Holy Spankings! Democrats open 14% lead in ABC/WaPo midterms poll

Yawn...Sep 4, 2018 by a Liberal rag.
They're the same ones that predicted that Hillary would blow out Trump. What else you got?
False. Their final poll had Hillary by 3% in the popular vote. She won it by 2%.
Don't lie because your feelings are hurt.

Their final poll had Hillary by 3% in the popular vote.

Every one of their polls gave Hillary the EC.
Trump had no path to 270.
What happened?
That's idiotic. Polls don't predict electoral vote.
WaPo polls in 2016 referred to popular vote.

That's idiotic. Polls don't predict electoral vote.

And yet, every newspaper had a list of predicted Electoral Votes.
And every one of them had Hillary with more EVs than Trump.

WaPo polls in 2016 referred to popular vote.

View attachment 214577

Analysis | A comprehensive average of election forecasts points to a decisive Clinton victory
Thats a forecast from a website called pollyvote, not a ABC/WaPo poll.

That's a forecast published in the Washington Post on the morning of election day.
Did you notice they had Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania as safely Dem?
And Florida!!!!
Gotta love them polls.
Just maybe don't bet your life on them, eh?
Except for some state races, the polls in 2016 were pretty accurate nation wide....
They're the same ones that predicted that Hillary would blow out Trump. What else you got?
3 million more votes is a blow out if you discount the EC.
If you discount 10 million illegal alien votes, Trump still wins by 7 million.
But let's say only a third of the illegals voted. Trump still wins.
But let's say none of the illegals voted (highly unlikely). Trump still wins because we elect our president with the EC.
So, you see, not only Trump wins, but America wins. Leftist traitors lose.
You out.
Yawn...Sep 4, 2018 by a Liberal rag.
They're the same ones that predicted that Hillary would blow out Trump. What else you got?
False. Their final poll had Hillary by 3% in the popular vote. She won it by 2%.
Don't lie because your feelings are hurt.

Their final poll had Hillary by 3% in the popular vote.

Every one of their polls gave Hillary the EC.
Trump had no path to 270.
What happened?
That's idiotic. Polls don't predict electoral vote.
WaPo polls in 2016 referred to popular vote.
The popular vote does not matter in our electoral system. If CA is able to manufacture an extra 2.9 million votes by relaxing federal election laws the electoral college goes around that. One state filled with illegal voters cannot overrule every other state.
They're the same ones that predicted that Hillary would blow out Trump. What else you got?
False. Their final poll had Hillary by 3% in the popular vote. She won it by 2%.
Don't lie because your feelings are hurt.
Correct, the final poll. However this far in advance the poll was very similar. One must take into account the poll itself. 1,003 of which only 879 were registered voters. The bulk of those survived ( 63% ) were indeed democrats.
They're the same ones that predicted that Hillary would blow out Trump. What else you got?
False. Their final poll had Hillary by 3% in the popular vote. She won it by 2%.
Don't lie because your feelings are hurt.
Correct, the final poll. However this far in advance the poll was very similar. One must take into account the poll itself. 1,003 of which only 879 were registered voters. The bulk of those survived ( 63% ) were indeed democrats.
You lied about 63% being Democrats.
What a bloodbath.
Registered voters say they favor the Democratic candidate over the Republican candidate in their district by 52 percent to 38 percent. That is a marked increase from the four-point edge in an April Post-ABC poll but similar to the 12-point advantage Democrats enjoyed in January.

Poll: Democrats regain clear advantage in midterms shaping up as referendum on President Trump

These polls are as accurate as a broken clock, but I have been saying for weeks that the Dems will take back the House. It’s nearly inevitable. The party opposite the president almost always makes advances during midterms.
They're the same ones that predicted that Hillary would blow out Trump. What else you got?
False. Their final poll had Hillary by 3% in the popular vote. She won it by 2%.
Don't lie because your feelings are hurt.
The next time the 'popular vote' elects the President by all means let us know.......ASSHOLE!
The electoral college doesn’t elect House members either.
So what's you point dummy?
YOU were the one who brought up the EC knowing full well it has ZERO to do with electing a president.
Big fucking deal that Cal. has more stupid LIBs than other states.
Let the Cal. government allow ten million more illegals into the state.
That should help matters.
Yawn...Sep 4, 2018 by a Liberal rag.
They're the same ones that predicted that Hillary would blow out Trump. What else you got?
False. Their final poll had Hillary by 3% in the popular vote. She won it by 2%.
Don't lie because your feelings are hurt.

Their final poll had Hillary by 3% in the popular vote.

Every one of their polls gave Hillary the EC.
Trump had no path to 270.
What happened?
That's idiotic. Polls don't predict electoral vote.
WaPo polls in 2016 referred to popular vote.

Teddy- stop it! You’re making yourself look like a whinny idiot. The pollsters predicted the Bulldyke, they admit it, and they admit they were wrong. But the Dems will win the house.

A group of major pollsters just released an autopsy report to explain why the polls were such a disaster in 2016
A conglomerate of top pollsters released an autopsy report last week on polling in the 2016 election — specifically, what went wildly wrong in overwhelming predictions of a Hillary Clinton presidency.
They're the same ones that predicted that Hillary would blow out Trump. What else you got?
False. Their final poll had Hillary by 3% in the popular vote. She won it by 2%.
Don't lie because your feelings are hurt.
Correct, the final poll. However this far in advance the poll was very similar. One must take into account the poll itself. 1,003 of which only 879 were registered voters. The bulk of those survived ( 63% ) were indeed democrats.
You lied about 63% being Democrats.
No I didnt
The majority of the country clearly wants to move Faaaaaaaaaaaaaar Left in terms of both social and economic policies. I am not sure I understand why but cannot fight the majority.
What a bloodbath.
Registered voters say they favor the Democratic candidate over the Republican candidate in their district by 52 percent to 38 percent. That is a marked increase from the four-point edge in an April Post-ABC poll but similar to the 12-point advantage Democrats enjoyed in January.

Poll: Democrats regain clear advantage in midterms shaping up as referendum on President Trump
Considering all the evidence of interference and hacking...never count your chickens before they hatch.
Actually there is no evidence that has been produced.
The Senate has made several requests for evidence yet nothing has been offered as proof
What a bloodbath.
Registered voters say they favor the Democratic candidate over the Republican candidate in their district by 52 percent to 38 percent. That is a marked increase from the four-point edge in an April Post-ABC poll but similar to the 12-point advantage Democrats enjoyed in January.

Poll: Democrats regain clear advantage in midterms shaping up as referendum on President Trump
What a pack of lies. All they are doing is trying to influence an election. Just like when the whore Clinton ran. Nothing but lies.
What a bloodbath.
Registered voters say they favor the Democratic candidate over the Republican candidate in their district by 52 percent to 38 percent. That is a marked increase from the four-point edge in an April Post-ABC poll but similar to the 12-point advantage Democrats enjoyed in January.

Poll: Democrats regain clear advantage in midterms shaping up as referendum on President Trump

Good, productive people don’t respond to polls.
Spending time with pollsters is a thing for lowlifes, bottom feeders, weirdos and barely legals.
Guess what that means?
They're the same ones that predicted that Hillary would blow out Trump. What else you got?
False. Their final poll had Hillary by 3% in the popular vote. She won it by 2%.
Don't lie because your feelings are hurt.

Their final poll had Hillary by 3% in the popular vote.

Every one of their polls gave Hillary the EC.
Trump had no path to 270.
What happened?

Dummy, a national poll BY DEFINITION can't directly show electoral college outcome.

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