Holy hell... Biden giving condolences, and instead jars the room with mostly incoherent rambles.

And THIS man is our president. Wow. Let's see if any of the Dim Dems stick up for him this time.
I have a theory Joe Biden gets some new experimental drug for his dementia on really important occasions. Unfortunately it has some nasty side effects so it can’t be used all the time.

If you notice Joe has some really good days but also some really bad days.
I have a theory Joe Biden gets some new experimental drug for his dementia on really important occasions. Unfortunately it has some nasty side effects so it can’t be used all the time.

If you notice Joe has some really good days but also some really bad days.

Quite likely about the drugs. And one day he will collapse or go nuts in public.
He was in Delaware until Monday morning and left to head back to Delaware today [Friday morning].

Jill is the enabler.
Without handlers he would appear in his underwear
I have this recurring nightmare that somebody one day is going to be walking their dog at night, hear a noise, and see Joe running naked across the White House lawn with Jill and the Secret Service desperately trying to catch him.
Quite likely about the drugs. And one day he will collapse or go nuts in public.
Joe Biden has control of our nuclear weapons. Vlad Putin has control of Russia’s. Both leaders appear to have serious mental issues.

What could possibly go wrong?
You know when something can't be defended or deflected when a thread is 31 comments in, and not one retort.
What this shows us is that the Potus doesn't run the country. The 4th Tier of Govt. Federal employees run the gov't. And unfortunately they are infested with leftist lunatics.
Past time to bring in the HO............Guess the globalist doing this shit love playing jokes on the world.

I think this proves, once and for all, that we Americans, as a people, can do just fine without a President.

Now, we just need to demonstrate that we can do without Congress as well.
I think this proves, once and for all, that we Americans, as a people, can do just fine without a President.

Now, we just need to demonstrate that we can do without Congress as well.
Well the founders gave power to the states for a reason. Seems they were right again. We really don't need the FED unless we are at War and hell we don't need them even then as they are only good at losing Wars.
Word for word.

"And by the way my sympathies to your uh, families uh... and your F, uh..er...uh.. your uh er uh. your CFO. Who uh..e.. dropped dead very unexpectedly. My [inaudible 3 seconds] familes uh ut's tough stuff".

Holy hell... dropped dead????
Yeah... that is always the right thing to say at those moments talking to a loved one.

You know how you laugh because something is so unbelievable it's funny? Even though you know it's not funny at all, but horrid?

I did that, at "dropped dead"
The United States government is designed to have a strong executive branch.
The entire federal system depends on it. Which is why a President has so many powers.
For the first time since really Harding, WE DO NOT HAVE A PRESIDENT.
Biden is not remotely capable of running a food cart let alone a nation. He simply no longer has the mental capacity.
It is so obvious, anyone not seeing it is OBVIOUSLY in denial.
And so here we are. A nation that is falling apart at the seams, with NO ONE in charge.
We have a fully and thoroughly inept, ageing and corrupt legislative branch who only care about getting re-elected and doling out favors to lobbyist. BOTH SIDES.
And we have a President that is, at the very least, well into senility, but honestly probably early dementia and/or Alzheimer's.
So no one is in charge during a critical time, especially economically. No one is directing traffic, or setting direction. SO everyone is just sort of milling around.
The United States government is designed to have a strong executive branch.
The entire federal system depends on it. Which is why a President has so many powers.
For the first time since really Harding, WE DO NOT HAVE A PRESIDENT.
Biden is not remotely capable of running a food cart let alone a nation. He simply no longer has the mental capacity.
It is so obvious, anyone not seeing it is OBVIOUSLY in denial.
And so here we are. A nation that is falling apart at the seams, with NO ONE in charge.
We have a fully and thoroughly inept, ageing and corrupt legislative branch who only care about getting re-elected and doling out favors to lobbyist. BOTH SIDES.
And we have a President that is, at the very least, well into senility, but honestly probably early dementia and/or Alzheimer's.
So no one is in charge during a critical time, especially economically. No one is directing traffic, or setting direction. SO everyone is just sort of milling around.
The original gov't enumerated these powers. They did it for a reason. So that individual states would have the power to decide how to live for themselves. And not a far away omnipotent gov't.

The role of the Fed was to be LIMITED. We destroyed that part of the constitution and it needs to be returned. That way what idiocy goes on in Cali has no bearing in Alabama. They can choose to be stupid but can't try to push stupid on everyone via the FED.

And E.Os were never supposed to be used as they are today. A stoke of a pen and it changes everything. Insanity.
The original gov't enumerated these powers. They did it for a reason. So that individual states would have the power to decide how to live for themselves. And not a far away omnipotent gov't.

The role of the Fed was to be LIMITED. We destroyed that part of the constitution and it needs to be returned. That way what idiocy goes on in Cali has no bearing in Alabama. They can choose to be stupid but can't try to push stupid on everyone via the FED.

And E.Os were never supposed to be used as they are today. A stoke of a pen and it changes everything. Insanity.
Not arguing that, but nevertheless, what we have is what we have. And it isn't changing back to state control. Ever.
You are just pounding sand. Those days are looong over. You can wish for it, but it will remain as it is.
And therefore - we need a leader at the national level.
The last one we had was Reagan. Too fucking long ago. And in that vacuum the globalist/elitist took over everything.
They got wealthy as hell.... we got the shaft.

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