Home schooling is booming!

A real professional would not need a union to represent him or her.
Unions provide legal representation for members getting sued by obnoxious parents and corrupt administrators firing them. That shows how little you know about unions. I once had a principal who tried to fire me for insubordination because he couldn't even recognize that I had seating charts for my classroom, and he didn't recognize the charts generated by the student information management system we used. He simply didn't like me because I had been a principal in Florida and knew how to work the system.
I don't know why some find it so important that they trash homeschooling in the face of success like that. Since most of the objections seem to come from the left side of politics, I wonder if it has to do with the collectivism so on display over there, wherein they seemingly cannot allow parents to be more successful than the government in raising their own children. Do they really think the government is so superior to parents that control over their children must be ceded to the government?
That's part of it. In all totalitarian minded political concepts, the state must control the message. Toward that end they want the state, not parents who don't support the state's agenda, to control what the children will be taught, what they will know, believe, accept which of course will be loyalty to the state.

That is the whole purpose behind all the destruction of our history, traditions, weakening of the nuclear traditional family, basic concepts and values that have sustained us and made us the great nation that we once were. It is what drives pushing lewd and crude transgender entertainment for kids, CRT in school curriculum, inappropriate sexual content for young children, etc.

Home schooling protects the children from all of that.

On a less sinister side, there is also a practical aspect from the viewpoint of the NEA and various school systems. Much school funding is based on the head count of the student body. If many parents home school or put their children into private or parochial schools, that can affect funding for the public schools.
Then there's those who should have been homeschooled but weren't.

And according to the article the "juvenile " has also been involved in fighting in Jail while awaiting trial and sentencing.
He should never get out of prison.
What a load of codswallop that truly is!!!!

"Parental rights" are a boondoggle radicals use to try to force schools to indoctrinate children into their rabid political political ideology, and to ban books they fear their children reading.


The juvenile is autistic and violently so, should not have been in a public school in the first place. I also don't see how he can be sent to prison since he doesn't have any comprehension that violence is wrong and has no ability to form intent. If imprisoned, he will likely end up dead.

From your link:

"Depa’s attorneys have stressed his mental condition, and argued he wasn’t competent to stand trial before Perkins nixed that effort ahead of the plea."
Then by all means, let's park this NFL-sized thug with you!
MA public schools are the best in the country, big mouth.
A little like being the world's tallest midget.
I don't know why some find it so important that they trash homeschooling in the face of success like that. Since most of the objections seem to come from the left side of politics, I wonder if it has to do with the collectivism so on display over there, wherein they seemingly cannot allow parents to be more successful than the government in raising their own children. Do they really think the government is so superior to parents that control over their children must be ceded to the government?
Because they want the ability to spoon-feed children propaganda, while fattening their own purses with tax money.
Public schools are responsible for students supporting a terrorist organization like Hamas.
For sure antisemitism and Hamas/Palestinian support is rampant not only among many college students but the faculty as well. (And yes there is some Islamophobia in there too but it is nowhere near the animosity towards Jewish students.)

Presidents of Harvard, U of Pa, and MIT were called before Congress this week to address the issue and why the administrations have not dealt with it as they always do if it is some 'protected' non Jewish group that is being disrespected. For the most part all three ducked and dodged the actual issue and kept making generic PC statements of policy.
i know you don't like it. you're part of the problem. you know it. I've no doubt you gladly keep parents OUT Of the loop of information about their child. These children are not the education systems...they are OURS. I don't like to use the term education in conjunction with the gov't run public school system. ANYTHING BUT education goes on in those places.
i know you don't like it. you're part of the problem. you know it. I've no doubt you gladly keep parents OUT Of the loop of information about their child. These children are not the education systems...they are OURS. I don't like to use the term education in conjunction with the gov't run public school system. ANYTHING BUT education goes on in those places.
Who are you talking to?
I can’t blame conservatives for homeschooling their kids.

Those liberal schools are full of..


How do you expect a kid to learn in that environment ?
Funny you say that because the facts are the opposite. Even when I went to a private Catholic unixex prep school . In a public school even psychopaths and deviants and people with criminal records get on the excuse you are giving. but in the Catholic situation I was in you could be Negro , gay , Jewish , Hispanic and still attend . They encouraged it.

Your problem is you want practicing homosexuals, Blacks who will find certain levesl of education beyond them, Hispanics that won't learn English, and Jews who will deny their Judaism. You are the person you are descriging as hateful !!! Got a mirror ...read your post and see if it's really funny

Funny you say that because the facts are the opposite. Even when I went to a private Catholic unixex prep school . In a public school even psychopaths and deviants and people with criminal records get on the excuse you are giving. but in the Catholic situation I was in you could be Negro , gay , Jewish , Hispanic and still attend . They encouraged it.

Your problem is you want practicing homosexuals, Blacks who will find certain levesl of education beyond them, Hispanics that won't learn English, and Jews who will deny their Judaism. You are the person you are descriging as hateful !!! Got a mirror ...read your post and see if it's really funny

View attachment 888232
Catholic Schools thrive in neighborhoods where whites are forced to send their kids to primarily minority schools
Home schooling is a groomers paradise.
That must be because the kids are away from their parents and under the influence of strangers? No, that can't be it. Oh, I know! Is it because the kids can access inappropriate materials in the library placed there by someone with an agenda? Hmmm, no, I don't think that's it either.

You have to know where I'm going with this. You have baselessly slandered millions of parents who want nothing more than a quality education for their kids and accused them of incestuous pedophilia. Can you back it up with facts?
Catholic Schools thrive in neighborhoods where whites are forced to send their kids to primarily minority schools
Catholic schools, and quite frankly, most private schools, thrive anywhere that parents prioritize spending to get their kids the best education they can afford. IOW, in pretty much all neighborhoods.

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