Holocaustianity - Zoinism's Big Lie

At the most I estimate between 100 and 200,000 Jews were killed during WWII

The ovens were for making bread not cremation.

And the so-called gas chambers were far too small to kill millions on an industrial scale.

Nigga..Puuulleeezz!! Your own video claims 700,000 in one camp.

You are SERIOUSLY delusional. :cuckoo:
At the most I estimate between 100 and 200,000 Jews were killed during WWII

The ovens were for making bread not cremation.

And the so-called gas chambers were far too small to kill millions on an industrial scale.

Making Bread huh? My Dad has plenty of pictures that have jews being burned in thoses so called bread makers.

The bodies were placed there in order to present the Holocaust narrative.

Think about this.

If millions of bodies were cremated as you suggest.

Then where are the mountains of ashes?

If the story was true then there would be hundreds of tons of cremation ashes

There has never been found any human cremated ashes anywhere near our around the camps.

If you can find any evidence of this please posted because I've never seen any.?
At the most I estimate between 100 and 200,000 Jews were killed during WWII

The ovens were for making bread not cremation.

And the so-called gas chambers were far too small to kill millions on an industrial scale.

Where did the rest go? Did a rapture take place and no one noticed?

I've been to Treblinka. I suggest you do likewise.... or, you could just stop being such an offensive little shit.

On the plus side, I've always been very accepting of Muslims... you've enlightened me as to the attitude of Muslims towards their fellow human beings.

California girl I don't know why you keep trying to turn this into a anti-Muslim issue.

I wouldn't believe in the so-called Holocaust even if I was a Christian are an atheist.
Not funny, Sunni Man. Not funny at all.

It is not meant to be humorous or a comedy.

But it does bring up a lot of facts for your consideration.

After having seen the entire video, I have absolutely no doubt that the video is meant to be taken quite seriously and is a serious questioning and challenging of the "Holocaust Event".

I have seen many such videos. This is one of the best.

However, any value to be attained by dispelling falsehoods and propoganda concerning this part of history can only be weakend if the motive behind the video is Ant-Semistism.

The purpose for asking questions and challenging historical claims should be purely an attempt to set the record straight and NOT serve the purpose of arousing hatred against any particular ethnic or cultural group.

The claims made by the supporters of the "Holocaust Event" are extreme and they should be subject to scientific challenge. And anyone opposed to sober investigation into any historical event or claim, must be afraid of the results, or is tying to hide something. The fact is; there is a tremendous lack of physical evidence supporting the horredous claims made by Chaim Weizman and dozens of other Zionists leaders.

But even if the "Holocaust" is an invented or exaggerated piece of political propoganda, this fact should not be used to persucute inocent Jews today. Many Jews today appose Zionism and also doubt the vilidity of most of the "Holocaust" claims.

This is supposed to be a discussion forum. We should be able to exchange ideas without lowering ourselves to primitive profanity and racial slurrs. Extreme claims like that of "Death Factories" and "Genocide of 6 million" are naturally and porperly a subject of scientific investigation and debate, especially when there lacks so much concrete evidence to back them up.
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Why exactly do you start this stuff over and over. Most times you are a reasonable fellow. But on this you really go off the deep end and it winds up pissing alot of people off.
Robespierre is correct in that there is an extreme lack of physical evidence to back up the Holocaust claims.

It seems like every historical event is debated and scrutinize over and over.

Yet the Holocaust is treated as a 100% close case with no debate allowed.

And anyone who questions even the's smallest part of it is labeled an anti-semite.


If the evidence for the Holocaust is so rocksolid.

Then the pro holocaust people should be happy to engage in any debate or examination of the event.
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Between the prisoners and the guards there were tens of thousands of people who worked in the camp on a daily basis.

They all had to be in the ovens were used to make the bread.

Besides the ovens were too small to hold more than one or two people at a time.

Do the math.

Let's say it took 5 to 10 min. to cremate a body.

There just isn't enough hours in the day to cremate the numbers that the pro holocaust people claim.

Even if you were using with dozens of these so-called cremation ovens.
They burned them in huge outside crematoriums as well as the ovens. And they did this for years and yes it does add up.
They burned them in huge outside crematoriums as well as the ovens. And they did this for years and yes it does add up.

If this is true.

Then where were the ovens located at?

And where is the tons of ashrs that the crematoriums would have generated?

Currently there is no physical evidence to back up your claim.
At the most I estimate between 100 and 200,000 Jews were killed during WWII

The ovens were for making bread not cremation.

And the so-called gas chambers were far too small to kill millions on an industrial scale.

Where did the rest go? Did a rapture take place and no one noticed?

I've been to Treblinka. I suggest you do likewise.... or, you could just stop being such an offensive little shit.

On the plus side, I've always been very accepting of Muslims... you've enlightened me as to the attitude of Muslims towards their fellow human beings.

California girl I don't know why you keep trying to turn this into a anti-Muslim issue.

I wouldn't believe in the so-called Holocaust even if I was a Christian are an atheist.

You're not a Christian. Christians do not hate Jews, nor do we deny the holocaust. If you are representative of your religion, then your religion is one of hate. Congratulations, because I've always been very accepting of Islam.... now, not so much. And that is the result of you - and the other board Muslims and their hatred towards other faiths.
They burned them in huge outside crematoriums as well as the ovens. And they did this for years and yes it does add up.

If this is true.

Then where were the ovens located at?

And where is the tons of ashrs that the crematoriums would have generated?

Currently there is no physical evidence to back up your claim.

I suggest you visit the camps, they're still there. A reminder to the rest of us to never let such an atrocity happen again.... although, I doubt I'd lift a finger to interject on your behalf. You as an individual, not Muslims in general. Fortunately, I have more humanity than you.
They burned them in huge outside crematoriums as well as the ovens. And they did this for years and yes it does add up.

If this is true.

Then where were the ovens located at?

And where is the tons of ashrs that the crematoriums would have generated?

Currently there is no physical evidence to back up your claim.

Watch the video link I posted click on the 2nd one the first one is not the one I wanted to post.
My Dad was in Patton's 3rd Army and he was there.He has the pictures he took of it.
Watch reel 5 and you will see how they did it.
It also show the tons of ashes.
Believe me I've seen tons of Zionist propaganda concerning the so called Holocaust.

So watching a couple of old newsreels isn't really going to sway my opinion.
Where did the rest go? Did a rapture take place and no one noticed?

I've been to Treblinka. I suggest you do likewise.... or, you could just stop being such an offensive little shit.

On the plus side, I've always been very accepting of Muslims... you've enlightened me as to the attitude of Muslims towards their fellow human beings.

California girl I don't know why you keep trying to turn this into a anti-Muslim issue.

I wouldn't believe in the so-called Holocaust even if I was a Christian are an atheist.

You're not a Christian. Christians do not hate Jews, nor do we deny the holocaust. If you are representative of your religion, then your religion is one of hate. Congratulations, because I've always been very accepting of Islam.... now, not so much. And that is the result of you - and the other board Muslims and their hatred towards other faiths.
California girl I do not hate the Jews are any other religion.

And you will not find any post on this board where I state that I hate Jews or Christians.

Doubting the official Holocaust story does not make me anti-semitic.

I would just like to see the event historically and intellectually debated.

And let the chips fall where they may.

What is wrong with that??
This old news reel was taken by the U.S. Army as proof for the trials that they had.
Like I said my Dad was there and saw the ovens. There was teeth galore inside the ovens and bodies piled up to be burned. When you are nothing but skin and bones you would be surprised at how many people they could load into those ovens.
This old news reel was taken by the U.S. Army as proof for the trials that they had.
Like I said my Dad was there and saw the ovens. There was teeth galore inside the ovens and bodies piled up to be burned. When you are nothing but skin and bones you would be surprised at how many people they could load into those ovens.

Okay let's say you are right and it happened as you say.

Please provide any documented link to the human ash piles.

As far as I know none have ever been discovered.

Which begs the question: Where are the tons of ashes that an industrial size cremation like this would have generated ??

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