Holy toledo!!!! Numbers coming in 52% Leave 48% Remain

If Uk is out then so is Scotland.

If Scots vote out of Uk they are still out of Eu and will suck hind tit in the queue applying to become a NEW member!

Scotland issues warning in post-Brexit debate

Scotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has declared that her nation sees its future as "part of the EU".

All of Scotland's voting areas backed Remain, but their votes were washed away by a tide of Leave sentiment south of the border.

Sturgeon had earlier indicated that a Leave vote could precipitate Scottish independence.

Cut them loose and gain more independence for England and Wales.
Let them go be the EUs bitch.
If this vote holds up, this definitely puts a crimp in the plans of the global elites and their "one world government" plan. You can bet that they will do their best to make England pay for spurning them.
And then request another vote if they can ramp the pain far enough
Oh, sorry to interrupt the ugly American hater dupe circle jerk lol...They'll be sorry. Our old stomping ground of Cambridge went 75-25 remain...
More dumbass spam from the hater dupe lol...Intelligence and personality, to answer the question.
Well, it is humor, dude, and I could fart and still make more sense than your whining about the advancement of liberty and freedom.
And Hillary never said that. You must love being fooled and spreading stupidity...
Mmmmmm......the sweet smell of nationalism in the morning!! Just when liberals thought they had driven the death nail into the Western Civilization....Old England fires the first shot of resistance!!

View attachment 79242
And I for one didn't think they would be the first shot...I was sure they were doomed.

The British would be doomed if they hadn't of voted to Leave.

With 14 results to declare.



This makes it officially impossible for Remain to win, Leave has now passed the 16,460,000 point.


I just heard that the winning number is 16,750,000

Well Leave has already won, but the 16,400,000 makes it officially impossible for Remain to win, of course it was mathematically impossible for Remain to win about an hour ago.

Only 12 results to declare.


Oh, sorry to interrupt the ugly American hater dupe circle jerk lol...They'll be sorry. Our old stomping ground of Cambridge went 75-25 remain...
More dumbass spam from the hater dupe lol...Intelligence and personality, to answer the question.
Well, it is humor, dude, and I could fart and still make more sense than your whining about the advancement of liberty and freedom.
And Hillary never said that. You must love being fooled and spreading stupidity...
Obama was so busy threatening The Brits that he forgot to tell Tepid Cameron how to steal an election. From Hillary I'd expect that sort of memory lapse....but I guess there is no lower age limit on Alzheimer's......
Bill would have sent the Chicago SWAT Team over there and showed them howto count graveyards.
Will Cameron gracefully slink away or will he wait to be tossed?
He is indecisive, even in defeat, so he will do nothing and get tossed probably.

Now they say that Cameron and Osborne were so sure of a vote to Remain, they didn't have a plan in place in the event that the vote to Leave won.

WTF?! and OMG!?

I think maybe David Cameron could resign today.
The polling said Stay was likely to win. I have my doubts and think Britain is fed up being dictated to by Eurocrats. If the market tanks tomorrow it will be a great buying opportunity.

Buy if you like, but it better be a precious metal company. The market has been inflated because of the stupid Fed monetary policy and finally the chickens may be coming home to roost.
EU referendum: Latest results - BBC News

Who knows how it will finish...but the British vote to exit or stay in the EU is underway and at this moment..."leave" is up 50.4% to 49.6%.

The British Patriots who want out are tired of unchecked Muslim invasion of their country and of far left socialist policy from Brussels.

They want their independence back. And I hope they get it.

Dig it! My gold is glistening, yea baby!
Bling bling baby! Mine too!

Feel so good, don't it?
Will Cameron gracefully slink away or will he wait to be tossed?
He is indecisive, even in defeat, so he will do nothing and get tossed probably.

Now they say that Cameron and Osborne were so sure of a vote to Remain, they didn't have a plan in place in the event that the vote to Leave won.

WTF?! and OMG!?

I think maybe David Cameron could resign today.
He said he's staying and Cons told him to.
Only 37,665 to win leave and be officially called.

Yes, also only 9 results to declare, they're saying on BBC that that 37,665 should be ready for 7am UK time and then they'll officially announce Leave has won.


The polling said Stay was likely to win. I have my doubts and think Britain is fed up being dictated to by Eurocrats. If the market tanks tomorrow it will be a great buying opportunity.
You might want to wait for a 15% retrace to confirm the move back up before buying back in.
EU referendum: Latest results - BBC News

Who knows how it will finish...but the British vote to exit or stay in the EU is underway and at this moment..."leave" is up 50.4% to 49.6%.

The British Patriots who want out are tired of unchecked Muslim invasion of their country and of far left socialist policy from Brussels.

They want their independence back. And I hope they get it.

Dig it! My gold is glistening, yea baby!
Bling bling baby! Mine too!

Feel so good, don't it?
Soooo good. I don't think I've gotten this excited in awhile.
EU referendum: Latest results - BBC News

Who knows how it will finish...but the British vote to exit or stay in the EU is underway and at this moment..."leave" is up 50.4% to 49.6%.

The British Patriots who want out are tired of unchecked Muslim invasion of their country and of far left socialist policy from Brussels.

They want their independence back. And I hope they get it.

Dig it! My gold is glistening, yea baby!
Bling bling baby! Mine too!

Feel so good, don't it?
Soooo good. I don't think I've gotten this excited in awhile.

With just 8 results to declare.



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