Homeland Security suspends immigration agreements with Arizona police

THIS is an issue? Arizona has enough wild hairs to manufacture cheap toupees.

I guess they should respond in kind.....by keeping his narrow ass off the ballot.

The People of Arizona have decided not to adhere to election laws, simply because they choose not to.
By targeting Arizona in suspending the agreement with Arizona, Obama (or Napolitano) might have just opened the door to more scrutiny from the supreme Court.

As judge scalia said in his dissent,

Scalia, a Reagan appointee, wrote in his dissent. "Perhaps it is, though Arizona may not think so. But to say, as the Court does, that Arizona contradicts federal law by enforc*ing applications of the Immigration Act that the President declines to enforce boggles the mind."

Later, he added: "What I do fear—and what Arizona and the States that support it fear—is that 'federal policies' of nonen*forcement will leave the States helpless before those evil effects of illegal immigration."

The federal government "does not want to enforce the immigration laws as written, and leaves the States' borders unprotected against immigrants whom those laws would exclude," Scalia alleged.

"Must Arizona's ability to protect its borders yield to the reality that Congress has provided inadequate funding for federal enforcement—or, even worse, to the executive's unwise targeting of that funding?" Scalia asked. Later, he added: "What I do fear—and what Arizona and the States that support it fear—is that 'federal policies' of nonen*forcement will leave the States helpless before those evil effects of illegal immigration."
This President has turned his back on his fellow Americans. He has chosen to be the 'President of the World', and side with Illegal Aliens and Mexico. Hopefully he'll pay for that on Election Day. We'll see i guess. Get out and vote people.
See the funny thing is about this story is when Obama challenged Arizona people like the OP screamed " state rights! state rights! and said the Federal government was overstepping with their challenge."

Now the Federal government says ( if we believe the OP ) that AZ is on their own and people scream that the Feds are not stepping in to help.

I love it and at the sametime feel very sorry that a party has been hijacked by fucking morons and nobody is willing to step up to these lunatics.

This is what happens when a nation starts giving into children who think they can run the world.

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