Homosexual activist predicted takeover of nation

MissileMan said:
A lot more sense than what you proposed.

There's no automatic correlation between normalcy and morality. A person's normal temperature is 98.6...it's not immoral to have a fever.
As has been stated over and over and over again on this board, sex with children and sex with animals is immoral because it's rape. No consent can be given. If someone is born with a predeliction to abuse children, while it may be their norm, all possible steps must be taken to prevent them from doing so, just as we take steps, once identified, to prevent psychos from endangering society.

consent with an animal is quite possible. First you said they cant communicate, I proved you wrong, then you said only within species, I proved you wrong, then you said not with humans, I proved you wrong. Teaching a dog a few simple tricks is communicating, suddenly you are changing it to COMPLEX communication.
Although Im not sure why, is a female adult spreading her legs and saying "ok" complex? You do realize its very ABNORMAL for a female to give VERBAL consent to sex? Its all about behavior and body language. An animal can do that also. Once the attempt by the male is made, if the female doesnt physically attempt to thwart it, then its consentual. In the case of humans, threats of violence can coerce the consent, which isnt consent, but rape, but with animals, like you said, they cant communicate COMPLEX thoughts, so coercion in them is not possible. So I guess your own arguement is being used against you :) THanks for the help! :)
Kagom said:
Simply put: Animals cannot communicate verbally to give consent nor give signs of it.

Do you usually get verbal communication that its ok to have sex? And regarding the repulsion of hetero sex, one member says you said you are repulsed by it, another claims you said it doesnt turn you on. Im wondering what the correct answer is.

sorry, but the "pursuit of happiness" arguement just doesnt fly. It can be used to justify ANYTHING. Hey, using drugs is a pursuit of happiness isnt it? Robbing banks?
Kagom said:
I believe that so long as they have loving parents who'd take care of them, I don't think they'd complain a whole helluva lot.

Kids are often raised in unhealthy dysfunctional enviorments, but they dont complain. FACT is that kids need role models, female and male. THATS how they learn to interact with the opposite sex. You simply dont have that with two men or women.

Its odd that you are so willing and vehement about accepting "nature" as it "made" you in your sexual desires. But that same nature made it impossible for you to have offspring if you remain in a monogamous relationship, why dont you accept that also?
Kagom said:
You can disagree all you wish. That's what I feel and it's gonna be different than what you feel.

Not twisted logic at all. It's unnatural for the most part, yes, but so is having a lazy eye, etc. Bad comparison, isn't it? I feel that I make a valid point in that we are supposed to be a secular country in certain aspects. This is one of them. I believe that since homosexuality doesn't harm anyone any more than heterosexuality, we have no right to mistreat or try to put homosexuals as second class citizens.

It's not inaccurate at all. I'd place my life on that.

That doesn't answer the question, that's just trying to deflect to a "I told you earlier, etc." tactic. Please explain so it'll get through to my head.

Why impede on someone's right to visit their loved one/significant other? It may disgust you, but you have no right as does this country not have the right to say "No, you cannot visit your lover who is hospitalized." That's unfair and unconstitutional.

No, you didn't explain it. You gave me a bunch of b-s on that issue. I may be wrong and I won't be afraid to admit it, but explain to me how it supposedly negatively affects society.

Almost every right under the Constitution. I can't have a civil union with my lover except in a few states.

as for visiting someone in the hospital, I dont understand why they wouldnt allow that. I would have to hear the reasons for it before making any judgement.

as for marriage, civil union and adoption, those ARENT RIGHTS, they are privledges. You have every right that everyone else does, and homosexuals are not second class citizens in this country anymore.
Pale Rider said:
You are so wrong, on so many levels. What you say here has got to be some of the worst bull shit I've ever heard. So you admit you're a queer, but the rest of what you have to say is garbage.

Although I basically agree with your posistion on this issue, I think we can get our message out without calling people queers. An extremely hostile attitude to some groups often gives them more power and sympathy with the general public. Remember our goals, no same sex marriage or adoption. NOT good for the country. Otherwise, treat them as humans just like everyone else.
GunnyL said:
Just as many would disagree.

But Pale has a point. I feel like I'm Bill Murray in "Groundhog Day" -- just repeating myself and you don't hear a word. You either ignore what is said, or have a pat answer ready in response.

You've had every point you've tried to make shot down using fact, logic and common sense. There just really isn't anywhere else to go with this.
I hate to disagree, but I must. I have not seen much logic, fact, and common sense being used. I've seen insults, I've seened propaganda, and I've seen a bunch of "because I said so" on both sides of the argument.

I'm not ignoring you or what you say and I'm only responding.
LuvRPgrl said:
Do you usually get verbal communication that its ok to have sex? And regarding the repulsion of hetero sex, one member says you said you are repulsed by it, another claims you said it doesnt turn you on. Im wondering what the correct answer is.

sorry, but the "pursuit of happiness" arguement just doesnt fly. It can be used to justify ANYTHING. Hey, using drugs is a pursuit of happiness isnt it? Robbing banks?
I'm not repulsed by it. I just don't get turned on by it. At least you asked me that question XP

Yes, I usually get verbal communication that it's okay to have sex. That way I don't feel stupid or like I'm trying to be forceful..

Pursuit of happiness will be anything that doesn't have a total negative reprecussion on someones mental, physical, or psychological well-being. Drugs, pedophilia, and things of the sort are not appropriate for pursuit of happiness.
LuvRPgrl said:
consent with an animal is quite possible. First you said they cant communicate, I proved you wrong, then you said only within species, I proved you wrong, then you said not with humans, I proved you wrong. Teaching a dog a few simple tricks is communicating, suddenly you are changing it to COMPLEX communication.
Although Im not sure why, is a female adult spreading her legs and saying "ok" complex? You do realize its very ABNORMAL for a female to give VERBAL consent to sex? Its all about behavior and body language. An animal can do that also. Once the attempt by the male is made, if the female doesnt physically attempt to thwart it, then its consentual. In the case of humans, threats of violence can coerce the consent, which isnt consent, but rape, but with animals, like you said, they cant communicate COMPLEX thoughts, so coercion in them is not possible. So I guess your own arguement is being used against you :) THanks for the help! :)

You haven't proven anything except that you're a moron! Consent requires a comprehension of what is going to happen and what the consequences might be. I guess if you figure an animal can communicate consent for sex to a human being that a child who actually shares the same language can too. Are you one of those NAMBLA advocates?
Kagom said:
I have never stated my opinion as being absolute fact. I said I believe it as fact.

I'm acting naturally for me.

You earlier stated: "Being gay is something one is born with. The attraction isn't something you choose. Having a lazy eye isn't something you choose. I know it wasn't the best of analogies, but I feel it serves to bring about my point"

THe insults by some are not needed.

I dont think either of you are right:) I dont think you are born that way, nor do I think you have a choice, practically speaking.
LuvRPgrl said:
Kids are often raised in unhealthy dysfunctional enviorments, but they dont complain. FACT is that kids need role models, female and male. THATS how they learn to interact with the opposite sex. You simply dont have that with two men or women.

Its odd that you are so willing and vehement about accepting "nature" as it "made" you in your sexual desires. But that same nature made it impossible for you to have offspring if you remain in a monogamous relationship, why dont you accept that also?
Not necessarily so. Sometimes kids are raised by same sex siblings (not couples, siblings for clarification's sake). Sometimes by single parents. They can get role models through friends and family, you know. It's not like it's going to be a single, closed-off world of "ONLY MEN/WOMEN!"

Nature made it impossible for barren couples to have offspring, but they're allowed to marry and remain in monogamous relationships. I accept that nature made it for me not to have any offspring. Beggars can't be choosers.
LuvRPgrl said:
as for visiting someone in the hospital, I dont understand why they wouldnt allow that. I would have to hear the reasons for it before making any judgement.

as for marriage, civil union and adoption, those ARENT RIGHTS, they are privledges. You have every right that everyone else does, and homosexuals are not second class citizens in this country anymore.
Sometimes it's the whole "spouse and family only" crap that prevents the other from hospital visitation. I've only heard about it from friends, news, and a family member.

However, we don't get the same breaks and benefits as heterosexual couples. Is that really fair to deny one group benefits just because they aren't what's completely normal?
LuvRPgrl said:
I dont think you are born that way, nor do I think you have a choice, practically speaking.

Well that doesn't leave much...are you saying it's environmental?
Kagom said:
Not necessarily so. Sometimes kids are raised by same sex siblings (not couples, siblings for clarification's sake). Sometimes by single parents. They can get role models through friends and family, you know. It's not like it's going to be a single, closed-off world of "ONLY MEN/WOMEN!"

Nature made it impossible for barren couples to have offspring, but they're allowed to marry and remain in monogamous relationships. I accept that nature made it for me not to have any offspring. Beggars can't be choosers.

Yes, and look at what the onslaught of single parent households has brought upon us in the form of the youth of today.
Kagom said:
Sometimes it's the whole "spouse and family only" crap that prevents the other from hospital visitation. I've only heard about it from friends, news, and a family member.

However, we don't get the same breaks and benefits as heterosexual couples. Is that really fair to deny one group benefits just because they aren't what's completely normal?

NOTHING about taxation is fair. NEVER will be. I think income taxes should be abolished and MADE ILLEGAL FOREVER.
MissileMan said:
Well that doesn't leave much...are you saying it's environmental?

Yea. Im convinced that as we grow up, what we are attracted to is engrained in us by our experiences. Its a very subtle thing and people arent even aware it is happening. I think some very subtle experiences drive it also.
LuvRPgrl said:
Yea. Im convinced that as we grow up, what we are attracted to is engrained in us by our experiences. Its a very subtle thing and people arent even aware it is happening. I think some very subtle experiences drive it also.

I think that very well may be a factor in what arouses someone, but it doesn't make sense that it could effect orientation. The demography of homosexuals contain no evidence to support that.
No matter what influences a homosexual to be sexually attracted to the same sex, they still make a conscious decision to act upon these urges, either by engaging in homosexual acts, or by asking for help.

In the event that a homosexual acts upon the urges by engaging in homosexual sex, there isn't a homo alive that doesn't realize men were not built to have sex with other men. Men were built to have sex with women. So even though they may try and justify their perverted and sick behavior, they know it's wrong, but will never admit it. To admit it would set back the homosexual agenda to the day when it was still classified a mental illness. Back before the relentless and militant onslaught from the homo/lesbo community on the psychiatric community to change their wording.

In any case, the homo's will only be able to push their sickness so far, and then people will fight back against it, and I think we have reached that point.
Kagom said:
I hate to disagree, but I must. I have not seen much logic, fact, and common sense being used. I've seen insults, I've seened propaganda, and I've seen a bunch of "because I said so" on both sides of the argument.

I'm not ignoring you or what you say and I'm only responding.

As I said .... you see only that which you want to, and it is to THAT you respond. You don't see the logic nor common sense because it doesn't suit your argument to do so. You would have to admit that you are wrong.

I have taken care to NOT insult you for the main reason that you would not be able to use that as an excuse. If you take my stance on the subject as a personal insult, nothing I can do about that. Bu that's YOU, not me.
GunnyL said:
As I said .... you see only that which you want to, and it is to THAT you respond. You don't see the logic nor common sense because it doesn't suit your argument to do so. You would have to admit that you are wrong.

I have taken care to NOT insult you for the main reason that you would not be able to use that as an excuse. If you take my stance on the subject as a personal insult, nothing I can do about that. Bu that's YOU, not me.
No, I haven't seen logic or common sense because there has been none. The only I've seen was the use of biology. That was it. Anything else has been nothing but opinion.

Hey, you've honored me by not being insulting to me at all. I don't take your stance as an insult at all. You're defending what you believe and you have every right to and I'm only defending my position as best I can.
Kagom said:
No, I haven't seen logic or common sense because there has been none. The only I've seen was the use of biology. That was it. Anything else has been nothing but opinion.

Hey, you've honored me by not being insulting to me at all. I don't take your stance as an insult at all. You're defending what you believe and you have every right to and I'm only defending my position as best I can.

I have used nothing BUT logic and common sense in my argument. They are the basis of my opinion.

Biology I believe would fall under the category of "fact," and is VERY relevant to this discussion. Natural law generally is incorporated in ALL societies. Those things that are unnatural, or defy the natural order, are generally shunned by those societies.

I believe you have the right to be what you want. What I DON'T believe in is that you should be allowed to escape the consequences of your actions. You choose to live outside the confines of what society accepts as normal. Your choice. But don't expect those who live within the confines of what society accepts as normal to accept abnormal as normal.

That's called wanting to have your cake and eat it too.

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