Homegrown Extremists

Your list of right wing shootings is inflated. Some of them were absolutely not right wing at all. Where is your list of leftist shootings? I bet it beats both of these lists by a mile.

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1- Ape Lncoln - slaughtered 650,000 Americans

2- Slick Willy - terrorized and incinerated alive 90 Davidians - 20 children

3- War Criminal Bush II - murdered millions of Iraqi women and children when he invaded that country under false pretenses

4- Barrack Obama - has completely and totally destroyed Syria in order to steal a chunk of real state and give it to Israhell - willing to go into WWIII to accomplish that feat

There is so much wrong with your figures. The left makes an attempt to pin all shootings on the right and excuses leftwing violence.

I see there are no numbers for all the police killed even though they are politically motivated and just as much terrorism as others.

You didn't add the numbers for 9/11 either.

Funny when it's Muslims, the left says that it's our fault and that being nice to them will make them change. A Dem politician said as much. Gee, maybe you should be nice to the other groups and they'll stop..

Since there are at least 150 million right wingers and only 6 million Muslims in the US, your data should be used to immediately cut Muslim immigration to zero.

Liberals falsely throw the KKK and others into the rightwing groups even though it began with Dems. They know if they tell a big lie long enough that some will believe it. A lot on that list were just nut jobs who didn't fit into any political ideology.

Even though the stats are seriously skewed, it still didn't support the theory the OP was trying to push.

Muslims make up a small percent of the population, yet are responsible for most deaths by terrorist attacks even going by the false data supplied in the OP. The OP failed to count 9/11, which takes the number into the thousands for deaths caused by radical Islamists and those are just the ones on our soil. Across the world, the death toll due to radical Islamists is astronomical.

There will always be lunatics who will go off the deep end over something. Most are just like matches looking for dynamite and if one issue doesn't get their obsessive attention, another will. They were not members of large groups who are plotting to kill innocent people for some fucked up religion or cause. These killers are generally loners who rarely have partners, let alone groups that fund and train them.

Radical Islam is a group mentality and children are raised to hate and taught to kill infidels. Much different than a born psychopath or person suffering the effects of brain injury, drugs or other mental disorder. Radical Islam is organized, funded and passed onto each generation. It is much more dangerous than the random nut job.

Normal, healthy people do not kill other people. Radical Islam is designed to kill and to raise killers. They can't blame being born with a brain abnormality or the effects of anti-depression meds. They go by their holy book and interpret it to mean that they are sworn to kill infidels in the name of their god and they take that seriously. They train young children how to shoot, how to behead and the proper way to throw hand grenades and bombs. Later, they will choose the future suicide bombers and believe that a reward awaits those who kill in the name of Allah.

It is more dangerous. At least with the random nut jobs, we might be able to find out the root cause by looking at their history. Knowing the cause is key to preventing it in the future.

We can't prevent radical Islamists and we can't cure them with kindness. We can only fight them.

Since there are at least 150 million right wingers and only 6 million Muslims in the US, your data should be used to immediately cut Muslim immigration to zero.

Liberals falsely throw the KKK and others into the rightwing groups even though it began with Dems. They know if they tell a big lie long enough that some will believe it. A lot on that list were just nut jobs who didn't fit into any political ideology.

Even though the stats are seriously skewed, it still didn't support the theory the OP was trying to push.

Muslims make up a small percent of the population, yet are responsible for most deaths by terrorist attacks even going by the false data supplied in the OP. The OP failed to count 9/11, which takes the number into the thousands for deaths caused by radical Islamists and those are just the ones on our soil. Across the world, the death toll due to radical Islamists is astronomical.

There will always be lunatics who will go off the deep end over something. Most are just like matches looking for dynamite and if one issue doesn't get their obsessive attention, another will. They were not members of large groups who are plotting to kill innocent people for some fucked up religion or cause. These killers are generally loners who rarely have partners, let alone groups that fund and train them.

Radical Islam is a group mentality and children are raised to hate and taught to kill infidels. Much different than a born psychopath or person suffering the effects of brain injury, drugs or other mental disorder. Radical Islam is organized, funded and passed onto each generation. It is much more dangerous than the random nut job.

Normal, healthy people do not kill other people. Radical Islam is designed to kill and to raise killers. They can't blame being born with a brain abnormality or the effects of anti-depression meds. They go by their holy book and interpret it to mean that they are sworn to kill infidels in the name of their god and they take that seriously. They train young children how to shoot, how to behead and the proper way to throw hand grenades and bombs. Later, they will choose the future suicide bombers and believe that a reward awaits those who kill in the name of Allah.

It is more dangerous. At least with the random nut jobs, we might be able to find out the root cause by looking at their history. Knowing the cause is key to preventing it in the future.

We can't prevent radical Islamists and we can't cure them with kindness. We can only fight them.






It is more difficult to trust Muslims after everything that has happened. Now that we know the many terrorist organizations start teaching their children from the start how to destroy infidels and that it's necessary to lie and to be nice enough to earn our trust, it's only normal to question all of them. No one would have suspected the San Bernardino terrorists. Of course, a thorough vetting would have raised red flags on the woman because her mother was a member of a radical group and the woman had ties to terrorist organization. The man was said to be friendly. Of course, this will make people question others because there often aren't any red flags.

Take anyone else on the OP list, from left to right radical individuals and everyone in between, I bet most people who knew them would say they were strange or even scary. They were loners and probably struck everyone as being weird and people to avoid.

It would be nice if all dangerous people were easy to spot. If a person acts strangely, dresses like a gang member, is anti-social or has a bad temper, or makes radical comments then we'd avoid them. In some cases, we'd report them.

If radicals, like the San Bernardino shooters, are able to fool so many into thinking they are just your average, friendly Americans then it does make it difficult to trust others like them. Is the Muslim you work with really a moderate and nice person or is he or she like the San Bernardino terrorists and just biding their time till it's time to strike?

Terrorists might act alone or in small groups, but have pledged their allegiance to radical groups like al qaeda, ISIS or other terrorist organizations. They are part of a large, organized, well-funded and well-trained group. Look at the 9/11 terrorists. They trained for years to fulfill their destiny, knowing their whole lives that they would die in the first and last mission for their cause. When trained from childhood, they don't question the orders. They always knew that killing infidels was something that would earn them respect and love from their god. That is what they believe, as fucked up as that may be.

How do you fight against that? If they pretend to be nice to earn our trust, then there are no red flags like there would be when you meet up with the average lunatic.

I am tired of being told not to judge all Muslims. I can't begin to judge any of them that I don't know. I do know that it's impossible to tell the difference between a terrorist trying to fool us and a truly innocent person. And when anyone has noticed strange behavior, as with the Ft. Hood shooter and the neighors of the San Bernardino shooters seeing Middle Eastern men visiting all hours, people have been bullied into silence by the PC police. So, even when a red flag is raised, it's ignored. Gee, that really helps, doesn't it? That serves to add to the mistrust people have already when they are labelled for questioning anything.

Until an honest discussion on this is allowed and the moderate Muslims take the lead in denouncing terrorism, we are doomed. We can't remain silent even when signs are there of a radical and expect that the problem will go away.

If I were a Muslim, I'd lead the way in demanding that terrorism be taken seriously. It will reflect on Muslims here and the big reason why is because the left wants to sweep the problem under the rug. In the end, that leaves every Muslim looking bad because of the unwillingness of the administration to weed the bad ones out. Ten percent of Muslims are said to be radicalized. Until we can be open and discover who they are, I will not trust any.

If someone handed you a bowl of M n Ms and said 10% of them are poisoned and the rest are fine, would you take any or throw the whole lot of them out? Sorting them is difficult and so far no one has any good ideas. Vetting doesn't offer any assurance.
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Your list of right wing shootings is inflated. Some of them were absolutely not right wing at all. Where is your list of leftist shootings? I bet it beats both of these lists by a mile.

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You should post that list then, if for no other reason than to entertain us once more with the crazy ideas of a rightwing nut as to what constitutes a leftist.

The topic is Janet Napolitano's statements in 2009.

It's funny though that you try to defend rightwing terrorism by pointing at leftwing terrorism.

We'll add you to the list of RWnuts who support terror against the American people.
Your list of right wing shootings is inflated. Some of them were absolutely not right wing at all. Where is your list of leftist shootings? I bet it beats both of these lists by a mile.

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You should post that list then, if for no other reason than to entertain us once more with the crazy ideas of a rightwing nut as to what constitutes a leftist.

The short list because I didn't want to spend a lot of time disproving your stupid ass rant. You fucks have been militant assholes since the 60s.

September 6, 1972: Ishmael LaBeet, Warren Ballentine, Raphael Joseph, Beaumont Gereau, and Meral Smith (Black): Known as the Fountain Valley Massacre, this mass shooting in St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands, which killed 8 victims, and left others wounded, was the work of 5 anti-White radicals who threw racial slurs at their White victims before robbing and killing them. There was also a possible connection to the Black Panther Party.

January 7, 1973: Mark James Robert Essex (Black): Black Panther who went on anti-White shooting spree in downtown New Orleans, killing 8-19.

December 7, 1993: Colin Ferguson (Black): Anti-White racist who opened fire on White passengers in a Long Island train, in Garden City, New York. He killed 6, and wounded 19 others. At trial, his anti-White lawyer tried to argue that he should get off because White racism caused his “Black rage.”

February 9, 1996: Clifton McCree (Black): Black spree shooter who accused White coworkers of being “racist devils” before opening fire on them. He killed 5, and wounded another, in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, at his former place of employment.

September 15, 1997: Hastings Arthur Wise (Black): Black shooter who hated and claimed White people had discriminated against him his whole life and at his job, in Aiken, South Carolina. After he was let go, he returned and opened fire killing 4, all White, including his White personnel director whom he had accused of passing him up for White employees.

November 21, 2004: Chai Soua Vang (Asian): Asian shooter who opened fire on a group of White hunters, killing 6 and wounding 2 others, in the wilderness near Meteor, Wisconsin. He claimed that he was angry because they called him racial slurs during an altercation over a deer stand.

February 7, 2008: Charles Lee Thornton (Black): Black shooter who accused the White city government officials in Kirkwood, Missouri, of discriminating and conspiring against him for racial reasons, took a loaded gun to the town hall and opened fire, killing 6, and wounding at least one other.

November 29, 2009: Maurice Clemmons (Black): Anti-police shooter who entered a coffee shop in Lakewood, Washington State, and opened fire on four White police officers taking a break inside. All 4 were killed. He was supported by the Anti-White Black Foot Soldiers, and may have been a member of the anti-White Nation of Islam.

August 3, 2010: Omar Thornton (Black): Black mass shooter who claimed White people at his work had been racist to him, and wanted to kill them. He opened fire at his place of employment in Manchester, Connecticut, killing 8 and wounding 2 others.

July 15, 2011: Nkosi Thandiwe (Black): Anti-White Black spree shooter who had developed a raging hatred of White people through White guilt myth history lesions taught at his university. He went on a shooting spree in Atlanta, Georgia, killing one, and wounding two others, one of whom was left paralyzed.

February 3, 2013: Christopher Dorner (Black): Black former Los Angeles cop went on a shooting rampage and run over the course of several days in which 4 were killed. He claimed that his motivation was due to believing that the LAPD were targeting Blacks, and that the police force was racist.

September 16, 2013: Aaron Alexis (Black): Black “Navy Yard” shooter, who went on a shooting rampage at the Washington Navy Yard, in Washington, D.C. which killed 12, most of them White, and left others wounded. Although “official” motives are disputed, friends told the media after the attack that Alexis was an Obama supporter, that he believed in White discrimination against him at his job, and that “He felt a lot of discrimination and racism with white people especially.”

June 8, 2014: Amanda and Jerad Miller (White): Married Occupy movement and anti-Tea Party activists planned a rampage in Las Vegas, Nevada. They first killed two police officers at a restaurant, and then went to a Walmart where they threatened shoppers. They were confronted by a concealed carry civilian whom Amanda shot and killed. The two were then killed in a shootout with police. They had attempted to cast blame for their massacre on the right by covering the bodies of the slain police officers with a Gadsden flag and a Swastika.

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Since there are at least 150 million right wingers and only 6 million Muslims in the US, your data should be used to immediately cut Muslim immigration to zero.

Liberals falsely throw the KKK and others into the rightwing groups even though it began with Dems. They know if they tell a big lie long enough that some will believe it. A lot on that list were just nut jobs who didn't fit into any political ideology.

Even though the stats are seriously skewed, it still didn't support the theory the OP was trying to push.

Muslims make up a small percent of the population, yet are responsible for most deaths by terrorist attacks even going by the false data supplied in the OP. The OP failed to count 9/11, which takes the number into the thousands for deaths caused by radical Islamists and those are just the ones on our soil. Across the world, the death toll due to radical Islamists is astronomical.

There will always be lunatics who will go off the deep end over something. Most are just like matches looking for dynamite and if one issue doesn't get their obsessive attention, another will. They were not members of large groups who are plotting to kill innocent people for some fucked up religion or cause. These killers are generally loners who rarely have partners, let alone groups that fund and train them.

Radical Islam is a group mentality and children are raised to hate and taught to kill infidels. Much different than a born psychopath or person suffering the effects of brain injury, drugs or other mental disorder. Radical Islam is organized, funded and passed onto each generation. It is much more dangerous than the random nut job.

Normal, healthy people do not kill other people. Radical Islam is designed to kill and to raise killers. They can't blame being born with a brain abnormality or the effects of anti-depression meds. They go by their holy book and interpret it to mean that they are sworn to kill infidels in the name of their god and they take that seriously. They train young children how to shoot, how to behead and the proper way to throw hand grenades and bombs. Later, they will choose the future suicide bombers and believe that a reward awaits those who kill in the name of Allah.

It is more dangerous. At least with the random nut jobs, we might be able to find out the root cause by looking at their history. Knowing the cause is key to preventing it in the future.

We can't prevent radical Islamists and we can't cure them with kindness. We can only fight them.






So tired of these leftist douchebags. How many riots have these asshole had and burned cities, beaten people, shot at cops, destroyed property, and looted. Any time the right protests anything, these same assholes complain. They post propaganda nonstop and never want to discuss an issue just scream how they are right and everyone else is a stupid racist. Remember to vote in the upcoming election and send Hillary and these douchebags back to the dumpsters they crawled out of.

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1- Ape Lncoln - slaughtered 650,000 Americans

2- Slick Willy - terrorized and incinerated alive 90 Davidians - 20 children

3- War Criminal Bush II - murdered millions of Iraqi women and children when he invaded that country under false pretenses

4- Barrack Obama - has completely and totally destroyed Syria in order to steal a chunk of real state and give it to Israhell - willing to go into WWIII to accomplish that feat
Ape Lncoln - slaughtered 650,000 Americans

he should have let general sherman incinerate all the southern crackas

The topic is Janet Napolitano's statements in 2009.

It's funny though that you try to defend rightwing terrorism by pointing at leftwing terrorism.

We'll add you to the list of RWnuts who support terror against the American people.

So you want to restrict the topic to suit your narrative.....isnt that a bit obvious?


1- Ape Lncoln - slaughtered 650,000 Americans

2- Slick Willy - terrorized and incinerated alive 90 Davidians - 20 children

3- War Criminal Bush II - murdered millions of Iraqi women and children when he invaded that country under false pretenses

4- Barrack Obama - has completely and totally destroyed Syria in order to steal a chunk of real state and give it to Israhell - willing to go into WWIII to accomplish that feat

It doesn't matter how many true statements are in your post, if there is even one single lie in it, by definition, you're still a fucking piece of shit liar.

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