Homeless people vs Illegals...why does left support one and not the other?

Just a simple question, the blue States and cities are trying to outright ban homelessness, yet they support more coming in? Activists form 'wall' to protect belongings of homeless outside City Hall
At 9:30 am Monday morning, activists and homeless individuals joined hands outside Spokane City Hall, forming a "wall" to protest the city's plans to clean up the camp that was formed there to demand more resources for the homeless."This is what community looks like!" shouted Alfredo LLamedo to the group of dozens of people holding hands.*Snip*to get Spokane City Council to suspend an ordinance that barred people from sitting or lying on downtown sidewalks during the day..
#1 - The OP's article has absolutely NOTHING to with "Homeless people vs Illegals...why does left support one and not the other?" Why it is in the post is a mystery. It's a fantasy post.

#2 - The article mentions NOTHING about left/right, democrat or republican. The article says there is an "activist" but does not reveal their political leanings.

#3 - The OP is assuming things not mentioned and definitely NOT provable. This is nothing more than a red meat article for conservatives, littered with false innuendo, unprovable accusations and set in a fantasy world.


It's a blue city ..

They hate homeless people..

The left wants more poor broke ass Illegals in

Do the math.


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