Homeless people vs Illegals...why does left support one and not the other?

Just a simple question, the blue States and cities are trying to outright ban homelessness, yet they support more coming in?

Activists form 'wall' to protect belongings of homeless outside City Hall

At 9:30 am Monday morning, activists and homeless individuals joined hands outside Spokane City Hall, forming a "wall" to protest the city's plans to clean up the camp that was formed there to demand more resources for the homeless.

"This is what community looks like!" shouted Alfredo LLamedo to the group of dozens of people holding hands.


to get Spokane City Council to suspend an ordinance that barred people from sitting or lying on downtown sidewalks during the day.


The homeless are already voting democrat, the illegals are the new base

They probably do not even vote. They might not even know who the Potus is or care.

But penny how come you didn't answer my question why the left wants to take in more homeless people and we didn't solve our homless population?

I mean we all agree we can't solve it all..
Just a simple question, the blue States and cities are trying to outright ban homelessness, yet they support more coming in?

Activists form 'wall' to protect belongings of homeless outside City Hall

At 9:30 am Monday morning, activists and homeless individuals joined hands outside Spokane City Hall, forming a "wall" to protest the city's plans to clean up the camp that was formed there to demand more resources for the homeless.

"This is what community looks like!" shouted Alfredo LLamedo to the group of dozens of people holding hands.


to get Spokane City Council to suspend an ordinance that barred people from sitting or lying on downtown sidewalks during the day.


The homeless are already voting democrat, the illegals are the new base

They probably do not even vote. They might not even know who the Potus is or care.

But penny how come you didn't answer my question why the left wants to take in more homeless people and we didn't solve our homless population?

What do you suggest we do with the people who walked over 1000 miles to escape their home countries? Any suggestions would be helpful.
Most homeless are homeless because they want to be.

No job. They don't pay taxes and they use shelters for food or a place to flop.

Homeless are a plague on the cities. They panhandle, shit and piss all over the streets and live wherever they can. Choking fields, alleys and any open place they can flop in.

Cities should ban them or turn them into street cleaners.

Loads of them are right where they want to be.

Do you really think a person makes an honest decision to be a "homeless person" ? A huge number of the homeless are veterans.

There are many places vets can go for help if they need or want it.

Loads of the homeless love being homeless.

They don't have to work. They panhandle. Go to the local shelter for food and if lucky get a place to sleep.
What do you suggest we do with the people who walked over 1000 miles to escape their home countries? Any suggestions would be helpful.

The same thing we do about the other 2 billion dirt poor people in the world. Where is the limit if your generosity? You willing to sell your home and all your possessions and give the money to these people? Yeah I thought not, you people are all talk. :eusa_hand:
Just a simple question, the blue States and cities are trying to outright ban homelessness, yet they support more coming in?

Activists form 'wall' to protect belongings of homeless outside City Hall

At 9:30 am Monday morning, activists and homeless individuals joined hands outside Spokane City Hall, forming a "wall" to protest the city's plans to clean up the camp that was formed there to demand more resources for the homeless.

"This is what community looks like!" shouted Alfredo LLamedo to the group of dozens of people holding hands.


to get Spokane City Council to suspend an ordinance that barred people from sitting or lying on downtown sidewalks during the day.


The homeless are already voting democrat, the illegals are the new base

They probably do not even vote. They might not even know who the Potus is or care.

But penny how come you didn't answer my question why the left wants to take in more homeless people and we didn't solve our homless population?

What do you suggest we do with the people who walked over 1000 miles to escape their home countries? Any suggestions would be helpful.

Send em back.

We don't need them here. Hell Mexico offered them asylum and they refused.

They want into the US and I hope none of them step one foot inside our border.
Most homeless are homeless because they want to be.

No job. They don't pay taxes and they use shelters for food or a place to flop.

Homeless are a plague on the cities. They panhandle, shit and piss all over the streets and live wherever they can. Choking fields, alleys and any open place they can flop in.

Cities should ban them or turn them into street cleaners.

Loads of them are right where they want to be.

Do you really think a person makes an honest decision to be a "homeless person" ? A huge number of the homeless are veterans.

There are many places vets can go for help if they need or want it.

Loads of the homeless love being homeless.

They don't have to work. They panhandle. Go to the local shelter for food and if lucky get a place to sleep.

you made the statement "Most homeless are homeless because they want to be."
and its not a decision they make, its a lifestyle they have been thrust in, due to bad times (losing a job, losing their home in the 2008 housing disaster that Bush Admin made, etc), drugs , mental illness, alcohol, etc. They did not wake up one day, and say " I want to be homeless"

unless they are the caravan people, they left with a bag and figured even being homeless would be better than the life they were living.
What do you suggest we do with the people who walked over 1000 miles to escape their home countries? Any suggestions would be helpful.

The same thing we do about the other 2 billion dirt poor people in the world. Where is the limit if your generosity? You willing to sell your home and all your possessions and give the money to these people? Yeah I thought not, you people are all talk. :eusa_hand:

Sure beats our tax dollars going for war and the MIC or tax breaks for the elites.
What do you suggest we do with the people who walked over 1000 miles to escape their home countries? Any suggestions would be helpful.

The same thing we do about the other 2 billion dirt poor people in the world. Where is the limit if your generosity? You willing to sell your home and all your possessions and give the money to these people? Yeah I thought not, you people are all talk. :eusa_hand:

Sure beats our tax dollars going for war and the MIC or tax breaks for the elites.

Again what's this "our" crap, there is nothing stopping you from giving your all for these people. I call BS on your fake generosity posts. :anj_stfu:
Just a simple question, the blue States and cities are trying to outright ban homelessness, yet they support more coming in?

Activists form 'wall' to protect belongings of homeless outside City Hall

At 9:30 am Monday morning, activists and homeless individuals joined hands outside Spokane City Hall, forming a "wall" to protest the city's plans to clean up the camp that was formed there to demand more resources for the homeless.

"This is what community looks like!" shouted Alfredo LLamedo to the group of dozens of people holding hands.


to get Spokane City Council to suspend an ordinance that barred people from sitting or lying on downtown sidewalks during the day.

Unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed could solve this issue. The right wing refuses to help out.

You awake bed Head?

View attachment 231102
see what i mean; the right wing is all talk.
Just a simple question, the blue States and cities are trying to outright ban homelessness, yet they support more coming in?

Activists form 'wall' to protect belongings of homeless outside City Hall

At 9:30 am Monday morning, activists and homeless individuals joined hands outside Spokane City Hall, forming a "wall" to protest the city's plans to clean up the camp that was formed there to demand more resources for the homeless.

"This is what community looks like!" shouted Alfredo LLamedo to the group of dozens of people holding hands.


to get Spokane City Council to suspend an ordinance that barred people from sitting or lying on downtown sidewalks during the day.


The homeless are already voting democrat, the illegals are the new base
right wingers only complain about natural rights when it is specifically about guns.
What do you suggest we do with the people who walked over 1000 miles to escape their home countries? Any suggestions would be helpful.

The same thing we do about the other 2 billion dirt poor people in the world. Where is the limit if your generosity? You willing to sell your home and all your possessions and give the money to these people? Yeah I thought not, you people are all talk. :eusa_hand:

Sure beats our tax dollars going for war and the MIC or tax breaks for the elites.

Again what's this "our" crap, there is nothing stopping you from giving your all for these people. I call BS on your fake generosity posts. :anj_stfu:

Tax dollars going to destroy other countries are not my thing. I'm sure you feel differently. I mean you are in the army of Trump. YUCK.
Just a simple question, the blue States and cities are trying to outright ban homelessness, yet they support more coming in?

Activists form 'wall' to protect belongings of homeless outside City Hall

At 9:30 am Monday morning, activists and homeless individuals joined hands outside Spokane City Hall, forming a "wall" to protest the city's plans to clean up the camp that was formed there to demand more resources for the homeless.

"This is what community looks like!" shouted Alfredo LLamedo to the group of dozens of people holding hands.


to get Spokane City Council to suspend an ordinance that barred people from sitting or lying on downtown sidewalks during the day.


The homeless are already voting democrat, the illegals are the new base
right wingers only complain about natural rights when it is specifically about guns.

There's no natural right for voter fraud
Just a simple question, the blue States and cities are trying to outright ban homelessness, yet they support more coming in?

Activists form 'wall' to protect belongings of homeless outside City Hall

At 9:30 am Monday morning, activists and homeless individuals joined hands outside Spokane City Hall, forming a "wall" to protest the city's plans to clean up the camp that was formed there to demand more resources for the homeless.

"This is what community looks like!" shouted Alfredo LLamedo to the group of dozens of people holding hands.


to get Spokane City Council to suspend an ordinance that barred people from sitting or lying on downtown sidewalks during the day.


The homeless are already voting democrat, the illegals are the new base
right wingers only complain about natural rights when it is specifically about guns.

There's no natural right for voter fraud
who claimed there is?
Just a simple question, the blue States and cities are trying to outright ban homelessness, yet they support more coming in?

Activists form 'wall' to protect belongings of homeless outside City Hall

At 9:30 am Monday morning, activists and homeless individuals joined hands outside Spokane City Hall, forming a "wall" to protest the city's plans to clean up the camp that was formed there to demand more resources for the homeless.

"This is what community looks like!" shouted Alfredo LLamedo to the group of dozens of people holding hands.


to get Spokane City Council to suspend an ordinance that barred people from sitting or lying on downtown sidewalks during the day.


This is super simple...disgusting wetbacks are really just Democrat factories...these low iQ, desperate, subhumans start making Democrats at age 13 and they don’t stop until age 45...the fertility rate is off the charts. Homeless folks do not offer a guaranteed, forever growing constituency to Mexicrats.
Further, with wetbacks producing a great number of disgusting, taxpayer dependent human cockroaches they can quickly overrun Americans and force the decay of American culture, traditions and values which allow for the anti American, cock sucking faggots to thrive and continue building their anything’s goes, no boundaries free for all. It’s the perfect plan.
What do you suggest we do with the people who walked over 1000 miles to escape their home countries? Any suggestions would be helpful.

The same thing we do about the other 2 billion dirt poor people in the world. Where is the limit if your generosity? You willing to sell your home and all your possessions and give the money to these people? Yeah I thought not, you people are all talk. :eusa_hand:

Sure beats our tax dollars going for war and the MIC or tax breaks for the elites.

Again what's this "our" crap, there is nothing stopping you from giving your all for these people. I call BS on your fake generosity posts. :anj_stfu:

Tax dollars going to destroy other countries are not my thing. I'm sure you feel differently. I mean you are in the army of Trump. YUCK.

You people openly undermine our President at home and abroad, grow some patriotism.
When you are homeless, any criminal can kill you and get away with it and they know that.

Help me out here does the left think all these people trying to come here are rich and will buy a home or something?

That's what I don't get..then they pass these laws against homeless people.


The democrats are in competition between each other to write more laws per day. What democrats want is more criminals. That is because they can control you closer that way.
You know why. For the same reason that people are getting shot everywhere in Chicago but the Miracle Mile.

Here is the thing that baffles me. You manage to categorize all of the left in one tiny box but you can't manage to go after any of the churches that sponsor immigration or try to get "refugees" a place here. Since we are shoving people into boxes, wouldn't the churches be the Right?

What does that even mean?

When I lived in the Chicago area I never got shot and I could go anywhere hell I spent two months in cook county jail..

I never saw any homeless tents or shit..alot of fucked up places I would buy my cocaine from..


It means that the business class will not tolerate crime so that the upper class and tourists will spend money in that area. They will not spend money in that area if they are afraid to visit the stores. They will not spend money on hotels and restaurants if they are terrified of crime in that area.

There are plenty of homeless people downtown. Many congregate in the Loop near the shelter. They won't stay in the shelter because you have to be inside by 6 PM--if I remember correctly.

Many of the people that sit on the city and county councils simply want the homeless gone and they don't care where they go. They don't have any answers, they don't have any funding or they want the funding to go to somewhere else and they don't give a shit. That includes Democrats and Republicans. The only difference is that the Democratic party insists on a halo.

I never got shot either but you are being intentionally obtuse.

Shocked i didn't know you were a Chicago guy/girl..


I lived there for quite some time.

Never knew that , the Sherry poster lives over the interstate from my old place in North Brook/Glenview

I vaguely remember Sherry. I think JoeB is from Chicago--although, if I remember correctly he lives outside the city now.

I lived on Malden Street and moved downtown--right around the corner from Buddy Guy's Legends actually.
What does that even mean?

When I lived in the Chicago area I never got shot and I could go anywhere hell I spent two months in cook county jail..

I never saw any homeless tents or shit..alot of fucked up places I would buy my cocaine from..


It means that the business class will not tolerate crime so that the upper class and tourists will spend money in that area. They will not spend money in that area if they are afraid to visit the stores. They will not spend money on hotels and restaurants if they are terrified of crime in that area.

There are plenty of homeless people downtown. Many congregate in the Loop near the shelter. They won't stay in the shelter because you have to be inside by 6 PM--if I remember correctly.

Many of the people that sit on the city and county councils simply want the homeless gone and they don't care where they go. They don't have any answers, they don't have any funding or they want the funding to go to somewhere else and they don't give a shit. That includes Democrats and Republicans. The only difference is that the Democratic party insists on a halo.

I never got shot either but you are being intentionally obtuse.

Shocked i didn't know you were a Chicago guy/girl..


I lived there for quite some time.

Never knew that , the Sherry poster lives over the interstate from my old place in North Brook/Glenview

I vaguely remember Sherry. I think JoeB is from Chicago--although, if I remember correctly he lives outside the city now.

I lived on Malden Street and moved downtown--right around the corner from Buddy Guy's Legends actually.

I am kind of familiar with Malden, first place I lived was on giddens by Harlem Ave.. polish/German neighborhood...I didn't know there was another polish neighborhood on the south side till I got out of jail and walked over there to get out of the hood :)

What do you suggest we do with the people who walked over 1000 miles to escape their home countries? Any suggestions would be helpful.

The same thing we do about the other 2 billion dirt poor people in the world. Where is the limit if your generosity? You willing to sell your home and all your possessions and give the money to these people? Yeah I thought not, you people are all talk. :eusa_hand:

Sure beats our tax dollars going for war and the MIC or tax breaks for the elites.

Again what's this "our" crap, there is nothing stopping you from giving your all for these people. I call BS on your fake generosity posts. :anj_stfu:

Tax dollars going to destroy other countries are not my thing. I'm sure you feel differently. I mean you are in the army of Trump. YUCK.

You people openly undermine our President at home and abroad, grow some patriotism.

I can't stand Trump or the GOP.... period. Just wait till Mueller gets done with him.
Just a simple question, the blue States and cities are trying to outright ban homelessness, yet they support more coming in? Activists form 'wall' to protect belongings of homeless outside City Hall
At 9:30 am Monday morning, activists and homeless individuals joined hands outside Spokane City Hall, forming a "wall" to protest the city's plans to clean up the camp that was formed there to demand more resources for the homeless."This is what community looks like!" shouted Alfredo LLamedo to the group of dozens of people holding hands.*Snip*to get Spokane City Council to suspend an ordinance that barred people from sitting or lying on downtown sidewalks during the day..
#1 - The OP's article has absolutely NOTHING to with "Homeless people vs Illegals...why does left support one and not the other?" Why it is in the post is a mystery. It's a fantasy post.

#2 - The article mentions NOTHING about left/right, democrat or republican. The article says there is an "activist" but does not reveal their political leanings.

#3 - The OP is assuming things not mentioned and definitely NOT provable. This is nothing more than a red meat article for conservatives, littered with false innuendo, unprovable accusations and set in a fantasy world.


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