Homosexual activist predicted takeover of nation

Kagom said:
Being heterosexual or homosexual isn't a choice. Engaging in heterosexual or homosexual sex is a choice.

Again, so you say. I disagree.

In a nation with a melting pot of religion and a government that is trying to stay secular, how does it affect their moral standard? How do you know your moral standards are right completely and not wrong in some areas? That one, no one knows, but we shouldn't restrict people who don't engage in harmful behavior from being able to do things others do.

Twisted logic. Homosexuality is unnatural, abnormal behavior. Simple as THAT. I may very well be wrong about some things. This just ain't one of them.

The APA's agenda is to examine the mind and what causes us to do things. It may not have been legal a long time, but that still doesn't mean the studies are accurate.

I assume you mean "inaccurate," and yes, it does.

Why don't you want me to have the right to adopt?

I believe I already answered the question to which you responded with the remark posted just above this one.

Why don't you want me to have the right to visit my significant other in the hospital? How do these negatively affect your life?

Because quite frankly, homosexuality and homosexuals disgust me. I don't fear it, much to the dismay of those folks who love to call anyone who thinks homosexuality is abnormal "homophobes." I look at y'all like I do the bearded lady or the elephant man -- freaks of nature.

How do these negatively affect society?

Already explained this one too.

I'm aware of the inheritence laws, so I didn't touch up on them. I'm not going after religious concepts or institutions, I'm going for just being able to do what I am guaranteed to do under the Constitution.

You currently possess EVERY right you are guaranteed under the Constitution.
Kathianne said:
So you are a 'girly man'? Kutchee koo....

HAHAHHAHAHHAHHAHA, no, not really. In fact, not at all. But when I was doing drugs, I do remember getting on those 900 number lines. After a while you wind up just talking to those girls (I had a free hook up, they are the only people you can talk to at 3 am in the morning other than other speedsters). It was kinda funny, cuz these guys would come on line with homosexual or bi sexual fantasies. After a while, a few of the girls told me I dont have a homosexual bone in my body, based because I had no fear of the bi sexuals.

BUT,,,,,,,,,,,,what I do try to do, with my wife, is LISTEN VERY INTENTLY, study her, discover her desires, needs, wants. When she is happy, Im happy.
Abbey Normal said:
Actually, on nature shows, the narrator often seems to say that the female chooses which male she wants to mate with. No?

In some species, not all. My basic motto is dont mate with black widows. I hear the results are disasterous for the males. (Hey, but I did marry one once).
LuvRPgrl said:
You were born heterosexual? How do you know that? When you were born, did you take one look at the nurse and suddenly get a raging hard on?
It wouldn't make any sense that nature's system would have everyone born without an orientation whereby some random event causes someone to be attracted to the opposite, same, or both sexes. Orientation left to random chance in that fashion would lead to a rapid extinction. In other words, yes, I know I was born heterosexual.

LuvRPgrl said:
So, do you think pedophiles are born that way? Does that make it ok for them to act on their desires? Is it normal? Is it not sick?
I do think pedophiles are born that way. It does not make it ok, because children can't consent.

LuvRPgrl said:
Do you think homosexual are repulsed by the thought of heterosexual sex? If not, why? Why are you repulsed by the thought of homosexual sex if its normal or they were born that way?

1. You'll have to ask a homosexual if they are, but I believe at least one has recently posted here that they find heterosexual sex repulsive.

2. The fact that more than a few people on this board can not or will not attampt to understand: homosexual sex is not normal to me but it is to a homosexual. As another example along the same lines...for someone who was born color-blind, their normal is to be unable to distinguish between red and green where a non-color-blind person's normal includes red and green.
LuvRPgrl said:
Havent you ever trained a dog? Was that via communication? A mute person communicates with signing, I do that with my dog. Tons of forms of communication are done interspecies. Animals often give "signals" to other species that their turf is being tred on and you better leave. Ever hear of a rattle snake?

And, no, it wasnt meant to be funny. I subscribe to the notion if you think homosexuals can marry, then why not marry your pet? It has already occured as a matter of fact.

So YOUR chicken said "Do me" to YOU? What's your address...I'll get the SPCA on their way.
LuvRPgrl said:
HAHAHHAHAHHAHHAHA, no, not really. In fact, not at all. But when I was doing drugs, I do remember getting on those 900 number lines. After a while you wind up just talking to those girls (I had a free hook up, they are the only people you can talk to at 3 am in the morning other than other speedsters). It was kinda funny, cuz these guys would come on line with homosexual or bi sexual fantasies. After a while, a few of the girls told me I dont have a homosexual bone in my body, based because I had no fear of the bi sexuals.

BUT,,,,,,,,,,,,what I do try to do, with my wife, is LISTEN VERY INTENTLY, study her, discover her desires, needs, wants. When she is happy, Im happy.
I never have been on 900 lines. I know not of what you speak. I only know of your implied messages. What drugs?
MissileMan said:
So YOUR chicken said "Do me" to YOU? What's your address...I'll get the SPCA on their way.

Why, if it was consensual?

YES, female animals do behave in ways that tells other animals they are acceptable to penetration at the time. When a female dog is in heat, males smell it, then the female "signals" to them she is ready. Sometimes male dogs try to mount a female when she isnt ready, she lets them know and they have to stop.
LuvRPgrl said:
Why, if it was consensual?

YES, female animals do behave in ways that tells other animals they are acceptable to penetration at the time. When a female dog is in heat, males smell it, then the female "signals" to them she is ready. Sometimes male dogs try to mount a female when she isnt ready, she lets them know and they have to stop.

That's communication within the same species...
MissileMan said:
It wouldn't make any sense that nature's system would have everyone born without an orientation whereby some random event causes someone to be attracted to the opposite, same, or both sexes. Orientation left to random chance in that fashion would lead to a rapid extinction. In other words, yes, I know I was born heterosexual..
Oh, so you "know" you were born heterosexual, because it makes sense?

MissileMan said:
I do think pedophiles are born that way. It does not make it ok, because children can't consent..
Do you think there is something wrong with the pedophile for even having such desires? Do you think there is something wrong with them because they would use drawings of little boys or girls to "get off"?

MissileMan said:
1. You'll have to ask a homosexual if they are, but I believe at least one has recently posted here that they find heterosexual sex repulsive..
Every homosexual I have talked to has never said they find it "REPULSIVE".

MissileMan said:
2. The fact that more than a few people on this board can not or will not attampt to understand: homosexual sex is not normal to me but it is to a homosexual. As another example along the same lines...for someone who was born color-blind, their normal is to be unable to distinguish between red and green where a non-color-blind person's normal includes red and green.

pedophilia is then normal to a pedophile? Beastiality is normal to one who engages in such? There are no moral distinctions to be made in color blindness or lack of, hence its a poor analogy.
Kathianne said:
I never have been on 900 lines. I know not of what you speak. I only know of your implied messages. What drugs?

Hmmm, I thought everyone was familiar with those. 900 numbers are like 800 numbers except they charge by the minute. They have alot of services, including astrology or psychics, but mostly its sex talk.

A VERY SHORT time, speed.
MissileMan said:
1. You'll have to ask a homosexual if they are, but I believe at least one has recently posted here that they find heterosexual sex repulsive.

You may have hit on something there MM. I for one would like to know "why" our board homo is repulsed by hetero sex. Although, I don't recall him saying he was "repulsed", rather, he wasn't "turned on" by it.

In any case, for his sake, maybe there's a cure somewhere in the answer.
LuvRPgrl said:
Oh, so you "know" you were born heterosexual, because it makes sense?
A lot more sense than what you proposed.

LuvRPgrl said:
pedophilia is then normal to a pedophile? Beastiality is normal to one who engages in such? There are no moral distinctions to be made in color blindness or lack of, hence its a poor analogy.

There's no automatic correlation between normalcy and morality. A person's normal temperature is 98.6...it's not immoral to have a fever.
As has been stated over and over and over again on this board, sex with children and sex with animals is immoral because it's rape. No consent can be given. If someone is born with a predeliction to abuse children, while it may be their norm, all possible steps must be taken to prevent them from doing so, just as we take steps, once identified, to prevent psychos from endangering society.
LuvRPgrl said:
So, you cant train a dog?

Are you so stupid that you can't distinguish between teaching a dog a few tricks and having a complex conversation about consenting to sex?
LuvRPgrl said:
Why cant animals consent to sex? Are you saying when animals have sex with each other, the male is always raping the female?
Simply put: Animals cannot communicate verbally to give consent nor give signs of it.
LuvRPgrl said:
Sorry, have to disagree with you here. Adoption is not a right, its a privledge. Society has the right to decide who gets that privledge for the betterment of society and the kids involved.

I, for one, would not have wanted to be raised by a homosexual couple. I dont think anyone would say they wouldnt want to be raised by a heterosexual couple. So I think kids should be raised only by heterosexual couples.
I believe that so long as they have loving parents who'd take care of them, I don't think they'd complain a whole helluva lot.
Kagom said:
Simply put: Animals cannot communicate verbally to give consent nor give signs of it.

Ever own a cat? Not to get too graphic, but a female animal in heat gives some pretty obvious signs that she's interested and wants to mate.
GunnyL said:
You currently possess EVERY right you are guaranteed under the Constitution.
You can disagree all you wish. That's what I feel and it's gonna be different than what you feel.

Not twisted logic at all. It's unnatural for the most part, yes, but so is having a lazy eye, etc. Bad comparison, isn't it? I feel that I make a valid point in that we are supposed to be a secular country in certain aspects. This is one of them. I believe that since homosexuality doesn't harm anyone any more than heterosexuality, we have no right to mistreat or try to put homosexuals as second class citizens.

It's not inaccurate at all. I'd place my life on that.

That doesn't answer the question, that's just trying to deflect to a "I told you earlier, etc." tactic. Please explain so it'll get through to my head.

Why impede on someone's right to visit their loved one/significant other? It may disgust you, but you have no right as does this country not have the right to say "No, you cannot visit your lover who is hospitalized." That's unfair and unconstitutional.

No, you didn't explain it. You gave me a bunch of b-s on that issue. I may be wrong and I won't be afraid to admit it, but explain to me how it supposedly negatively affects society.

Almost every right under the Constitution. I can't have a civil union with my lover except in a few states.

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