Homeless Man Goes Into Furniture Store And Kills (Gorgeous) 24-Year-Old UCLA Grad Student

Let me guess, this guy came from Agrabah! (Let's see if Ray gets the joke.)

Again, we aren't going to cut off people's hand, and we've tried locking people up for stealing a slice of pizza, and it just plain doesn't work. We've put 2 million people in prison, if anything, we've made matters worse, not better. We've taken petty criminals and turned them into career criminals.

Ah, the dreaded "Model Minority" myth. Why can't you be more like the Asians? Well, Asians never encountered slavery, Jim Crow, etc. They weren't dragged over here in chains, and the only way an Asian gets here is if he has enough affluence to immigrate. (Not counting mail order brides, of course, which implies a certain level of affluence in them being brought over.)

Except you can treat these people without locking them up. We just refuse to do it. Rich people need their dressage Horses.
Asians never encountered slavery

Return your History Degree.
Asians never encountered slavery

Return your History Degree.

Please point out where Asians were slaves in the US. ( Oh, I bet you mean ever any time in history, because you lack any ability to actually parse intent.)
Please point out where Asians were slaves in the US. ( Oh, I bet you mean ever any time in history, because you lack any ability to actually parse intent.)
Try Google...
I did and you should return your History Degree.
Try Google...
I did and you should return your History Degree.

Nope, still wrong. Coolies don't count, they weren't brought over in chains..

(I actually did a paper on that for a history class at UIC, including the Chinese Exclusion Laws).
Nope, still wrong. Coolies don't count, they weren't brought over in chains..

(I actually did a paper on that for a history class at UIC, including the Chinese Exclusion Laws).
A slave on a railroad gang is a slave by any other name.
In fact, the Chinese probably had it more difficult on the chain gang and still their kids aren't sucking on the welfare tit today.
A slave on a railroad gang is a slave by any other name.
In fact, the Chinese probably had it more difficult on the chain gang and still their kids aren't sucking on the welfare tit today.

Well, except they volunteer to come over, and the main reason why few Chinese Americans can trace their roots back was because the men came over here, made a small fortune compared to what they would earn in China, and went home. They didn't bring women over, by and large, so no second or third generations from those laborers. In fact, laws were passed to prevent MORE Chinese from being brought over. (See, America, you've always been like this!)
Well, except they volunteer to come over, and the main reason why few Chinese Americans can trace their roots back was because the men came over here, made a small fortune compared to what they would earn in China, and went home. They didn't bring women over, by and large, so no second or third generations from those laborers. In fact, laws were passed to prevent MORE Chinese from being brought over. (See, America, you've always been like this!)
The Africans were sold by their parents and everybody was told there were fortunes to be made.
Tell us something we don't know.
Do explain why everybody but the African decided not to ride the welfare train promised them by the Democrats who turned NYC into a welfare cesspool.
The Africans were sold by their parents and everybody was told there were fortunes to be made.
Tell us something we don't know.
Do explain why everybody but the African decided not to ride the welfare train promised them by the Democrats who turned NYC into a welfare cesspool.

Most people on welfare are white.

Most people on welfare are white.

Most people that hit the lottery are white. Most people that eat fast food are white. Most people that get parking tickets are white. Why is that? It can't be because whites are six times the size in population as blacks now could it? Do you want to have a more honest conversation of per capita? Of course not because it would once again prove you to be a liar.
Let me guess, this guy came from Agrabah! (Let's see if Ray gets the joke.)

Again, we aren't going to cut off people's hand, and we've tried locking people up for stealing a slice of pizza, and it just plain doesn't work. We've put 2 million people in prison, if anything, we've made matters worse, not better. We've taken petty criminals and turned them into career criminals.

Ah, the dreaded "Model Minority" myth. Why can't you be more like the Asians? Well, Asians never encountered slavery, Jim Crow, etc. They weren't dragged over here in chains, and the only way an Asian gets here is if he has enough affluence to immigrate. (Not counting mail order brides, of course, which implies a certain level of affluence in them being brought over.)

Except you can treat these people without locking them up. We just refuse to do it. Rich people need their dressage Horses.

I have no idea what country the clerk was from. Why would he lie? Back in the 80's it was probably most middle-east countries that did that.

2 million people (less than 1% of our population of 330 million) only tells us that prisons are nothing to be feared; no real deterrent. Your solution is to let criminals go free while mine is make prisons prisons again. Mandatory work detail, no cable television, no television of any kind, only two hours of being with the general population, no pool room, no workout room, no football fields, one visitor once a month for ten minutes, no phone calls. Then you'd see a reduction of our prison population. Now why don't you find us this story about a person sent to prison for stealing a slice of pizza. Crickets.

Anything my father, my grandfather, my great, great grandfather went through has nothing to do with how I conduct myself in this free country which I've enjoyed all of my life. Your cheap excuses don't work because as we all know, you're nothing but a self-hating anti-semetic white. You can't stand that thought that some races are much more uncivilized than others.
It seems unnecessary to point out she’s pretty in the thread title. If she’d been homely, would it be less of a tragedy?
Most people that hit the lottery are white. Most people that eat fast food are white. Most people that get parking tickets are white. Why is that? It can't be because whites are six times the size in population as blacks now could it? Do you want to have a more honest conversation of per capita? Of course not because it would once again prove you to be a liar.
It’s always funny how quickly they clam up once one mentions the per capita angle of these statistics.
Most people that hit the lottery are white. Most people that eat fast food are white. Most people that get parking tickets are white. Why is that? It can't be because whites are six times the size in population as blacks now could it? Do you want to have a more honest conversation of per capita? Of course not because it would once again prove you to be a liar.
No, but it does blow up your stereotype of the Black Welfare Queen.

And that's actual welfare, not some malingerer using a fake disability to collect a pension.

2 million people (less than 1% of our population of 330 million) only tells us that prisons are nothing to be feared; no real deterrent. Your solution is to let criminals go free while mine is make prisons prisons again. Mandatory work detail, no cable television, no television of any kind, only two hours of being with the general population, no pool room, no workout room, no football fields, one visitor once a month for ten minutes, no phone calls. Then you'd see a reduction of our prison population. Now why don't you find us this story about a person sent to prison for stealing a slice of pizza. Crickets.

We lock up 2 million people. They are hellish places that you wouldn't want to go to. Most of the people in there are for non-violent offenses.

Anything my father, my grandfather, my great, great grandfather went through has nothing to do with how I conduct myself in this free country which I've enjoyed all of my life. Your cheap excuses don't work because as we all know, you're nothing but a self-hating anti-semetic white. You can't stand that thought that some races are much more uncivilized than others.

Your ancestors didn't encounter slavery or Jim Crow. The worst thing your ancestors encountered were Polish Jokes.
No, but it does blow up your stereotype of the Black Welfare Queen.
Well, not really, cause if you look at any statistics you’ll see that Black Americans receive welfare at least twice as much per capita than White Americans.

The pie chart you yourself posted supports that.
Well, not really, cause if you look at any statistics you’ll see that Black Americans receive welfare at least twice as much per capita than White Americans.

The pie chart you yourself posted supports that.

Whites make up 69% of the population and get 51% of the welfare (*)

* - when we talk about welfare, we are talking about poverty relief programs, and not middle class entitlements like Social Security, Disability, Medicare, Much of Medicaid, Unemployment Insurance, Veterans' benefits- which mostly benefit white people. But even limiting that to the hated poverty relief/welfare with shame programs, whites despite their massive privilege in this society, Still lap up 51% of that money.

Even the poverty relief programs are largely designed to benefit white people. SNAP is limited to certain food products, that keep prices up for white farmers. Section 8 largely ends up going to white landlords.
No, but it does blow up your stereotype of the Black Welfare Queen.

And that's actual welfare, not some malingerer using a fake disability to collect a pension.

We lock up 2 million people. They are hellish places that you wouldn't want to go to. Most of the people in there are for non-violent offenses.

Your ancestors didn't encounter slavery or Jim Crow. The worst thing your ancestors encountered were Polish Jokes.
You know why Whites own their own businesses?
Because no one would hire them.
Homeless violence on the rise? Between this murder in Los Angeles and the murder of an Asian woman pushed into an oncoming subway train to her death in New York, wait until someone guns down a homeless person trying to hurt them. The Left will be screaming with outrage; unlike now.
No, but it does blow up your stereotype of the Black Welfare Queen.

And that's actual welfare, not some malingerer using a fake disability to collect a pension.

We lock up 2 million people. They are hellish places that you wouldn't want to go to. Most of the people in there are for non-violent offenses.

Your ancestors didn't encounter slavery or Jim Crow. The worst thing your ancestors encountered were Polish Jokes.

So what does what my ancestors had to put up have to do with me? What happened to them has no impact on me or my life. My life started the day I was born. Excuses are like assholes, everybody has one. My welfare queen point is spot on. The only way to determine what group does what is by per capita. Again, that's something you don't want to discuss because it blows your bullshit argument to pieces. Hell, I'll even use your pie chart even though there is no source or year when it was posted. Blacks use 26% of welfare. That's twice their population size in the US. Whites use a little over 50% of welfare which is under their population size. Even your own chart points out how you are wrong and lying.

As for prison, it would be hell on most people. But for lowlifes, it's a step up from how they were living before they got locked up in many cases. Good food, no roaches running around and crawling on your face while you're sleeping, everything is spotless and germ free, cable television, a pool table, weights and exercise equipment. They never had access to stuff like that where they came from.
It’s always funny how quickly they clam up once one mentions the per capita angle of these statistics.

You can't be a leftist without lying. If not for lying, you'd have no argument at all. It's why CNN's ratings get worse every year. I expect them to go off the air this year.

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