Holy toledo!!!! Numbers coming in 52% Leave 48% Remain

As if the UK was doing well before the EU. This is just the kind of ignorant, nationalist stuff that happens after a GOP world depression. Watch as ignorant Trump people get all excited.
Quit crying, you slack jawed leftist faggot. Coming to a country near you, bitch!
Your fascist avatar is perfect, racist/bigot quack lol...
Pinochet wasn't a fascist, he was the head of a military junta, legal at that and justified.
Referendum of the United Kingdom's membership of the European Union
Last updated Jun 23 at 10:07 PM
Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?
29.6% Reporting
Remain a member of the European Union
Leave the European Union

"Stay" is gaining ground. Dang it.
Damn it.

Nah, Leave is still ahead by a million votes and there is only 32 MILLION VOTE total which means a majority of 16 million is needed, and right now it is 15.25 million for Leave, and 14.18 million to Remain.

The 24th June should be declared Britain's Independence Day.
As if the UK was doing well before the EU. This is just the kind of ignorant, nationalist stuff that happens after a GOP world depression. Watch as ignorant Trump people get all excited.
Quit crying, you slack jawed leftist faggot. Coming to a country near you, bitch!
Your fascist avatar is perfect, racist/bigot quack lol...
Pinochet wasn't a fascist, he was the head of a military junta, legal at that and justified.
Whatever you say, Tricky Dick. Only took Chile 30 years plus to recover...if they have.
Oh, sorry to interrupt the ugly American hater dupe circle jerk lol...They'll be sorry. Our old stomping ground of Cambridge went 75-25 remain...
As if the UK was doing well before the EU. This is just the kind of ignorant, nationalist stuff that happens after a GOP world depression. Watch as ignorant Trump people get all excited.
Quit crying, you slack jawed leftist faggot. Coming to a country near you, bitch!
Your fascist avatar is perfect, racist/bigot quack lol...
Pinochet wasn't a fascist, he was the head of a military junta, legal at that and justified.
Whatever you say, Tricky Dick. Only took Chile 30 years plus to recover...if they have.
Haha...you don't know what you're talking about. Pinochet is why Chile is the most prosperous country in Latin America to this day.
Mmmmmm......the sweet smell of nationalism in the morning!! Just when liberals thought they had driven the death nail into the Western Civilization....Old England fires the first shot of resistance!!

What will Brexit do exactly?

UK will no longer be a member of the EU.

UK will no longer have to obey the horrible EU business regulations.

Their small businesses will be better able to succeed without those regulations.

The British fisherman will be able to fish in their own waters now, which before they couldn't because of the EU.

UK won't have to obey EU immigration policies anymore.

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