Holy toledo!!!! Numbers coming in 52% Leave 48% Remain

Mmmmmm......the sweet smell of nationalism in the morning!! Just when liberals thought they had driven the death nail into the Western Civilization....Old England fires the first shot of resistance!!

View attachment 79242
And I for one didn't think they would be the first shot...I was sure they were doomed.

The British would be doomed if they hadn't of voted to Leave.

With 14 results to declare.


Sheesh, yet another huge fail for Obama and his BIG flapping mouth, his threat turned the tide in favor of leaving the EU...and congratulations to the British for choosing freedom over socialism and the globalists central control over-regulating their lives without representation.


Barack Obama has warned that the UK would be at the “back of the queue” in any trade deal with the US if the country chose to leave the EU, as he made an emotional plea to Britons to vote for staying in.

The US president used a keenly awaited press conference with David Cameron, held at the Foreign Office, to explain why he had the “temerity to weigh in” over the high-stakes British question in an intervention that delighted remain campaigners.

Obama argued that he had a right to respond to the claims of Brexit campaigners that Britain would easily be able to negotiate a fresh trade deal with the US. “They are voicing an opinion about what the United States is going to do, I figured you might want to hear from the president of the United States what I think the United States is going to do.

“And on that matter, for example, I think it’s fair to say that maybe some point down the line there might be a UK-US trade agreement, but it’s not going to happen any time soon because our focus is in negotiating with a big bloc, theEuropean Union, to get a trade agreement done”.

He added: “The UK is going to be in the back of the queue.”

Barack Obama: Brexit would put UK 'back of the queue' for trade talks
Mmmmmm......the sweet smell of nationalism in the morning!! Just when liberals thought they had driven the death nail into the Western Civilization....Old England fires the first shot of resistance!!

View attachment 79242
And I for one didn't think they would be the first shot...I was sure they were doomed.

Yep. They were first. We'll be second. France and Germany aren't far behind.

You can smell the nationalism warming up like a fresh pot of coffee in the morning....the slow sizzle of bacon and eggs.....mmmmmmm.....the Old Western Civilization is waking the fuck up. And we have some shit to fix.

Damn I hate your avatar :)

Love the show - but I want to put a bullet between Simco's eyes.....
EU referendum: Latest results - BBC News

Who knows how it will finish...but the British vote to exit or stay in the EU is underway and at this moment..."leave" is up 50.4% to 49.6%.

The British Patriots who want out are tired of unchecked Muslim invasion of their country and of far left socialist policy from Brussels.

They want their independence back. And I hope they get it.

Dig it! My gold is glistening, yea baby!
If Uk is out then so is Scotland.

If Scots vote out of Uk they are still out of Eu and will suck hind tit in the queue applying to become a NEW member!
They'll be in in a minute. They aren't Turkey.

Just the kind of dumb nationalist racist stuff that happens after a GOP world depression...after 8 years of the GOP obstructing a full recovery, who knows. The world economy is still weak.
If this vote holds up, this definitely puts a crimp in the plans of the global elites and their "one world government" plan. You can bet that they will do their best to make England pay for spurning them.
Only 14 left to be declared. Leave 1.1 million ahead.
Leave only needs 373,532to win. Remain needs
1.8 million
EU referendum: Latest results - BBC News

Who knows how it will finish...but the British vote to exit or stay in the EU is underway and at this moment..."leave" is up 50.4% to 49.6%.

The British Patriots who want out are tired of unchecked Muslim invasion of their country and of far left socialist policy from Brussels.

They want their independence back. And I hope they get it.

Dig it! My gold is glistening, yea baby!
Bling bling baby! Mine too!
If Uk is out then so is Scotland.

If Scots vote out of Uk they are still out of Eu and will suck hind tit in the queue applying to become a NEW member!

Scotland issues warning in post-Brexit debate

Scotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has declared that her nation sees its future as "part of the EU".

All of Scotland's voting areas backed Remain, but their votes were washed away by a tide of Leave sentiment south of the border.

Sturgeon had earlier indicated that a Leave vote could precipitate Scottish independence.
If this vote holds up, this definitely puts a crimp in the plans of the global elites and their "one world government" plan. You can bet that they will do their best to make England pay for spurning them.
Which is why I am laughing my ass off
Mmmmmm......the sweet smell of nationalism in the morning!! Just when liberals thought they had driven the death nail into the Western Civilization....Old England fires the first shot of resistance!!

View attachment 79242
And I for one didn't think they would be the first shot...I was sure they were doomed.

The British would be doomed if they hadn't of voted to Leave.

With 14 results to declare.



This makes it officially impossible for Remain to win, Leave has now passed the 16,460,000 point.


If Uk is out then so is Scotland.

If Scots vote out of Uk they are still out of Eu and will suck hind tit in the queue applying to become a NEW member!

Scotland issues warning in post-Brexit debate

Scotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has declared that her nation sees its future as "part of the EU".

All of Scotland's voting areas backed Remain, but their votes were washed away by a tide of Leave sentiment south of the border.

Sturgeon had earlier indicated that a Leave vote could precipitate Scottish independence.

Cut them loose and gain more independence for England and Wales.
Mmmmmm......the sweet smell of nationalism in the morning!! Just when liberals thought they had driven the death nail into the Western Civilization....Old England fires the first shot of resistance!!

View attachment 79242
And I for one didn't think they would be the first shot...I was sure they were doomed.

The British would be doomed if they hadn't of voted to Leave.

With 14 results to declare.



This makes it officially impossible for Remain to win, Leave has now passed the 16,460,000 point.


I just heard that the winning number is 16,750,000

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