Holy toledo!!!! Numbers coming in 52% Leave 48% Remain

The independent nationalist movement has just won a HUGE victory!


Who are these people Jim?
EU referendum: Latest results - BBC News

Who knows how it will finish...but the British vote to exit or stay in the EU is underway and at this moment..."leave" is up 50.4% to 49.6%.

The British Patriots who want out are tired of unchecked Muslim invasion of their country and of far left socialist policy from Brussels.

They want their independence back. And I hope they get it.

Dig it! My gold is glistening, yea baby!
Bling bling baby! Mine too!

Feel so good, don't it?
Soooo good. I don't think I've gotten this excited in awhile.

Agree, been building this AU position since QE started, and it took a lot of faith to watch idiots flood into stocks pushing prices SO HIGH. We may finally get a reality check.
EU referendum: Latest results - BBC News

Who knows how it will finish...but the British vote to exit or stay in the EU is underway and at this moment..."leave" is up 50.4% to 49.6%.

The British Patriots who want out are tired of unchecked Muslim invasion of their country and of far left socialist policy from Brussels.

They want their independence back. And I hope they get it.

Dig it! My gold is glistening, yea baby!
Bling bling baby! Mine too!

Feel so good, don't it?
Soooo good. I don't think I've gotten this excited in awhile.

Agree, been building this AU position since QE started, and it took a lot of faith to watch idiots flood into stocks pushing prices SO HIGH. We may finally get a reality check.
Looks like your faith is going to pay off nicely. Good stuff and congrats man!
Dig it! My gold is glistening, yea baby!
Bling bling baby! Mine too!

Feel so good, don't it?
Soooo good. I don't think I've gotten this excited in awhile.

Agree, been building this AU position since QE started, and it took a lot of faith to watch idiots flood into stocks pushing prices SO HIGH. We may finally get a reality check.
Looks like your faith is going to pay off nicely. Good stuff and congrats man!
Dig it! My gold is glistening, yea baby!
Bling bling baby! Mine too!

Feel so good, don't it?
Soooo good. I don't think I've gotten this excited in awhile.

Agree, been building this AU position since QE started, and it took a lot of faith to watch idiots flood into stocks pushing prices SO HIGH. We may finally get a reality check.
Looks like your faith is going to pay off nicely. Good stuff and congrats man!

Thanks, and congrats back at ya!
bye bye EU

cost of socialism
lack of independence

a little surprised, knew it would be close

stock markets will shut for a day or so, probably, to calm down and consider

for dems it will bite
I love the high voter turn out. Over 70%.

That 70% turn out was first the indication that this would be good for the Leave vote, this is because the people who want to Leave the EU are more motivated than those who want to Remain in the EU.
Only 13 left to go!

Remain 48% 15,190,394

Leave 52% 16,328,227

Hey I think David Cameron is resigning today.

So when he does, what happens, does he get replaced in a Tory Leadership Election or do they have to call a General Election for October or something?

calls on both sides for him to stay..... he might not want to deal with separation pains

let others sort the head ache out
Only 13 left to go!

Remain 48% 15,190,394

Leave 52% 16,328,227

Hey I think David Cameron is resigning today.

So when he does, what happens, does he get replaced in a Tory Leadership Election or do they have to call a General Election for October or something?

I'm not sure how this is going to be handled. There will be an issue of trust. And I believe for all the "leave" voters they would have no confidence in Cameron to negotiate with the EU over the terms of Britain's exit from the EU.

I would think it would be in everyone's best interest if he did resign.
I love the high voter turn out. Over 70%.

Wow, they're saying that because the Pound has fallen to a 31 year low, that the UK Stock Market might be closed today, I'm sure the only other time that has occurred is during a War.

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