HOLY SHIT!!!...Wikileaks Releases Nearly 20,000 Hacked DNC Emails

Wikileaks - DNC 'Pay to Play' email
Wikileaks DNS email database ^ | 2016-05-19 | [email protected]

Hi all,

Can we set up a time for a very brief call to go over our process for handling donations from donors who have given us pay to play letters?

Want to make sure we have a robust process in place to make sure that donations that come in from those donors, in any form, get put into the operating account.

Let me know when would be a good time for you all.

Thanks, Jackie

Nice try again--but Dick Morris is a Republican that frequents FOX News--and you actually think that anyone is going to believe what he has to say about Hillary Clinton.

We do the who as preyed upon the pea brains of this country, and his name is Donald Trump.

In fact, for the 1st time in 60 years Republicans are losing WHITE educated voters.
College-Educated Whites Put Hole in Trump Coalition
Column: Trump exploits rational political ignorance

And you suck any DemoRATS dick that pulls it out and wags it at you...Now that we've established that you are as far LEFT as the last stall in the girl's room, what else should we talk about?

No you're just not going to bullshit your way to the White House.

You made your bed with this
Red Alert Politics ^ | July 22, 2016 | Ryan Girdusky
The media characterized Donald Trump’s acceptance speech at the Republican National Committee as “dark” and “dystopian,” but the American people watching the speech had an overwhelmingly positive opinion according to a poll. According to a CNN/ORC poll released right after the end of the convention, 73 percent of viewers had a positive opinion of Donald Trump’s message to the “forgotten man.” A majority, 57 percent, had a very positive reaction of Trump’s speech and another 18 percent had a somewhat favorable opinion. Only 24 percent had a negative opinion of the speech. Another 56 percent said that his speech made...
--NOW YOU OWN IT. Nothing is going to stop this 200 foot high Tsunami from hitting the Republican Party on election night, not even Wikileaks from the CONSERVATIVE TREE HOUSE or what a Republican operative has to say about Hillary Clinton.
You Wanted Trump, You’ve Got Him | The American Spectator

Chimpanzee nominee....Does this now mean I can call the Obomanation a Nigga?

That's your business what you call someone, but you also exemplify the "Lil" Eienstein mentality of a Trump supporter. A racist, and you're really not promoting the Chimpanzee nominee with that comment--LOL.

Nice try again--but Dick Morris is a Republican that frequents FOX News--and you actually think that anyone is going to believe what he has to say about Hillary Clinton.

We do the who as preyed upon the pea brains of this country, and his name is Donald Trump.

In fact, for the 1st time in 60 years Republicans are losing WHITE educated voters.
College-Educated Whites Put Hole in Trump Coalition
Column: Trump exploits rational political ignorance

And you suck any DemoRATS dick that pulls it out and wags it at you...Now that we've established that you are as far LEFT as the last stall in the girl's room, what else should we talk about?

No you're just not going to bullshit your way to the White House.

You made your bed with this
Red Alert Politics ^ | July 22, 2016 | Ryan Girdusky
The media characterized Donald Trump’s acceptance speech at the Republican National Committee as “dark” and “dystopian,” but the American people watching the speech had an overwhelmingly positive opinion according to a poll. According to a CNN/ORC poll released right after the end of the convention, 73 percent of viewers had a positive opinion of Donald Trump’s message to the “forgotten man.” A majority, 57 percent, had a very positive reaction of Trump’s speech and another 18 percent had a somewhat favorable opinion. Only 24 percent had a negative opinion of the speech. Another 56 percent said that his speech made...
--NOW YOU OWN IT. Nothing is going to stop this 200 foot high Tsunami from hitting the Republican Party on election night, not even Wikileaks from the CONSERVATIVE TREE HOUSE or what a Republican operative has to say about Hillary Clinton.
You Wanted Trump, You’ve Got Him | The American Spectator

Chimpanzee nominee....Does this now mean I can call the Obomanation a Nigga?

That's your business what you call someone, but you also exemplify the "Lil" Eienstein mentality of a Trump supporter. A racist, and you're really not promoting the Chimpanzee nominee with that comment--LOL.

You must be a Nigga too! You have the IQ of a Ferguson citizen!
Nice try again--but Dick Morris is a Republican that frequents FOX News--and you actually think that anyone is going to believe what he has to say about Hillary Clinton.

We do the who as preyed upon the pea brains of this country, and his name is Donald Trump.

In fact, for the 1st time in 60 years Republicans are losing WHITE educated voters.
College-Educated Whites Put Hole in Trump Coalition
Column: Trump exploits rational political ignorance

And you suck any DemoRATS dick that pulls it out and wags it at you...Now that we've established that you are as far LEFT as the last stall in the girl's room, what else should we talk about?

No you're just not going to bullshit your way to the White House.

You made your bed with this
Red Alert Politics ^ | July 22, 2016 | Ryan Girdusky
The media characterized Donald Trump’s acceptance speech at the Republican National Committee as “dark” and “dystopian,” but the American people watching the speech had an overwhelmingly positive opinion according to a poll. According to a CNN/ORC poll released right after the end of the convention, 73 percent of viewers had a positive opinion of Donald Trump’s message to the “forgotten man.” A majority, 57 percent, had a very positive reaction of Trump’s speech and another 18 percent had a somewhat favorable opinion. Only 24 percent had a negative opinion of the speech. Another 56 percent said that his speech made...
--NOW YOU OWN IT. Nothing is going to stop this 200 foot high Tsunami from hitting the Republican Party on election night, not even Wikileaks from the CONSERVATIVE TREE HOUSE or what a Republican operative has to say about Hillary Clinton.
You Wanted Trump, You’ve Got Him | The American Spectator

Chimpanzee nominee....Does this now mean I can call the Obomanation a Nigga?

That's your business what you call someone, but you also exemplify the "Lil" Eienstein mentality of a Trump supporter. A racist, and you're really not promoting the Chimpanzee nominee with that comment--LOL.

You must be a Nigga too! You have the IQ of a Ferguson citizen!

I am not often called that, but when I am, it delights my day to know that I have got another Trump supporter foaming at the mouth.

And you suck any DemoRATS dick that pulls it out and wags it at you...Now that we've established that you are as far LEFT as the last stall in the girl's room, what else should we talk about?

No you're just not going to bullshit your way to the White House.

You made your bed with this
Red Alert Politics ^ | July 22, 2016 | Ryan Girdusky
The media characterized Donald Trump’s acceptance speech at the Republican National Committee as “dark” and “dystopian,” but the American people watching the speech had an overwhelmingly positive opinion according to a poll. According to a CNN/ORC poll released right after the end of the convention, 73 percent of viewers had a positive opinion of Donald Trump’s message to the “forgotten man.” A majority, 57 percent, had a very positive reaction of Trump’s speech and another 18 percent had a somewhat favorable opinion. Only 24 percent had a negative opinion of the speech. Another 56 percent said that his speech made...
--NOW YOU OWN IT. Nothing is going to stop this 200 foot high Tsunami from hitting the Republican Party on election night, not even Wikileaks from the CONSERVATIVE TREE HOUSE or what a Republican operative has to say about Hillary Clinton.
You Wanted Trump, You’ve Got Him | The American Spectator

Chimpanzee nominee....Does this now mean I can call the Obomanation a Nigga?

That's your business what you call someone, but you also exemplify the "Lil" Eienstein mentality of a Trump supporter. A racist, and you're really not promoting the Chimpanzee nominee with that comment--LOL.

You must be a Nigga too! You have the IQ of a Ferguson citizen!

I am not often called that, but when I am, it delights my day to know that I have got another Trump supporter foaming at the mouth.

Is that what you think...I'm sorry, we all know you have NO BRAIN, so you couldn't possibly think!
I am willing to bet Helly just lost the majority of the Sander's supporters.. That this bitch is a candidate for the Presidency is a fucking disgrace.

I can hardly with to see 20,000 IRATE Bern fans, going APE SHIT in Philly, time for a 6 pac and some munchies as we watch Chicago 1968 ALL OVER AGAIN!!!!
Don't forget the added tension from BLM.

1968 will look like an episode of "Barney and Friends" after this.
No you're just not going to bullshit your way to the White House.

You made your bed with this
Red Alert Politics ^ | July 22, 2016 | Ryan Girdusky
The media characterized Donald Trump’s acceptance speech at the Republican National Committee as “dark” and “dystopian,” but the American people watching the speech had an overwhelmingly positive opinion according to a poll. According to a CNN/ORC poll released right after the end of the convention, 73 percent of viewers had a positive opinion of Donald Trump’s message to the “forgotten man.” A majority, 57 percent, had a very positive reaction of Trump’s speech and another 18 percent had a somewhat favorable opinion. Only 24 percent had a negative opinion of the speech. Another 56 percent said that his speech made...
--NOW YOU OWN IT. Nothing is going to stop this 200 foot high Tsunami from hitting the Republican Party on election night, not even Wikileaks from the CONSERVATIVE TREE HOUSE or what a Republican operative has to say about Hillary Clinton.
You Wanted Trump, You’ve Got Him | The American Spectator

Chimpanzee nominee....Does this now mean I can call the Obomanation a Nigga?

That's your business what you call someone, but you also exemplify the "Lil" Eienstein mentality of a Trump supporter. A racist, and you're really not promoting the Chimpanzee nominee with that comment--LOL.

You must be a Nigga too! You have the IQ of a Ferguson citizen!

I am not often called that, but when I am, it delights my day to know that I have got another Trump supporter foaming at the mouth.

Is that what you think...I'm sorry, we all know you have NO BRAIN, so you couldn't possibly think!

Chimpanzee nominee....Does this now mean I can call the Obomanation a Nigga?

That's your business what you call someone, but you also exemplify the "Lil" Eienstein mentality of a Trump supporter. A racist, and you're really not promoting the Chimpanzee nominee with that comment--LOL.

You must be a Nigga too! You have the IQ of a Ferguson citizen!

I am not often called that, but when I am, it delights my day to know that I have got another Trump supporter foaming at the mouth.

Is that what you think...I'm sorry, we all know you have NO BRAIN, so you couldn't possibly think!


Nice try again--but Dick Morris is a Republican operative that frequents FOX News--and you actually think that anyone is going to believe what he has to say about Hillary Clinton.

We do the who as preyed upon the pea brains of this country, and his name is Donald Trump.

In fact, for the 1st time in 60 years Republicans are losing WHITE educated voters.
College-Educated Whites Put Hole in Trump Coalition
Column: Trump exploits rational political ignorance


Only the dumbest white people vote Democrat today.

It is embarrassing to read Republican comments before mindless Democrat comments on Internet sites these days.
  • Did Hillary Clinton Just Force Twitter To Delete DNCLeaks?
    Truth Kings ^
    Wikileaks has published upwards of 20,000 DNC emails. The emails put on display a level of political corruption we’ve yet to experience. Many of the emails include directives to smear both Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump with absolute lies. The idea was to create scandals as a way to hand Hillary the nomination. As soon as Wikileaks posted the emails, Twitter began trending with #DNCLeaks. It was the top trending hashtag. But suddenly it has disappeared.
Silence is Consent ^ | July 22 2016 | Steve Boss
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange says his next leak will virtually guarantee an indictment of Hillary Clinton. In a recent interview with ITV, Assange said the whistleblowing website will soon be leaking documents that will provide “enough evidence” for the Department of Justice to indict the presumptive Democratic nominee. WikiLeaks has already published 30,322 emails from Clinton’s private email server, spanning from June 30, 2010 to August 12, 2014. While Assange didn’t specify what exactly was in the emails, he did tell ITV that WikiLeaks had “accumulated a lot of material about Hillary Clinton, which could proceed to an indictment.”
Silence is Consent ^ | July 22 2016 | Steve Boss
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange says his next leak will virtually guarantee an indictment of Hillary Clinton. In a recent interview with ITV, Assange said the whistleblowing website will soon be leaking documents that will provide “enough evidence” for the Department of Justice to indict the presumptive Democratic nominee. WikiLeaks has already published 30,322 emails from Clinton’s private email server, spanning from June 30, 2010 to August 12, 2014. While Assange didn’t specify what exactly was in the emails, he did tell ITV that WikiLeaks had “accumulated a lot of material about Hillary Clinton, which could proceed to an indictment.”
Julian Assange is a fucking idiot.

The political power in this country wouldn't indict Clinton if they had six hours of footage showing her shooting cops along with a signed confession.
  • Wikileaks Proves Primary Was Rigged: DNC Undermined Democracy
    observer.com ^ | 7/22/2016 | Michael Sainato
    On July 25, the Democratic National Convention will begin in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. To commensurate the event and its embrace of corrupt politician Hillary Clinton as the Democratic nominee, Wikileaks is releasing thousands of DNC/Clinton emails. In its recent leak of 20,000 DNC emails from January 2015 to May 2016, DNC staff discuss how to deal with Bernie Sanders’ popularity as a challenge to Clinton’s candidacy. Instead of treating Sanders as a viable candidate for the Democratic ticket, the DNC worked against him and his campaign to ensure Clinton received the nomination. One email from DNC deputy communications director Eric Walker...

They sure are a bit anti-democratic to be called democrats.
^^ Helly Zombie cares more about the Corrupt Cracka ticket being hacked..
Good for her, I bet it helps her sleep at night, and a bolted door lock to keep Bill out...
zOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOM right over your pointy stupid head
I know, you are stupid, how is that Green Zone thread going? ISIS ever get there?
She is not my candidate, that is your fallacy....trying to think....

yes she is lier.

Yes she is. Liar.
Lakota is of course giggling. No wonder her people didn't have a word for wheel.

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