Holy hell... Biden giving condolences, and instead jars the room with mostly incoherent rambles.

Not arguing that, but nevertheless, what we have is what we have. And it isn't changing back to state control. Ever.
You are just pounding sand. Those days are looong over. You can wish for it, but it will remain as it is.
And therefore - we need a leader at the national level.
The last one we had was Reagan. Too fucking long ago. And in that vacuum the globalist/elitist took over everything.
They got wealthy as hell.... we got the shaft.
Why is it impossible............... anything is possible..........but that path was last done in 1865.

I explained the intent of the original. They were right and we are currently screwed.

The TEA Party had it right............RINO HUNT.........ALL CAREER POLITICIANS FIRED.
Why is it impossible............... anything is possible..........but that path was last done in 1865.

I explained the intent of the original. They were right and we are currently screwed.

The TEA Party had it right............RINO HUNT.........ALL CAREER POLITICIANS FIRED.
Trust me. I am with that.
I have spent 20 years trying to the best of my ability to get ANYONE to listen - Democrats and Republicans are not our problem.
Modern corporatism is. It has taken over everything. And Covid put it into overdrive. Small businesses in 2020-2021 were crushed. No one really even knows how many. To hide that fact, the government uses newly formed "LLC's" as a "new business". It is estimated that about 65% of all LLCs - don't actually exist. But the government uses them as statistics showing "small businesses are flourishing" - it is a lie. Small business ownership in America is dying. And dying at a rapid pace now after Covid.
Why? Because fewer and fewer people are owning more and more of the economy. Which means power is continuously getting more and more concentrated. There is a fantastic video out there that shows this fact graphically. It is staggering.
America is making more and more and more $billionaires. And those $billionaires are about to turn into $trillionaires.
Elon Musk will be first, then Bezos... then others. Once that happens. America really ceases to exist.
Trust me. I am with that.
I have spent 20 years trying to the best of my ability to get ANYONE to listen - Democrats and Republicans are not our problem.
Modern corporatism is. It has taken over everything. And Covid put it into overdrive. Small businesses in 2020-2021 were crushed. No one really even knows how many. To hide that fact, the government uses newly formed "LLC's" as a "new business". It is estimated that about 65% of all LLCs - don't actually exist. But the government uses them as statistics showing "small businesses are flourishing" - it is a lie. Small business ownership in America is dying. And dying at a rapid pace now after Covid.
Why? Because fewer and fewer people are owning more and more of the economy. Which means power is continuously getting more and more concentrated. There is a fantastic video out there that shows this fact graphically. It is staggering.
America is making more and more and more $billionaires. And those $billionaires are about to turn into $trillionaires.
Elon Musk will be first, then Bezos... then others. Once that happens. America really ceases to exist.
They will not give up that power without a fight. Never. There is no other option.

And we know it. Right now they will end the dollar as a reserve currency and it's being done on purpose. While everyone's eyes are watching the show........BRICS is finishing us at the back door. Oil is coming off the dollar now...........and the Fed intends a new Cyber currency by next year.

It is a step by step process they are doing.
They are feverishly scouring their left-wing Internet sites for a snarky retort, likely something to include orange man bad.
/-----/ The trouble is, half of his supporters are so stoned or drunk and don't think he said anything wrong, 25% are his voters in the cemetery, and the other 25% exist only on a paper mail in ballot. So who is going to defend him?
They will not give up that power without a fight. Never. There is no other option.

And we know it. Right now they will end the dollar as a reserve currency and it's being done on purpose. While everyone's eyes are watching the show........BRICS is finishing us at the back door. Oil is coming off the dollar now...........and the Fed intends a new Cyber currency by next year.

It is a step by step process they are doing.
And it is happening all too easy.... primarily - because of this:


If Americans stay divided and constantly engage in the giant rock throwing contest that gets nowhere - those people at the top will control us all. They are almost there.

They control the media.
They control the FED
They control the entire banking system
They control the markets
They control both legislative branches
They control most state governments.
Word for word.

"And by the way my sympathies to your uh, families uh... and your F, uh..er...uh.. your uh er uh. your CFO. Who uh..e.. dropped dead very unexpectedly. My [inaudible 3 seconds] familes uh ut's tough stuff".

Holy hell... dropped dead????
Yeah... that is always the right thing to say at those moments talking to a loved one.

/------/ "Who uh..e.. dropped dead very unexpectedly. "
Well, he had several others to choose from: Kicked the bucket. croaked, assumed room temperature, six feet under, took a dirt nap ---
As long as Biden has CNN and the rest of the liberal media covering his gaffes and it seems perversions, the administration will continue to push the U.S. towards 3rd world status.
Word for word.

"And by the way my sympathies to your uh, families uh... and your F, uh..er...uh.. your uh er uh. your CFO. Who uh..e.. dropped dead very unexpectedly. My [inaudible 3 seconds] familes uh ut's tough stuff".

Holy hell... dropped dead????
Yeah... that is always the right thing to say at those moments talking to a loved one.

Do you have a real source or just another YouTube hit job?

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