Biden's Charlottesville Lie

It's insane to see someone lie so much.

Biden said Trump called the radical hilljack swastika wearing morons "good people".

That's been debunked completely. Look up what Trump said. He spoke of the two sides who were discussing whether to tear the statue down. He said there are good people on both sides.

Biden then completely lied and said Trump was talking about the extremists. He ought to be ashamed of himself.
Your shade on the issue is such full of crap. For shame.
It's insane to see someone lie so much.

Biden said Trump called the radical hilljack swastika wearing morons "good people".

That's been debunked completely. Look up what Trump said. He spoke of the two sides who were discussing whether to tear the statue down. He said there are good people on both sides.

Biden then completely lied and said Trump was talking about the extremists. He ought to be ashamed of himself.

The Democrats have constantly lied about that.
Telling they have to make stuff up like this.
You can't take the time to do your research.. you're triggered.

Let's do this. Prove Trump supported the radicals on that day. Quote Trump's entire message, and tell me how Biden is correct.

You can't, but I dare you.
Mike, I can out research without opening one eye. You threw shade at what he burbled to get out of the fix.

There was no good reason for any good guy or gal to support unite the white right or yell, "Jews will not replace us," when, in fact, they are well on their way to do so.

You really need to stay out of the ETB or Packer wings on historical thinking.
Mike, I can out research without opening one eye. You threw shade at what he burbled to get out of the fix.

There was no good reason for any good guy or gal to support unite the white right or yell, "Jews will not replace us," when, in fact, they are well on their way to do so.

You really need to stay out of the ETB or Packer wings on historical thinking.
1. who is Mike?

2. Trump didn't support what you quoted.

So.. you're just spewing lies in my thread?
They will ignore Biden's lies.

I know the truth of debate. Both Trump and Biden told what can be described as lies.

The difference is.. I'm honest. The Democrats/media aren't. They will ignore Biden's lies and focus on how many "lies" Trump told.. and completely exaggerate what a "lie" is to add to Trump's total.

If Trump said he had a 2 egg omelet, but a CNN reporter saw 3 eggs cracked and put into the pan by the cook.. they'd report how much of a liar Trump is.. and come up with some crazy number.

Biden lying about Charlottesville "trumps" anything Trump said in the debate. Biden should be ashamed of himself.
Democrats have a history of telling big fat whopper lies about their presidential opponents. No shame, no remorse just blast out blatant lies and hope they dupe the voters. That's why Dems are wormy rat bastards!
It is unfortunate that President Trump could not call to mind the name, "Snopes." It is the specific organization that formally stated that the Charlottsville lie was...a lie earlier this week. Specificity would have been more effective than bombast.

None of us three-digit IQ people have given any credence to that lie for YEARS. Biden seeks to appeal to the 2-digit folks.


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