Homosexual activist predicted takeover of nation

GunnyL said:
I have used nothing BUT logic and common sense in my argument. They are the basis of my opinion.

Biology I believe would fall under the category of "fact," and is VERY relevant to this discussion. Natural law generally is incorporated in ALL societies. Those things that are unnatural, or defy the natural order, are generally shunned by those societies.

I believe you have the right to be what you want. What I DON'T believe in is that you should be allowed to escape the consequences of your actions. You choose to live outside the confines of what society accepts as normal. Your choice. But don't expect those who live within the confines of what society accepts as normal to accept abnormal as normal.

That's called wanting to have your cake and eat it too.
Biology is fact, but also falls under logic and common sense. That's just how I go with things like that.

Hey, I do accept the consequences of my actions. I think it'd be folly not to. I'm aware I'm outside of what society accepts as normal and I myself can accept that. I'm not trying to make people accept it as normal >.< I want people to just be more tolerant and allow me a few of the same rights as straight couples.
Kagom said:
Biology is fact, but also falls under logic and common sense. That's just how I go with things like that.

Hey, I do accept the consequences of my actions. I think it'd be folly not to. I'm aware I'm outside of what society accepts as normal and I myself can accept that. I'm not trying to make people accept it as normal >.< I want people to just be more tolerant and allow me a few of the same rights as straight couples.

Your statement is contradictory. You accept and understand you're outside what society accepts as normal; yet, by wanting the same privileges as what society considers normal, you clearly do NOT accept the consequences for your actions.

I'll say it again .... you have EVERY right any US citizen has now. I see no reason to accomodate your abnormality by creating a special law that caters to it.
Kagom said:
Biology is fact, but also falls under logic and common sense. That's just how I go with things like that.

Hey, I do accept the consequences of my actions. I think it'd be folly not to. I'm aware I'm outside of what society accepts as normal and I myself can accept that. I'm not trying to make people accept it as normal >.< I want people to just be more tolerant and allow me a few of the same rights as straight couples.

My take. I think much of homosexuality IS genetic, much moreso than is environmental. With that said, still do not believe that 'marriage' is the way for a culture to go. Do not believe villifying is the way to go either. I think overt sexuality is something to be kept behind bedroom doors. As for 'rights' think that homosexuals that go about their lives, without blabbering about their private lives, should be able to be contributing members of society, though without the 'sanctions' of marriage.

Their 'rights' to reasonable sanctions should include anything offered to 'co-habitants' of heterosexual liasons. Meaning that civil unions, like common law provide the minimum protections for less than marriage.
Kathianne said:
My take. I think much of homosexuality IS genetic, much moreso than is environmental. With that said, still do not believe that 'marriage' is the way for a culture to go. Do not believe villifying is the way to go either. I think overt sexuality is something to be kept behind bedroom doors. As for 'rights' think that homosexuals that go about their lives, without blabbering about their private lives, should be able to be contributing members of society, though without the 'sanctions' of marriage.

Their 'rights' to reasonable sanctions should include anything offered to 'co-habitants' of heterosexual liasons. Meaning that civil unions, like common law provide the minimum protections for less than marriage.

You hit the nail on the head. Peoples' sexuality is not anyone's business but their own and should be kept in private, IMO. I am as offended by an in-your-face heterosexual bragging about his conquests in detail as I am an in-your-face homosexual attempting to offend me.

I wouldn't think of talking about it in public more because I consider it disrespecting my wife than any other reason.

As far as marriage/civil union goes, I see that as a symptom but not the real issue. Laws that allow the state and/or private companies to dictate who can and cannot be listed as beneficiary/next-of-kin are. Fix those, and this is a non-issue except to those that want to flaunt their homosexuality and I could care less what THEY want.
GunnyL said:
You hit the nail on the head. Peoples' sexuality is not anyone's business but their own and should be kept in private, IMO. I am as offended by an in-your-face heterosexual bragging about his conquests in detail as I am an in-your-face homosexual attempting to offend me.

I wouldn't think of talking about it in public more because I consider it disrespecting my wife than any other reason.

As far as marriage/civil union goes, I see that as a symptom but not the real issue. Laws that allow the state and/or private companies to dictate who can and cannot be listed as beneficiary/next-of-kin are. Fix those, and this is a non-issue except to those that want to flaunt their homosexuality and I could care less what THEY want.

:thup: For me, those 'heterosexual' or 'homosexual' that for some reason feel compelled to stick their 'sexuality' in our faces, :dev3:

Seems very high schoolish to me. I've been married and single. I've never felt compelled to share my sex life, outside of significant others. Mind all, I teach 'middle school' many of these kids like me, go figure, to the point of trying to 'fix me up with their dads' and the 8th grade teacher-married and an idiot. It's not in their 'bailiwick' to even discuss...
Kathianne said:
:thup: For me, those 'heterosexual' or 'homosexual' that for some reason feel compelled to stick their 'sexuality' in our faces, :dev3:

Seems very high schoolish to me. I've been married and single. I've never felt compelled to share my sex life, outside of significant others. Mind all, I teach 'middle school' many of these kids like me, go figure, to the point of trying to 'fix me up with their dads' and the 8th grade teacher-married and an idiot. It's not in their 'bailiwick' to even discuss...

Just out of curiosity, are you fobidden to date one of your student's parents? I would think that would be a serious no-no.
GunnyL said:
Just out of curiosity, are you fobidden to date one of your student's parents? I would think that would be a serious no-no.
I would NOT date the parent of a student.
GunnyL said:
You hit the nail on the head. Peoples' sexuality is not anyone's business but their own and should be kept in private, IMO. I am as offended by an in-your-face heterosexual bragging about his conquests in detail as I am an in-your-face homosexual attempting to offend me.

I'm in full agreement here as well Gunny. It's the, "I'm a fag, ain't I beautiful" crowd that boastfully proclaims it that pisses me off. Out of sight, out of mind. So you're a queer and you want me to "tolerate" you, then don't TELL me your a queer, and if you don't act all faggy and say stupid queer shit, there won't be a problem.

But it's also the "way" the homo/lesbo crowd asks for this "tolerance". They more or less say, "tolerate us or else", and it's that underlying threat that riles up so many. So every time they say, "we don't have the same rights", like kag likes to do, that burns me up. What the fuck rights is he talking about that I have that he doesn't???!!! (There aren't any.)
GunnyL said:
Your statement is contradictory. You accept and understand you're outside what society accepts as normal; yet, by wanting the same privileges as what society considers normal, you clearly do NOT accept the consequences for your actions.

I'll say it again .... you have EVERY right any US citizen has now. I see no reason to accomodate your abnormality by creating a special law that caters to it.
No, I'm wanting society to be more tolerant and just give us a few rights that heterosexual couples want. I don't care if they consider it normal or acceptable, just those few rights are all I want and I could live without hate crime laws, affirmative action (which I am against, actually), and bogus "rights" like that. So long as I"m not treated as a second class citizen, things are alright and I would prefer the rights given under civil unions. Is there truly anything wrong with that?
Pale Rider said:
I'm in full agreement here as well Gunny. It's the, "I'm a fag, ain't I beautiful" crowd that boastfully proclaims it that pisses me off. Out of sight, out of mind. So you're a queer and you want me to "tolerate" you, then don't TELL me your a queer, and if you don't act all faggy and say stupid queer shit, there won't be a problem.

But it's also the "way" the homo/lesbo crowd asks for this "tolerance". They more or less say, "tolerate us or else", and it's that underlying threat that riles up so many. So every time they say, "we don't have the same rights", like kag likes to do, that burns me up. What the fuck rights is he talking about that I have that he doesn't???!!! (There aren't any.)
When I say "we don't have the same rights", I'm talking about co-habitation rights.
Kagom said:
No, I'm wanting society to be more tolerant and just give us a few rights that heterosexual couples want.
If heterosexuals 'want them', why should homosexuals get them before? Maybe that isn't what you meant?
I don't care if they consider it normal or acceptable, just those few rights are all I want and I could live without hate crime laws, affirmative action (which I am against, actually), and bogus "rights" like that. So long as I"m not treated as a second class citizen, things are alright and I would prefer the rights given under civil unions. Is there truly anything wrong with that?
Which are you speaking of that are denied currently under civil unions?
Kathianne said:
If heterosexuals 'want them', why should homosexuals get them before? Maybe that isn't what you meant? Which are you speaking of that are denied currently under civil unions?
Heterosexuals get civil unions if I recall correctly. I just want to see homosexuals be allowed that too.
Kagom said:
No, I'm wanting society to be more tolerant and just give us a few rights that heterosexual couples want. I don't care if they consider it normal or acceptable, just those few rights are all I want and I could live without hate crime laws, affirmative action (which I am against, actually), and bogus "rights" like that. So long as I"m not treated as a second class citizen, things are alright and I would prefer the rights given under civil unions. Is there truly anything wrong with that?

Yes. You ARE a second class citizen. Try to recall that you said you accept the consequences for living outside society's accepted norm. THAT is the consequence.

What you are actually saying is you want to do as you please and not suffer the consequences.
Kagom said:
Heterosexuals get civil unions if I recall correctly. I just want to see homosexuals be allowed that too.

See what I mean. You have chosen to live outside the conforms of society. Rather than YOU getting with program, you expect society to change to accept your aberrant lifestyle.

Doesn't work that way.
So, since I"m a second class citizen, I don't deserve complete equal rights as heterosexuals, do I?

No, I want to do as I please and just live life. There's always personal consequences I will deal with (family, etc.) and those are the consequences I will deal with very willingly. Treating me as a second class citizen is not a fair thing to do simply because I am not like everyone else.

I'm just saying I want a few small rights. What the hell is wrong with wanting that? I'm not asking that society go "You're normal! You're great! You're awesome! We love you and everything about you and everything that you do! We accept you!" I'm not asking them to conform to me. I can conform to society and I do every goddamn day. All I want is just the right to be able to live with my partner and receive the damn rights as a heterosexual couple. I don't see one thing that's wrong with that. It's not society conforming to me, it's society being a bit more tolerant and a bit more fair.
Kagom said:
So, since I"m a second class citizen, I don't deserve complete equal rights as heterosexuals, do I?

No, I want to do as I please and just live life. There's always personal consequences I will deal with (family, etc.) and those are the consequences I will deal with very willingly. Treating me as a second class citizen is not a fair thing to do simply because I am not like everyone else.

I'm just saying I want a few small rights. What the hell is wrong with wanting that? I'm not asking that society go "You're normal! You're great! You're awesome! We love you and everything about you and everything that you do! We accept you!" I'm not asking them to conform to me. I can conform to society and I do every goddamn day. All I want is just the right to be able to live with my partner and receive the damn rights as a heterosexual couple. I don't see one thing that's wrong with that. It's not society conforming to me, it's society being a bit more tolerant and a bit more fair.

Kagom,I do not think gays should be beaten up. I think they should be allowed to hold positions of employment, though I think they need to consider their behavior in such. (no flaming zones, etc.). I think that there has to be legal levers in place so that they can 'care' for partners in medical matters, etc.

The largest enemy to gays are the 'in your face' gays. Those that think that they should be given equal status in adoptions, etc. Those that think they should be allowed to push their agenda in schools. I KNOW this is a small minority, but guess who grabs the headlines...
Kathianne said:
Kagom,I do not think gays should be beaten up. I think they should be allowed to hold positions of employment, though I think they need to consider their behavior in such. (no flaming zones, etc.). I think that there has to be legal levers in place so that they can 'care' for partners in medical matters, etc.

The largest enemy to gays are the 'in your face' gays. Those that think that they should be given equal status in adoptions, etc. Those that think they should be allowed to push their agenda in schools. I KNOW this is a small minority, but guess who grabs the headlines...
I feel that we should be allowed to adopt. I don't throw it in everyone's face though.

The flamers (the ones you call "in your face") make it hard for anyone to take us seriously. I think we need a gay equivalant to MLK Jr. if we're to be taken even an ounce seriously.

And pardon my vulgarities in my previous post (everyone).
Kagom said:
I feel that we should be allowed to adopt. I don't throw it in everyone's face though.

The flamers (the ones you call "in your face") make it hard for anyone to take us seriously. I think we need a gay equivalant to MLK Jr. if we're to be taken even an ounce seriously.

And pardon my vulgarities in my previous post (everyone).
I may be wrong but it seems to me that MLK Jr. was saying that those that follow the law, when the law is just, should be able to reach the 'promised land.' Problem for the blacks prior to MLK at the end, was that the laws and enforcement of them was not just. I don't see this with the gays.
Kathianne said:
I may be wrong but it seems to me that MLK Jr. was saying that those that follow the law, when the law is just, should be able to reach the 'promised land.' Problem for the blacks prior to MLK at the end, was that the laws and enforcement of them was not just. I don't see this with the gays.
I was aiming more at the eloquent and inspirational speaker figure more than anything else :p
Kagom said:
So, since I"m a second class citizen, I don't deserve complete equal rights as heterosexuals, do I?

No, I want to do as I please and just live life. There's always personal consequences I will deal with (family, etc.) and those are the consequences I will deal with very willingly. Treating me as a second class citizen is not a fair thing to do simply because I am not like everyone else.

I'm just saying I want a few small rights. What the hell is wrong with wanting that? I'm not asking that society go "You're normal! You're great! You're awesome! We love you and everything about you and everything that you do! We accept you!" I'm not asking them to conform to me. I can conform to society and I do every goddamn day. All I want is just the right to be able to live with my partner and receive the damn rights as a heterosexual couple. I don't see one thing that's wrong with that. It's not society conforming to me, it's society being a bit more tolerant and a bit more fair.

You are rather naive, it seems. Granting you legal rights that cater only to you IS legitimizing your liefstyle, and it IS society conforming to you. If you want the same rights as a heterosexual couple, marry a WOMAN.

If I choose to not marry a woman I don't get the same rights as heterosexual couples. Matter of fact, I am penalized financially by tax laws if I am single.

You may not believe it is fair to be treated as less than normal, but that is the consequence for your decision to NOT BE normal. It's that way in nature, and it's been that way throughout the society of mankind. It isn't "different" because it's YOU.

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