HOLY CRAP! NYC Jewish City Council member SLAMS Pro-Palestinian activists for ANTI-SEMITIC protest

Wrong. Your evidence at this point amounts to nothing other than your totally unsubstantiated say-so.

To expect someone to take your word for something like that renders you even more stupid than you've already amply established.

Huh... Yet Jews continue to vote against their own best interest to this very day, with over 70% of jews in the US voting for obama; who is clearly antisemitic to the bone and who's policies are diametrically opposed to the survival of Judaism and the nation state of judaism: Israel.
Do ya SEE how easy this is folks?

Simply allow the Left to speak and then hold them accountable for their words.

Pretty cool, huh... .
And just as a side-note, in the 1933 parliamentary election of March, the NSDAP came in at 43.9%, but still did not have an absolute majority. Only through the so-called enabling act, then signed by failing, aging and ill Chancellor Hindenburg, did Hitler come to power.

That being said, the NSDAP won every district in Germany but two:


District 20: Cologne, Bonn, Aachen. The Nazis did not win there. Has real significance to me. I am always gratified to read this one detail out of the entire Shlamazel from 1933.

Also, because of the extreme violence (148 people were murdered in the 1932 elections, another 112 in the 1933 elections), a lot of peole did not go to vote at all, especially the Jews.

So, once again, Keys, in which election did 83% of Jews vote for Hitler?
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Wrong. Your evidence at this point amounts to nothing other than your totally unsubstantiated say-so.

To expect someone to take your word for something like that renders you even more stupid than you've already amply established.

Huh... Yet Jews continue to vote against their own best interest to this very day, with over 70% of jews in the US voting for obama; who is clearly antisemitic to the bone and who's policies are diametrically opposed to the survival of Judaism and the nation state of judaism: Israel.

What a bunch of rot.

Again, are you so sure about that 83% statistic? Really sure you want to stand by that?
lol, best demented lie of the year.
Provide credible evidence that Hitler got 83% of the Jewish vote.

No problem: "Western Civilization: A Modern Work in Progress": Hamilton Beecher 1953 Cambridge University Press, 1st edition. Chapter 4. The Rise of Fascism; Page 271

1. Prove the author exists

2. Prove the book exists

3. Prove the 83% claim is in the book

4. Prove the author provides a credible, reliable source for the 83% claim, then,

you're done! Otherwise go fuck yourself and we'll both feel better.

The Reader should understand that the above cited contributor is appealing to his own ignorance. In short they are claiming that their own ignorance of the citation means that the citation does not exist.

It's a classic ruse of the intellectually less fortunate... .

But it IS a wonderful demonstration of deflection... which is a demonstration of yielding from the point, which is YET ANOTHER default concession, by this contributor... bring up to 5 concessions on the same standing points.

Which is, of course, duly noted and summarily accepted.

Wrong. Your evidence at this point amounts to nothing other than your totally unsubstantiated say-so.

To expect someone to take your word for something like that renders you even more stupid than you've already amply established.

Huh... Yet Jews continue to vote against their own best interest to this very day, with over 70% of jews in the US voting for obama; who is clearly antisemitic to the bone and who's policies are diametrically opposed to the survival of Judaism and the nation state of judaism: Israel.

Yeah, Obama got 70% of the Jewish vote,

and Netanyahu's party in 2013 got 23% of the Israeli vote.

Wrong. Your evidence at this point amounts to nothing other than your totally unsubstantiated say-so.

To expect someone to take your word for something like that renders you even more stupid than you've already amply established.

Huh... Yet Jews continue to vote against their own best interest to this very day, with over 70% of jews in the US voting for obama; who is clearly antisemitic to the bone and who's policies are diametrically opposed to the survival of Judaism and the nation state of judaism: Israel.

What a bunch of rot.

Again, are you so sure about that 83% statistic? Really sure you want to stand by that?

So you're saying that you also do not feel that the majority of Jews living in the US, voted for obama?


Folks, you can't make this crap up... .
No problem: "Western Civilization: A Modern Work in Progress": Hamilton Beecher 1953 Cambridge University Press, 1st edition. Chapter 4. The Rise of Fascism; Page 271

1. Prove the author exists

2. Prove the book exists

3. Prove the 83% claim is in the book

4. Prove the author provides a credible, reliable source for the 83% claim, then,

you're done! Otherwise go fuck yourself and we'll both feel better.

The Reader should understand that the above cited contributor is appealing to his own ignorance. In short they are claiming that their own ignorance of the citation means that the citation does not exist.

It's a classic ruse of the intellectually less fortunate... .

But it IS a wonderful demonstration of deflection... which is a demonstration of yielding from the point, which is YET ANOTHER default concession, by this contributor... bring up to 5 concessions on the same standing points.

Which is, of course, duly noted and summarily accepted.

Wrong. Your evidence at this point amounts to nothing other than your totally unsubstantiated say-so.

To expect someone to take your word for something like that renders you even more stupid than you've already amply established.

Huh... Yet Jews continue to vote against their own best interest to this very day, with over 70% of jews in the US voting for obama; who is clearly antisemitic to the bone and who's policies are diametrically opposed to the survival of Judaism and the nation state of judaism: Israel.

Yeah, Obama got 70% of the Jewish vote,

and Netanyahu's party in 2013 got 23% of the Israeli vote.


You best run that by your 'most special friend' there... she feels that Jews did not vote in majority for obama.

I'd hate to see you two separated by this otherwise irrefutable certainty.
Wrong. Your evidence at this point amounts to nothing other than your totally unsubstantiated say-so.

To expect someone to take your word for something like that renders you even more stupid than you've already amply established.

Huh... Yet Jews continue to vote against their own best interest to this very day, with over 70% of jews in the US voting for obama; who is clearly antisemitic to the bone and who's policies are diametrically opposed to the survival of Judaism and the nation state of judaism: Israel.

What a bunch of rot.

Again, are you so sure about that 83% statistic? Really sure you want to stand by that?

So you're saying that you also do not feel that the majority of Jews living in the US, voted for obama?


Folks, you can't make this crap up... .

Sure we did, because most Jews live by Tikkun Olam, which is better represented by the Democratic Party than the Republican Party.

I never said even once anything to the opposite vis-a-vis us American Jews in the 21st century. You need to learn to stop making stuff up, it makes YOU look ridiculous.

So, again, what about that 83% of Jews you claim voted for Hitler? Still ready to stand by that claim? And have you decided which of the FIVE parliamentary elections you are talking about? Or are you finally willing to admit your utter ignorance in this matter?
1. Prove the author exists

2. Prove the book exists

3. Prove the 83% claim is in the book

4. Prove the author provides a credible, reliable source for the 83% claim, then,

you're done! Otherwise go fuck yourself and we'll both feel better.

The Reader should understand that the above cited contributor is appealing to his own ignorance. In short they are claiming that their own ignorance of the citation means that the citation does not exist.

It's a classic ruse of the intellectually less fortunate... .

But it IS a wonderful demonstration of deflection... which is a demonstration of yielding from the point, which is YET ANOTHER default concession, by this contributor... bring up to 5 concessions on the same standing points.

Which is, of course, duly noted and summarily accepted.

Wrong. Your evidence at this point amounts to nothing other than your totally unsubstantiated say-so.

To expect someone to take your word for something like that renders you even more stupid than you've already amply established.

Huh... Yet Jews continue to vote against their own best interest to this very day, with over 70% of jews in the US voting for obama; who is clearly antisemitic to the bone and who's policies are diametrically opposed to the survival of Judaism and the nation state of judaism: Israel.

Yeah, Obama got 70% of the Jewish vote,

and Netanyahu's party in 2013 got 23% of the Israeli vote.


You best run that by your 'most special friend' there... she feels that Jews did not vote in majority for obama.

I'd hate to see you two separated by this otherwise irrefutable certainty.

Who is "she"?
No problem: "Western Civilization: A Modern Work in Progress": Hamilton Beecher 1953 Cambridge University Press, 1st edition. Chapter 4. The Rise of Fascism; Page 271

1. Prove the author exists

2. Prove the book exists

3. Prove the 83% claim is in the book

4. Prove the author provides a credible, reliable source for the 83% claim, then,

you're done! Otherwise go fuck yourself and we'll both feel better.

The Reader should understand that the above cited contributor is appealing to his own ignorance. In short they are claiming that their own ignorance of the citation means that the citation does not exist.

It's a classic ruse of the intellectually less fortunate... .

But it IS a wonderful demonstration of deflection... which is a demonstration of yielding from the point, which is YET ANOTHER default concession, by this contributor... bring up to 5 concessions on the same standing points.

Which is, of course, duly noted and summarily accepted.

Wrong. Your evidence at this point amounts to nothing other than your totally unsubstantiated say-so.

To expect someone to take your word for something like that renders you even more stupid than you've already amply established.

Huh... Yet Jews continue to vote against their own best interest to this very day, with over 70% of jews in the US voting for obama; who is clearly antisemitic to the bone and who's policies are diametrically opposed to the survival of Judaism and the nation state of judaism: Israel.

Yeah, Obama got 70% of the Jewish vote,

and Netanyahu's party in 2013 got 23% of the Israeli vote.


70% is actually a little low, historically speaking.
Huh... Yet Jews continue to vote against their own best interest to this very day, with over 70% of jews in the US voting for obama; who is clearly antisemitic to the bone and who's policies are diametrically opposed to the survival of Judaism and the nation state of judaism: Israel.

Excuse me putz, but Obama is 100% pro Israel.

But , he understand that it is not good for the US to fight in the AfPak, Syria , Iraq and Iran simultaneously. You are going to have to wait for a more a more determined warmonger and crazy motherfucker, like Romney for that.

So, keys, which of the 5 elections do you mean?

I have no dog in the hunt... the author merely states that 83% of German jews voted for the Nazis, which he noted as a point of irony. "Ironies in Chaos" is the Chapter title... It spoke largely of the French passivity, contrasting such with the viciousness of the Traité de Versailles and the otherwise predictable, if not inevitable consequences of that, so quickly followed by that customary passive trait resulting in the Germans running over France just a generation hence, laying a fair amount of responsibility for such at feet of the typical passive aggressive nature of the Jewish culture.

Your position is irrational. There's no potential argument to contest that Jews have a long history of voting away their rights. Again... such is the basis of the Israeli Motto: "NEVER AGAIN!"
These anti-Semitic sickos in New York disrupted a City Council meeting during a vote commemorating the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz. They were upset because City Council members are taking a trip to Israel next month. Here’s the video of the disruption:

This goes to the points of the numerous threads which are showing the resurgence of the Ideological Left's Anti-semitism.

Socialism is the means by which evil is manifest for Anti-theist Leftists... and Islam is the means by which evil is manifest for Leftists who choose to believe in a deity, and who are foolish enough to believe that Evil deeds are a manifestation of something other than, evil. Peas/Pod.

Read more: HOLY CRAP NYC Jewish City Council member SLAMS Pro-Palestinian activists for ANTI-SEMITIC protest The Right Scoop -

I posted this too in the religion section. His passion is a breath of fresh air. We need more firebrands like this.
The Reader should understand that the above cited contributor is appealing to his own ignorance. In short they are claiming that their own ignorance of the citation means that the citation does not exist.

It's a classic ruse of the intellectually less fortunate... .

But it IS a wonderful demonstration of deflection... which is a demonstration of yielding from the point, which is YET ANOTHER default concession, by this contributor... bring up to 5 concessions on the same standing points.

Which is, of course, duly noted and summarily accepted.

Wrong. Your evidence at this point amounts to nothing other than your totally unsubstantiated say-so.

To expect someone to take your word for something like that renders you even more stupid than you've already amply established.

Huh... Yet Jews continue to vote against their own best interest to this very day, with over 70% of jews in the US voting for obama; who is clearly antisemitic to the bone and who's policies are diametrically opposed to the survival of Judaism and the nation state of judaism: Israel.

Yeah, Obama got 70% of the Jewish vote,

and Netanyahu's party in 2013 got 23% of the Israeli vote.


You best run that by your 'most special friend' there... she feels that Jews did not vote in majority for obama.

I'd hate to see you two separated by this otherwise irrefutable certainty.

Who is "she"?

I am speaking to your consistent trait which emulates that common to the emotionally frantic, irrational temper of a drunken female. If you're implying that you're a male... that's fine with me. I've never met a Leftist male that wasn't fully feminized.
Obama is 100% pro Israel.

ROFLMNAO! Delusion on Parade...

The 95% of Israeli citizens who 'feel' he is 100% ANTI-Israel would tend to undermine that illusion.

Tell the 95% of Israeli Citizens that they knew or should have known that migrating to Israel was dangerous, that they have no right to be there and if they decide to live there that they are going to live in fear, and rightly so.

Obama has placed the US FIRST as opposed to his criminal predecessor.

Obama is 100% pro Israel.

ROFLMNAO! Delusion on Parade...

The 95% of Israeli citizens who 'feel' he is 100% ANTI-Israel would tend to undermine that illusion.

Tell the 95% of Israeli Citizens that they knew or should have known that migrating to Israel was dangerous, that they have no right to be there and if they decide to live there that they are going to live in fear, and rightly so.

Obama has placed the US FIRST as opposed to his criminal predecessor..

So, out of one side of your mouth, "migrating to Israel was dangerous" and out of the other, you need to deny the right of Israelis to defend themselves from those who represent the constant threat?


Looks like the "Relativist" float has just passed by...

Anyone need anything else?

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