Home Alone in the White House

I'm not really alone, my wife is here...

on the phone with the kids....

on second thought, I AM alone
It's likely a better scenario that I'm here alone because the mood I'm in I'd likely make eveyrone miserable around me anyway.

And if this dude with his car parked across the street at the neighbor's house doesn't durn that bass down that's vibrating my house I might go out there and flex on the punk in about two minutes.
Him in church pretending to be a Christian :abgg2q.jpg:

One Corinthians.....:21:.....a fake......a charlatan.....

2 Corinthians

get your talking points straight

Correct...and he is STILL a charlatan!

and he is STILL a charlatan!

Ever meet a politician that wasnt'?

Never thought we would have a Mafia Boss as president....NEVER!
After January 3rd...the fun begins.

Yes, it will be so much fun watching Pelosi and her coven whining about McConnell tabling the majority of her bills
No one expects any house bill to pass in the next two years due to the Trumpbots in the senate. That will leave the house plenty of time to engage in it's long neglected duty to provide oversight to the executive branch. The majority of the whining will be republicans trying to make the case that the president does not have the responsibility to answer to the American people for his actions.

LMAO They will just be returning the favor when they had the house and the Dems had the Senate. Anything they sent up was DOA.

Won't be Trump's actions they will answer for.
LMAO They will just be returning the favor when they had the house and the Dems had the Senate. Anything they sent up was DOA.


Damn I hope you are correct, and everything the Senate sends to the House is DOA...the less laws passed the better off the country is. one day you might understand that simple fact.
LMAO They will just be returning the favor when they had the house and the Dems had the Senate. Anything they sent up was DOA.


Damn I hope you are correct, and everything the Senate sends to the House is DOA...the less laws passed the better off the country is. one day you might understand that simple fact.

Oh I understand it quite well. Its a fact Jack.
After January 3rd...the fun begins.

Yes, it will be so much fun watching Pelosi and her coven whining about McConnell tabling the majority of her bills
No one expects any house bill to pass in the next two years due to the Trumpbots in the senate. That will leave the house plenty of time to engage in it's long neglected duty to provide oversight to the executive branch. The majority of the whining will be republicans trying to make the case that the president does not have the responsibility to answer to the American people for his actions.

LMAO They will just be returning the favor when they had the house and the Dems had the Senate. Anything they sent up was DOA.

Won't be Trump's actions they will answer for.

Claudette....trumpette.....your boy is already an unindicted co-conspirator and Mueller's report is on the horizon. This is the most corrupt regime that has ever occupied the White House....the VERY WHITE HOUSE...

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