Homeland Security suspends immigration agreements with Arizona police

Pretty sad when our government pits itself against the citizens of our country in favor of foreigners.
That's right. The message is that when the Arizona police contact them to report a criminal they've arrested to check on their status, the DHS will not answer their calls.

Scalia was highly critical of Obama and he was right. The feds sued Arizona because they want to uphold laws already on the books, but Obama says it's wrong to uphold laws that he chooses not to uphold. The Arizona law did not expand or alter any existing federal law. It's just that Obama is above all laws and if he chooses to ignore them, everyone should because he says so. Going through proper channels isn't his thing and he prefers to declare things without congress getting involved to change laws. He doesn't need them for new legislation, so why should they be allowed to have a say in the current laws?

And the administration mentioned something about future law suits. I suspect they'll go after the state again and again as they try to exercise their legal right to maintain sovereignty.

"The laws under challenge here do not extend or revise federal immigration
restrictions, but merely enforce those restrictions more effectively.
If securing its territory in this fashion is not within the power of
Arizona, we should cease referring to it as a sovereign State
. I
dissent", Scalia concluded.

Scalia Slams Obama In His Arizona Immigration Dissent
Scalia Slams Obama In His Arizona Immigration Dissent - Business Insider
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So what right does Hs have to suspend agreements with Arizon?. I hope this fast tracks back to the SCOTUS.
THIS is an issue? Arizona has enough wild hairs to manufacture cheap toupees.
Reading comprehension fail:

Administration officials, speaking on condition they not be named, told reporters they expect to see an increase in the number of calls they get from Arizona police — but that won’t change President Obama’s decision to limit whom the government actually tries to detain and deport.

“We will not be issuing detainers on individuals unless they clearly meet our defined priorities,” one official said in a telephone briefing.

In other words, Homeland Security won't follow up on calls from AZ regarding illegal immigrants if said illegal immigrants don't fall under a category that Obama's directive has ordered Homeland Security to focus on.
THIS is an issue? Arizona has enough wild hairs to manufacture cheap toupees.

Yes its an issue.... our government just told Arizona they are on their own.

How on earth can Arizona enforce FEDERAL IMMIGRATION LAW if the FEDERAL government says dont bother calling us????

Hell YES this is an issue..!!!
Now that the HS has said "you are on your own", wonder what the justices think.
Obama should be impeached for ignoring his oath to uphold The Constitution of The United States of America.
Very predictable. A bunch of Treasonous rats. These rats do not have American Citizens' best interests at heart. We have a 'President of the World' running our country. It's all about the NWO Globalist/"Social Justice" agenda for him. He has chosen to side with Illegal Aliens and Mexico, over his own People. Shame on him. It's time for a President who will represent and fight for the American People. This guy's time is up. Hopefully the American People will make that happen in November.
In other words, Homeland Security won't follow up on calls from AZ regarding illegal immigrants if said illegal immigrants don't fall under a category that Obama's directive has ordered Homeland Security to focus on.

Obama's Category = everyone not a felon which is often hard to determine via Mexican criminal records.
Just another example of this REGIME thumbing its nose at the rule of law.

Actually id say its more an example of this:

Story Arts | Aesop's ABC | The Boy Who Cried Wolf

So I take your OK with them telling Arizona "Dont call us... your on your own" ??

What happened to Obama's oath of office? What about our borders? What about the Arizona citizens? What about AMERICAN citizens?

I am stunned at how much rope you guys give Obama when it comes to doing his GOD DAMNED job!

Im not crying wolf.... It may seem that we are always yelling "look at what he just did", but damn it... he keeps doing stupid shit, and acting in a manner that benefits others, and not Americans.
He is a citizen of the world, and not an American first I guess :confused:
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Just another example of this REGIME thumbing its nose at the rule of law.

Actually id say its more an example of this:

Story Arts | Aesop's ABC | The Boy Who Cried Wolf

So I take your OK with them telling Arizona "Dont call us... your on your own" ??

What happened to Obama's oath of office? What about our borders? What about the Arizona citizens? What about AMERICAN citizens?

I am stunned at how much rope you guys give Obama when it comes to doing his GOD DAMNED job!

'Party before Country.' McCain sure did nail that one. Who would have ever thought we would see our own President side with Illegal Aliens and a Foreign Nation over his fellow Americans? He truly does see his own People in Arizona as the 'Enemy.' He should not be our President. Time for real change. November can't come fast enough.
Just another example of this REGIME thumbing its nose at the rule of law.

Actually id say its more an example of this:

Story Arts | Aesop's ABC | The Boy Who Cried Wolf

So I take your OK with them telling Arizona "Dont call us... your on your own" ??

What happened to Obama's oath of office? What about our borders? What about the Arizona citizens? What about AMERICAN citizens?

I am stunned at how much rope you guys give Obama when it comes to doing his GOD DAMNED job!

Im not crying wolf.... It may seem that we are always yelling "look at what he just did", but damn it... he keeps doing stupid shit, and acting in a manner that benefits others, and not Americans.
He is a citizen of the world, and not an American first I guess :confused:

As Obama increased the budget to defend the border by $600 million , deployed drones to increase surviellance on the border and has deported more illegal immigrants than any previous administration, Id say that yeah, Im ok with it and that everything else is just spin to discredit the Not Republican in the Oval Office.
Actually id say its more an example of this:

Story Arts | Aesop's ABC | The Boy Who Cried Wolf

So I take your OK with them telling Arizona "Dont call us... your on your own" ??

What happened to Obama's oath of office? What about our borders? What about the Arizona citizens? What about AMERICAN citizens?

I am stunned at how much rope you guys give Obama when it comes to doing his GOD DAMNED job!

Im not crying wolf.... It may seem that we are always yelling "look at what he just did", but damn it... he keeps doing stupid shit, and acting in a manner that benefits others, and not Americans.
He is a citizen of the world, and not an American first I guess :confused:

As Obama increased the budget to defend the border by $600 million , deployed drones to increase surviellance on the border and has deported more illegal immigrants than any previous administration, Id say that yeah, Im ok with it and that everything else is just spin to discredit the Not Republican in the Oval Office.

So Obama says Arizona dont call me.... but hey you illegals, CALL ME !!

News from The Associated Press

How is this OK ???

OH MY GOD, I can't believe you guys!

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