Holy toledo!!!! Numbers coming in 52% Leave 48% Remain

I love the high voter turn out. Over 70%.

That 70% turn out was first the indication that this would be good for the Leave vote, this is because the people who want to Leave the EU are more motivated than those who want to Remain in the EU.
And did not the election take place in a torrential downpour in Southern England?

Washed the lazy London vote away and probably others as well that would likely have voted Remain.
Only 13 left to go!

Remain 48% 15,190,394

Leave 52% 16,328,227

Hey I think David Cameron is resigning today.

So when he does, what happens, does he get replaced in a Tory Leadership Election or do they have to call a General Election for October or something?

I'm not sure how this is going to be handled. There will be an issue of trust. And I believe for all the "leave" voters they would have no confidence in Cameron to negotiate with the EU over the terms of Britain's exit from the EU.

I would think it would be in everyone's best interest if he did resign.

Who do the Tories put in his place? Another corporate tool or someone who will truly try to represent the PEOPLE OF the UK?
Only 13 left to go!

Remain 48% 15,190,394

Leave 52% 16,328,227

Hey I think David Cameron is resigning today.

So when he does, what happens, does he get replaced in a Tory Leadership Election or do they have to call a General Election for October or something?

I'm not sure how this is going to be handled. There will be an issue of trust. And I believe for all the "leave" voters they would have no confidence in Cameron to negotiate with the EU over the terms of Britain's exit from the EU.

I would think it would be in everyone's best interest if he did resign.

Would Britain then have another General Election or would if Boris Johnson won a Leadership Election, then he'd be Prime Minister and no General Election?
Only 13 left to go!

Remain 48% 15,190,394

Leave 52% 16,328,227

Hey I think David Cameron is resigning today.

So when he does, what happens, does he get replaced in a Tory Leadership Election or do they have to call a General Election for October or something?

I'm not sure how this is going to be handled. There will be an issue of trust. And I believe for all the "leave" voters they would have no confidence in Cameron to negotiate with the EU over the terms of Britain's exit from the EU.

I would think it would be in everyone's best interest if he did resign.

Who do the Tories put in his place? Another corporate tool or someone who will truly try to represent the PEOPLE OF the UK?

It would be I think Boris Johnson, Boris is very good, he lead the Leave vote and also non-Tory supporters like him.
I love the high voter turn out. Over 70%.

That 70% turn out was first the indication that this would be good for the Leave vote, this is because the people who want to Leave the EU are more motivated than those who want to Remain in the EU.
And did not the election take place in a torrential downpour in Southern England?

Washed the lazy London vote away and probably others as well that would likely have voted Remain.

That's what I meant, the Leave voters were more motivated, a situation of they'd have crawled across broken glass to get out to vote Leave.
I expect Boris to be in office within a week.

Cameron resigns today and Boris can just become Prime Minister that soon?

Marine Le Pen in France and Geert Wilders in Holland now calling for votes to leave EU, I expect Herr Strache also today for us to vote to leave EU.

Let's get the Domino Effect on the road.
Only 13 left to go!

Remain 48% 15,190,394

Leave 52% 16,328,227

Hey I think David Cameron is resigning today.

So when he does, what happens, does he get replaced in a Tory Leadership Election or do they have to call a General Election for October or something?

I'm not sure how this is going to be handled. There will be an issue of trust. And I believe for all the "leave" voters they would have no confidence in Cameron to negotiate with the EU over the terms of Britain's exit from the EU.

I would think it would be in everyone's best interest if he did resign.

Who do the Tories put in his place? Another corporate tool or someone who will truly try to represent the PEOPLE OF the UK?

It seems now that the result is.

Leave 52% Remain 48%

With 2 results to declare.


  • Brexit: Britain Votes with Trump, against Hillary, Obama
    Breitbart ^ | 06/23/2016 | Joel Pollak
    British voters chose to “leave” the European Union on Thursday, defying the polls — and President Barack Obama, who had urged Britain to “remain” in the EU. Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had also urged Britain to stay in the EU. Only Donald Trump had backed the campaign to leave Republican strategists had panned Trump’s decision to travel to the UK in the midst of campaign turmoil, and in the wake of his blistering attack on Hillary Clinton earlier this week. Now, however, it looks like a risk that paid off handsomely, in the currency of foreign policy credibility....
  • PVV congratulates British with Independence Day! (Geert Wilders calls for Dutch EU referendum)
    Geert Wilders Weblog ^ | 6/24/2016 | Geert Wilders
    Thursday June 23,2016 will go down in history as Britain's Independence Day. The Europhile elite has been defeated. Britain points Europe the way to its future and to liberation. It is time for a new start, relying on our own strength and sovereignty. Also in the Netherlands. A recent survey (EenVandaag, Dutch television) shows that a majority of the Dutch want a referendum on EU membership. It also shows that more Dutch are in favor of exit than of remaining in the EU. The Dutch people deserve a referendum as well.....
England grows a pair.

Congratulations Brits.

This is a victory for decent British people, who love their nation and want to preserve and protect their Culture and Heritage and control their OWN borders.

Good on them for not voting to stay in the EU Dictatorship.

Also for NOT being swayed by the Politics of Hate and Fear-Mongering that the Remain camp bombarded them with eg. for them to be told that they're "racist bigots" for waving their OWN national flag and for being told that they're "racist bigots" for not wanting tons of angry, aggressive Muslim and African Economic Migrants being let in to help ruin their nation.
  • PVV congratulates British with Independence Day! (Geert Wilders calls for Dutch EU referendum)
    Geert Wilders Weblog ^ | 6/24/2016 | Geert Wilders
    Thursday June 23,2016 will go down in history as Britain's Independence Day. The Europhile elite has been defeated. Britain points Europe the way to its future and to liberation. It is time for a new start, relying on our own strength and sovereignty. Also in the Netherlands. A recent survey (EenVandaag, Dutch television) shows that a majority of the Dutch want a referendum on EU membership. It also shows that more Dutch are in favor of exit than of remaining in the EU. The Dutch people deserve a referendum as well.....

With 1 result to declare.


  • PVV congratulates British with Independence Day! (Geert Wilders calls for Dutch EU referendum)
    Geert Wilders Weblog ^ | 6/24/2016 | Geert Wilders
    Thursday June 23,2016 will go down in history as Britain's Independence Day. The Europhile elite has been defeated. Britain points Europe the way to its future and to liberation. It is time for a new start, relying on our own strength and sovereignty. Also in the Netherlands. A recent survey (EenVandaag, Dutch television) shows that a majority of the Dutch want a referendum on EU membership. It also shows that more Dutch are in favor of exit than of remaining in the EU. The Dutch people deserve a referendum as well.....

Geert Wilders is a good man, we've had the honour of having dinner with him.
The Brits do not react favourably to threats. It may well have Been Our Kenyan "president" jetting over there to rattle His little sabre rhat made the slim but adequate difference.

From the heart - fot this I really do THANK YOU, MR. "PRESIDENT"!
Last edited:
England grows a pair.

Congratulations Brits.

This is a victory for decent British people, who love their nation and want to preserve and protect their Culture and Heritage and control their OWN borders.

Good on them for not voting to stay in the EU Dictatorship.

Also for NOT being swayed by the Politics of Hate and Fear-Mongering that the Remain camp bombarded them with eg. for them to be told that they're "racist bigots" for waving their OWN national flag and for being told that they're "racist bigots" for not wanting tons of angry, aggressive Economic Migrants being let in to help ruin their nation.

The EU thing sounded good they way it was marketed, but it quickly became obvious it was largely just another convenient currency device that favored multi-nationals ability to loot countries and export jobs; not nearly as severe as the U.S. trade deals that have plundered the working classes and middle classes here in the U.S..

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