Homeland security vs. your civil rights


Jul 17, 2013
With a 9 year old boy that was able to get onto a plane from Minnesota to Las Vegas you would think they would question homeland security and TSA a little more... If this child can clear all barriers who else can?

Also with the NSA we found out that no one is free from the spying they do on us. We have had our civil rights taken away from us. Not being able to use the internet, phones, and other forms of electronic communications with out thinking am i being watched right now? is just wrong.

Below is an portion of an article i read the other day.

The Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution provides, “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures.” The amendment assures us that only when law enforcement has “probable cause” to suspect a person of a crime, may their space be violated.

Well, here’s a wake-up call, folks. For years now, and especially since Sept. 11, 2001, that most fundamental American right has been eroding. All across the nation, every single day armed officers with badges are stopping, interrogating, searching and detaining U.S. citizens with little or no explanation, or probable cause. This isn’t my America.

The time has come for law-abiding citizens to rise up and demand that law enforcement give us the courtesy and respect that all human beings should display toward each other. It is time we stopped acting like their unconstitutional activity is OK.
Source: Rare.us | Homeland security vs. your civil rights

I totally agree with this we have to stop acting like this is okay. How many attacks has NSA stopped? Where were they with the Boston bombings? There was evidence all over the bombers computer!!!

I am sick to my gut thinking about this. is any one else ready for a change?

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