Holocaust museum retracts study justifying Obama’s ‘bystanderism’ in Syria

What was Israel's response to the atrocities in Syria?
Why don't you start a new thread to cover that separate issue and finds out. Stick to the topic, snowflake. Obama's 'Legacy' is being exposed as a re-write of history and Constitution and Rule of Law violations being wiped out by Trump. :p

LOL- I love how you attack Obama for 'Rule of Law violations" in Syria- but when Trump does it- you just wave you hand and say 'nothing to see here'
Why don't you shut the fuck up until you have something to say that isn't pure horseshit?
Again, what was Israel's response to the Syrian 'holocaust'?
Hey Troll, start another thread - don't try to hijack this one because it exposes how Obama loyalists are trying to re-write history to preserve a FICTIONAL Obama Presidency.

You are aware that Israel is in the Middle East right? You are aware that the state of Israel was invented BECAUSE of the Holocaust right? You are aware that Israel is called our 'ally', right?

Israel is completely happy to sit back and watch 43 proxy armies of their enemies kill each other in Syria. But THAT'S not the topic here. The topic is using the title of the Holocaust foundation to cover the ass of Obama's inactions in Syria. We had AT LEAST 3 or 4 years to create Safe Zones for refugees in Syria, Lebanon, Iraq as an International effort. Not just tent camps, but REAL alternate infrastructure to all the totally WRECKED and devastated cities in Syria.

But inaction on the part of the G8, EU, Canada and others created the worst Humanitarian disaster in our lifetimes and an unprecedented exodus of refugees to Europe and beyond.

And there it is. Another stain on the Dear Leaders legacy.. And his cronies are trying to scrub the stain out for him.. THAT'S the outrage here...

lol, are you posting as a mod or as a partisan participant in this thread?
Why don't you shut the fuck up until you have something to say that isn't pure horseshit?
Again, what was Israel's response to the Syrian 'holocaust'?
Hey Troll, start another thread - don't try to hijack this one because it exposes how Obama loyalists are trying to re-write history to preserve a FICTIONAL Obama Presidency.

You are aware that Israel is in the Middle East right? You are aware that the state of Israel was invented BECAUSE of the Holocaust right? You are aware that Israel is called our 'ally', right?
You are aware that the only one pushing the idea that Obama did NOT do anything wrong is the Obama loyalists pushing the lie, right?

You are aware that experts and historians are REJECTING this Obama Loyalists' Fake News report, right?

What made it Obama's responsibility to get embroiled in the Syrian Civil War?

He TRIED to. Spent $200Mill to train Freedom Fighters. I think 5 showed up and sold their weapons to ISIS. That took 3 years. INSTEAD -- he and his comrades in the EU should have stepped in on a HUMANITARIAN BASIS to alleviate the suffering and the dying of civilians who became an unprecedented parade of refugees drowning in the Med to get to Europe and beyond. THAT should be the statement from a group like the Holocaust foundation. Not some Obama suck-up "absolving him of sin"..

LOLOL like you would have supported him had he done that.

BTW, what the Holocaust foundation does is their business.
Bitch when Obama does something in Libya, bitch when he doesn't do something in Syria.

Bitch, bitch, bitch.
Why don't you shut the fuck up until you have something to say that isn't pure horseshit?
Again, what was Israel's response to the Syrian 'holocaust'?
Hey Troll, start another thread - don't try to hijack this one because it exposes how Obama loyalists are trying to re-write history to preserve a FICTIONAL Obama Presidency.

You are aware that Israel is in the Middle East right? You are aware that the state of Israel was invented BECAUSE of the Holocaust right? You are aware that Israel is called our 'ally', right?

Israel is completely happy to sit back and watch 43 proxy armies of their enemies kill each other in Syria. But THAT'S not the topic here. The topic is using the title of the Holocaust foundation to cover the ass of Obama's inactions in Syria. We had AT LEAST 3 or 4 years to create Safe Zones for refugees in Syria, Lebanon, Iraq as an International effort. Not just tent camps, but REAL alternate infrastructure to all the totally WRECKED and devastated cities in Syria.

But inaction on the part of the G8, EU, Canada and others created the worst Humanitarian disaster in our lifetimes and an unprecedented exodus of refugees to Europe and beyond.

And there it is. Another stain on the Dear Leaders legacy.. And his cronies are trying to scrub the stain out for him.. THAT'S the outrage here...

lol, are you posting as a mod or as a partisan participant in this thread?

I'm on my own here if there's no red ink. Just needed to focus on the actual topic and the record of Obama's "Syria policy". Not really a matter of what Israel's position has been. Were you NOT AWARE of the most massive Humanitarian crisis in your lifetime unfolding before your eyes???
Why don't you shut the fuck up until you have something to say that isn't pure horseshit?
Again, what was Israel's response to the Syrian 'holocaust'?
Hey Troll, start another thread - don't try to hijack this one because it exposes how Obama loyalists are trying to re-write history to preserve a FICTIONAL Obama Presidency.

You are aware that Israel is in the Middle East right? You are aware that the state of Israel was invented BECAUSE of the Holocaust right? You are aware that Israel is called our 'ally', right?

Israel is completely happy to sit back and watch 43 proxy armies of their enemies kill each other in Syria. But THAT'S not the topic here. The topic is using the title of the Holocaust foundation to cover the ass of Obama's inactions in Syria. We had AT LEAST 3 or 4 years to create Safe Zones for refugees in Syria, Lebanon, Iraq as an International effort. Not just tent camps, but REAL alternate infrastructure to all the totally WRECKED and devastated cities in Syria.

But inaction on the part of the G8, EU, Canada and others created the worst Humanitarian disaster in our lifetimes and an unprecedented exodus of refugees to Europe and beyond.

And there it is. Another stain on the Dear Leaders legacy.. And his cronies are trying to scrub the stain out for him.. THAT'S the outrage here...

lol, are you posting as a mod or as a partisan participant in this thread?
You've been here since 2009, and still can't tell when a staff member is or is not posting as part of their position's duties? I'll just assume you missed the bold, red text... for roughly 8 years.
Hey Troll, start another thread - don't try to hijack this one because it exposes how Obama loyalists are trying to re-write history to preserve a FICTIONAL Obama Presidency.

You are aware that Israel is in the Middle East right? You are aware that the state of Israel was invented BECAUSE of the Holocaust right? You are aware that Israel is called our 'ally', right?
You are aware that the only one pushing the idea that Obama did NOT do anything wrong is the Obama loyalists pushing the lie, right?

You are aware that experts and historians are REJECTING this Obama Loyalists' Fake News report, right?

What made it Obama's responsibility to get embroiled in the Syrian Civil War?

He TRIED to. Spent $200Mill to train Freedom Fighters. I think 5 showed up and sold their weapons to ISIS. That took 3 years. INSTEAD -- he and his comrades in the EU should have stepped in on a HUMANITARIAN BASIS to alleviate the suffering and the dying of civilians who became an unprecedented parade of refugees drowning in the Med to get to Europe and beyond. THAT should be the statement from a group like the Holocaust foundation. Not some Obama suck-up "absolving him of sin"..

LOLOL like you would have supported him had he done that.

BTW, what the Holocaust foundation does is their business.

I wrote position papers for the Lib Party ADVOCATING for Humanitarian intervention in Syria. And actually took a position to keep us OUT militarily or determining that Assad had to go..

There needed to be agreements with the 3 neighboring countries to build fully protected Safe Zones where new whole CITIES could be started, while the war drug on. And this would require complete cooperation of those countries leadership --- including ASSAD. But Obama was too focused on the failed concept of Democratizing Syria,, like we democratized Iraq and Libya. And WINNING against Assad.

OF COURSE, What the Holocaust Foundation does is their business. As long as Obama ass wipers aren;'t WARPING their mission and concerns.
Why don't you shut the fuck up until you have something to say that isn't pure horseshit?
Again, what was Israel's response to the Syrian 'holocaust'?
Hey Troll, start another thread - don't try to hijack this one because it exposes how Obama loyalists are trying to re-write history to preserve a FICTIONAL Obama Presidency.

You are aware that Israel is in the Middle East right? You are aware that the state of Israel was invented BECAUSE of the Holocaust right? You are aware that Israel is called our 'ally', right?
You are aware that the only one pushing the idea that Obama did NOT do anything wrong is the Obama loyalists pushing the lie, right?

You are aware that experts and historians are REJECTING this Obama Loyalists' Fake News report, right?

What made it Obama's responsibility to get embroiled in the Syrian Civil War?

He TRIED to. Spent $200Mill to train Freedom Fighters. I think 5 showed up and sold their weapons to ISIS. That took 3 years. INSTEAD -- he and his comrades in the EU should have stepped in on a HUMANITARIAN BASIS to alleviate the suffering and the dying of civilians who became an unprecedented parade of refugees drowning in the Med to get to Europe and beyond. THAT should be the statement from a group like the Holocaust foundation. Not some Obama suck-up "absolving him of sin"..

So you believe that the United States should have intervened more directly in the Syrian Civil War?


(edited- you answered above- thanks)
Bitch when Obama does something in Libya, bitch when he doesn't do something in Syria.

Bitch, bitch, bitch.

Deposing strong man regimes doesn't WORK in that neighborhood. Obama should have learned that in Iraq. But tried to repeat it in Libya and Syria and created chaos. These countries NEED BASTARDS to prevent bloodshed. That's the complaint.

Asking for Humanitarian Action is completely different.
You are aware that the state of Israel was invented BECAUSE of the Holocaust right?

You realise that the movement to establish a Jewish Homeland in Ottoman Palestine preceded the Holocaust by more than 50 years.
. Superjew to the rescue!


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