Homeland Security prepares to kill white people

Different looking people promoting genocide. You're right there.

When will there be an investigation to find out how many more like this there are? How about treating him as if he was a rodeo clown?
I honestly have trouble wrapping my head around what sort of rational adult could read an article and conclude Homeland Security is preparing to kill white people.

This can't be a person who holds a professional job, and hopefully isn't tasked with raising children.
People who make such wild assertions without any evidence are hard to hold discussions with.
You know, all the dude is guilty of is posting an article and not reading through it as carefully as he or she should have. Anyone else ever done that? There is no point beating the OP up about it any longer.
I honestly have trouble wrapping my head around what sort of rational adult could read an article and conclude Homeland Security is preparing to kill white people.

This can't be a person who holds a professional job, and hopefully isn't tasked with raising children.

It may cause people who are aware that DHS is stockpiling mountains of ammo to wonder about the purpose....

And it certainly causes decent people to wonder about the personnel policies of the Obama Administration which tolerates such employees.
You know, all the dude is guilty of is posting an article and not reading through it as carefully as he or she should have. Anyone else ever done that?
There is no article I could stumble upon that could lead me to conclude DHS is preparing to kill white people.

Sorry this isn't an oops I read it wrong, this is full retard.
So let me get this straight... you think the NSA was supposed to have noticed the content of this site thru 24/7 monitoring of every site on the internet, connected that to being a HS employee, and somehow gotten in touch with them that their employee submitted a false description of his off duty activities?

yes, it WAS. Isn't it a NATIONAL SECURITY?
the guy is obviously posting TERRORIST threats and NSA, monitoring everybody 24/7 for the sake of our SAFETY has not caught it on? It IS a DIRECT TERRORIST threat :cool:

so who the heck are they monitoring 24/7?!?

I swear this forum has become like a contest to have the stupidest or most misleading threads. Can someone please start a new "oh my gosh media is covering up <insert whatever you care about that nobody else does here>" thread so we can get some momentum this morning?

you are right on spot. and you are also a great example of what you are writing about. together with all the libtard wingnuts on the thread.
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You know his hate site was approved by his superiors at Homeland Security.

Of course it was, it plays right into their plans. Did you also know that sites like Ales Jones are run by the CIA? Fear is their greatest weapon. They long for the day when they can get different groups of society fighting and tearing at each others throat. Any excuse. The sooner chaos breaks, the sooner they can invoke all those executive orders issued so long ago in the name of "national security," giving the executive branch complete authoritarian control.

divide et impera​

Likewise, you just help things along by alerting people to this news item. Did you know that the Atlantic is published by editors and journalists associated with the Annenberg School which is part of the Pratt House ruling elites? :cool: Way to spread the fear and paranoia. Do their job for them. :lol: Make everyone hate and distrust each other, rather than who we really should keep our eyes on, the elites they shove in our faces to vote for every election, both Democrat and Republican. They're all crooks and thieves. No matter their back ground or ethnicity.
Oh please we don't need to be given reasons to distrust one another.
The idiot black dude is probably of no concern whatsoever to Fatherland Security. They're more interested in white people like me with a lot guns, and who believe in the Constitution.

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