HOLY CRAP! NYC Jewish City Council member SLAMS Pro-Palestinian activists for ANTI-SEMITIC protest


83% of German Jews voted for Hitler. That is the origin of the Israeli Motto: "NEVER AGAIN!"

What's your point?

lol, best demented lie of the year.
83% of German Jews voted for Hitler. That is the origin of the Israeli Motto: "NEVER AGAIN!"

What's your point?

My point is that you are ignorant.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

Provide credible evidence that Hitler got 83% of the Jewish vote.

No problem: "Western Civilization: A Modern Work in Progress": Hamilton Beecher 1953 Cambridge University Press, 1st edition. Chapter 4. The Rise of Fascism; Page 271

1. Prove the author exists

2. Prove the book exists

3. Prove the 83% claim is in the book

4. Prove the author provides a credible, reliable source for the 83% claim, then,

you're done! Otherwise go fuck yourself and we'll both feel better.

NOt only that, he did not indicate in WHICH election the Jews allegedly voted for Hitler with 83%. There was more than one.

83% of German Jews voted for Hitler. That is the origin of the Israeli Motto: "NEVER AGAIN!"

What's your point?

lol, best demented lie of the year.
83% of German Jews voted for Hitler. That is the origin of the Israeli Motto: "NEVER AGAIN!"

What's your point?

My point is that you are ignorant.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

Provide credible evidence that Hitler got 83% of the Jewish vote.

No problem: "Western Civilization: A Modern Work in Progress": Hamilton Beecher 1953 Cambridge University Press, 1st edition. Chapter 4. The Rise of Fascism; Page 271

I will check this.

lol, look what you do get googling '83% of Jews'

...support Gay marriage!

83 of jews - Google Search

83% of German Jews voted for Hitler. That is the origin of the Israeli Motto: "NEVER AGAIN!"

What's your point?

lol, best demented lie of the year.
My point is that you are ignorant.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

Provide credible evidence that Hitler got 83% of the Jewish vote.

No problem: "Western Civilization: A Modern Work in Progress": Hamilton Beecher 1953 Cambridge University Press, 1st edition. Chapter 4. The Rise of Fascism; Page 271

I will check this.

Check it... it could by a wonderful educational opportunity for you.

Although in my experience, such opportunities are wasted on the Intellectually Less Fortunate. As a general rule, the results of such are manifested in some irrational refusal to accept the facts... in a denial of the obvious, that is often not to be believed.

You've provided no fact.

83% of German Jews voted for Hitler. That is the origin of the Israeli Motto: "NEVER AGAIN!"

What's your point?

lol, best demented lie of the year.
My point is that you are ignorant.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

Provide credible evidence that Hitler got 83% of the Jewish vote.

No problem: "Western Civilization: A Modern Work in Progress": Hamilton Beecher 1953 Cambridge University Press, 1st edition. Chapter 4. The Rise of Fascism; Page 271

I will check this.

Check it... it could by a wonderful educational opportunity for you.

Although in my experience, such opportunities are wasted on the Intellectually Less Fortunate. As a general rule, the results of such are manifested in some irrational refusal to accept the facts... in a denial of the obvious, that is often not to be believed.

You really have not idea..... this is going to be fun!!

You quote a book from 1953, in it's first edition.

The Anti-Defamation League, Israel lobby, and Israel apologists such as Alan Dershowitz are quick to label people unsupportive of Israel as anti-Semites, but in order to understand the validity of this terminology and labeling one has to understand what the word Semite really means. A Semite includes any ancient or modern Semitic speaking peoples in Southwest Asia (The Middle East). Arabs, Hebrews, Canaanites, Phoenicians, Maltese, Semitic speaking Ethiopians, and a great deal of other peoples are included in this list. To be anti-Semitic means to be against Semitic people, which includes Arabs and some Ethiopians, not just Jewish people, as certain anti-gentile racists in the media would lead you to believe. In fact, it could be argued that precluding Arabs from being represented as Semites in anti-Semitic rhetoric is anti-Semitic because it is against certain Semites; Arabs in this case.

The truth of the matter is that most American, European, and even Israeli Jews aren’t really Semites at all. Around 85-90% of modern day Jews are actually descendants of Khazars, which were a people located just north of Turkey. Khazars converted to Judaism in the 8th century and subsequently fled Khazaria and migrated into many parts of Europe. There have been some genetic studies done by Jewish scientists that attempt refute this, but those scientists have had their methodologies thoroughly debunked and their credibility questioned. Common sense alone should tell us that a group of modern day white people are not Semitic in origin because there weren’t any white people in Palestine thousands of years ago, which is why Palestinians and all of their other Arab neighbors aren’t white. Not so coincidentally, modern day Jewish people share a very distinct characteristic with a Khazar neighbor, the Armenians. Khazar Jews and Armenians are two of the only peoples in the world who have extremely large noses. Modern day Jews are also much more similar in skin tone to the Khazar neighbors than to the Palestinians. How ridiculous to think that two groups who supposedly evolved so close together would have different skin tones and nose sizes, but one of those groups would share those similarities with a group not neighboring Palestine. A Jewish historian, Arthur Koestler, researched the history of the Ashkenazi Jews and published a book titled The Thirteenth Tribe which concluded that their origins were just north of Turkey. Historical records and commons sense provide conclusive evidence that most modern day Jews are the decedents of Khazars and therefore not Semites at all.

More: Israelis Are The Worst Anti-Semites On The Planet - The Bilzerian Report

So, are Jews really Semites at all? The above maps show how Israel is "disappearing" the Palestinians.

Again. Samantics. And bullshit.

Semantic: relating to meaning in language or logic.

Your failure to sustain your position is not my responsibility. But your implication that your failure to sustain your position is due to your inability to find the right words and a valid logical construct... is ADORABLE!

I see........I'm going to have to remove your head from your ass. I've heard Lakhota's shit before. I've also heard the shit comparison of the Apartheid. Ask 'em or show these clowns about the trilateral agreement and they know nothing. They are dismissed and so are you. You're just another jackoff that pretends to give a fuck but you don't.

That land was BRITISH MANDATE before some of it was turned into the fledgling state of Israel.






The land was acquired by thousands of years of consistent ownership and occupation, and finally by an act of the International community.

The Land was acquired through grand theft perpetrated by Menachen Begin and the Stern Gang and finally recognized by the US when the Truman presidential campaign was given a 2 million dollars donation by ben Gurion.

83% of German Jews voted for Hitler. That is the origin of the Israeli Motto: "NEVER AGAIN!"

What's your point?

lol, best demented lie of the year.
83% of German Jews voted for Hitler. That is the origin of the Israeli Motto: "NEVER AGAIN!"

What's your point?

My point is that you are ignorant.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

Provide credible evidence that Hitler got 83% of the Jewish vote.

No problem: "Western Civilization: A Modern Work in Progress": Hamilton Beecher 1953 Cambridge University Press, 1st edition. Chapter 4. The Rise of Fascism; Page 271

1. Prove the author exists

2. Prove the book exists

3. Prove the 83% claim is in the book

4. Prove the author provides a credible, reliable source for the 83% claim, then,

you're done! Otherwise go fuck yourself and we'll both feel better.

The Reader should understand that the above cited contributor is appealing to his own ignorance. In short they are claiming that their own ignorance of the citation proves that the citation does not exist.

It's a classic ruse of the intellectually less fortunate... .

But it IS a wonderful demonstration of deflection... which is a demonstration of yielding from the point, which is YET ANOTHER default concession, by this contributor... bring up to 5 concessions on the same standing points.

Which is, of course, duly noted and summarily accepted.
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That land was BRITISH MANDATE before some of it was turned into the fledgling state of Israel.






The land was acquired by thousands of years of consistent ownership and occupation, and finally by an act of the International community.

The Land was acquired through grand theft by Menachen Begin and the Stern Gang and finally by the US when the Truman presidential campaign was given a 2 million donation by ben Gurion.

ROFLMNAO!... Now isn't that precious?

In short the contributor is claiming that 'The Jews Stole the Land...' And all because they'd been eviscerated as a race, were displaced from their homes and refused entrance by nearly every nation on earth... and they needed a place to stay.

And as land goes... what a prize, RIGHT? A baron strip of land the size of a large US County, which could not sustain a Roach... but which has been turned into an Oasis, by the hard work and disciplined determination of God's chosen people.

Pretty cool, huh... ?

The Anti-Defamation League, Israel lobby, and Israel apologists such as Alan Dershowitz are quick to label people unsupportive of Israel as anti-Semites, but in order to understand the validity of this terminology and labeling one has to understand what the word Semite really means. A Semite includes any ancient or modern Semitic speaking peoples in Southwest Asia (The Middle East). Arabs, Hebrews, Canaanites, Phoenicians, Maltese, Semitic speaking Ethiopians, and a great deal of other peoples are included in this list. To be anti-Semitic means to be against Semitic people, which includes Arabs and some Ethiopians, not just Jewish people, as certain anti-gentile racists in the media would lead you to believe. In fact, it could be argued that precluding Arabs from being represented as Semites in anti-Semitic rhetoric is anti-Semitic because it is against certain Semites; Arabs in this case.

The truth of the matter is that most American, European, and even Israeli Jews aren’t really Semites at all. Around 85-90% of modern day Jews are actually descendants of Khazars, which were a people located just north of Turkey. Khazars converted to Judaism in the 8th century and subsequently fled Khazaria and migrated into many parts of Europe. There have been some genetic studies done by Jewish scientists that attempt refute this, but those scientists have had their methodologies thoroughly debunked and their credibility questioned. Common sense alone should tell us that a group of modern day white people are not Semitic in origin because there weren’t any white people in Palestine thousands of years ago, which is why Palestinians and all of their other Arab neighbors aren’t white. Not so coincidentally, modern day Jewish people share a very distinct characteristic with a Khazar neighbor, the Armenians. Khazar Jews and Armenians are two of the only peoples in the world who have extremely large noses. Modern day Jews are also much more similar in skin tone to the Khazar neighbors than to the Palestinians. How ridiculous to think that two groups who supposedly evolved so close together would have different skin tones and nose sizes, but one of those groups would share those similarities with a group not neighboring Palestine. A Jewish historian, Arthur Koestler, researched the history of the Ashkenazi Jews and published a book titled The Thirteenth Tribe which concluded that their origins were just north of Turkey. Historical records and commons sense provide conclusive evidence that most modern day Jews are the decedents of Khazars and therefore not Semites at all.

More: Israelis Are The Worst Anti-Semites On The Planet - The Bilzerian Report

So, are Jews really Semites at all? The above maps show how Israel is "disappearing" the Palestinians.

Again. Samantics. And bullshit.

Semantic: relating to meaning in language or logic.

Your failure to sustain your position is not my responsibility. But your implication that your failure to sustain your position is due to your inability to find the right words and a valid logical construct... is ADORABLE!

I see........I'm going to have to remove your head from your ass. I've heard Lakhota's shit before. I've also heard the shit comparison of the Apartheid. Ask 'em or show these clowns about the trilateral agreement and they know nothing. They are dismissed and so are you. You're just another jackoff that pretends to give a fuck but you don't.

Your most recent concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

The Anti-Defamation League, Israel lobby, and Israel apologists such as Alan Dershowitz are quick to label people unsupportive of Israel as anti-Semites, but in order to understand the validity of this terminology and labeling one has to understand what the word Semite really means. A Semite includes any ancient or modern Semitic speaking peoples in Southwest Asia (The Middle East). Arabs, Hebrews, Canaanites, Phoenicians, Maltese, Semitic speaking Ethiopians, and a great deal of other peoples are included in this list. To be anti-Semitic means to be against Semitic people, which includes Arabs and some Ethiopians, not just Jewish people, as certain anti-gentile racists in the media would lead you to believe. In fact, it could be argued that precluding Arabs from being represented as Semites in anti-Semitic rhetoric is anti-Semitic because it is against certain Semites; Arabs in this case.

The truth of the matter is that most American, European, and even Israeli Jews aren’t really Semites at all. Around 85-90% of modern day Jews are actually descendants of Khazars, which were a people located just north of Turkey. Khazars converted to Judaism in the 8th century and subsequently fled Khazaria and migrated into many parts of Europe. There have been some genetic studies done by Jewish scientists that attempt refute this, but those scientists have had their methodologies thoroughly debunked and their credibility questioned. Common sense alone should tell us that a group of modern day white people are not Semitic in origin because there weren’t any white people in Palestine thousands of years ago, which is why Palestinians and all of their other Arab neighbors aren’t white. Not so coincidentally, modern day Jewish people share a very distinct characteristic with a Khazar neighbor, the Armenians. Khazar Jews and Armenians are two of the only peoples in the world who have extremely large noses. Modern day Jews are also much more similar in skin tone to the Khazar neighbors than to the Palestinians. How ridiculous to think that two groups who supposedly evolved so close together would have different skin tones and nose sizes, but one of those groups would share those similarities with a group not neighboring Palestine. A Jewish historian, Arthur Koestler, researched the history of the Ashkenazi Jews and published a book titled The Thirteenth Tribe which concluded that their origins were just north of Turkey. Historical records and commons sense provide conclusive evidence that most modern day Jews are the decedents of Khazars and therefore not Semites at all.

More: Israelis Are The Worst Anti-Semites On The Planet - The Bilzerian Report

So, are Jews really Semites at all? The above maps show how Israel is "disappearing" the Palestinians.

Again. Samantics. And bullshit.

Semantic: relating to meaning in language or logic.

Your failure to sustain your position is not my responsibility. But your implication that your failure to sustain your position is due to your inability to find the right words and a valid logical construct... is ADORABLE!

I see........I'm going to have to remove your head from your ass. I've heard Lakhota's shit before. I've also heard the shit comparison of the Apartheid. Ask 'em or show these clowns about the trilateral agreement and they know nothing. They are dismissed and so are you. You're just another jackoff that pretends to give a fuck but you don't.

Your most recent concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

There is no concession, crack head.
I am gonna drop a major hint: Hitler did NOT win the election of 1932. In fact, he lost it by a massive landslide.

But, the NSDAP did get 37.1% of the parliamentary vote. However, the other parties combined in a coalition against him, so that Hindenburg easily became Chancellor.

83% of German Jews voted for Hitler. That is the origin of the Israeli Motto: "NEVER AGAIN!"

What's your point?

lol, best demented lie of the year.
My point is that you are ignorant.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

Provide credible evidence that Hitler got 83% of the Jewish vote.

No problem: "Western Civilization: A Modern Work in Progress": Hamilton Beecher 1953 Cambridge University Press, 1st edition. Chapter 4. The Rise of Fascism; Page 271

1. Prove the author exists

2. Prove the book exists

3. Prove the 83% claim is in the book

4. Prove the author provides a credible, reliable source for the 83% claim, then,

you're done! Otherwise go fuck yourself and we'll both feel better.

The Reader should understand that the above cited contributor is appealing to his own ignorance. In short they are claiming that their own ignorance of the citation means that the citation does not exist.

It's a classic ruse of the intellectually less fortunate... .

But it IS a wonderful demonstration of deflection... which is a demonstration of yielding from the point, which is YET ANOTHER default concession, by this contributor... bring up to 5 concessions on the same standing points.

Which is, of course, duly noted and summarily accepted.

Wrong. Your evidence at this point amounts to nothing other than your totally unsubstantiated say-so.

To expect someone to take your word for something like that renders you even more stupid than you've already amply established.
I am gonna drop a major hint: Hitler did NOT win the election of 1932. In fact, he lost it by a massive landslide.

But, the NSDAP did get 37.1% of the parliamentary vote. However, the other parties combined in a coalition against him, so that Hindenburg easily became Chancellor.

I forgot what a fucktwit this imbecile was.

That land was BRITISH MANDATE before some of it was turned into the fledgling state of Israel.






The land was acquired by thousands of years of consistent ownership and occupation, and finally by an act of the International community.

The Land was acquired through grand theft by Menachen Begin and the Stern Gang and finally by the US when the Truman presidential campaign was given a 2 million donation by ben Gurion.

ROFLMNAO!... Now isn't that precious?

In short the contributor is claiming that 'The Jews Stole the Land...' And all because they'd been eviscerated as a race, were displaced from their homes and refused entrance by nearly every nation on earth... and they needed a place to stay.

And as land goes... what a prize, RIGHT? A baron strip of land the size of a large US County, which could not sustain a Roach... but which has been turned into an Oasis, by the hard work and disciplined determination of God's chosen people.

Pretty cool, huh... ?

Look pal, Libertarians will soon be eviscerated by the welfare/warfare police state .

That does NOT give us an excuse to invade a barren strip of land the size of a large US County, which could not sustain a roach and which is populated by other individuals.

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I am gonna drop a major hint: Hitler did NOT win the election of 1932. In fact, he lost it by a massive landslide.

But, the NSDAP did get 37.1% of the parliamentary vote. However, the other parties combined in a coalition against him, so that Hindenburg easily became Chancellor.

Let's not get too far from the claim that 83% of German Jews voted for Hitler.

We might start by asking how any percentage of any group in Germany at the time was determined.
I'm gonna drop another hint: in the second parliamentary election in 1932, the NAZIs did 6% worse in that election (November) than the one before (June).

I'll drop another hint: there was no Statistical-bureau in Germany (Bundesamt für Statistik) in 1932 as today, and voter statistics according to race or religious affiliation were NOT collected in 1932.

Poor Keys, he is going to lose this one big time...
Two more hints: there were also national parliamentary elections in Germany in both 1928 and 1930, on the national level. 1930 because of the financial crisis (great depression). The NSDAP was also on both of those ballots.... and there was one in 1933 after Hitler took power by means behind the scenes...

So, now, Keys only needs to tell us which of the FIVE elections he means. Oh, and he needs to tells us where the demographic data came from, since none vis-a-vis race or religion was collected at the ballot boxes at the time. First when the NAZIs came to power were they obsessed with these demographics, since they were fucking racists. But they didn't use them for elections, since there were no more elections between 1933-1949.
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I am gonna drop a major hint: Hitler did NOT win the election of 1932. In fact, he lost it by a massive landslide.

But, the NSDAP did get 37.1% of the parliamentary vote. However, the other parties combined in a coalition against him, so that Hindenburg easily became Chancellor.

Let's not get too far from the claim that 83% of German Jews voted for Hitler.

We might start by asking how any percentage of any group in Germany at the time was determined.

They were not, because demographic data of this kind was not collected at the ballot box at that time.

At this time in history, most German Jews either belonged to the Social Democratic Party (SPD) or the Communist Party (KPD). But there are no hard percentages to back that up, just the writings of the time.

The Anti-Defamation League, Israel lobby, and Israel apologists such as Alan Dershowitz are quick to label people unsupportive of Israel as anti-Semites, but in order to understand the validity of this terminology and labeling one has to understand what the word Semite really means. A Semite includes any ancient or modern Semitic speaking peoples in Southwest Asia (The Middle East). Arabs, Hebrews, Canaanites, Phoenicians, Maltese, Semitic speaking Ethiopians, and a great deal of other peoples are included in this list. To be anti-Semitic means to be against Semitic people, which includes Arabs and some Ethiopians, not just Jewish people, as certain anti-gentile racists in the media would lead you to believe. In fact, it could be argued that precluding Arabs from being represented as Semites in anti-Semitic rhetoric is anti-Semitic because it is against certain Semites; Arabs in this case.

The truth of the matter is that most American, European, and even Israeli Jews aren’t really Semites at all. Around 85-90% of modern day Jews are actually descendants of Khazars, which were a people located just north of Turkey. Khazars converted to Judaism in the 8th century and subsequently fled Khazaria and migrated into many parts of Europe. There have been some genetic studies done by Jewish scientists that attempt refute this, but those scientists have had their methodologies thoroughly debunked and their credibility questioned. Common sense alone should tell us that a group of modern day white people are not Semitic in origin because there weren’t any white people in Palestine thousands of years ago, which is why Palestinians and all of their other Arab neighbors aren’t white. Not so coincidentally, modern day Jewish people share a very distinct characteristic with a Khazar neighbor, the Armenians. Khazar Jews and Armenians are two of the only peoples in the world who have extremely large noses. Modern day Jews are also much more similar in skin tone to the Khazar neighbors than to the Palestinians. How ridiculous to think that two groups who supposedly evolved so close together would have different skin tones and nose sizes, but one of those groups would share those similarities with a group not neighboring Palestine. A Jewish historian, Arthur Koestler, researched the history of the Ashkenazi Jews and published a book titled The Thirteenth Tribe which concluded that their origins were just north of Turkey. Historical records and commons sense provide conclusive evidence that most modern day Jews are the decedents of Khazars and therefore not Semites at all.

More: Israelis Are The Worst Anti-Semites On The Planet - The Bilzerian Report

So, are Jews really Semites at all? The above maps show how Israel is "disappearing" the Palestinians.

Again. Samantics. And bullshit.

Semantic: relating to meaning in language or logic.

Your failure to sustain your position is not my responsibility. But your implication that your failure to sustain your position is due to your inability to find the right words and a valid logical construct... is ADORABLE!

I see........I'm going to have to remove your head from your ass. I've heard Lakhota's shit before. I've also heard the shit comparison of the Apartheid. Ask 'em or show these clowns about the trilateral agreement and they know nothing. They are dismissed and so are you. You're just another jackoff that pretends to give a fuck but you don't.

Your most recent concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

There is no concession, crack head.

Yet there is...

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