Holy skitshi 12th District of Ohio to close to call!!! A solid RED district!

So Republicans during the summer months are just to dam lazy to lick a stamp and mail off their ballot is what you're sayiing---:auiqs.jpg:

How many times do you have to be wrong?
He is a small minded bigot.

He is always wrong and now he is just used to it.

Well then explain the 18th district of Pennsylvania, that happened last winter. Another predominately Republican district that Trump won by 20 points was lost to a Democrat, Connor Lamb. Maybe it just too cold for Republicans to get out and vote?
Blue wave coming this November 2018

Or more likely it has something to do with this.




7 of 8 special election loses by dems does not make a blue wave



7 of the 8 seats were seats that went heavily Republican in 2016. The Republicans could afford a 10 point swing and still win. There are 68 seats that are less Republican than Ohio 12. Those are the seats that should worry Republicans.
150k didn’t vote in that interim election and you still couldn’t win. Hmm why?
I would point out that none of us knew what an astoundingly effective President he would be.


Economist Paul Krugman predicts a 'global recession with no end in sight' if Trump wins

Nobel Prize-winning economist Paul Krugman predicts a "global recession with no end in sight" if Donald Trump is elected president:

Economist Paul Krugman predicts a 'global recession with no end in sight' if Trump wins

Steven Rattner: If ‘Trump Wins You Will See a Market Crash of Historic Proportions’

Steven Rattner: If ‘Trump Wins You Will See a Market Crash of Historic Proportions’

You're being uncharacteristically demure. :)

We both knew this would happen. Maybe you more than I.
Well if this isn't the writing on the wall for Republicans this coming November, I don't what is. We've seen several special elections won by Democrats over the last year where Democrats don't normally win. You can go to this link for an overview with links and pictures.
Blue wave coming this November 2018

In 2016 this same district was won handidly by the Republican--as expected
Pat Tiberi* Republican 251,266 66.6%
Ed Albertson Democrat 112,638 29.8
Joe Manchik Green 13,474 3.6
Ohio U.S. House 12th District Results: Pat Tiberi Wins

Tonight the special election it looks like this:
Balderson Rep 101,574. 50.2%
Connor Dem. 99,820 49.3% a difference of 1700 votes. Now for you left wingers that voted for a 3rd party in this race who took 1000 votes away from Connor you should be kicking yourselves in the ass right now.
5000 mail in ballots to be counted yet.

Just to note that this is and has always been a solid Republican district. This district should not have even made the news tonight, but it's been on the news all night.

Trump has already taken credit for this "yuuuuuge" win--:auiqs.jpg:

"When I decided to go to Ohio for Troy Balderson, he was down in early voting 64 to 36. That was not good. After my speech on Saturday night, there was a big turn for the better. Now Troy wins a great victory during a very tough time of the year for voting. He will win BIG in Nov."
Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) | Twitter


Now it's still expected that Republican Balderson will win this race by the skin of his teeth. But these yuuuuge swings in these special elections are a tell tale sign of what's coming. When you can't get Republicans to vote for the Republican there are serious problems on the horizon.


Hey there. Maybe you didn’t hear, the Democrat lost.
Last edited by a moderator:
Well if this isn't the writing on the wall for Republicans this coming November, I don't what is. We've seen several special elections won by Democrats over the last year where Democrats don't normally win. You can go to this link for an overview with links and pictures.
Blue wave coming this November 2018

In 2016 this same district was won handidly by the Republican--as expected
Pat Tiberi* Republican 251,266 66.6%
Ed Albertson Democrat 112,638 29.8
Joe Manchik Green 13,474 3.6
Ohio U.S. House 12th District Results: Pat Tiberi Wins

Tonight the special election it looks like this:
Balderson Rep 101,574. 50.2%
Connor Dem. 99,820 49.3% a difference of 1700 votes. Now for you left wingers that voted for a 3rd party in this race who took 1000 votes away from Connor you should be kicking yourselves in the ass right now.
5000 mail in ballots to be counted yet.

Just to note that this is and has always been a solid Republican district. This district should not have even made the news tonight, but it's been on the news all night.

Trump has already taken credit for this "yuuuuuge" win--:auiqs.jpg:

"When I decided to go to Ohio for Troy Balderson, he was down in early voting 64 to 36. That was not good. After my speech on Saturday night, there was a big turn for the better. Now Troy wins a great victory during a very tough time of the year for voting. He will win BIG in Nov."
Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) | Twitter


Now it's still expected that Republican Balderson will win this race by the skin of his teeth. But these yuuuuge swings in these special elections are a tell tale sign of what's coming. When you can't get Republicans to vote for the Republican there are serious problems on the horizon.


Hey there. Maybe you didn’t here, the Democrat lost.
And 150 thousand republicans that voted in 2016 didn’t vote. That be a spanking
I would point out that none of us knew what an astoundingly effective President he would be.


Economist Paul Krugman predicts a 'global recession with no end in sight' if Trump wins

Nobel Prize-winning economist Paul Krugman predicts a "global recession with no end in sight" if Donald Trump is elected president:

Economist Paul Krugman predicts a 'global recession with no end in sight' if Trump wins

Steven Rattner: If ‘Trump Wins You Will See a Market Crash of Historic Proportions’

Steven Rattner: If ‘Trump Wins You Will See a Market Crash of Historic Proportions’

You're being uncharacteristically demure. :)

We both knew this would happen. Maybe you more than I.

I was kinda afraid to hope, along these lines....

"The common wisdom holds that 'both parties' have to appeal to the extremes during the primary and then move to the center for the general election. To the contrary, both parties run for office as conservatives. Once they have fooled the voters and are safely in office, Republicans sometimes double-cross the voters. Democrats always do."
Coulter, 11-27-03
Special elections historically are favored to the left. Unfortunately for your little graph, dems didn’t win to the degree that you want. The Washington post, if you remember had Hillary hands down. All the pontification may make you feel good, it’s still to early to predict anything.
Well if this isn't the writing on the wall for Republicans this coming November, I don't what is. We've seen several special elections won by Democrats over the last year where Democrats don't normally win. You can go to this link for an overview with links and pictures.
Blue wave coming this November 2018

In 2016 this same district was won handidly by the Republican--as expected
Pat Tiberi* Republican 251,266 66.6%
Ed Albertson Democrat 112,638 29.8
Joe Manchik Green 13,474 3.6
Ohio U.S. House 12th District Results: Pat Tiberi Wins

Tonight the special election it looks like this:
Balderson Rep 101,574. 50.2%
Connor Dem. 99,820 49.3% a difference of 1700 votes. Now for you left wingers that voted for a 3rd party in this race who took 1000 votes away from Connor you should be kicking yourselves in the ass right now.
5000 mail in ballots to be counted yet.

Just to note that this is and has always been a solid Republican district. This district should not have even made the news tonight, but it's been on the news all night.

Trump has already taken credit for this "yuuuuuge" win--:auiqs.jpg:

"When I decided to go to Ohio for Troy Balderson, he was down in early voting 64 to 36. That was not good. After my speech on Saturday night, there was a big turn for the better. Now Troy wins a great victory during a very tough time of the year for voting. He will win BIG in Nov."
Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) | Twitter


Now it's still expected that Republican Balderson will win this race by the skin of his teeth. But these yuuuuge swings in these special elections are a tell tale sign of what's coming. When you can't get Republicans to vote for the Republican there are serious problems on the horizon.


The whole 3rd party thing is ridiculous.

Going out and voting for who you want to vote for shouldn't lead to one other person winning or not.

In Germany they can vote FPTP (Like the US) and PR on the same day at the same time.

8% of people changed their votes from larger parties with FPTP to smaller parties with PR, because with PR they have real choice and freedom to vote for whomever they like.

Anyone who didn't learn their lesson from 2016--where 7 million people voted 3rd party, shouldn't be voting. They're simply casting a protest vote--and that's exactly why we've got an Ass Clown sitting in the Oval office today..

Liberal Democrats have been putting up liberal politicians that are going to have a very difficult time winning elections.. They risk losing this momentum, and actually giving races to Republicans by putting up Bernie Sanders type candidates to run in the General.

Before I get attacked by liberals on this I will remind them that Hillary Clinton beat Bernie Sanders worse than she did Trump. She beat Sanders by 3,775,437 Democrat primary popular votes. In comparison Obama beat Hillary in 2008 by a mere 41,622 democrat primary popular votes.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote
2008 Democratic Popular Vote | RealClearPolitics

So if Democrats want to win in 2018 they're going to have to support and vote for bluedog Democrats.

Fuck this shit.

When I can't vote for who I want to vote for, that's bullshit.

When I'm expected to vote for someone I don't like just to stop someone even worse getting in, that's not democracy.

Do you really believe that anyone gives a rats ass about your protest vote. You want to waste your vote go ahead. But you only shove a big stick up your own ass when people like this are elected.


I was a lifelong Republican until this Ass Clown was made the poster boy of it. I have over 17K posts on this board to prove it. I then changed my party status to Independent and followed the advice of a long time friend and former staffer of RONALD REAGAN.

Republicans 1st mistake was making Trump the RNC nominee, they're 2nd mistake was not being smart enough to vote for Hillary Clinton to keep this Ass clown out of the Oval office.

Now it's time to pay the piper.
Blue wave coming this November 2018

And why is it a "protest vote". I have a vote, why shouldn't I get to vote for who I want without fear, or being treated like a child?

Other countries can manage to treat their citizens like grown ups, why not the US?
The beauty of the Democrats is that even when they lose (and they do so all the time), they take it as a victory. In every state Hillary lost, in every battle they lose, they focus on the one element: money spent, tightness of race, redness of district, whatever it is that they can turn to and say they DID REALLY WELL . . . CONSIDERING, then spin that into proof that the blue wave is building steam. Even when that steam only turns out to be a hot, wet fart.
This particular district was considered virtually unflippable. And it's still too close to call.

Well, as the current vote looks, the GOP candidate only won by .9%, in the previous 2016 election, Trump's spread was about 10% and that district spread for the GOP House winner was a 37%.

Still lost.

Where is that blue wave?

OK goose-stepper, this race was never supposed to be this close. The fact the Trump and other GOP heavy hitters came to the 12th District to campaign for Balderson, plus the historical GOP winning margins, no one expected an only .9% margin.
Facts are against you, Gomer.
He still won.
Not yet.
10 posts deleted for no content pertaining to the OP.

Trump is not the topic

the election in Ohio is the topic.
Okay, so this topic is about Ohio's 12th District of Ohio and the impact and influence Trump has had on this election.

Clearly this election is a close run thing because of Trump. Had Trump not been so divisive then the Republicans would have won this election by a mile, again.

The repercussions for November are clearly there. If Republicans can concentrate on one election and pour money in, they can save 2/3 majorities, just. Anything less than this will be a slaughter.

Trump will then clearly lose the House, which means he'll never get anything done for the next two years, putting his presidency in jeopardy.
I bet if they recount the votes there will be a lot more votes than registered voters. Just like in Michigan in November, 2016.

Go ahead, libs, recount the votes!
Okay, so this topic is about Ohio's 12th District of Ohio and the impact and influence Trump has had on this election.

Clearly this election is a close run thing because of Trump. Had Trump not been so divisive then the Republicans would have won this election by a mile, again.

The repercussions for November are clearly there. If Republicans can concentrate on one election and pour money in, they can save 2/3 majorities, just. Anything less than this will be a slaughter.

Trump will then clearly lose the House, which means he'll never get anything done for the next two years, putting his presidency in jeopardy.
That is total unfounded bullshit.

Trump is the only reason why Balderson won. Troy is a dull and uninspiring candidate running against a younger candidate that ran away from the worst aspects of his party and did not go out of his way to bash Trump.

Had Trump not energized thousands of voters over the weekend to go vote for Balderson, O’Connor would have won because of the low Republican turnout.

The problem for the Democrats is that most of their candidates are not like Lamb or O’ Connor or Jones, they are like Hillary and Warren, and Republicans will come out to vote against them.
Republicans eked out a win but spent millions to do it. That is easy when you do it one at a time. Now they will all come at once. Republicans are not going to be able to spend that much money per seat with at least 68 seats that have less of a partisan advantage than Ohio 12. Republicans are facing tough fights for 3 Republican held sears in Washington state. They will have to deal with the fallout from Chris Collins' arrest as well.
Hillary by a landslide! Jesus, it’s to far out. Any body that concerns themselves with those this point has way to much time in their hands and way to much hatred for the other side.

I disagree. When you see a trend developing then it is relevant. The trends have been very clear since the elections in 2016. Republicans are in trouble in districts that have a suburban component to them. Also Democrats have been more motivated to turn out in special elections.
That may be what you want. Voters are fickle and Pontification this far out is truly just an exercise to make one feel good.

Until the trends are broken, they are very germane. Elections generally have a theme all their own.
Republicans eked out a win but spent millions to do it. That is easy when you do it one at a time. Now they will all come at once. Republicans are not going to be able to spend that much money per seat with at least 68 seats that have less of a partisan advantage than Ohio 12. Republicans are facing tough fights for 3 Republican held sears in Washington state. They will have to deal with the fallout from Chris Collins' arrest as well.
Hillary by a landslide! Jesus, it’s to far out. Any body that concerns themselves with those this point has way to much time in their hands and way to much hatred for the other side.

I disagree. When you see a trend developing then it is relevant. The trends have been very clear since the elections in 2016. Republicans are in trouble in districts that have a suburban component to them. Also Democrats have been more motivated to turn out in special elections.
That may be what you want. Voters are fickle and Pontification this far out is truly just an exercise to make one feel good.

Hardly especially when the trends have been ongoing for over a year.
Except the republicans keep winning. The trends haven’t been ongoing. The trends in the polls may have, but the end result hasnt supported your stance.

Yes it has, Democrats on average have picked up 10 points. If you look at the special elections, all save 1 have a greater than 10 Republican advantage. You would expect very little to happen.
Special elections historically are favored to the left. Unfortunately for your little graph, dems didn’t win to the degree that you want. The Washington post, if you remember had Hillary hands down. All the pontification may make you feel good, it’s still to early to predict anything.

Apparently you have decided to deny reality. These are cold hard numbers that you apparently cannot accept.

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