Homosexual activist predicted takeover of nation

Pale Rider said:
What? Are you just copying and pasting that same lame comment each time? This is part of your problem. You deny your illness. You've lied to yourself for so long, that you have some kind of outlandish idea that if you tell me that enough times, I'll believe the lie. Well boy, it ain't going to happen. Not in this life time.

You know what? I've had the urge to rob a bank a few times too. But did I do it? No. Why? Because I knew it was wrong, and there'd be concequences. You know engaging in homosexual acts is unnatural, perverted and wrong, but rather than seeking out help, you give in. You're weak.

You're mom is normal, and her attitude towards you and your filthy sex escapades is understandable. And I'm not your buddy.

That's part of your problem. The sooner you realize you're wrong, the sooner you'll be able to get on with a normal life.

It most certainly is an illness. A twisted and perverted illness. The law of nature pairs a male with a female. You are a freak of nature. Something went wrong inside your brain. You've mistaken boys with girls for sex. Nothing you can say can dispute that fact. It's as abnormal as having a third foot growing out of your forehead, and I bet if you had that, you'd get help. But even though you know you're sick, you choose to remain ill.

No you can't. You can't deal with the fact that you can't make me believe your lie. It's eating you up.
Blah blah blah blah. Generalization, generalization, unfounded things.

I keep saying that because it's something I believe and will continue to repeat. I don't deny I'm gay. I just deny the lie that it's an illness.

I've had the urge to punch people, but I didn't do it. What's your point? Robbing a bank is a whole different entity from being gay and engaging in gay sex. I don't view it as unnatural, you do. Whoop-de-doo. Why should I lie and say I'm sick? I'm not.

How do you know I have sexcapades? How do you know if she does? She only reacted to the news, not the actions. I'm only trying to be friendly, so if you don't want me to say buddy, fine.

I am a freak of nature :D Quite proud of that too. I haven't mistaken anything in my sexual life. I know I'm attracted to males and nothing can really change that. An abnormal growth of a third foot is something that anyone would get changed and is even more irrelevant to being gay. Being homosexual isn't an illness. That's an unfounded belief that is only backed by people who just don't like homosexuality.

Oh yes, you know me so much better than I know myself! You must be me and I must be a second mind occupying the same body as you. What do you honestly know about how I feel? I'm not bothered one bit your opinions haven't changed.
GunnyL said:
I didn't say anything about you denying yourself anything you desire. I said accept the consequences of your actions.
My mistake on that! I assumed when I shouldn't have.

Perhaps I am throwing the term "hate" around too much, so I'll clean up my thoughts.

Okay, let me go into this. Blacks were discriminated. because they were considered inferior and incompetant. They were seen as dull-witted and only good for physical labor. Jews were discriminated and hated because they were the scapegoat for the depression in Germany. Also in history, they were hated because they were the ones who usually handled money, also because they were considered the ones who crucifed Jesus Christ, and lastly because people believed that they were casting spells to create the Bubonic Plague. Hitler also pawned them as an inferior race. I'm not entirely sure about the reason why Gypsies were so mistreated in history. Homosexuals were seen as deviants and unnatural as well as spreading the devil's ways. People don't like what's outside of the norm and therefore have been discriminated against since the rise of the Christian church. Hitler also would put them through concentration camps to suffer the arduous physical labor that was required of all, some were experimented on, some were castarated, and others were humiliated and mistreated by not only the soldiers and guards, but even fellow prisoners.

Why is the majority wrong in my view? They dont' want anything outside of the norm to be allowed. That's how it seems, at least to me, from my experiences. They don't understand it and are therefore frightened it will lead to the moral degredation of society. It is an unfounded belief since moral degredation has been spreading due to many other societal ills (abortions, teen pregnancy, etc.)

I willingly accept the consequences of my actions and regret nothing. Sorry for any confusion from me!
Kagom said:
My mistake on that! I assumed when I shouldn't have.

Perhaps I am throwing the term "hate" around too much, so I'll clean up my thoughts.

Okay, let me go into this. Blacks were discriminated. because they were considered inferior and incompetant. They were seen as dull-witted and only good for physical labor. Jews were discriminated and hated because they were the scapegoat for the depression in Germany. Also in history, they were hated because they were the ones who usually handled money, also because they were considered the ones who crucifed Jesus Christ, and lastly because people believed that they were casting spells to create the Bubonic Plague. Hitler also pawned them as an inferior race. I'm not entirely sure about the reason why Gypsies were so mistreated in history. Homosexuals were seen as deviants and unnatural as well as spreading the devil's ways. People don't like what's outside of the norm and therefore have been discriminated against since the rise of the Christian church. Hitler also would put them through concentration camps to suffer the arduous physical labor that was required of all, some were experimented on, some were castarated, and others were humiliated and mistreated by not only the soldiers and guards, but even fellow prisoners.

Why is the majority wrong in my view? They dont' want anything outside of the norm to be allowed. That's how it seems, at least to me, from my experiences. They don't understand it and are therefore frightened it will lead to the moral degredation of society. It is an unfounded belief since moral degredation has been spreading due to many other societal ills (abortions, teen pregnancy, etc.)

I willingly accept the consequences of my actions and regret nothing. Sorry for any confusion from me!

It appears your "all-encompassing hate" examples are limited to racial discrimination againt blacks in the US, and Hitler's discrimination against ALL minorities in Germany. You left out the mentally ill. I might add, two EXTREME examples if ever there were.

In all of your examples, only homosexuals had a CHOICE. People cannot choose their ethnicity. Ethnicity is beyond a one's control.

Comparing homosexuality -- a lifestyle CHOICE -- to ethnic minorities who were discriminated against for circumstances beyond their control is quite a stretch, and a dishonest one. If I was an ethnic minority, I would be HIGHLY offended at the mere suggestion of it.

Homosexuality itself does not lead to the moral degredation of society. Homosexuality being accepted as normal behavior DOES.

You're using those buzzwords again. Nobody has to be in fear of homosexuality to believe it is wrong. It goes against the laws of nature, and in all animals except human beings, natural selection keeps it in check.

Not so with human beings in countries that allow homosexuals to adopt. And don't even try to tell me a child raised by homosexuals isn't more likely to become homsexual; especially, by those training them to be just that.

I don't see anyone denying you the right to be homosexual. What the majority is denying homosexuals is the legitimizing of aberrant sexual behavior as normal.

Don't think you already have more rights than I do?

If you kick my ass, it's felony assault and battery.

If I kick you ass, it's felony assault and battery, AND a Federal Hate Crime.

Seems fair, don't it? :wtf:
GunnyL said:
It appears your "all-encompassing hate" examples are limited to racial discrimination againt blacks in the US, and Hitler's discrimination against ALL minorities in Germany. You left out the mentally ill. I might add, two EXTREME examples if ever there were.

In all of your examples, only homosexuals had a CHOICE. People cannot choose their ethnicity. Ethnicity is beyond a one's control.

Comparing homosexuality -- a lifestyle CHOICE -- to ethnic minorities who were discriminated against for circumstances beyond their control is quite a stretch, and a dishonest one. If I was an ethnic minority, I would be HIGHLY offended at the mere suggestion of it.

Homosexuality itself does not lead to the moral degredation of society. Homosexuality being accepted as normal behavior DOES.

You're using those buzzwords again. Nobody has to be in fear of homosexuality to believe it is wrong. It goes against the laws of nature, and in all animals except human beings, natural selection keeps it in check.

Not so with human beings in countries that allow homosexuals to adopt. And don't even try to tell me a child raised by homosexuals isn't more likely to become homsexual; especially, by those training them to be just that.

I don't see anyone denying you the right to be homosexual. What the majority is denying homosexuals is the legitimizing of aberrant sexual behavior as normal.

Don't think you already have more rights than I do?

If you kick my ass, it's felony assault and battery.

If I kick you ass, it's felony assault and battery, AND a Federal Hate Crime.

Seems fair, don't it? :wtf:
Being homosexual isn't a choice, engaging in homosexual activity is.

Being accepted as a normal behavior won't lead to the moral degredation of society. Can you prove it would?

I will boldly say they won't be more apt to become homosexual. APA studies have proven that.

The only rights I want is the right to adopt and the right to visit my partner in the hospital when it's family/spouse only situations. I really don't want anything more than that. You can call it marriage or civil union or some weird-ass word, but if I can at least have the same rights as heterosexual couples, I'll be happy.
Kagom said:
Being homosexual isn't a choice, engaging in homosexual activity is.

So you say.

Being accepted as a normal behavior won't lead to the moral degredation of society. Can you prove it would?

Rather self-evident. Lowering a moral standard is degrading it. Accepting homosexuality as normal is lowering the moral standard that does not accept it as normal.

However, I don't need a moral standard. It ISN'T normal behavior, moral standard or no.

I will boldly say they won't be more apt to become homosexual. APA studies have proven that.

I disagree. One, what is the agenda of the APA? And two, it defies common sense that they would not. And three, it hasn't been legal long enough to have a study that would mean anything.

The only rights I want is the right to adopt and the right to visit my partner in the hospital when it's family/spouse only situations. I really don't want anything more than that. You can call it marriage or civil union or some weird-ass word, but if I can at least have the same rights as heterosexual couples, I'll be happy.

You have EVERY right a heterosexual does, and as I pointed out, are actually protected by MORE rights.

I don't want you to have the right to adopt, nor do I want to see you in my hospital with you "significant other."

I would suggest however, instead of attempting to attack a religious institution as the heel here, try attacking the laws that disciminate openly about who can and cannot be listed as "family," "beneficiary," or whatever. I don't believe it is the insurance companies' nor the hospitals' nor anyone else's business who someone wishes to list as next of kin/beneficiary.
Kag-a flaming queen said:
Homosexuals were seen as deviants and unnatural as well as spreading the devil's ways.

Were, are, and always will be.

Stephanie said:
I have a question? From the figures I've heard, the number of gays in the the US is anywhere between 5 to 10%, probably in the middle of 5 to 10. Now wouldn't you think if your born with a gay gene, there would be MORE people that are gay?????
I personally think it's a choice.
Not necessarily. I have no idea whether there is a gene for homosexuality or not, but frequency is not a determining factor in whether or not something is genetic. Being albino is a rare condition, but is genetic.
The ClayTaurus said:
Not necessarily. I have no idea whether there is a gene for homosexuality or not, but frequency is not a determining factor in whether or not something is genetic. Being albino is a rare condition, but is genetic.
Apparently this post was worthy of a negative rep. Interesting.
GunnyL said:
You have EVERY right a heterosexual does, and as I pointed out, are actually protected by MORE rights.

I don't want you to have the right to adopt, nor do I want to see you in my hospital with you "significant other."

I would suggest however, instead of attempting to attack a religious institution as the heel here, try attacking the laws that disciminate openly about who can and cannot be listed as "family," "beneficiary," or whatever. I don't believe it is the insurance companies' nor the hospitals' nor anyone else's business who someone wishes to list as next of kin/beneficiary.
Being heterosexual or homosexual isn't a choice. Engaging in heterosexual or homosexual sex is a choice.

In a nation with a melting pot of religion and a government that is trying to stay secular, how does it affect their moral standard? How do you know your moral standards are right completely and not wrong in some areas? That one, no one knows, but we shouldn't restrict people who don't engage in harmful behavior from being able to do things others do.

The APA's agenda is to examine the mind and what causes us to do things. It may not have been legal a long time, but that still doesn't mean the studies are accurate.

Why don't you want me to have the right to adopt? Why don't you want me to have the right to visit my significant other in the hospital? How do these negatively affect your life? How do these negatively affect society?

I'm aware of the inheritence laws, so I didn't touch up on them. I'm not going after religious concepts or institutions, I'm going for just being able to do what I am guaranteed to do under the Constitution.
Kagom said:
We've discussed this many times. I say it's natural to me and others (whom of all are not always gay). You can believe what you want, I've defended myself and I've backed myself with Psychological sites and other sources that I tried to keep as non-biased as humanly possible.

You can't change a person's sexuality. It's not psychologically possible nor is it physically possible. You can delude them into going back into the closet because it seems to be "the right thing to do" or they find out they're bisexual and try to avoid men/women (depending) to feel like they're okay and normal. If it was something to be cured, it would've been. If it could've been controlled, it would've been.

Do you not know history? People have been trying to control homosexuality since the Middle Ages (look up Giovanni di Giovanni for an example of their trying to control).

I'm not pushing an agenda. The extremists are. That's how it seems to always be in cultures. Muslim extremists are trying to push a "Death to America" bit, Jewish extremists are all "Kill the Palestinians and restore Israel!", Christian extremists are all "Big brother society!", gay extremists are all "Make everyone accept every little thing about us!", and black extremists are all "Censor anything that can even be considered racist against blacks and other groups, but not whites!".

I want people to determine for themselves that being gay's okay. I can only try and persuade and if it doesn't work, boo hoo. No use in crying over spilt milk. No one is being forced to see Brokeback Mountain, are they? Find me someone who is having a gun put to their head and being told to go see it. We're trying to show the diversity that is in America and that we should be more tolerant of the diversity (and don't you even think of pulling that pedophile/bestiality bullshit that so many people just seem to love pulling out of their asses. Pedophilia/ebophilia HARMS children emotionally, psychologically, and physicallly. Animals cannot make the choice to be consenting partners in sexual intercourse and are therefore not right for any kind of sexual activity).

You can like it or leave it. No one is forcing you to accepting homosexuality, more in lines of at least making you tolerate it more. But you don't have to. That's why our forefathers FOUGHT for this land, for this ideal of freedom. They wanted us, their descendants, to be able to decide things for themselves and be able to do and think what they wanted without having a harmful effect on people. I'm not asking you to think it's normal and I'm not asking you to accept it. I can't do that. You're set in your ways as I am in mine. We can only get along a bit better and at least try to keep things on a friendly level with debates, but that is up to you. Tolerating is not the same as having to be okay or liking something. Remember that.

Why cant animals consent to sex? Are you saying when animals have sex with each other, the male is always raping the female?
LuvRPgrl said:
Why cant animals consent to sex? Are you saying when animals have sex with each other, the male is always raping the female?
I knew that it was 'smart' to avoid this thread, kicking myself for 'peeking.'
MissileMan said:
I'm intrigued by those who are so adamant that homosexuality is a choice. I personally could never be horny enough to ever consider engaging in homosexual sex. I was born straight and the thought of homosexual sex repulses me. Those who believe it a choice must believe that they themselves could be persuaded into it. I can only assume that their conviction must come from either a soul searching where they could envision themselves taking one for the other team, or perhaps they've already done so.
You were born heterosexual? How do you know that? When you were born, did you take one look at the nurse and suddenly get a raging hard on?

Sexuality is quite complicated. Some are hard core hetero, some homo, but alot of people who have engaged in homosexual sex or have been bisexual, can change their desires. NOT ALL, SOME.

So, do you think pedophiles are born that way? Does that make it ok for them to act on their desires? Is it normal? Is it not sick?

Do you think homosexual are repulsed by the thought of heterosexual sex? If not, why? Why are you repulsed by the thought of homosexual sex if its normal or they were born that way?
MissileMan said:
I understand what you are saying, but you missed my point. I'm not talking about someone who merely ponders the notion, but ponders the notion and then says to themselves, "yeah, I could see myself doing that". If you or any of the others who argue with certainty that homosexuality is a choice actually reach the conclusion that you could see yourself having sex with someone of the same gender, then I'll accept your argument that it's choice. I'll wager that there aren't very many heterosexuals who fit this category though.

Its not that difficult for a young person to be seduced into a homosexual act. It occurs alot. Most homosexuals had their first sexual encounter as a teen, by an adult.

Most heterosexuals have their first sexual encounter as a teen with another teen.

Please explain this.
no1tovote4 said:
I've always thought of it more like a fetish than a birth defect. There are some strange fetishes out there. Some people get aroused by popping balloons. Much like the homosexual they can still have regular sex (notice how many have been married and had children) but they are far more urged by their fetish toward the balloon popping experience...

It seems more like a fetish than a defect... (I guess unless you think all fetishes are birth defects...)

I tend to agree. I think a persons sexual proclivities is developed over time when they arent even aware of it.

I recall as a kid, going to the beach in the late sixties, when bikinis began getting popular. I was absolutely transfixed on these hot babes in bikinis that I could just check out. Its really the earliest sexual memories I have. Now, I do have a fetish, if you will, about panties, or so my wife tells me :)...Is there a connection?

There is a book I dont remember its title, but it talks about how lack of a male role model and proper male affection at a young age helps to make alot of guys lean to homosexuality.

The actual percentages of 5-10 percent have been thouroughly refuted. ITs pretty much acknowledged its more like 1-3%.

I dont think you are born that way, nor is it always a choice.

Kagom, I appreciate your demeanor on the topic. If we were in a public hall, discussing the topic, I would find myself arguing on your side more than not. Although I disagree with much of what you say.

Women have a more natural ability to switch from homo to hetero, and are much more likely to be bi sexual than men. The friends of Bonnie? who turned homosexual after bad experiences with men is not unusual. Women need intimacy for good sex, once a man has broken that trust, they often turn to women.
Kathianne said:
I've said it before, the thought leaves me cold. On the other hand, this was the first thing I've read that makes a least a bit of sense. IF I didn't desire just men, well what a happy camper I'd be! :laugh: Comes back to the "Men are from Mars, Women from Venus". It seems the nature of the 'normal' beast. Men ARE difficult for women. They are too 'guarded', uncommunicative, undemonstrative-well most of the time. I hear men find women the opposit. :funnyface I know it's easier and more enjoyable, most of the time, to go out with my 'friends' all women. Too bad I don't find them 'attractive' in other ways!

ever consider your guy is that way because of your expectations and how you approach him?
LuvRPgrl said:
ever consider your guy is that way because of your expectations and how you approach him?
So you are a 'girly man'? Kutchee koo....
LuvRPgrl said:
Why cant animals consent to sex? Are you saying when animals have sex with each other, the male is always raping the female?

I hope you're just trying to be funny. Consent requires communication and comprehension. Inter-species communication hasn't reached the level where YOU can stick YOUR weiner in a chicken and claim she said it was OK. Who knows for sure though...maybe you speak chicken!
Kagom said:
Being homosexual isn't a choice, engaging in homosexual activity is.

Being accepted as a normal behavior won't lead to the moral degredation of society. Can you prove it would?

I will boldly say they won't be more apt to become homosexual. APA studies have proven that.

The only rights I want is the right to adopt and the right to visit my partner in the hospital when it's family/spouse only situations. I really don't want anything more than that. You can call it marriage or civil union or some weird-ass word, but if I can at least have the same rights as heterosexual couples, I'll be happy.

Sorry, have to disagree with you here. Adoption is not a right, its a privledge. Society has the right to decide who gets that privledge for the betterment of society and the kids involved.

I, for one, would not have wanted to be raised by a homosexual couple. I dont think anyone would say they wouldnt want to be raised by a heterosexual couple. So I think kids should be raised only by heterosexual couples.
MissileMan said:
I hope you're just trying to be funny. Consent requires communication and comprehension. Inter-species communication hasn't reached the level where YOU can stick YOUR weiner in a chicken and claim she said it was OK. Who knows for sure though...maybe you speak chicken!

Havent you ever trained a dog? Was that via communication? A mute person communicates with signing, I do that with my dog. Tons of forms of communication are done interspecies. Animals often give "signals" to other species that their turf is being tred on and you better leave. Ever hear of a rattle snake?

And, no, it wasnt meant to be funny. I subscribe to the notion if you think homosexuals can marry, then why not marry your pet? It has already occured as a matter of fact.

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