Homelessness, becoming a huge healthcare issue in many states for families now..


Diamond Member
Nov 28, 2011
What I mean by homelessness, is not your typical homeless story of old, but rather one that is evolving quickly in America, and is involving families who are fast becoming threatened by homelessness within their states, and for whom are now fixing to be living amongst the homeless because of the perfect storms in which they are encountering now. Sadly their children are also affected within this newest explosive epedemic that is now facing America in almost every state. We must adress this issue and do it right, and do it now, for these families depend on us to get it right for them.

Here is my solution to a situiation that is getting out of control and fast, and so here it is my opinion or solution to help out. I think the states should create a big brother and big sister program fast, and this for all families who will be stricken by poverty in a bad recession as we are seeing more and more of in this nation as of late, so lets say that the state puts these families up in an apartment to secure their safety 1st and foremost in a traggic sitation, but what it does next is, it allows for donors (maybe up to five or more per family) to take up the families plight through donations given on behalf of the chosen family, where as for every dollar that a donor gives a family up to a certain amount, it would be matched by the state also dollar for dollar, but of course with a limit given upon it all as well. Next the the state produces a report card for each family, in which is to be issued to the donors quarterly (tax deductible), that will tell them the progress of each family towards getting itself back on it's feet again. If a donor doesn't like the progress, it can drop the family and no longer be a donor for that family... It could be sort of like the save the children fund that is always advertised on TV for the children in other countries, but this would be a save the American family fund program, that would help families with children in states who would want such a program to help them out.

The reason I am writing this, is because I know of a family right now who is going through it, and it got my mind to thinking about this type of plan. I can't carry the burdon upon my shoulder myself, but I could easily give to a program that had other donors on board, in which could see this family as well as countless others back to safer shores once again in their lives. :eusa_angel:
Oh well, the article got the ((((old-icon)))) judgement again by the site, even before the article gets any replies given it right after posting it.... Go figure.... The site or someone on site when posted the situation in the site feedback section, said it is a software glitch or something when that happens, but is it ?
I'm surprised that the state doesn't start telling people that they live in homes too big for them and they will be assigned a homeless family to take in and support.
I'm surprised that the state doesn't start telling people that they live in homes too big for them and they will be assigned a homeless family to take in and support.
And you said this in regards to my article to mean what ?? This article is based on what would be a volunteer program that would assist the states in the burdon in which it carries today, and it should have been a program that was emplimented years ago in each state, and that would have had a huge positive affect on getting these families back on their feet a hec of alot quicker.

Thanks (I think) for responding, and I will await your helping me to understand what it was that you were saying exactly here.
Hmmmm, I reply to someone in a decent manor, in order to help me understand their post, and next draw an "old" icon for the article again...wow

Just before the response by me, and after the poster had responded, the article had a "new" icon next to the article... Ummmm did the site not like the way I responded maybe ???? This site is strange in that it seems to be biased in some ways or another, or is it just me that thinks in this way now?
I'm surprised that the state doesn't start telling people that they live in homes too big for them and they will be assigned a homeless family to take in and support.
And you said this in regards to my article to mean what ?? This article is based on what would be a volunteer program that would assist the states in the burdon in which it carries today, and it should have been a program that was emplimented years ago in each state, and that would have had a huge positive affect on getting these families back on their feet a hec of alot quicker.

Thanks (I think) for responding, and I will await your helping me to understand what it was that you were saying exactly here.

A volunteer program wouldn't help nearly the number of people that a mandatory program would. Have you learned nothing from the health care debate and why we should pay for the medical care of those too lazy to take care of themselves? Why do we have welfare? Because people did not voluntariy contribute enough to maintain the indolent in the manner of which they intended to become accustomed.
Maybe we should stop calling them "homeless" and start calling them what they really are: anti-mortgage freeloaders. By refusing to participate in the home market they reduce competition and raise the price on everyone else.

What we need is a home buying mandate and a penalty for those who refuse to participate thus becoming a burden on the rest of society. Added bonus, it's now constitutional.
I'm surprised that the state doesn't start telling people that they live in homes too big for them and they will be assigned a homeless family to take in and support.
And you said this in regards to my article to mean what ?? This article is based on what would be a volunteer program that would assist the states in the burdon in which it carries today, and it should have been a program that was emplimented years ago in each state, and that would have had a huge positive affect on getting these families back on their feet a hec of alot quicker.

Thanks (I think) for responding, and I will await your helping me to understand what it was that you were saying exactly here.

A volunteer program wouldn't help nearly the number of people that a mandatory program would. Have you learned nothing from the health care debate and why we should pay for the medical care of those too lazy to take care of themselves? Why do we have welfare? Because people did not voluntariy contribute enough to maintain the indolent in the manner of which they intended to become accustomed.
Well lets take this family I speak of for instance, where as they are young and starting out in life or had gotten off to a good start in life, she is 25 and he is 30 now, they have 4 kids. He was working for around two years or better at a good and steady job, and it was told to me that he was an excellent worker (carpenter), while his wife is a stay at home mom. Everything was fine until he lost his job all of a sudden, in which could happen to anyone of us at a moments notice these days. Ok, he has gone around for weeks now trying to find a job, and so far no such luck has arrived for him, in the mean time their rent is due, their power bill comes due and etc. Can you imagine how it is these days to just lose your only income for your family at a moments notice ? His wife began looking for a job, but she has had no luck either, so here they are in a situation that gets worse it seems for them by the day. It seems that when the devil gets ya down, he is hard pressed to let back up on ya anytime soon.

They have 3 boys and one girl, in which is great as long as he is working and keeping a good job. No problem right? Next the landlord gets squimish on them, and begins to worry about them not being able to pay the rent, so he serves them an eviction notice. They then go to a church to see if they can help them, and the church decides to help them. Problem, the church wants to pay the rent, but the landlord says he only takes cash, and refused to take a check from the church. Finally he decides he will take the check, and they are good for another month, but do you realize how quick time starts to fly when you are in trouble? Before you know it another month has passed, and they still have had no luck in the job market as of yet. Infact no one is hiring much in the area for which we all live, and no one is quitting what they have either. Next the car insurance comes due, so they lose the tag on their car, now they have no way to go, but only a roof over their heads. The landlord told them today that the aircondition is not for cooling the house, but it is rather used for sucking the heat out of the house....LOL It is in the triple digets here daily, and they were asking the landlord about the airconditioning because of the one year old they have in the house, and this was his response to them.

I really am concerned for this crew, and really hope that the feller can get a job real soon. They have had to sell alot of personals early on in order to keep gas in the car to go job hunting, but now they have no car to do that with, as it sits in the yard with no insurance on it. It seems and overwhelming situation, but we shall see what happens next while we all just sit by and hold our breath for this family. This is why I think a big brother/sister program should be in place for situations like this, along with what the government can do also in such a case... The key is the responsibility part of it, where a report card is given every quarter to the donors, where as they can make a final judgement as to whether or not they want to remain as one of the big brothers or sisters in the situation or not.

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