Holy Spankings! Democrats open 14% lead in ABC/WaPo midterms poll

What a bloodbath.
Registered voters say they favor the Democratic candidate over the Republican candidate in their district by 52 percent to 38 percent. That is a marked increase from the four-point edge in an April Post-ABC poll but similar to the 12-point advantage Democrats enjoyed in January.

Poll: Democrats regain clear advantage in midterms shaping up as referendum on President Trump

We will see dip shit....

Your libtard polls said Trump had a 5% chance to win....

Who's your president now?

The stupid fucking spin is that the polls were right because she won a fictitious race of combining all the local elections.

She lost and it’s the same reason a national poll means NOTHING for the mid terms.

Idiots seem to never learn.
That’s what I’m saying. How does national translate into local exactly?

It doesn't...they are fucking idiots.
I know, it was a rhetorical.point.
Maybe you need it. You people keep talking about how the polls got it wrong in 2016. They got the popular vote right and the popular vote is what matters.

They got the popular vote right and the popular vote is what matters.

If they vote in 5 districts and the Dem wins in one by 100,000 votes and the Republicans win the other 4 by 1,000 votes each, is the headline, "Dems win by 96,000 votes"? or "Republicans win 4 out of 5 seats"?

The last Washington Post poll had Clinton up by 3 in the last poll. She won the popular vote by 2.

The last Washington Post poll had Clinton up by 3 in the last poll.

How many electoral votes did their polls show her winning?

They did not have a forecast for electoral votes.

This is so weird, the LA Times had a prediction of electoral votes.

View attachment 215057

The race to 270

So weird you don’t know what the word LIKELY means.
I expect the lead to go to about 15-20% until 2 weeks out. Then, magically, it will tighten to 2-3 points and the Republicans will hold the House. They juice the polls until the last minute. They need the last one to be accurate for future business.

Ahh yes, the grand ol' THEY, grandly conspiring as always.


Another day, another disastrous poll for Donald Trump. A new McClatchy/Marist poll conducted on Monday, August 1, found Clinton with a staggering 15-point lead, 48% to 33%.


Washington (CNN)Hillary Clinton holds a double digit lead -- 15 points -- on Donald Trump in New Hampshire, according to a new poll released Wednesday.


Hillary Clinton has widened her lead over Donald Trump, polling 14 percentage points ahead nationally, according to a new Associated Press-GfK poll, which comes 12 days before the presidential election.


Hillary Clinton leads him by seven percentage points, 46 percent to 39 percent, in a four-way race. And in a contest that could decide control of the Senate, the Republican senator Pat Toomey trails the Democratic challenger Katie McGinty by three points.


Hillary Clinton is ahead of Donald Trump by double digits with just over three weeks until Election Day, according to a new national NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll conducted entirely after the second presidential debate.


With 11 days to go before the U.S. presidential election, Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton leads Republican Donald Trump by 15 percentage points among early voters surveyed in the past two weeks, according to the Reuters/Ipsos States of the Nation project.


A friend asked me the other day whether there’s anything preventing Hillary Clinton from rising further in our forecast, beyond what have generally been very good polls for her. Clinton’s chances are up a bit — she’s hit 88 percent in our polls-only forecast, up slightly from 86 percent on Friday and 83 percent a week ago. In the polls-plus forecast, Clinton’s chances are 85 percent, up from 80 percent a week earlier


Democrat Hillary Clinton now holds a 15-point advantage over Republican Donald Trump in Virginia, according to a tracking survey released Sunday by the Wason Center for Public Policy at Christopher Newport University. Clinton leads Trump among likely voters in Virginia, 44-29 percent.

“It’s crystal clear why the Trump campaign pulled staff out of Virginia this week,” said Dr. Quentin Kidd, Director of the Wason Center.


A New York Times Upshot/Siena College survey released on Tuesday confirms that Mr. Trump’s standing has deteriorated considerably. Hillary Clinton has a seven-point lead over Mr. Trump in North Carolina, 46 percent to 39 percent, among likely voters in a three-way race including the Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson.


Texas may be a battleground state this election, according to a new poll of all 50 states by the Washington Post, which shows Hillary Clinton with a narrow edge over Donald Trump in Texas 46 to 45 percent among registered voters.


Clinton leads Trump by 15 percentage points, 52% to 37%, among likely voters -- with 10% supporting neither candidate. That's a huge jump from the same poll's findings in July, when it had Clinton at 45% to Trump's 41%.


EAST LANSING, MI -- A survey from Michigan State University's Institute for Public Policy and Social Research suggests Democrat Hillary Clinton has a wide lead over Republican Donald Trump among Michigan's likely voters.

The quarterly State of the State Survey conducted by the institute tracked voters from Sept. 1 to Oct. 30 and found that among likely voters in Michigan, 52 percent said they would vote for Clinton and 32 percent said they would vote for Trump.


(CNN)A new poll shows Democrat Hillary Clinton with a lead in the traditional Republican stronghold of Arizona, yet another sign of Donald Trump's shrinking path to the nomination.

Aaaaand? What makes you think Clinton DID NOT have 15 point advantage in August, 3 months before election?
They got the popular vote right and the popular vote is what matters.

If they vote in 5 districts and the Dem wins in one by 100,000 votes and the Republicans win the other 4 by 1,000 votes each, is the headline, "Dems win by 96,000 votes"? or "Republicans win 4 out of 5 seats"?

The last Washington Post poll had Clinton up by 3 in the last poll. She won the popular vote by 2.

The last Washington Post poll had Clinton up by 3 in the last poll.

How many electoral votes did their polls show her winning?

They did not have a forecast for electoral votes.

This is so weird, the LA Times had a prediction of electoral votes.

View attachment 215057

The race to 270

So weird you don’t know what the word LIKELY means.

having a high probability of occurring or being true : very probable

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