HOLY CRAP! NYC Jewish City Council member SLAMS Pro-Palestinian activists for ANTI-SEMITIC protest

Spreading Neo Nazi propaganda again?

Hitler is dead. Get over it.

Yes... and how cool was it that Histler flamed out in the highest tradition of the: GRAND SPECTACLE of Historic Leftist failures?

Hitler was a Rightie, not a Leftie. National Socialism is Right of Center, FAR Right of Center. Fascism is FAR Right of Center.

Learn your history.

Learn your own damn history. There's nothing right about Nazis, it's all a statist agenda, contrary to the constitutional liberal republic supported by conservatives. They aren't far right, they are far Left, pushing toward totalitarianism just like you Leftists do.

I see you have a lot to learn, too.

Fascism is classifed as hard Right of center. Hitler, a NAZI, was a fascist.
No, it is not. ...

There is no way for that statistic to exist because this kind of demographic information over German citizens vis-a-vis elections was not collected before 1935. It's really that simple. On their election forms (Wahlzettel), no mention is made of race or religion. So, there would be no way to have this kind of statistic from 1933, 1932, 1928 or 1930.

By the way, you have still not specified which of the five German national parliamentary elections you meant. It must really suck lacking that much essential information on your part, what?

LOL! Now, isn't that PRECIOUS!

Mod Edit: Please review the rules, no altering quotes in such a way as to obscure or alter the meaning. Rest of quote has been inserted.
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Spreading Neo Nazi propaganda again?

Hitler is dead. Get over it.

Yes... and how cool was it that Histler flamed out in the highest tradition of the: GRAND SPECTACLE of Historic Leftist failures?

Hitler was a Rightie, not a Leftie. National Socialism is Right of Center, FAR Right of Center. Fascism is FAR Right of Center.

Learn your history.

Learn your own damn history. There's nothing right about Nazis, it's all a statist agenda, contrary to the constitutional liberal republic supported by conservatives. They aren't far right, they are far Left, pushing toward totalitarianism just like you Leftists do.

I see you have a lot to learn, too.

Fascism is classifed as hard Right of center. Hitler, a NAZI, was a fascist.

Classified by who, you? Political spectrums aside, the only spectrum of any value is that which pushes the needle toward freedom or away from it. You Leftists, communists, and Nazis all push the needled toward tyranny and totalitarian government. You are ALL Leftists.

Spreading Neo Nazi propaganda again?

Hitler is dead. Get over it.

Yes... and how cool was it that Histler flamed out in the highest tradition of the: GRAND SPECTACLE of Historic Leftist failures?

Hitler was a Rightie, not a Leftie. National Socialism is Right of Center, FAR Right of Center. Fascism is FAR Right of Center.

Learn your history.

Learn your own damn history. There's nothing right about Nazis, it's all a statist agenda, contrary to the constitutional liberal republic supported by conservatives. They aren't far right, they are far Left, pushing toward totalitarianism just like you Leftists do.

I see you have a lot to learn, too.

Fascism is classifed as hard Right of center. Hitler, a NAZI, was a fascist.


Yes... And isn't it odd that it's the only political faction which is classified by it's "Wing".

Don't believe me? Find a resource which classifies ... say... Socialism, Marxism, Communism as "Left-wing".

It's not there...

Which begs the question: Why is fascism classified as "Right Wing"?

Fascism is classified as "Right Wing" as a means to preclude the Left from being held accountable for the consequences of Fascism.

The simple and irrefutable truth is that fascism DEFINES THE LEFT and The Left defines fascism... .

Fascism in Europe, Progressivism in the US. Identical cults, distinct ONLY by the cultures which such infected. The Germans were ruined by it in less than 15 years... the US has managed to endure it for a century, but fascism; er... huh Progressivism has taken its toll and will soon ignite the US's First Actual Civil War.
FFS, it's right wing. I know, in the world of up is down and black is white it's a process to....process but it is far right.

Spreading Neo Nazi propaganda again?

Hitler is dead. Get over it.

Yes... and how cool was it that Histler flamed out in the highest tradition of the: GRAND SPECTACLE of Historic Leftist failures?

Hitler was a Rightie, not a Leftie. National Socialism is Right of Center, FAR Right of Center. Fascism is FAR Right of Center.

Learn your history.

Learn your own damn history. There's nothing right about Nazis, it's all a statist agenda, contrary to the constitutional liberal republic supported by conservatives. They aren't far right, they are far Left, pushing toward totalitarianism just like you Leftists do.

I see you have a lot to learn, too.

Fascism is classifed as hard Right of center. Hitler, a NAZI, was a fascist.

Right of center?


Hitler was MAYBE... right of Stalin.

But according to Stalin, so was Leon Trotsky... who was a life long communist.

But being 'right of Stalin' does not a "right-winger' make.
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Keys might ...


Shut the fuck up!

Usually said by people when they, in desperation, realize that that have really lost the argument, lock-stock-and-barrel.

The next phase is the so-called "eternal butthurt phase", quite prevalent among Conservatives. Fortunately for you, there is a creme on the market to help relieve your symptoms.

And now, back to the OP, the one thing you obviously cannot focus your attention upon:

HOLY CRAP! NYC Jewish City Council member SLAMS Pro-Palestinian activists for ANTI-SEMITIC protest

Did you even watch the video?
Isn't it wonderful? No matter HOW pitifully they fail... the Left MUST change the subject!

Presenting a WONDERFUl example of WHY "fascism" had to be classified as "Right-wing". To change the 'Fascism is Leftist' subject.
... Did you even watch the video?

Yes... I watched the two videos.. the first being Leftist supporting the destruction of Jews protesting the council meeting and the second of a Jewish councilmen contesting that protest, in the strongest of terms.
FFS, it's right wing. I know, in the world of up is down and black is white it's a process to....process but it is far right.

There is literally no such thing as a 'far right'.

One either recognzies, respects, defends and adheres to the natural principles that govern human behavior, or one does not.
The reader should recognize that the Left has defined fascism (National Socialism) as 'right of center' and 'far right'.

And all as a means to deny that which is wholly owned function of the Ideological Left.
For clarification: the rule of quotes is that you can snip them to address particular points or for brevity, but you can not alter them in such a way as to obscure or change their meaning and you can not add or change words within the quote box.

Now back to the topic..
Just got a chance to watch the video...

Can someone tell me where the anti-semetism was? I must have missed it.

Surely Where_r_my_Keys can point it out or give a quote
Why should new york city council members take a taxpayer funded trip to israel?

Good question... maybe NYC has some business with Israel. My Guess is that they do. But I agree that if it's a civilian site-seeing trip... tax money should not be involved.
Isn't it wonderful? No matter HOW pitifully they fail... the Left MUST change the subject!

Presenting a WONDERFUl example of WHY "fascism" had to be classified as "Right-wing". To change the 'Fascism is Leftist' subject.

So your position is there is no such thing as one person being more conservative than another?

Whoa, that's mental!
Wrong. Your evidence at this point amounts to nothing other than your totally unsubstantiated say-so.

To expect someone to take your word for something like that renders you even more stupid than you've already amply established.

Huh... Yet Jews continue to vote against their own best interest to this very day, with over 70% of jews in the US voting for obama; who is clearly antisemitic to the bone and who's policies are diametrically opposed to the survival of Judaism and the nation state of judaism: Israel.

Who are you, exactly, to declare yourself the authority on what's in the interests of American Jews?

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