Homeland Security prepares to kill white people

Napolitano sure HAULED ASS for some reason......>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


Fixed your post.
You know his hate site was approved by his superiors at Homeland Security.
Did you even read your own link?

Kimathi's former supervisor told the watchdog group, which tracks hate speech and groups in the U.S., that despite her former employee's banal description of his extracurricular activities, the actual content of the site left her "stunned." She continued: “To see the hate, to know that he is a federal employee, it bothered me." She added that had Kimathi's site been accurately described to the agency, there's no way the DHS would have signed off on it. Possibly to keep his bosses from looking up his work, Kimathi used only the site's acronym, WOH, in his permission request.

Of course they have to have a disclaimer.

That's rules for radicals 101.
How much of the position on his site was developed from the knowledge he gained at work? He certainly raises some questions but I dont see how this is a smoking gun
The usual race-baiters are crawling out of their dark crevices.

That's right, blacks are out to murder all whites. With the unspoken conclusion there being that it's thus necessary and desirable to crack down on all blacks, purely in self-defense. A classic tactic of the race-baiters, one older than the USA itself.
The fact remains that Katz is motivated by hate.

Quote: Originally Posted by Katzndogz View Post
You know his hate site was approved by his superiors at Homeland Security.
The fact remains that Katz is motivated by hate.

Quote: Originally Posted by Katzndogz View Post
You know his hate site was approved by his superiors at Homeland Security.

Yes, I hate people like that. I really do. I hate people who would shoot a 13 month old child in the head and gun down a jogger. You don't. This homeland security agent is one of your heroes.
If you object to being murdered by a black person you are a racist. Just ask George Zimmerman how it works.
The fact remains that Katz is motivated by hate.

Quote: Originally Posted by Katzndogz View Post
You know his hate site was approved by his superiors at Homeland Security.

Yes, I hate people like that. I really do. I hate people who would shoot a 13 month old child in the head and gun down a jogger. You don't. This homeland security agent is one of your heroes.

Your frothing hysteria becomes more obvious with each of your postings.

You have described yourself: you hate anyone who disagrees with you, who looks different than you, who thinks differently than you.

Your hysteria is appalling.
she prolly got the link from her Drudge or stormfront homepage. Can't see our cray cray rw queen :up: Katzndogz going to the Atlantic Wire on a whim

Amiright Katzy?

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