Homeland Security Shifted $10 Million From FEMA For Immigrant Crackdown

A major hurricane is upon us. But because we just had to stop Hispanics rom entering the US, we could have a problem.

Homeland Security Shifted $10 Million From FEMA For Immigrant Crackdown, Senator Says
Nick Visser,HuffPost 11 hours ago

The Trump administration transferred nearly $10 million from the Federal Emergency Management Agency earlier this year to fund immigrant detention and deportation efforts, according to a document released Tuesday by Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Ore).

The lawmaker first shared the documents with MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow, saying that the Department of Homeland Security requested the money “just as hurricane season [was] starting” and as it was attempting to fund Immigration and Customs Enforcement in the midst of its new “zero tolerance” immigration policy. The controversial crackdown resulted in the separation of thousands of migrant children from their parents, hundreds of whom have yet to be reunited.

“This is a scandal. At the start of hurricane season — when American citizens in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands are still suffering from FEMA’s inadequate recovery efforts — the administration transferred millions of dollars away from FEMA,” Merkley said in a statement to HuffPost. “And for what? To implement their profoundly misguided ‘zero tolerance’ policy. It wasn’t enough to rip thousands of children out of the arms of their parents — the administration chose to partly pay for this horrific program by taking away from the ability to respond to damage from this year’s upcoming and potentially devastating hurricane season.”

Homeland Security Shifted $10 Million From FEMA For Immigrant Crackdown, Senator Says
Thanx to Democrats and their open border policies we can't afford emergency relief.
sounds like once the onion is peeled it shows it is the dems who took the money from FEMA then.

Nope, we know it was the Republicans. How? Because the money went to ICE.
LOL - Not sure what you are trying to say here? Conquest is part of history.
What he is saying is that the United States is an illegal government and should never have existed. Therefore we have no right to defend borders which are only a consequence of the illegal activity. In other words, you better get out of your house and let some African have it because you never had a right to live there in the first place.

He should move. Because that is pure insanity.


Let's play Devil's Advocate. You and I hate racists. Your neighbor is a racist. We walk over to him and say "please stop being a racist". He says "Get lost".

What do you do then? He has every right to feel the way he feels? I don't get your crusade whatsoever.

You don't have to get my crusade. The fact is that you all descend from people who came from other lands without the permission of nations that were here. Maybe a little humility and understanding that people are running here from very dangerous and life threatening situations instead of this arrogant crap by a bunch of failed human beings. You failures would rather send these people back to die just because they don't have a fucking piece of paper.

Why did your descendants run to America? To get away from the same things these guys you are running your hateful mouths off about. What if they had been sent back to die? You are low people, undeserving of gods grace. But he'll give it to you anyway and you still won't give your fellow man the free grace you got that you do not deserve. I guess that's conservative Christianity.

Americans like you and these other losers run around the planet bragging about the greatness of this nation. That's fake news.
The natives could not vote until 1924. If they had tribal lands it was charity since there was nothing they could do, not even vote, if those lands were taken away.
The government shifts millions of dollars around all the freaking time and always has during republican and democrat administrations so the document breathlessly released to the media by the democrat senator is meaningless and FEMA will do it's job without a hitch. It seems ironic that democrat politicians are standing in line to leak junk documents to the media while the FBI refuses to release critical documents related to what is turning out to be an attempted coup.
I support anything that upsets white-hating, stompy-foot crybaby IM2; I don't want him to feel any satisfaction in life at all. Which he most assuredly won't due to his attitude.

My life is good. I'm satisfied. How about you?

Don't make me laugh, if your life were satisfactory, you wouldn't be starting the exact same thread on USMB every day, ad nauseum: I'm a helpless black victim of oppression and whites owe me everything in life because of problems that were already resolved generations ago.
He's been doing the same schtick for years. At least 12.

That's exactly what makes him so pathetic - his one and only interest in life is making us "white devils" give him a luxury free ride for life because his ego can't take responsibility for his own personal shortcomings; it MUST be whitey's fault. I've never seen IM2 post about any other topic here than daily, nonstop black-crybaby grievance-mongering, nothing else. He has utterly no other interests and ambitions in life than racial paranoia. That's all he is, that's the only thing he's ever been about, at least here.
A major hurricane is upon us. But because we just had to stop Hispanics rom entering the US, we could have a problem.

Homeland Security Shifted $10 Million From FEMA For Immigrant Crackdown, Senator Says
Nick Visser,HuffPost 11 hours ago

The Trump administration transferred nearly $10 million from the Federal Emergency Management Agency earlier this year to fund immigrant detention and deportation efforts, according to a document released Tuesday by Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Ore).

The lawmaker first shared the documents with MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow, saying that the Department of Homeland Security requested the money “just as hurricane season [was] starting” and as it was attempting to fund Immigration and Customs Enforcement in the midst of its new “zero tolerance” immigration policy. The controversial crackdown resulted in the separation of thousands of migrant children from their parents, hundreds of whom have yet to be reunited.

“This is a scandal. At the start of hurricane season — when American citizens in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands are still suffering from FEMA’s inadequate recovery efforts — the administration transferred millions of dollars away from FEMA,” Merkley said in a statement to HuffPost. “And for what? To implement their profoundly misguided ‘zero tolerance’ policy. It wasn’t enough to rip thousands of children out of the arms of their parents — the administration chose to partly pay for this horrific program by taking away from the ability to respond to damage from this year’s upcoming and potentially devastating hurricane season.”

Homeland Security Shifted $10 Million From FEMA For Immigrant Crackdown, Senator Says
Thanx to Democrats and their open border policies we can't afford emergency relief.
sounds like once the onion is peeled it shows it is the dems who took the money from FEMA then.

Nope, we know it was the Republicans. How? Because the money went to ICE.
are you paying for illegals? if not, then the money is needed to remove them. and they came in due to leftist policy, so it's your sins we're paying for.
I support anything that upsets white-hating, stompy-foot crybaby IM2; I don't want him to feel any satisfaction in life at all. Which he most assuredly won't due to his attitude.

My life is good. I'm satisfied. How about you?

Don't make me laugh, if your life were satisfactory, you wouldn't be starting the exact same thread on USMB every day, ad nauseum: I'm a helpless black victim of oppression and whites owe me everything in life because of problems that were already resolved generations ago.
He's been doing the same schtick for years. At least 12.

That's exactly what makes him so pathetic - his one and only interest in life is making us "white devils" give him a luxury free ride for life because his ego can't take responsibility for his own personal shortcomings; it MUST be whitey's fault. I've never seen IM2 post about any other topic here than daily, nonstop black-crybaby grievance-mongering, nothing else. He has utterly no other interests and ambitions in life than racial paranoia. That's all he is, that's the only thing he's ever been about, at least here.
he can't, leftist stand for nothing, and with nothing you get nothing.
A major hurricane is upon us. But because we just had to stop Hispanics rom entering the US, we could have a problem.

Homeland Security Shifted $10 Million From FEMA For Immigrant Crackdown, Senator Says
Nick Visser,HuffPost 11 hours ago

The Trump administration transferred nearly $10 million from the Federal Emergency Management Agency earlier this year to fund immigrant detention and deportation efforts, according to a document released Tuesday by Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Ore).

The lawmaker first shared the documents with MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow, saying that the Department of Homeland Security requested the money “just as hurricane season [was] starting” and as it was attempting to fund Immigration and Customs Enforcement in the midst of its new “zero tolerance” immigration policy. The controversial crackdown resulted in the separation of thousands of migrant children from their parents, hundreds of whom have yet to be reunited.

“This is a scandal. At the start of hurricane season — when American citizens in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands are still suffering from FEMA’s inadequate recovery efforts — the administration transferred millions of dollars away from FEMA,” Merkley said in a statement to HuffPost. “And for what? To implement their profoundly misguided ‘zero tolerance’ policy. It wasn’t enough to rip thousands of children out of the arms of their parents — the administration chose to partly pay for this horrific program by taking away from the ability to respond to damage from this year’s upcoming and potentially devastating hurricane season.”

Homeland Security Shifted $10 Million From FEMA For Immigrant Crackdown, Senator Says
Thanx to Democrats and their open border policies we can't afford emergency relief.
sounds like once the onion is peeled it shows it is the dems who took the money from FEMA then.

Nope, we know it was the Republicans. How? Because the money went to ICE.
are you paying for illegals? if not, then the money is needed to remove them. and they came in due to leftist policy, so it's your sins we're paying for.
Well, how else are they supposed to buy new votes?
A major hurricane is upon us. But because we just had to stop Hispanics rom entering the US, we could have a problem.

Homeland Security Shifted $10 Million From FEMA For Immigrant Crackdown, Senator Says
Nick Visser,HuffPost 11 hours ago

The Trump administration transferred nearly $10 million from the Federal Emergency Management Agency earlier this year to fund immigrant detention and deportation efforts, according to a document released Tuesday by Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Ore).

The lawmaker first shared the documents with MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow, saying that the Department of Homeland Security requested the money “just as hurricane season [was] starting” and as it was attempting to fund Immigration and Customs Enforcement in the midst of its new “zero tolerance” immigration policy. The controversial crackdown resulted in the separation of thousands of migrant children from their parents, hundreds of whom have yet to be reunited.

“This is a scandal. At the start of hurricane season — when American citizens in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands are still suffering from FEMA’s inadequate recovery efforts — the administration transferred millions of dollars away from FEMA,” Merkley said in a statement to HuffPost. “And for what? To implement their profoundly misguided ‘zero tolerance’ policy. It wasn’t enough to rip thousands of children out of the arms of their parents — the administration chose to partly pay for this horrific program by taking away from the ability to respond to damage from this year’s upcoming and potentially devastating hurricane season.”

Homeland Security Shifted $10 Million From FEMA For Immigrant Crackdown, Senator Says

FEMA has a 13 BILLION dollar budget. Dumbass, god you are ignorant.
A major hurricane is upon us. But because we just had to stop Hispanics rom entering the US, we could have a problem.

Homeland Security Shifted $10 Million From FEMA For Immigrant Crackdown, Senator Says
Nick Visser,HuffPost 11 hours ago

The Trump administration transferred nearly $10 million from the Federal Emergency Management Agency earlier this year to fund immigrant detention and deportation efforts, according to a document released Tuesday by Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Ore).

The lawmaker first shared the documents with MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow, saying that the Department of Homeland Security requested the money “just as hurricane season [was] starting” and as it was attempting to fund Immigration and Customs Enforcement in the midst of its new “zero tolerance” immigration policy. The controversial crackdown resulted in the separation of thousands of migrant children from their parents, hundreds of whom have yet to be reunited.

“This is a scandal. At the start of hurricane season — when American citizens in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands are still suffering from FEMA’s inadequate recovery efforts — the administration transferred millions of dollars away from FEMA,” Merkley said in a statement to HuffPost. “And for what? To implement their profoundly misguided ‘zero tolerance’ policy. It wasn’t enough to rip thousands of children out of the arms of their parents — the administration chose to partly pay for this horrific program by taking away from the ability to respond to damage from this year’s upcoming and potentially devastating hurricane season.”

Homeland Security Shifted $10 Million From FEMA For Immigrant Crackdown, Senator Says

FEMA has a 13 BILLION dollar budget. Dumbass, god you are ignorant.

Also, contrary to simple-minded leftist concepts, departments of the federal government do not just have one big spending account full of cash that they pay for everything with.
A major hurricane is upon us. But because we just had to stop Hispanics rom entering the US, we could have a problem.

Homeland Security Shifted $10 Million From FEMA For Immigrant Crackdown, Senator Says
Nick Visser,HuffPost 11 hours ago

The Trump administration transferred nearly $10 million from the Federal Emergency Management Agency earlier this year to fund immigrant detention and deportation efforts, according to a document released Tuesday by Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Ore).

The lawmaker first shared the documents with MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow, saying that the Department of Homeland Security requested the money “just as hurricane season [was] starting” and as it was attempting to fund Immigration and Customs Enforcement in the midst of its new “zero tolerance” immigration policy. The controversial crackdown resulted in the separation of thousands of migrant children from their parents, hundreds of whom have yet to be reunited.

“This is a scandal. At the start of hurricane season — when American citizens in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands are still suffering from FEMA’s inadequate recovery efforts — the administration transferred millions of dollars away from FEMA,” Merkley said in a statement to HuffPost. “And for what? To implement their profoundly misguided ‘zero tolerance’ policy. It wasn’t enough to rip thousands of children out of the arms of their parents — the administration chose to partly pay for this horrific program by taking away from the ability to respond to damage from this year’s upcoming and potentially devastating hurricane season.”

Homeland Security Shifted $10 Million From FEMA For Immigrant Crackdown, Senator Says

FEMA has a 13 BILLION dollar budget. Dumbass, god you are ignorant.

Also, contrary to simple-minded leftist concepts, departments of the federal government do not just have one big spending account full of cash that they pay for everything with.

Nope, you're correct. 10 Million bucks out of 13 BILLION is nothing.
Imagine all the ways your life would be so much better off without pesky brown people in this country.

Let's count the ways....
Imagine all the ways this nation would be better without white snowflake uneducated gullible shit stains.....

Hey at least you're becoming self-aware. Don't be too tough on yourself, I'm sure your parents deserve some of the blame.
You know, I understand that sometimes money can be shifted from one dept. to another, especially if the department having the money shifted from them didn't use all of their funds by the end of the FY. Matter of fact, saw it happen quite a bit when I was with a squadron. When Sept. came around, and if we had a lot of money left in the budget, we would start flying like crazy to use it up. Why? Because if we came in under our allotted budget, they would cut our budget for the next FY.

That being said, I am still wondering why in the hell Trump decided to shift the money from not only FEMA, but there have been reports that the Coast Guard shifted 29 million to ICE. And, they did it earlier this year, just as hurricane season was starting up. I could understand if the money was shifted after Nov. 1st (end of hurricane season), and few or no hurricanes hit the country, but currently, we have a monster one coming in. Why did he shift the money at the beginning of hurricane season? He should have waited until it was over.
Oh look, snowflakes are already trying to blame Trump for Hurricane Florence...

A major hurricane is upon us. But because we just had to stop Hispanics rom entering the US, we could have a problem.

Homeland Security Shifted $10 Million From FEMA For Immigrant Crackdown, Senator Says
Nick Visser,HuffPost 11 hours ago

The Trump administration transferred nearly $10 million from the Federal Emergency Management Agency earlier this year to fund immigrant detention and deportation efforts, according to a document released Tuesday by Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Ore).

The lawmaker first shared the documents with MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow, saying that the Department of Homeland Security requested the money “just as hurricane season [was] starting” and as it was attempting to fund Immigration and Customs Enforcement in the midst of its new “zero tolerance” immigration policy. The controversial crackdown resulted in the separation of thousands of migrant children from their parents, hundreds of whom have yet to be reunited.

“This is a scandal. At the start of hurricane season — when American citizens in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands are still suffering from FEMA’s inadequate recovery efforts — the administration transferred millions of dollars away from FEMA,” Merkley said in a statement to HuffPost. “And for what? To implement their profoundly misguided ‘zero tolerance’ policy. It wasn’t enough to rip thousands of children out of the arms of their parents — the administration chose to partly pay for this horrific program by taking away from the ability to respond to damage from this year’s upcoming and potentially devastating hurricane season.”

Homeland Security Shifted $10 Million From FEMA For Immigrant Crackdown, Senator Says
I'm fine with that.
Homeland Security Shifted $10 Million From FEMA For Immigrant Crackdown

They also shifted $29 million from the Coast Guard to build more baby cages. That was reported on Rachel Maddow last night.

Maybe you should stop wasting time watching Rachel Maddow and find a REAL news source. Maybe one that doesn't take a day and a half to catch up with a story, 'cause that's when I heard about the Coast Guard thing.

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