Hometown send Kim Davis a message, loud and clear


Gold Member
Sep 18, 2012

Kim Davis Is About To Get A BIG Surprise In Her Hometown

The definition of marriage has been changing for 4000 years.

Less than 50 years ago a black man couldn't marry white woman - I'm talking to you Clarence.
3 goats and a cow walk into a bar...

No wait, that isn't right :eek:

3 goats and a cow walk into a county clerk's office and ask for a marriage license.


Kim Davis Is About To Get A BIG Surprise In Her Hometown

The definition of marriage has been changing for 4000 years.

Less than 50 years ago a black man couldn't marry white woman - I'm talking to you Clarence.

Face it silly, Kim Davis will be re-elected by the largest margin in history if she runs again. Now go play with your goats.

It is a university town and now that everyone knows about what a bigot she is there will be plenty of people trying to find ways to replace her. What is more is that she ran on the Dem ticket. Whomever runs as a republican will probably mop the floor with her.

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