't any evidence at all. Has nothing to do with the Germans or Jews or anything. I see it all as a World War which it was, and no casualty was anymore important than the other. Over 65 mil people died, and to make it all about Jews is the most arrogant thing you Jews can do, its shows how you think you are so much more important than anyone and to even take blood money is so unreal and to be still asking for it is unbelievable , but believe me , its only yourself that believe that your more important than anyone else. Lets be clear you declared war on Germany in 1933. You used Germany and then dragged it through the mud along with the German reputation.
Ahh, the Jews called for a boycott, krauts responded by trying to kill every Jew in europe, equalibrium.

Yeah, sure. :eusa_doh:

Right you jews were anything but innocent. You were trying to infiltrate Germany just like you have infiltrated our Gov, and I have to say its getting very old. Were all getting sick of it.
What's this WE shit? You are sorely vexed if you think Jews do not contribute to the greatness of any nation in which they live. It's the fucking radical Muslim assholes you should be pissed about.
Something I don't understand about deniers is if you're such fans of the Nazis why deny their 'crowning achievement' as with the Holocaust? If you're not fans of the Nazis, why deny what they did?
Something I don't understand about deniers is if you're such fans of the Nazis why deny their 'crowning achievement' as with the Holocaust? If you're not fans of the Nazis, why deny what they did?
Take your pick:

A) they hate Jews more than they love Nazis.
B) they're still mad at the Nazis for failing.
C) they don't want Jews to garner any sympathy.
D) they think if they can convince the planet, the Jews will have to abandon Israel.

You are really an arrogant Jew to think we think that much about you. Sick.
I'd wager not a day passes where you don't think about Jews.

No its your gov, not you jews. Your government.
I think because when one really researches the evidence behind all the smoke and mirrors, there really isn't any evidence at all. Has nothing to do with the Germans or Jews or anything. I see it all as a World War which it was, and no casualty was anymore important than the other. Over 65 mil people died, and to make it all about Jews is the most arrogant thing you Jews can do, its shows how you think you are so much more important than anyone and to even take blood money is so unreal and to be still asking for it is unbelievable , but believe me , its only yourself that believe that your more important than anyone else. Lets be clear you declared war on Germany in 1933. You used Germany and then dragged it through the mud along with the German reputation.
Ahh, the Jews called for a boycott, krauts responded by trying to kill every Jew in europe, equalibrium.

Yeah, sure. :eusa_doh:

Right you jews were anything but innocent. You were trying to infiltrate Germany just like you have infiltrated our Gov, and I have to say its getting very old. Were all getting sick of it.
What's this WE shit? You are sorely vexed if you think Jews do not contribute to the greatness of any nation in which they live. It's the fucking radical Muslim assholes you should be pissed about.

Sorry no I do not.
Take your pick:

A) they hate Jews more than they love Nazis.
B) they're still mad at the Nazis for failing.
C) they don't want Jews to garner any sympathy.
D) they think if they can convince the planet, the Jews will have to abandon Israel.

You are really an arrogant Jew to think we think that much about you. Sick.
I'd wager not a day passes where you don't think about Jews.

No its your gov, not you jews. Your government.
I think because when one really researches the evidence behind all the smoke and mirrors, there really isn't any evidence at all. Has nothing to do with the Germans or Jews or anything. I see it all as a World War which it was, and no casualty was anymore important than the other. Over 65 mil people died, and to make it all about Jews is the most arrogant thing you Jews can do, its shows how you think you are so much more important than anyone and to even take blood money is so unreal and to be still asking for it is unbelievable , but believe me , its only yourself that believe that your more important than anyone else. Lets be clear you declared war on Germany in 1933. You used Germany and then dragged it through the mud along with the German reputation.
Ahh, the Jews called for a boycott, krauts responded by trying to kill every Jew in europe, equalibrium.

Yeah, sure. :eusa_doh:

Right you jews were anything but innocent. You were trying to infiltrate Germany just like you have infiltrated our Gov, and I have to say its getting very old. Were all getting sick of it.
What's this WE shit? You are sorely vexed if you think Jews do not contribute to the greatness of any nation in which they live. It's the fucking radical Muslim assholes you should be pissed about.

Sorry no I do not.
You do not what?
You are really an arrogant Jew to think we think that much about you. Sick.
I'd wager not a day passes where you don't think about Jews.

No its your gov, not you jews. Your government.
I think because when one really researches the evidence behind all the smoke and mirrors, there really isn't any evidence at all. Has nothing to do with the Germans or Jews or anything. I see it all as a World War which it was, and no casualty was anymore important than the other. Over 65 mil people died, and to make it all about Jews is the most arrogant thing you Jews can do, its shows how you think you are so much more important than anyone and to even take blood money is so unreal and to be still asking for it is unbelievable , but believe me , its only yourself that believe that your more important than anyone else. Lets be clear you declared war on Germany in 1933. You used Germany and then dragged it through the mud along with the German reputation.
Ahh, the Jews called for a boycott, krauts responded by trying to kill every Jew in europe, equalibrium.

Yeah, sure. :eusa_doh:

Right you jews were anything but innocent. You were trying to infiltrate Germany just like you have infiltrated our Gov, and I have to say its getting very old. Were all getting sick of it.
What's this WE shit? You are sorely vexed if you think Jews do not contribute to the greatness of any nation in which they live. It's the fucking radical Muslim assholes you should be pissed about.

Sorry no I do not.
You do not what?

No I do not see anything good coming from Israel or Jews. I see lots of Muslim hatred and propaganda, and pushing the US for more sanctions on Iran and pushing rid of Assad. Fight your own wars, you cream the Pals every now and then with our hellfire misses. Leave us out of it. Go after Assad and Iran. What do you need American men for. Use your IDF. I am more than sick of seeing our 22 year olds coming home without arms and legs. Get your Zionist out of our American gov. I care about America not Israel.
I'd wager not a day passes where you don't think about Jews.

No its your gov, not you jews. Your government.
Ahh, the Jews called for a boycott, krauts responded by trying to kill every Jew in europe, equalibrium.

Yeah, sure. :eusa_doh:

Right you jews were anything but innocent. You were trying to infiltrate Germany just like you have infiltrated our Gov, and I have to say its getting very old. Were all getting sick of it.
What's this WE shit? You are sorely vexed if you think Jews do not contribute to the greatness of any nation in which they live. It's the fucking radical Muslim assholes you should be pissed about.
Who is "us"? Are you a separatist? (Those are two separate questions. please answer both.)
Sorry no I do not.
You do not what?

No I do not see anything good coming from Israel or Jews. I see lots of Muslim hatred and propaganda, and pushing the US for more sanctions on Iran and pushing rid of Assad. Fight your own wars, you cream the Pals every now and then with our hellfire misses. Leave us out of it. Go after Assad and Iran. What do you need American men for. Use your IDF. I am more than sick of seeing our 22 year olds coming home without arms and legs. Get your Zionist out of our American gov. I care about America not Israel.

Who is "us"? Are you a separatist? (Those are two separate questions. Please answer both.)
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