Holy toledo!!!! Numbers coming in 52% Leave 48% Remain

  • PVV congratulates British with Independence Day! (Geert Wilders calls for Dutch EU referendum)
    Geert Wilders Weblog ^ | 6/24/2016 | Geert Wilders
    Thursday June 23,2016 will go down in history as Britain's Independence Day. The Europhile elite has been defeated. Britain points Europe the way to its future and to liberation. It is time for a new start, relying on our own strength and sovereignty. Also in the Netherlands. A recent survey (EenVandaag, Dutch television) shows that a majority of the Dutch want a referendum on EU membership. It also shows that more Dutch are in favor of exit than of remaining in the EU. The Dutch people deserve a referendum as well.....


England grows a pair.

Congratulations Brits.

This is a victory for decent British people, who love their nation and want to preserve and protect their Culture and Heritage and control their OWN borders.

Good on them for not voting to stay in the EU Dictatorship.

Also for NOT being swayed by the Politics of Hate and Fear-Mongering that the Remain camp bombarded them with eg. for them to be told that they're "racist bigots" for waving their OWN national flag and for being told that they're "racist bigots" for not wanting tons of angry, aggressive Economic Migrants being let in to help ruin their nation.

The EU thing sounded good they way it was marketed, but it quickly became obvious it was largely just another convenient currency device that favored multi-nationals ability to loot countries and export jobs.

What we want, a Europa of Independent nations, we can still trade with each other and visit each others nations, but we're Independent from each other and we each decide our OWN legislation that's catered specifically to our OWN nations and our OWN peoples.
  • PVV congratulates British with Independence Day! (Geert Wilders calls for Dutch EU referendum)
    Geert Wilders Weblog ^ | 6/24/2016 | Geert Wilders
    Thursday June 23,2016 will go down in history as Britain's Independence Day. The Europhile elite has been defeated. Britain points Europe the way to its future and to liberation. It is time for a new start, relying on our own strength and sovereignty. Also in the Netherlands. A recent survey (EenVandaag, Dutch television) shows that a majority of the Dutch want a referendum on EU membership. It also shows that more Dutch are in favor of exit than of remaining in the EU. The Dutch people deserve a referendum as well.....

View attachment 79246

View attachment 79247
Only 13 left to go!

Remain 48% 15,190,394

Leave 52% 16,328,227

Hey I think David Cameron is resigning today.

So when he does, what happens, does he get replaced in a Tory Leadership Election or do they have to call a General Election for October or something?

I'm not sure how this is going to be handled. There will be an issue of trust. And I believe for all the "leave" voters they would have no confidence in Cameron to negotiate with the EU over the terms of Britain's exit from the EU.

I would think it would be in everyone's best interest if he did resign.

Who do the Tories put in his place? Another corporate tool or someone who will truly try to represent the PEOPLE OF the UK?

The Result with all votes declared.

Vote share

Vote share

EU Referendum Results - BBC News
England grows a pair.

Congratulations Brits.

This is a victory for decent British people, who love their nation and want to preserve and protect their Culture and Heritage and control their OWN borders.

Good on them for not voting to stay in the EU Dictatorship.

Also for NOT being swayed by the Politics of Hate and Fear-Mongering that the Remain camp bombarded them with eg. for them to be told that they're "racist bigots" for waving their OWN national flag and for being told that they're "racist bigots" for not wanting tons of angry, aggressive Economic Migrants being let in to help ruin their nation.

The EU thing sounded good they way it was marketed, but it quickly became obvious it was largely just another convenient currency device that favored multi-nationals ability to loot countries and export jobs; not nearly as severe as the U.S. trade deals that have plundered the working classes and middle classes here in the U.S..

Ironically, American businesses that opened up an English office to have a presence in the EU are now going to have to either close their English office or open up another office in an EU nation. Chase Bank was one that said they would be pulling out their 150 or so employees.

English professionals who work in the EU under the agreement to honor one another's educational accomplishments will likely find themselves out of work.

EU exports to Europe will fall out of favor due to import taxes...

The dominoes don't stop falling for England on this one...

  • The Telegraph ^ | June 24,2016 | Tim Stanley
    Why did they do it? That, we’ll pick apart in the next few weeks. I think that Leave genuinely ran the better campaign, more hopeful and upbeat. Immigration mattered a great deal – although one YouGov poll ranked it third behind democracy and the economy. It’s possible that voters grasped the essential point about this referendum better than we the commentators did. It was a vote of confidence in Britain. Should we run our affairs or should we delegate it to foreign bureaucrats? When I was leaving my polling station, I said to a chap: “I found voting quite emotional.”...
Ironically, American businesses that opened up an English office to have a presence in the EU are now going to have to either close their English office or open up another office in an EU nation. Chase Bank was one that said they would be pulling out their 150 or so employees.

How is that a loss? Chase is just another pirate gang, and produces absolutely nothing. A whopping 150 employees, eh? lol and few of them have ever given a damn how many workers jobs they help in shipping to sweatshops in communist countries and police states; they liked the bonuses and cashed all the checks.

English professionals who work in the EU under the agreement to honor one another's educational accomplishments will likely find themselves out of work.

So what? Just who did these bozos think was next in line for axes, after they looted those below them in the food chain? Cut their own throats , is all.

EU exports to Europe will fall out of favor due to import taxes...

This makes no sense ...

The dominoes don't stop falling for England on this one...

A crisis was coming anyway, might as well get it over and done. Can't screw over your people forever and expect to keep them stupid and docile.
Ironically, American businesses that opened up an English office to have a presence in the EU are now going to have to either close their English office or open up another office in an EU nation. Chase Bank was one that said they would be pulling out their 150 or so employees.

How is that a loss? Chase is just another pirate gang, and produces absolutely nothing. A whopping 150 employees, eh? lol and few of them have ever given a damn how many workers jobs they help in shipping to sweatshops in communist countries and police states; they liked the bonuses and cashed all the checks.

English professionals who work in the EU under the agreement to honor one another's educational accomplishments will likely find themselves out of work.

So what? Just who did these bozos think was next in line for axes, after they looted those below them in the food chain? Cut their own throats , is all.

EU exports to Europe will fall out of favor due to import taxes...

This makes no sense ...

The dominoes don't stop falling for England on this one...

A crisis was coming anyway, might as well get it over and done. Can't screw over your people forever and expect to keep them stupid and docile.

Cameron and Osborne must resign, they lead the Remain campaign, so how can they lead negotiations to now Leave the EU.
Ironically, American businesses that opened up an English office to have a presence in the EU are now going to have to either close their English office or open up another office in an EU nation. Chase Bank was one that said they would be pulling out their 150 or so employees.

How is that a loss? Chase is just another pirate gang, and produces absolutely nothing. A whopping 150 employees, eh? lol and few of them have ever given a damn how many workers jobs they help in shipping to sweatshops in communist countries and police states; they liked the bonuses and cashed all the checks.

English professionals who work in the EU under the agreement to honor one another's educational accomplishments will likely find themselves out of work.

So what? Just who did these bozos think was next in line for axes, after they looted those below them in the food chain? Cut their own throats , is all.

EU exports to Europe will fall out of favor due to import taxes...

This makes no sense ...

The dominoes don't stop falling for England on this one...

A crisis was coming anyway, might as well get it over and done. Can't screw over your people forever and expect to keep them stupid and docile.

Cameron and Osborne must resign, they lead the Remain campaign, so how can they lead negotiations to now Leave the EU.

I agree. Held out hopes for Cameron at one time, years ago, but he quickly became a 'Team Globalist' player. I've traveled quite a bit, and I've seen the effects of the looting and corruption first hand by the vermin; it's truly horrible what it's done to people in the second and third worlds, at the same time screwing over their own countries. I wouldn't care if they all got canned and tossed in prisons where they belong.
Ironically, American businesses that opened up an English office to have a presence in the EU are now going to have to either close their English office or open up another office in an EU nation. Chase Bank was one that said they would be pulling out their 150 or so employees.

How is that a loss? Chase is just another pirate gang, and produces absolutely nothing. A whopping 150 employees, eh? lol and few of them have ever given a damn how many workers jobs they help in shipping to sweatshops in communist countries and police states; they liked the bonuses and cashed all the checks.

English professionals who work in the EU under the agreement to honor one another's educational accomplishments will likely find themselves out of work.

So what? Just who did these bozos think was next in line for axes, after they looted those below them in the food chain? Cut their own throats , is all.

EU exports to Europe will fall out of favor due to import taxes...

This makes no sense ...

The dominoes don't stop falling for England on this one...

A crisis was coming anyway, might as well get it over and done. Can't screw over your people forever and expect to keep them stupid and docile.

Cameron and Osborne must resign, they lead the Remain campaign, so how can they lead negotiations to now Leave the EU.

I agree. Held out hopes for Cameron at one time, years ago, but he quickly became a 'Team Globalist' player. I've traveled quite a bit, and I've seen the effects of the looting and corruption first hand by the vermin; it's truly horrible what it's done to people in the second and third worlds, at the same time screwing over their own countries. I wouldn't care if they all got canned and tossed in prisons where they belong.

Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty of the European Union must be invoked today in Britain, this Article has never been invoked before, but it's crucial it's invoked as soon as possible, like today.

This below is Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty of the European Union.

This is a very stupid move by UK....

Scotland will probably go independent now...

The UK needs free trade with EU... The EU will dictate that negotiation..

US has lost its biggest friend in Brussels...

Immigration will not increase or decrease in UK... That was just a big red herring... If it decreases now it will be because their economy is going into recession...

STFU Pro-Globalisation man whore.

Can you tell me how an independent UK is going to reduce Globalisation.... Just tell me...
This is a very stupid move by UK....

Scotland will probably go independent now...

The UK needs free trade with EU... The EU will dictate that negotiation..

US has lost its biggest friend in Brussels...

Immigration will not increase or decrease in UK... That was just a big red herring... If it decreases now it will be because their economy is going into recession...

STFU Pro-Globalisation man whore.

Can you tell me how an independent UK is going to reduce Globalisation.... Just tell me...

The Domino Effect now is going to happen....sorry to tell you Mr. Pro-Globalisation.

This is why the financial markets are all freaking, what they thought wouldn't happen has just happened.
I expect Boris to be in office within a week.

What was termed Project Fear failed, Project Fear was the whole Remain argument, the only other thing they had was the disgusting usage of the murder of Jo Cox MP, that's how LOW the Remain camp sunk, that they even used a death to attempt to score some points.

Filthy and immoral POS.
This is a very stupid move by UK....

Scotland will probably go independent now...

The UK needs free trade with EU... The EU will dictate that negotiation..

US has lost its biggest friend in Brussels...

Immigration will not increase or decrease in UK... That was just a big red herring... If it decreases now it will be because their economy is going into recession...

STFU Pro-Globalisation man whore.

Can you tell me how an independent UK is going to reduce Globalisation.... Just tell me...

'Globalism' is just a hoax; real global trade has been stagnant for decades. they falsify the numbers to cover up the fact that most of it is just multi-nationals shipping themselves stuff from sweatshops overseas. It's a labor racketeering, tax dodging, and money laundering gimmick that screws everybody but the top 1%'ers.
This is a very stupid move by UK....

Scotland will probably go independent now...

The UK needs free trade with EU... The EU will dictate that negotiation..

US has lost its biggest friend in Brussels...

Immigration will not increase or decrease in UK... That was just a big red herring... If it decreases now it will be because their economy is going into recession...

STFU Pro-Globalisation man whore.

Can you tell me how an independent UK is going to reduce Globalisation.... Just tell me...

'Globalism' is just a hoax; real global trade has been stagnant for decades. they falsify the numbers to cover up the fact that most of it is just multi-nationals shipping themselves stuff from sweatshops overseas. It's a labor racketeering gimmick.

Globalisation = forcing Economic Migrants * from Third World Nations into First World Nations, so that wages can be lowered for all and every nation becomes a Sweatshop for the purpose of big Multi-National Corporations wallowing like pigs in shit.

* Economic Migrants now being referred to as "those poor refugees"
This is a very stupid move by UK....

Scotland will probably go independent now...

The UK needs free trade with EU... The EU will dictate that negotiation..

US has lost its biggest friend in Brussels...

Immigration will not increase or decrease in UK... That was just a big red herring... If it decreases now it will be because their economy is going into recession...

STFU Pro-Globalisation man whore.

Can you tell me how an independent UK is going to reduce Globalisation.... Just tell me...

The Domino Effect now is going to happen....sorry to tell you Mr. Pro-Globalisation.

This is why the financial markets are all freaking, what they thought wouldn't happen has just happened.

Markets are freaking because the UK has just done something unthinkable... UK has no trade agreements with any country... She will have difficult negotiations getting one with EU as all you need is one objection to stall the process, any country can now stop it...
UK will be still charged to trade in EU and that price is probably going up as UK no voting rights to stop it...

All the safety rules and regulations will stay in place... UK needs to trade with EU and EU will make up the rules...

The UK has last a seat at the table but still has to play..

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